Chapter 30 ‘Apparent Princess’
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Teen had never felt this comfortable in her life. Everything felt just right. The temperature was perfect, the softness was perfect, it simply didn't get better than this. The squirming was slightly annoying but didn't really get in the way of things. 

It was a true shame then when that peace was broken.

A deadly aura appeared to just suddenly spring from nowhere startling her awake. When she came to, she saw Navy crying and that monster directing its aura at her.

"Navy what's wrong, what did that thing do?!"(G)

It appeared she was the last one to wake.

"Did you try and attack Navy while we were asleep?! Don't you know its cowardly to attack weaklings!"(T)

It takes a special kind of evil to target someone like Navy. An evil Teen was about to put to rest. All she needed to do was figure out how.

"For a princess that is rather surprising..."

It took Teen's mind a second to load the words spoken.  She must still be sleepy because clearly, she heard wrong.


Both Teen and Gol turned back and glanced at Navy. She looked just as confused as them to the beast's choice of words.

"Are you kids serious?"

The beast sounded oddly... disappointed?

"Golden eyes, ivory skin, wings and a tail? Which creature fits such a description?"

It took Teen a second to comprehend what the beast was saying. Mostly because she didn't want to believe it. Plus, how could Navy be anything like that. She wasn't even scary. In fact, she was quite the opposite. Super cute and cuddly. Heck if it were true, it would mean she berated the daughter of one the arguably strongest existences in the world. Teen would never make such a mistake... but jussst to be sure, it didn't hurt to ask.

"Navy... your mom doesn't happen to be her Mistress, the Golden Queen Yalery?"(T)

A look of comprehension briefly shone on Navy's face. It was then replaced by a look of dread. Which was finally replace by a defeated, resigned face.


Teen had messed up. She couldn't imagine what her mother or even her father would say after her actions. Not only had she insulted the princess, but she had also fought with her repeatedly on their journey.

'I'm so dead!'

If her mother or father found out about this...

'I can still turn this around! I just have to be double nice!'

"Is that so...that's cool I guess"(T)

"Cool!? What do you mean cool!? Her mother is-"(G)

The beast's frightening aura suddenly returned causing them all to freeze.

"While I do enjoy the occasional company, I find your noise rather annoying."

"You may see yourselves out"

Before they could formulate a response, the beast used its tail to snag the three of them. Teen found herself eating dirt as the beast threw them out of its cave.


They all took a few moments to gather themselves at the bone infested entrance of the cave.

'That thing had been really holding back on us...'

Teen felt a bit disheartened at the realization. She had trained long and hard for her current power but if things actually went south, they wouldn't have been able to react fast enough to do anything.

"I-is it over?"(G)

"I hope so. That crazy beast kidnapped us, fed us, and then threw us out... all without giving us its name!"(T)

It felt very strange that the beast would just let them go after all the trouble it went through to get them.

'What did it say it wanted again?'

Recalling the earlier conversation, Teen pieced out the answer.

'It wanted to know why we were here?'

Teen turned to Navy. She had been the only one to really talk with the beast. She had to know something.

"Ah... Navy what did you talk about with the beast?"(T)

'Am I allowed to call her that?'

A sheepish look donned Navy's face.

"Nothing really... we just talked about...ourselves... "(N)

"Passions and stuff. Nothing too important, you know"(N)

Teen was tempted to press for a more detailed answer, after all whatever they talked about was enough to make Navy start bawling her eyes.

'Would that be considered disrespectful to a princess?'

Navy was technically her future leader. Teen didn't want to mess up more than she already had. Plus, it looked like Navy was not too keen on sharing the information. From their past interactions it was likely she would have to force the answer out.

'Ah whatever. That's not really important since the monster let us go'

The most important thing right now was finding a way home. All she had to do was make that stupid stone work. They were already running out of time. The sun was just about beginning to set. At their current rate, they would be making it home in complete darkness.

'Now where did I put that stone...?'

Getting up and dusting herself, Teen searched her ash-coloured shorts.

"What's the plan now?"(G)

Teen kept searching her shorts for a couple of minutes longer. In complete denial.

"Please don't tell me... you gotta be joking!!"(G)

"No no. It's here. It must be, because if it's not that means I left it in..."(T)

Teen stared at the cave they had just been thrown out.

"Well! Good luck kiddos! I hope for your success!"(N)

After giving a wink that stunned both twins, Navy turned and proceeded to try and leave.

'She is not serious!'

Teen quickly went and tackled Navy.

"Are you actually trying to get lost?! Navy, you don't have any direction, you are too weak defend yourself in a physical fight or even use basic magic. Face it! Your easy prey the second you leave our side! Stop acting so dumb!"(T)

"I am one of the greatest fighters in the world! Don't speak to me like I know nothing! And, more importantly, get off my back!"(N)

'If that's how she wants to play it... Fine!'

Her father had always taught her that one of the best ways to communicate is through action. And now she was going to act.

Teen lit her foot on fire and allowed it to burn a rough shape of a circle into the ground.

"Teen is that really necessary? We kinda don't have the time to waste..."(G)

"It will be once she understands!"(T)

Teen hopped off Navy's back and landed inside the circle.

"Navy, if you're so confident you can survive without us, prove it! If you can manage to leave the circle I won't bother you, but if you can't, you stay with us and help us get back the stone."(T)


Teen knew this was no way to treat a princess, but! desperate times call for desperate measures! Her parents would understand. This girl just wouldn't listen to reason.

A smirk lit up Navy’s face as she got up.

"Light work! Are you trying to bore me?"(N)

'So much for double nice...'