Chapter 7: Health
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The Quaranteam Universe is the creation of CorruptingPower, used with permission. Also a big shout out to the RAPIDLY expanding Quaranteam Universe!


Making an appearance here are the Agents Johnson, from Quaranteam: Off The Grid. Thank you BronanTheLibrarian for permission to use them here!


Another big thanks to the expertise of the Writers Room, particularly Masakari and Discert, for proofing my legal bits and dropping a TON of red ink on them.


Finally, if you like metal music at all and haven’t listened to Gloryhammer, go ahead and fix that. The songs referenced here are “Universe On Fire” and “Hootsforce”.




Chapter 7: Health

9 August 2020


The air in the morning was… in a word, awkward. Not the least reason was that Adam only had two chairs at his kitchen table, that being one more than he’d ever needed until a month prior. There was also the fact that he had woken up that morning, taken one look at the restlessly sleeping form of Callie on the bean bag chair, and made certain assumptions about how much she would want to eat. Assumptions that turned out to be wildly incorrect.


By the time Shannon was out of the bedroom, he was halfway through making breakfast for four for the three of them, mentally juggling budgets and income. By the time Callie woke up, ran to the bathroom for a few moments, and got to the kitchen, the table was practically groaning under the weight of twice as much food as the day before. Which was awkward, since she barely picked at her food at all. The large woman had a look of consternation on her face, one that Adam could not miss despite only knowing her for about twelve hours, less than two of which were spent awake. “You okay, Callie?”


She took a cautious nibble of bacon, then snapped it up after finding her lack of hunger had an exemption for this. “Feeling all kinds of off today. Not hungry at all, and I’m sure you can tell that’s odd” Her accent had taken on a bit more of an Irish burr this early in the morning. “Shannon, do the hornies ever back off? Seriously, if Zeus felt like this all the time it would explain most of the stories Dad told me.”


Shannon nodded… slightly. “It will after a few days, but not all the way. Not even close. I’ve had more sex with Adam in the last month than pretty much the rest of my life combined.”


Callie visibly had to hold back a comment at that, though whether it was about Adam’s stamina or about Shannon exaggerating for effect it was impossible to say. She would likely have been surprised at the response to either, so it was probably good that she didn’t make the comment. “I see. The further this goes, the more it’s looking like the medics were downplaying things. Adam, no offense, but this place isn’t all that big. They told me that a moving crew would bring my belongings in a few days.”


Adam nodded at her. “I see what you mean. Between the three of us and our stuff it’s going to get a bit cramped.” He thought for one moment, chewing on some scrambled eggs and idly wondering if he’d accidentally made the coffee weaker than usual. “It might be a bit tough for a bit, but we need to get some shelving ordered and organized. I have a couple of empty corners we can put things until we can figure out how to do it more efficiently.”


Callie put her own coffee down (black, three sugars) and looked up at the ceiling. “Okay. Not a fan of improvisation, but I think it will all work. One last important question, though. Do you have a space I can work in? Most of my time can be done remote and I’m shifting to that kind of thing more full-time, but I need to be able to research. Between my books that are coming and digital lookups, all I need is a place I can put my headphones on and get into the zone.”


Shannon quirked one eyebrow. “There are basically three rooms in this apartment. Adam uses the bedroom to teach, I use the living room for streaming and art. Unless you want to do it from the toilet, it looks like the chair you’re on is the one you will be working from.”


Callie shifted a bit in the seat so described. “Guess it’ll work for now until my good chair gets delivered.” Apparently deciding that her stomach simply would not allow any more food besides a banana from the table, she stood up and paced a bit in the limited space. “I got a few paid days off of work for sick leave to get the shot and get Teamed up. First step is seeing how your normal days go.”


Shannon set down her own empty cup of coffee. “It’s Sunday and neither of us are particularly religious, even if there was a safe church to go to around here. I’m going to set up for a short stream in the living room so that I can catch up on some art I fell behind on. Feel free to watch if you’d like, but be ready to get a new fursona if you don’t have one already.” She put her dishes in the dishwasher and got out to her setup, the sounds coming from there familiar to Adam.


“Is… is she joking?” Even among the rest of the details of the morning, that one was hard to get her head around.


“Not in the slightest. She doesn’t like to give out personal information online, which is reasonable, but her audience expects to be able to refer to people. Mine is an owl in a tweed vest, now. Help me put away the food and dishes, and I’ll give you the rest of the tour and see about getting you set up?” Adam stood and started moving around the kitchen table, but was abruptly stopped by Callie’s large arm reaching out to lay a hand on his chest.


