CHAPTER 4 Betty talks with an admin
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She lay on her bed. All her chores were done and she was ready for bed or rather to look at her farm. She was excited to go back in. Now that she knew it wasn’t a dream, she could really plan things out and have some real fun. She looked at the helmet and smiled. This little magic hat would let her live as the beautiful deer woman she was. Just living without the pain in her hands and knees. She wondered if hair styles would change when this thing would be available to everyone. She couldn’t see perms or puffy hair lasting too long. She turned off the light, put the helmet over her head, and lay back. The clear screen lit up softly.



A soft classical music played in her ears. She started feeling more relaxed. She could fight going to sleep, but she didn’t want to. She wanted to go back. Her mind drifted back as she closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.

She woke under the same tree. It was early morning and she stood dusting dust off her dress. She took a deep breath and stretched enjoying the fresh air. A light dew was on the grass around her as she walked to her farm. The path to her farm was clear and looked peaceful. She found a bridge and fallowed the road and green arrow south down a small trail along the river. She smiled watching a fat frog jump in and swim around. She would have to get a bathing suit and try swimming in the river some day. Even just resting her hooves would be nice after a full day. The path lead to her to a fence around an open field the river ran though it and next to the river was a small cabin. The arrow was gone so this must be her home. The grass waved in the wind as she walked up to her new house. It looked a bit shabby, but it was hers and a she had to start somewhere. She opened up the doors and windows letting the wind blow through the cabin. It needed furniture and maybe a few nick-knacks and maybe sine rugs. She stood in the doorway looking out. Her grass was far too high and she needed to cut the grass. She pulled out her wooden sickle and bent over. One hack and the grass was short and the blades went into her inventory. She didn’t even need to bag up the leavings. She smiled and hummed to herself as she began to cut her lawn. Two sections later she suddenly felt tired and had to lay down. A screen popped up.


So she needed to rest after every three plots. Also she was getting thirteen to sixteen grass. She worked for a few hours and looked up to see a strange man walking up her path. It turned out to be her grandson. Turns out he is called Edwardo in the game. Every time she tried to call him Elmer it would replace the name with someone saying Error. She hoped he had fun today as she got back to mowing her grass. She started glowing and felt a tingling all over her body.


She liked the way that felt and with that restored she could do a bit more. It felt nice working like this, all she needed was some music. She smiled to herself.

“(Error) cha cha cha (Error) cha cha cha.” she started swaying her hips and even clapping when she needed to rest. She kept it up using the error message to add a beat to her song. A light chuckle made her look over to see a strange man standing in her field.

“You know I was getting a lot of error messages from you and had to check it out. Once I did, I had to add to your song. Would you like to hear what I came up with?” She stood and smiled at him.

“Sure, but who are you?” He was tall and well dressed. He just looked like any normal banker.

“Sorry about that. My name is Cole. I’m an admin. I watch over the players and make sure the game runs smoothly.” She bowed slightly to him and smiled.

“Hello Cole. My name is Betty. Did you say you made my little game into a real song?” He nodded and smiled snapping his fingers. The sound of Claves clapping could be heard before the Error played and then the sound of a guiro could be heard when she said “cha cha cha.” Betty started clapping and smiling. Cole was clapping too.

“would you like me to send the recording to you?” She smiled brightly at him.

“Yes please. I do wonder if you can make something that plays music or let me learn to play something?” she asked brightly.

“We do play to allow for multi-classing, but that may take time to work the bugs out. Get to level ten and reach out to me and I can help you even if we don’t have that ready. As far as playing music. I can make that happen.” He held out a crystal to her. “Tap this and it will play what ever song you like. As we are still in alpha, there shouldn’t be a copyright issue. It won’t sound as good as headphones, but that is kinda the point.” she took it and gave Cole a hug. “I’m here if you need me.” He bowed and when he stood back up, he was gone. One moment there and the next just a blank space. This place was amazing. She put the crystal in her pocket after turning on a song and smiled as she got back to work. Once her yard was cut and nice she pulled out her hoe and started digging patches on either side of her walk way. She would love to see a trail of flowers on either side, maybe a few bushes under the windows. Oh she would love to have an apple tree.

