Chapter 25 ‘Lost travellers’
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Ignavus was sure that they had just passed that same split tree not five minutes ago. He was bound, feeling exhausted, and plain sleepy. Today had been a long day and he wanted to do nothing but curl up in his bed and sleep. Normally after training, he at least would be fed, and sleep allowed. Today was not one of those days.
Gazing up into the sky, it appeared to be a little passed mid-day. His sleepy sluggish thoughts just realized something.
'If I've been sleeping since now on a normal day... does that mean I'm only awake for like... half a day?'
It was sad he couldn't seem to keep himself awake for long.
'But with all the training I do, I deserve twice as much rest'
Ignavus was tempted to ask Teen if they could pause for a small break but reframed from doing so. It seemed the little demon girl had gotten more irritated with their lack of any real progress. She looked just about ready to throw whatever it was she was holding. There was also that added feeling of shame in needing to take a break before kids.
'I don't think I can go on much longer though... Let me just ask' 
"You guys' kind of look a little tried. Do you want to maybe take a quick break?"(I)
Teen was really starting to get annoyed. The stupid blue rock had led them in a circle for close to an hour. Its change in colour seemed random and like it wasn't following any particular direction. It felt like someone wanted to keep them there. She kept trying to recall what her dad had said. Looking for hints or any hidden messages. So far, she had only drawn up blanks.
"She's gonna fall over at any moment sis, let's take a break"(G)
Teen turned back and looked towards the little girl following them. She looked about ready to collapse and sleep right there. Her walk had slowly morphed into an odd slow waddle, her bound hands kept constantly rubbing her eyes, and her mouth kept letting out yawns she failed trying to hide.
The scene was really... cute. Navy didn't seem to want to admit she was tired. The more she tried to tough it and power through, the cuter she became. Teen was actively trying to avoid looking at her. The longer she looked at her the more tempted she was to stop.
"J-just carry her or something..."(T)
"What?! I-I can't do that!"(G)
'Please Gol!'
"Why not?"(T)
Teen tried to give the best baby eyes she could muster.
"You know... she too...Uhm...delicate!"(G)
It didn't work. It seemed her brother was suffering the same problems as her.
A soft high-pitched voice rang out behind them,
"You guys' kind of look a little tried. Do you want to maybe take a quick break?"(N)
Something needed to be done. At the pace they were going there was no way they were going to make it back home before the night met them. Teen didn't know much about this forest and was not prepared to battle any monster woken by the night. But... looking at the pitiful state Navy was in; it would be cruel to move any further.
Teen turned and walked to her.
"Not tired, I get it"(N)
Navy was backing away from her.
"Will you stop moving!"(T)
That came out a lot harsher than Teen had been expecting but it had its intended effect. Navy had stopped moving. She instead adopted a fierce expression, which came out looking more like an adorable pout, while lifting her hands over her head so that her arms could protect her ears.
'Don't look don't look don't look'
Teen quickly set the girl free. Going fast enough that she wasn't able to see how she undid the knot. A dumbfounded look appeared on Navy's face as she tried to follow Teen's movements. Noticing Teen looking at her, Navy pretended to be interested in the nearby tree.
'As if I'm buying that'
Ever since Teen tied that knot, Navy had been trying to break free of it. Whenever she thought Teen wasn't looking, she would try and free herself. She had tried tearing it with sheer force, biting through it and clawing away at it with her feet. None of it worked obviously though, that vine was infused with Teen's mana. The only way for Navy to cut through it was with mana, and from what Teen could tell by her earlier incident, she had no meaningful control of her own.
"We are going to take an hour break. Then continue non-stop."(T)
"O-okay. If you need that long of a break I can wait."(N)
Teen felt her eyebrow twitch at that response.
"I'll just sit right over by that tree..."(N)
The tired Navy practically limped over to the split tree before promptly sitting down. Teen watched her for a couple of minutes as she struggled to get comfortable. This couldn't continue. They were losing time.
'She needs to rest as soon as possible'
Deciding to help the little girl, Teen went and sat next to her. Navy visibly tensed as Teen sat down. She slowly started to move to the opposite side of the tree. Seeing this Teen quickly stretched her hand out and grabbed the side of Navy's face. A surprised yelp left Navy's mouth as her head was forcibly shoved into the lap of Teen.
"Hurry up and sleep. We are losing daylight."(T)
Navy tried to struggle out of Teen's grasp.
"Just sleep already geez!"(T)
Navy's struggles slowly got weaker until they entirely stopped.
Teen gazed at her brother who had fallen asleep next to her, then down at the girl also fast asleep on her lap. She was starting to feel sleepy.
'This isn't too bad I guess; a short nap wouldn't hurt anyone...'
Teen slowly drifted to sleep.
In a dazzling red forest, where the sun shines eternally, a group of children could be found.
Laid under a split tree trapped in the world of dreams.