Chapter 09 ✦ Foreseen Luster
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She proceeded with caution, down the single path leading to the district. Crippling structures made up the majority of the surroundings, the passage of time depicted amidst the many layers of foundation; remains of Platus's distant past, its History concealed deep within each and every brick and stone. A dense and forlorn atmosphere filled the main section; the ill and unfortunate as its main residents, she still sensed a dim light amongst them. She reached the decrepit house, its interior or lack of, still reminding her of her mentor's quarters.

"Welcome, child." A voice echoed. Her eyes quickly found their way to an aged figure. "You came here to seek guidance, have you not?" The woman took comfort in a large armchair, gesturing in direction of one adjacent hers. "Have a seat, don't be shy." A young man approached them, handing each a cup of tisane.

"Thank you." She complied. They remained without further words, both enjoying the delightful beverage; savoring a simple moment, the crackling of wood and scent of burning evergreen offering a soothing ambience.

"Tell me, what is your name?" The old woman eventually spoke; her blind eyes piercing through hers, an arcane expression on her face, as she held the dark crystal orb.

"Flores." She answered. "I was... I was told you might be able to help me." She presumed the one before her was indeed Adhafera, for the woman replied with a warm smile.

"Tevell sent you, didn't he?" The elder one had foreseen her coming, feeling the balance shifting, the Dominion's very existence at End's gates. "So what is it you want, my dear?" She leaned in.

"I'm not sure, to be honest." Flores answered, as she recollected her thoughts. "My mentor sent me here about two weeks ago, with the most ambiguous of mandate." The young man refilled her cup. "I was given a memorandum as a guide through Platus, and a task to seek out the one of Shadows." She retold. "Guide the Light back to the one of Darkness, the Vein must be healed." The old woman's expression creased; she exhaled heavily, a familiar but distant feeling pulsing within her.

She stood up, her steps showing age, as she sauntered towards the fireplace, to which another young vagrant was tending. "Would you be so kind as to bring me the locked tome- you know the one." He obliged, and quickly returned with a small volume; of ebony boards, its spine engraved in peculiar symbols, silver book corners each with small blue stone at the center. "This is for you." She strolled back to Flores, and handed her the tome.

"You were attacked upon your arrival, weren't you?" She already knew the answer.

"As soon as I reached within the city walls..." Flores sighted, her eyes creased, as she recalled the events. "I could feel something, a force strong and pernicious." Her words were laced with growing fear. "I was in Blackfern Square, following direction to the Prismissal Spire when-" She paused. "A handful of guards, a strange aura about them... They called out my name- charged at me as soon as they saw me... their behavior savage like- mindless even."

"As if they were being controlled." The old woman feared her presumption. "Exactly what is happening in this city I cannot say for certain... but I do feel something is lurking in the shadows, slowly consuming the scion of light that had finally enfolded the Dominion."

"Dark times plagued the world on countless occasions, but what I sense approaching, is far worse than anything it has ever seen before..." The elder one leaned in, her hands placed upon the young woman's; frigid and crimped by old age, still a certain warmth emitted from them. "Yet I have foreseen a luster... a seedling of life awaiting its calling- there is still hope..." Her grip tightened. "This book contains glyphs and spells: Light Magicae of centuries passed, long forgotten through the cycles of time- take it with you." Her words weighed heavy. "Seek out the one of shadows... seek out Tevell- it is imperative that you do so." She stood slowly, her grip still upon Flores.

"..." The young woman appeared reluctant; Adhafera's words were true, but the trials it presented seemed unattainable.

"He is not just a Spellwarden-" The old woman sensed her worries. "He is first and foremost a shadowborn." Flores's eyes widened, for she did not expect such revelation. "Now go, child of Illumination... build a path for him... use your light... guide him back to you..." She sat back down, her appearance seemingly more fatigued than before. Eyes closed, her breathing lessened momentarily, slowly drifting away into slumber. One of her vagrants placed a warm blanket over her, and gave Flores a reassuring look. Rest was all she needed.