Chapter 27 ‘Last wishes’
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Ignavus let his mind wonder, trying to distract it from its current situation.
'That beast knows more than it's letting on...'
He couldn't be sure what it knew but he was sure it knew more than the average creature should about Yalery. Ignavus had a sneaking suspicion that it knew about his weakness regarding his tail. He was almost certain it went after it to force them to follow it. The creature knew that the kids wouldn't abandon him and used that to lure them in.
'Cunning bastard...'
Ignavus didn't know much about monsters, he was not a mercenary or some glory seeking adventure paid to exterminate them. He was a soldier, and while he did have his fair share of run-ins with the mindless creatures, it was not to the extent of a trained hunting professional. But even he didn't need such experience to tell him that an intelligent monster was a problem. Such creatures tend to attract a lot of attention. Whole kingdoms have been recorded lost to them.
Ignavus tried to pick apart his memories studying under instructor Lucy. Looking for any mention of the creature that fit the description of the one that had pretty much kidnapped them. But... his memories were a bit fuzzy. They strangely seemed to be missing certain parts. Like he could picture the room where he had learnt but couldn't see who was next to him. There was one person who always sat next to him. He remembered enjoying their company quite a bit.  He could almost see their face, but anytime he would get somewhat close to remembering it would just disappear. He was starting to get really annoyed with himself. He shouldn't be forgetting such things.
'That fall combined with the lack of sleep must really be messing with my head.'
Ignavus was damn tired. He was very tempted to just fall asleep while riding his makeshift steed but resisted the urge to do so. He had embarrassed himself enough times today. He didn't feel the need to add to the list.
Gol continued following the trail the beast had left behind. Moving at a rather pathetic slow pace. It made Ignavus very happy.
'I guess even these monstrous kids have their limits!'
Ignavus had admittedly had his pride trampled on today. It felt good to see the kids that did it struggle a bit. Gol appeared to have started struggling right after he had picked up Ignavus. Ignavus was sure this body didn't weigh much. To an adult that is, for a child it would be like they were carrying double their own weight. Ignavus saw the boy's cheeks turn an even lighter shade of red and sweat start to accumulate from what he was certain was exhaustion.
'If only it was his sister. She deserves this burden much more than this brat!'
Speaking of the little demon girl. Teen had been sending glances Ignavus' way whenever she thought he wasn't looking. The glances were ignored in favour of not wanting to set off the demon girl. If he had to guess why, it was probably because she blamed him as the direct cause in getting them in this mess. It wasn't entirely unfounded, if he didn't run-off in a random direction, they wouldn't have gotten caught, but Ignavus was more inclined to blame the little girl. If she didn't provoke him then none of this would have happened.
'Yea... when I think about it... It's entirely her fault!'
Ignavus, using the temporary boost in confidence, faced Teen and shot her a smile that meant to communicate 'I am not in the wrong!'. He was not certain how Teen would respond to his smile. A lot of responses could be given after all. A mocking grin like before, a stone-cold face or even an anger lace frown. He had anticipated a lot of things. Except what actually happened. Teen stretched out her hand and started petting his head. Rubbing in a very soothing manner.
"W-what are you doing?"(I)
"Deciding to enjoy my last moments alive"(T)
"Yes, enjoying. Due to the actions of a certain someone I likely won't get a second chance at this. I believe I must take every opportunity before me in life"(T)
"Ahhh.. O-okay"(I)
A minute passes like this. The minute turns into five and the five turn into ten. Ignavus couldn't move to escape.
"Do you mind stopping now?"(I)
And so, the children trailed the path left by the beast until they arrived upon an ominous cave. At the entrance, bones of massive creatures could be seen decorating the land before the cave.
'Are we really going to walk in there?'
The children stopped short in front of the cave. Apprehension written on their faces. Muffled steps could be heard coming from the cave entrance.
"You kids realllllly know how to take your time. I almost was about to come get you."
The beast appeared from the cave entrance with blood smeared on its face.
"Now what are you standing around for? Come in, I have prepared a special meal for you..."
Despite all children present knowing better than to accept an invitation from a monster, they took their first steps into the inviting monster's home.
Located in a fortress deep underground at the heart of the United Forces of Afia, a man could be seen. Awaiting death in a cellar sprouting mold. He was a soldier. A splendid one for sure. It was because of that reason why he believed that he was locked. The few officials he killed were really nothing more than a side note. After the death of the hero, he had lost his protection. The hero had been the only thing keeping him safe from being locked up. 
Shifting position, he felt the chains that were tied around his body chafe against his skin.
'Man, I can't believe that idiot actually died...'
Mercey knew the winds were changing and not necessarily for the better. The death of his only real friend was proof of that.
'I Guess we'll meet again much sooner than I had hoped.'
Mercey had been stripped of all of his possible escape methods. It was only after that moment when he realized he might really die. Even so, Mercey couldn't help but reminisce about his journey through life. It had been far from pleasant, heck most of it was just plain suffering. But... in spite of all that, he had really come to enjoy this little life of his. It was a shame it was doomed to end rather soon.
The sound of metal doors opening sounded in his ear.
'My, must they always be on time?'
Straining his ears, Mercey heard three sets of steps.
'A welcomed change'
The steps got louder and louder until they were directly a few metres in front of him. Clearing his voice, he prepared to talk.
"To what do I owe the pleasure miss hero?"