018 – A new form.
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It hurts! A thousand times more than ever before does it hurt!

She was thrashing and rolling around on the ground as her skin started to flake off her body, a burning sensation as she felt the scales form over UNDER her skin, carving pathways through as the maddening itching started. She raked her claws across her skin, howling as her skin peeled off her like dried glue on a child's fingers. Underneath her now useless skin was pretty, peach pink scales that covered her belly, growing a deeper shade pink as it went up her ribs and around her back, her breasts, legs, arms, and back all having a vibrant bubblegum pink colour, thick scales protecting her body. Her face has the lightest of these scales, framing her mouth and forehead, leaving her face mostly untouched. 

But the pain didn't end there. 

Her head felt like it was splitting as the organ for Alpha Aura get within her skull, causing her to cry out in pain, tears finally coming to her eyes as it caused her to sob from the Agony. That her arms and hands started to burn as the venom tracts leading from her organ to her claws was merely a footnote. A spot under her clavicle burned as the Fire Sacs formed. 

Then, the sweetest euphoria hit her, her hips bucking up as she was wracked with pleasure. 


At the same time

Team Leader Hakuro delivered his report to the Fleet Commander, his own father, a stern, stoic man by the name of Oku. The man seemed rather upset after hearing the part where this strange Humanoid monster had assaulted and raped junior researcher Iña. She seemed fine mentally and physically, except for the clawmarks on her abdomen where the beast had gripped her. She had been given a contraceptive herb just in case the creature was capable of procreating with humans thanks to its new physiology, and he had to very purposefully threaten several researchers who pushed for her to NOT take it. 

Damned, insensitive bastards. Hakuro had to resist the urge to slam his greatsword into them. 

The Commander spoke up. "Send a dispatch to the guild along with this report. A humanoid monster that is capable of rapid evolution is far beyond what we know of. More than likely they'll update the fifth fleet before its voyage to the New World. Let's hope it doesn't become a threat before then."

Stuck between getting justice for Iña and the drive to do his duty, Oku had opted to attempt to do both. He knew more than a fair share of those in charge would be incensed by the report. Many more would see such a monster as a threat. 

Iña's Pov

She stares at the herb clutched in her hands and swallowed thickly. Even now, the dull throbs of the scratches on her waist still reminded her of what had happened, but she couldn't help but find the experience wasn't too bad. Enjoyable, though not to any fruition on her end. The rational, curious, part of her brain told her that this new species of monster mustn't be sentient, no monster had ever been. Beasts of instinct, and this creatures rapid metamorphosis had initially caused it extreme pain before the sensation obviously turned pleasurable. She couldn't fault it. 

So try as she might to be upset at her assault, any vitriol she could summon faded quickly. 

Which brings her to the contraceptive. She was unsure if she was ready to be a mother, if this new species could even cross breed. But the scientist in her, the need and drove to learn and know more screamed at her to trash the herb.

She just HAD to know. 


Hanna's POV

It took Hanna a week to awaken from the wreck her transformation left her, and she did so with a groan. Her body was sore, stripes of flesh and blood and other fluids littering her camp, and she went about cleaning it as best she could. Taking flight to the pool of water, Hanna gasped as she beheld herself. The peach-to-bubblegum pink coloration of her scales was something she instantly fell in love with, and her scales extended all the way up to her wingtips. Making her formerly pale, bat-like wings finally look draconic in nature. She scrubbed, crooning in pleasure as her claws could still scratch the itches around her body. She looked down to her chest, frowning, but found that the plated scales could be dismissed with a thought, exposing her smooth scaled breasts to the air. She looked further to her member and blushed. 

Prodigious Potency, huh. She probably couldn't afford the bioenergy needed to get it now, but it did get her thinking...

"System, can I use bioenergy to alter how my body looks?" 

「Report: Adjusting the cosmetics of the hosts form or size is possible for a negligible amount of bioenergy.」

She couldn't help the lustful blush that came to her face.