The sun was getting low and she was done. Her yard was nicely cut and the seeds were planted and watered. She was tired and sitting on her porch just relaxing, leaning on the pillar. It was so relaxing and nice that she couldn’t help but take a nap.

She woke when a strange tingling sensation rolled down her body. She looked up to see Edwardo standing over her. She looked down to see a strange glitter move down her body. The glitter seemed to be cleaning her. “What is that?” He smiled down at her.

“Cleaning scroll.” She held her hand up to him and laughed as he helped her up.

“Amazing. How did you find it?”

“Say shop and it opens a shop window. Lets us buy stuff from the real world.” She would have to play with that later. “The house is looking good.”

“Thanks. While you are here could you move a rock for me?” He nodded and she led him to the fence where there was a huge bolder that looked awful. “I know it is something you can’t move in the real world, but this place is different.” he just bent down and lifted the rock that had to be two feet across without effort.

“Where do you want it?” She jumped as a screen popped up.


“(Error), darn, Edwardo.” she added a Spanish flare to his name. “I can have bees later on.” He chuckled and hefted the rock to his shoulder. “Ho that. You can put that over by the river.” She pointed out the place for it. He put it in place and turned to her.

“Want to go into town for dinner?” She clapped and he held out his arm. He told her about everything that happened. He was a good man in this game too. It made her happy. The town seemed to be active and lively. They saw Tina and the moment she saw the two of them she gave them a dirty look and ran off. “I don’t know why that girl seems to hate me? Edwardo said frowning at her back.

“She has bad taste.” Betty said laughing a little. That is one girl she would have to keep an eye on. She waved at Herris who seemed to be flirting with a tall dark skinned elf man. He had long green hair and was wearing a green cloak that was pulled back showing shining green armor lined in gold leaves. The way he was standing seemed to show how shiny his armor was. He pulling his long green hair back to make his bare arms flex. Betty smiled at the slight blush on Herris’ face when she looked at his mussels. “Hello. How are you two today?” Herris coughed and looked away.

“Yes Betty. How do you like your farm?”

“It is beautiful.” Herris smiled at her. “Is this the Hawthorn you talked about?” She blushed and looked down.

“Yes this is the captain of the town watch.” The elf turned to her and bowed.

“My name is Latos Hawthorn. Pleasure to meet you. Edwardo nice to see you are staying out of trouble.” Betty frowned at her grandson.

“I’m sorry he gave you trouble.” Betty said. Edwardo looked at the ground and rubbed his neck.

“How is your goblin?” Herris asked.

“Thank you so much for telling me about Lusinda. He was in bad shape.” Herris gave him a slight smile. “Heinz is looking after him now.” She nodded and turned back to Betty.

“How do you know this man?” Betty clapped and smiled.

“He is my grandson.” Herris and Hawthorn looked between them. Hawthorn finally said

“Heroes are weird.” Herris just nodded. “What are you two up to today?”

“We are on our way to dinner. Would you two like to join us.” Betty replied.

“I have a date with my little pony.” Herris blushed and covered her face with her hands and Hawthorn blushed and looked shocked. “Meeting. I uh have a meeting with the mayor.” He said quickly. “Just a meeting with Mayor Herris. Nothing else.” Edwardo was looking blankly between them. Betty hit his stomach and pulled his arm.

“Let’s leave these two alone.” She said pulling her grandson away. She saw Herris looking through her fingers at Hawthorn. She whispered at him.

“My office now.” He stood at attention and said.

“Yes ma’am.” he was blushing all the way to his pointed ears. Edwardo and Betty walked to the inn and walked in. Betty delighted in the sound of the bell and saw the bird woman again.