“One thing before we do anything else. I was not at all kidding about how horny I am. We don’t have the time to have you dick me down properly right now, but if you think I’m letting you out of this room before I suck your soul out through your balls you are greatly mistaken.”


With no more warning than that, Adam found his pajama pants around his ankles and his cock shoved hilt-deep down the redhead’s throat. Whatever the strangeness of the situation, she absolutely knew what she was doing. The sensations were, if anything, even more intense than the night before. She was horny this time, not desperate. With every plunge of her head, every lick and suck, she seemed to read his reactions and home in on what drove him wild.


He lasted a minute and a half, maybe. His body had become accustomed to fairly regular orgasms, and it had been twelve hours since his last one.


Like the last time, as she greedily swallowed his cum Callie joined him in orgasm, muffling herself on him as the humming sound fed him even more overwhelming input. Unlike last time, she did not pass out. Fortunate, that, since there was no convenient bean bag chair to fall into and having to step over her would have made getting leftovers into the fridge difficult. A half-smile, half-smirk was on her face as she stood, licking her lips. “Never once had a complaint, and it looks like it’s not going to start now.”


Adam felt that this was a bit pointed… but entirely true. There were exactly zero complaints coming from his lips about her skill at the fine art of fellatio, especially given how smoothly she seemed to be willing to integrate it into her routine. He was barely pulling his pajamas back up by the time she was asking where his storage containers were, and applied herself with serious industry. Before long the kitchen was cleared, and they went out to the living room to get her luggage so that Callie could at least attempt to set up.


There they encountered Shannon, giving the two a devastatingly raised eyebrow while pointedly putting on her headset. Obviously, Adam had not been quite as quiet as he thought he was this time.


The tour took approximately thirty seconds, since Callie had already seen two thirds of the place. Pulling her luggage over to dig out a laptop and a couple of reference folders took another two minutes, and setup another five. Given that the remaining morning was more than seven and a half minutes, this left Adam at somewhat loose ends. He meandered back out to the living room to watch Shannon draw for a bit, went back to the bedroom to rest, and sat down alone with his thoughts. The apartment was small, but it had never felt cramped. At least, not until today. Callie was a large presence for their tiny space, both physically and metaphorically. She took up a lot of room, no matter if she seemed like a good person, so it made the entire situation that much more difficult to arrange.


With a sigh, Adam booted his own computer back up. Time was ticking, and no matter the road he took in life he had to do certain things to prepare. No students scheduled today, even without the sudden loss of nearly all of his kids he only ever scheduled Sundays in emergencies. What he could do was more administrative in nature. Riveting? Perhaps not, but necessary. Callie’s arrival and attitude had reminded him that he could not simply wait for this one. Adam needed to know what he would be doing in two and a half weeks, as the traditional school year was supposed to start. Emails went out to school administrators with requests for information, then the principal and vice-principal. On further thought, he then sent more up to contacts and mailboxes in the Washington Department of Education, then more to coworkers. Especially female ones. Maybe one of them would have heard through the grapevine what the plan was. Or if there even was one. Even that was not certain in the best of times, much less times like these.


He leaned back sometime later, eyes closed. For a moment. No replies had yet come back, but he could at least say that he was trying. He wasn’t about to go out into the open air and risk exposure to a second round of DuoHalo to go to his school in person on an unconfirmed set of requirements or assumptions. Heck, he wasn’t all that sure if he wanted to risk it even if he knew he was going to have his kids there and all plans in place.


These thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a dainty pair of dark-skinned hands covering his eyes. “Guess who?”


“You okay, Shannon?”


“Yep, it’s you who needs some cheering up. Now strip and get on that bed.” Adam, ever the gentleman, was not one to disobey such an instruction. Especially when it led to Shannon riding him into the bed, her boobs bouncing wildly and uncontrolled for the first time. At least, until he reached up to grab them, one in each of his hands as he mauled them for both of their pleasures. Her rock-hard nipples pressed into his palm as quivering and dancing boob flesh overflowed his grasp, and as he squeezed he could feel her first orgasm starting.


First. Far from last. She would enjoy another one before he finally came into her, sending her spiraling into that blissful state for the third time in a handful of minutes. Shannon’s entire body seemed to clench on his, and with a blissful sigh she settled down to lay on top of him for a moment. Adam’s first instinct was just to enjoy the soft pressure as she cuddled down onto him, until he saw it. The smile. The self satisfied smirk on her face was about ten degrees to the left of just being afterglow.


“Shannon, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you got more out of that than just our pleasure. And for reference, I don’t know better.”


