Chapter 51 ‘Ignavus vs Navy, a battle in the mind (1)’
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"Ah, she's finally got it"(C)

Cura watched as a weak golden aura spread out from her tiny niece.

'So much drama for something so simple'

Something that should have taken ten minutes, fifteen if they were going really slow had stretched into an hour-long ordeal. Her little niece was unfocused, distracted and inattentive. She was by far the worst student Cura had ever taught. It was only when Cura introduced her small niece to her teaching aid midway through did she start showing signs of improvement, but even then, it was still slow.

'If only I had some helpful help'

Cura could only look at her sister from the corner of her eye. The tough, wild and dignified Yalery she knew seemed to have disappeared over night. In her place stood a parent. One who babies and obsesses over every little thing concerning her daughter. From feeding Navy personally to allowing her soon-to-be familiar to sleep with her, her sister had gotten as soft as a pillow. It was a wonder she didn't want her to come. It was too easy to poke fun at someone who behaved like this.

"When do you plan to leave?"(G.Q)

Her sister won't even look her in the eyes. 

"Leave? How could I leave?! My dear little niece would miss me too much! Not to mention it's been ages since I spent some quality time with my darling little sister...."(C)

Cura had snuck closer towards her sister, aiming for a hug.

A tail quickly lashed out in her direction with vicious attention.

"Tch! Watch yourself sister. I am not in the mood"(G.Q)

Cura could only jump back while holding back a disappointed smile. Her sister seemed to be still quite mad over last night's dinner.

'Your never in the mood these days...'

Cura still remembered a time where her little sister would follow her like a lost pup. Truly such times had long come to an end.


Her sister was just like an egg, and like all good eggs, one had to crack them to get to the juicy bits.

Deciding she had gotten bored standing since there was nothing to do, Cura sat by a little way from her sister. Her attention completely set on her niece. She could already imagine the kind of dresses she would put her in today. Great ones coming to mind. She couldn't wait to break the news about tomorrow to Navy. She was sure to be excited.



Ignavus couldn't help it.

The situation was just too ridiculous.

"S-stop that! Stop laughing!!"

Ignavus was doubled over while clutching his stomach.

Being ordered by his mana was laughable at best and unfunny at worst. Her tiny frame combined with her high voice to create a comical scene. A super serious little girl barking orders. Ignavus had seen flies more intimidating than this display. The whole thing was a joke and the best part about it was that his mana thought she was really being intimidating. Laughing at her pathetic display made him feel good. Really good.

"Y-You...Not so good person!"

The frustration in the voice of his mana was heavy. She was so mad... that helped make the situation even funnier. His mana was of one of the many entities that had been messing with him. She deserved such treatment.

"That's it! I'll show you!"

His mana charged out of her little hiding spot. She was clearly looking for a fight. Ignavus just stared at her for a second before again bursting out into another laughing fit. His mana was merely a part of him and while she may know magic, she certainly didn't know hand to hand combat. With no real control over her own power, any attacks she could possibly throw were not a serious threat. His mana was a total wimp. She couldn't even say a bad word.

Ignavus pulled himself up from the ground. A stupid grin had made its way on to his face. A fight like this would be just too easy for him.

His mana opened up the fight with a punch. The fist flew close to Ignavus' face before he nimbly moved out of the way.

'What an amateur move' 

Ignavus watched as the overextended punch resulted in her making out with the ground.

"Come on, is that all you got? What happened to 'I'll show you?!'"(I)

Mocking a person who was already on the ground was not low enough for Ignavus.

His mana got up and sent a hateful glare in his direction.

'Oh, this is going to be fun'


It was the high kick that finally did her in.

The moment Ignavus saw her pull that move he knew he couldn't simply let it go unpunished. Grabbing the leg mid-air, Ignavus swiftly swept his foot and knocked the last form of balance his mana had.

She landed with a girlish yelp.

"Had enough?"(I)

Ignavus watched as his mana struggled to get up. She was breathing hard and covered in small bruises, but still refusing to give up.

"Listen here mana, I don't enjoy beating you up"(I)

Even though he did.

"I am here because of your recent poor attitude and performance"(I)

Ignavus took a seat a little away opposite his rowdy mana. Allowing himself to a moment to catch his breath. Despite easily handling his mana, he was still left a bit winded.

'This place is damn weird'

"You are MY mana and because of that I have certain expectations of you. Namely, listening to me!"(I)

Wagging a finger in front of his mana like one does to a misbehaving child. Ignavus kept taunting her.

"I don't know what your problem is, but you should understand this. I am the boss around here! Whatever I say goes! I can't have you go all rogue like and leave me hanging! What do you think would have happened if aunt Cura was not there?! Do you know the kind of-"(I)

Ignavus paused mid speech. Something horrible had just happened.

"Finally got you!"

Something was grabbing his tail. Someone was grabbing his tail.

Slowingly turning his head, Ignavus came face to face with his mana. A copy of it.

"H-how, Yo-you can't-"(I)

"Who said I can't?"

The beaten-up version of his mana slowly fades away.

'Why does this even hurt!?'

"Okay! get up!"

"I would never-!"(I)

His mana gave his tail a light squeeze.

"I'm up alright!"(I)

Ignavus was standing but on shaky feet.

"H-how could you-"(I)

"Easy, so I can be the new boss"

Ignavus had been kind, real kind. He had purposefully not attacked his mana's tail out of a sense of understanding. One he thought mutual until now. The smug grin donning his mana's face was horrible.