“Welcome. Come one in. I could always use more tasty coins. Yep yep.” she beamed at the two. Betty led Edwardo to a table as he had gone slack jaw at the young woman. “Welcome heroes. What do you two want to eat? What what?” She held out her hand and Edwardo took it, dumbly smiling at her. She winked at him and turned. “I’ll get that out to you in a little. Yep yep.”

“What did you order.” He turned to Betty, a goofy look on his face.

“Something called crab balls, two stews and a loaf of bread.”

“You should ask her out.” He blushed and shook his head.

“Gran, I can’t. She is way out of my league.” she took his hand.

“You never know unless you ask. I remember when Lewis asked me out. He was so nervous that he nearly spilled his drink on me.”

“Gramps did that?” He had a puzzled look on his face.

“Yes.” she giggled. “He was so cute. On our first date he couldn’t take his eyes off me.”She smiled at the memory.

“You think she likes me?” Betty smiled at him.

“No. You never know unless you ask though.”

“I may work up the nerve someday, but today no.” she laughed and pushed his shoulder.

“Okay, but you need to work it up soon before someone else takes her.” He nodded and blushed. The food came. It smelled wonderful and looked great. She stabbed one of the balls and popped it in her mouth. It tasted amazing, just the right spices and butter. She beamed and grabbed another one. He laughed and took one for himself. “This is great.” Edwardo smiled and ate his own.

“Brelly good.” he said, his mouth full. She smiled around her own bite. The door opened and both turned to see Tina and an older goat man walk in. She saw them and turned away as they walked to a table. The old goat man refused to look at them and Tina looked like she had eaten a full lemon. Betty smiled at her and saw the goat man look away. He seemed a bit upset about something. Maybe Tina was being a bit rough on him. Were they related? He didn’t seem like the type to date a woman that young. She shrugged and went back to eating. They enjoyed their meal and the rest of the evening. “Do you want to sleep here or at your house tonight?”

“I don’t see how I can sleep at the house. No furniture.” he looked at her coldly.

“Gran, I’m going to go buy some or do you want to shop for them next time we log on.”

“Log on? Oh come back.” She thought. It would be nice to sleep in her new house tonight. “Just two beds. Okay.” He nodded and smiled.

“I’d like to check on Gobta and then I’ll buy the beds and meet you at home.” He said getting up. She enjoyed the rest of her food and waved at Maggie. She hopped her way up to her.

“What can I do for you? More coin? Coins?” she asked

“I was wondering who I can sell grass to?” Maggie frowned,

“Pops over there buys grass. I have no use for that. No no.” Betty smiled at Maggie and got up walking to the goat man. He frowned up her.

“What do you need?” he asked scowling up at her.

“I need to sell grass. I was told y her you buy that.” he frowned.

“Why don’t you ask that guy you ate with?” he scowled at her. Tina was trying not to smirk at her.

“Because my grandson doesn’t buy grass.” he looked at her a look of shock in his face.

“Grandson?” Tina looked at her shock look filling her own face. “I can sell it to you for one copper for sixteen grass.” She held out her hand and he took it, a stunned, yet sheepish look on his face. She took it and gained two silver and three copper from the sale.

“Thank you sir, have a good night.” she turned as he looked at her, a bit stunned. Tina looked at her a shameful glance in her eyes. Betty walked to her farm, a bit of pride in her hear.

She watched the fireflies drifted across her farm and she watched them dance as she waited for her grandson. He came up the path and seemed a bit happy. Something good may have happened. Did he ask out Maggie. She seemed like a good girl. He waved at her as he walked up the path. “Gran, I got us two beds.” She smiled at him. He was a good boy. “Let’s get some rest before we go back to the real world.” She nodded and he gave her a bed. She put it in place and set it in her room. It looked a bit small, but still looked comfortable. She climbed in and pulled the blanket up to her chin and drifted off to sleep. It was an amazing day and she almost regretted returning to the real world.


This is a rough draft so please bear with me as it will take some time to edit it. Feel free to give me any feedback or tell me what you think. Also, feel free to send me questions comments or concerns. Feel free to reach out if you are struggling as we all have issues and need an ear from time to time. Stay safe everyone.