“Thought that guys weren’t supposed to be super observant after sex.”


“I kinda know you by now. And you just tried to dodge the question, so I know I’m right.”


“Fine. I wanted to give you a good orgasm, too.”


“You’ve done that a lot in the last month. Trust me when I say you haven’t lost your touch since you last did it eighteen hours ago.”


She pouted a bit. “Maybe, but you just got two in a row without me and you really liked them.”


Were his hands not occupied by being wrapped around her as she lay upon him, Adam would have facepalmed. “Shannon. You’re telling me that you’re jealous? Well, let me reassure you. Yes, I like getting blow jobs. From what I hear most men do. However, this right here? I really like this part. The cuddles and pillow talk. Which, by the way, you are the only one in my life I’ve gotten to do this with.”


“Blow jobs are still the thing I can’t do for you, so I’m going to make sure you’re thinking of me!”


“No need to be catty about it.”


“Did you… just make a joke about my fursona?”


“Did it work?”


“Yes, dangit.”


“Good. Lunch time, I think, and you helped me work up an appetite. Breakfast leftovers on sandwiches sound good?”


The afternoon went much as the morning did… including both women more or less jumping him for another round. By the time he was settling into bed, Adam was feeling a bit exhausted. Emotionally from trying to integrate everyone, physically from going four times in a day for the first time in his life. Even if the ladies were doing most of the work, he wasn’t a teenager anymore. Callie’s curiously tiny appetite hadn’t rebounded either, though her curiously tiny bladder remained in full effect. Adam was fairly sure more was going out of her than in, which didn’t seem physically possible.


Exhausted and sore in certain specific areas, he fell asleep. Shannon got into the bed and wiggled into his arms a few minutes later.


The next few days continued the pattern. Though Adam was grateful that his one remaining regular student, Athena, was still showing up, he still had no responses from school officials by lunch Wednesday. The twelfth of August, so little time remaining. Callie… was Callie. She continued to have a certain restlessness about her that led to her putting on a layer of clothing just to go walk a bit more than once, only to return and dive back into her public defense work. The apartment was too small, the neighborhood a bit too rough, but the halls gave her enough room for some movement. Somehow, the large woman was doing this while seeming to eat nearly nothing.


Adam left his room Wednesday around 11, intending to watch Shannon for a bit to get his mind off of things. Her chatter with the stream chat room always cheered him up, and today was no different. “Looks like the morning stream is about over, a girl’s gotta eat you know! Thank you for the subscription, InMyHead15, and congratulations on getting into a Team! Remember, folks, as soon as you get the chance you need to jump in! Don’t wait, seriously. Best thing that ever happened to me, even if it’s a bit cramped in here. Look for vax centers near you, too. This is your Purple Paw Princess, signing out!”


“Never stops surprising me how much effort it takes you to end an art stream.”


Shannon startled, but got control of herself. She leaned back and looked his way, breasts swaying a bit. “And you never stop making me jump with those ninja moves. How long have you been standing there?”


“About thirty seconds this time.” Adam’s grin was huge, so was hers.


Shannon stood, stretching her back with several pops. “Cardio and mobility day for my therapy routine. Going to slice some blocks out of the air. Mind grabbing the VR set while I put my stuff up?”


He was soon being entertained much more by her body in motion than by her stream commentary. Whatever else was true, she still moved to the beat of her favorite game with grace… and her boobs had continued to grow, now with joy instead of terror. THOSE in motion were something to behold, and so behold them Adam did. The electronic dance music soon drew Callie from the kitchen, giving the dancing woman a quizzical look.


“Didn’t take you for an EDM kind of guy, Adam.”


Adam, in turn, tore his eyes away from the dancing woman with effort. “I’m not, Callie, but Shannon is.” Glancing at his latest teammate, he noticed a couple of things. Her arms seemed slightly smaller, her clothing a hair looser. Made sense given how little she was eating, really, but it was still concerning.


“Oh, so you’re not here for the music, but the show. Makes sense. Can’t even blame you.”


The music stopped with a flourish, and Shannon looked generally in their direction. “Callie, that you?”


“Not sure who else you think it might be, but yes.”


Shannon laughed. “Still getting used to you. Thankfully you don’t move around here like a ghost. I need a break, want to give the game a try?”


“Depends. Do you promise not to laugh at my lack of coordination, and do you have any better music? Maybe some metal?”


Shannon’s lips quirked to the side a bit. “Not on this game, but a different one. I don’t play it as often, but you might like it. Mostly rock and metal.”


“Sounds right up my alley, then.”


