Chapter 24 ‘Setting boundaries’
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'How are they still following me!'
Ignavus was running. Pumping his legs to the limit while letting his claws dig into the ground. His new body was fast. Faster than his old one was for sure without the aid of mana. The small, agile frame allowed for faster movement while the highly compacted muscles allowed for greater strength without sacrificing speed. Even though he wouldn't admit it out loud, this body's base was far superior to his last. It was for that reason why; he couldn't understand how some children were not only keeping up but gaining on him.
'This is absurd!'
Ever since being caught, his view of power had changed. Being so easily defeated by his "mother" had left a lasting scar. He thought that was a one-off event, that she in particular was just amazingly strong, until he met Marie. Marie was the only maid of his "mother". She by all accounts should be weaker than him. His expectations had been betrayed each time he got into a physical altercation with her. She would often cheat by pulling his tail to weaken him, but most of the time she would just use force to make him do what she wanted. She was crazy powerful.
'I guess I have no choice!'
Ignavus still had one trick up his sleeve. One he wasn't too eager to use since its re-awakening. His mana. The energy that didn't feel like it should listen to him. Ever since it came back it had been different. The bad kind of different. It didn't seem like it wanted to bend to his will no matter how much he coaxed it. He could feel the flow within his body but whenever he tried to direct it, it would either stay stagnant or go the complete opposite direction. To add insult to injury, it also appeared to have shrunk to not even a quarter of its original size.
'Here goes nothing'
Ignavus directed the flow of mana towards his hands. If his body wanted to play games with him, it would come to learn he was the best player in the world.
'Yes! It's actually moving!'
He could feel the excited mana rushing down towards his lower body. A feeling he was well acquainted with. His legs propelled his body forward as he focused on guiding his mana. He just needed to make sure of two things. One, the mana should be split evenly between his legs and two, reinforcing the ground so it doesn't part like butter.
Ignavus was not sure at what step he failed. He was not even completely sure why he failed, but when he came to, he found himself half lodged in a red tree. A foreign but familiar twist in his gut told him something he didn't want to believe.
'Mana depletion! How?!'
Footsteps sounded behind him.
Ignavus tried to struggle free from the tree. He knew it was pointless. He was stuck to deep to escape without some form of help.
The now loud footsteps seemed to slow as they circled the tree. The face of a little demon boy came into view.
"How'd that even happen...?"(G)
Ignavus couldn't explain himself. Not that there was much to add, anyone with half a brain could tell what happened.
"Well well well... what do we have here?"(T)
The smugness that laced the voice was irritating.
"Could you maybe.... help me out a little?"(I)
"I don't know? Could we?"(T)
"Stop messing around sis, I'm pretty sure she's the 'guest' we're-"(G)
Teen rushed over towards her brother before quickly slapping her hand on his mouth.
"Shut it! She doesn't need to know that!"(T)
A smirk lit up on Ignavus' face.
'Oh ho ho! Something I can work with!'
Conveniently forgetting about the fact they already knew he was coming; a simple plan was formulated by Ignavus.
'How the tables have turned, Hehe'
Clearing his throat while trying to supress his smug tone, Ignavus began,
"It appears we have the same goal, hurry up and free me so that we may get moving"(I)
'I don't care if these kids have mistaken me for someone else, if fate were to have them meet, they would have met. So long as I can escape this damn forest nothing else matters for now'
Ignavus knew he was discarding the very real possibility that this was some foolish idea concocted by his aunt. He just wanted to believe, even if not true, he had some free will or luck.
A frown made its way to Teen's face.
"Okay, rule number one."(T)
"Number one?"(I)
"Yes! Number one! You are not allowed to order us around. If you want our help in any form, you MUST be respectful. Number two! -"(T)
Teen turned around and started searching the ground for something. Having apparently found what it was, she grabbed it and looked up.
"You are to be wearing this around your wrists at all times."(T)
A fiery red rope was held in her hand.
'Does she really think some plant can hold me?'
Despite thinking this Ignavus couldn't help but ask,
"Is that really necessary?"(I)
"Do I need to remind you how you got in your current situation?"(T)
"Alright fine! I wasn't going to ran anyway. It's not like I know these woods."(I)
For whatever reason, Teen didn't seem to believe him.
'Not that it matters. It's not like I plan to stay with them long.'
Teen and Gol got to work trying to free him. With Teen pushing from the back and Gol pulling from the front, they finally managed to free Ignavus.
Keeping to his agreement Ignavus spoke,
"Thank you for the help. I don't think I could've-"(I)
Before Ignavus could even finish his sentence, Teen appeared in front of him and quickly tied the rope.
"Let me make this clear. I don't trust you enough to not hurt me, my brother or even yourself. In light of that I expect you to behave like a pet. Only follow my orders. Got that?!"(T)
It felt like the surroundings had gotten hotter throughout the course of her speech.
'That is no way to treat a guest...'
"Follow me"(T)
Teen begun walking in a random direction.
"Sorry 'bout that. I think I might've been the one to piss her off earlier."(G)
Gol ran up to catch up with his sister. He quietly whispered,
"You do know that's the wrong way?"(G)
"O-of course"(T)
Teen grabbed something from Gol's hand.
"Let's get moving!"(T)