Shannon made a few inscrutable motions as she went through menus the others couldn’t see, wiped off the headset, handed it over and got Callie started. Callie’s inscrutable flailing was… much less graceful, and looked like she was drumming something instead of slicing things out of the air, but she seemed to be having fun. The music was certainly much different.


Adam turned his head a bit as he tried to listen to the lyrics. “Definitely gets your heart pumping, and that guy has the pipes for it, but did I just hear something about submarines in space fighting a dragon with plasma bombs?”


Callie, without stopping, was the one to reply. “Glad this game’s got my favorites. You should listen to the full story.”


Shannon giggled a bit. “You know the lore of it all, I guess?”


“I asked for metal, I’m from Fife, and I was born in ‘92. You thought I wouldn’t be a Gloryhammer fan already? Be reasonable.”


To Adam, the above conversation might as well have been in Aramaic. More to his language was the knock that unexpectedly came at the door a few moments later. Raising his voice to say “one moment,” all three of the people there scrambled to go put on masks and a layer of clothing for protection. This time, Adam remembered to turn the thermostat down with it. No use roasting if he could prevent it, even if he was mentally wincing at the electric bill.


Behind the door were two women in black suits with dark glasses. If they wanted to make a certain impression, they certainly succeeded, you couldn’t yell “I’m a government agent” any louder if you tried, even their cloth masks were black. The first was dark skinned, short and curvy, but her manner indicated that she was observing everything about everything and everyone present. The other was a bit taller, carrying a briefcase, and looked like someone fed “a brick wall who happens to be a woman” into an AI.


It was the latter who spoke first, in a gruff voice. “Mr. Jeffries, I presume? We are here to talk to one of your Team members. Is Shannon Owens present?”


“You are going to tell me your name and show some ID before I answer any of those questions.”


Without hesitation, the brick wall of a woman pulled out a wallet and flipped it open to reveal a badge and an identification card listing her as Agent Johnson. Just as rapidly, she put it away the moment he got a look at it.


“Alright, alright, come in. Shannon, they are here to talk to you. My apologies that we don’t have much room to sit, I don’t get guests particularly often.”


The shorter one removed her mask and spoke up as they closed the door behind them, her voice was much more pleasant than her partner’s. “We won’t be long. Everyone present is vaccinated, we can unmask for convenience.” Callie and Shannon, along with the other agent, did so. Adam kept his on, perhaps due to increased risk for him. “Ms. Owens, it has come to the government’s attention that you have been speaking about certain topics to a broad audience that are covered under a Nondisclosure Agreement. This is your notice that a lawsuit is being filed, possible penalties including both fines and jail time, unless you sign a contract of remediation to help fix what you have done.”


“Excuse me? I cannot recall ever doing so.” Shannon’s face and tone indicated pure confusion.


Agent Johnson, the large one, practically growled back. “We received word that a woman receiving her Serum dose mentioned already knowing the procedures due to hearing them on the livestream commentary of someone going by Purple Paw Princess, AKA Shanon Owens. We confirmed it by a simple lookup of your stream clips. This information is covered under nondisclosure that was signed as a part of the movement and vaccination process.”


Callie’s eyes narrowed. “Excuse me, but there is a missing detail. You need to prove that she signed such a Nondisclosure Agreement before you can serve process.”


The large agent looked back. “I just did. Everyone signs it as part of the process, and she is vaccinated.”


Callie’s grin was, in a word, evil. It was the look of a person who knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that someone in the room was about to have a bad day… and it wasn’t going to be her. “Do you, by chance, refer to the Department of the Army Form 6969-R?”




“Show me the form she signed.”


The shorter one shook her head. “It is on file with vaccination records, not with us.”


“Alright, then, let me save you some time. Shannon, you got a copy of the one you signed? It is a requirement that government agencies furnish you with one.”


“Emailed to me the next day, yeah. Need it?” It was obvious where this was going, and the busty streamer was eager to help her teammate drive the point across. It was a matter of a minute and a half for her to print it out.


Callie glanced at it and nodded. “Thank you. Now, agents, please read what was signed. Where on this form is the legal text being breached?”


The shorter one took the form from her, eyes shooting to the top sections where she knew, without a doubt, that the information was located. Her eyes furrowed as she reread it, not finding what she was there for. “How is this possible?”


The grin broadened. “Are you aware that Nondisclosure language was added to that form only effective this month, and that my client signed it before that update was in effect?”


Both visiting agents looked shocked. So did Shannon, who quickly looked at her redheaded roommate. “Since when am I your client?”


“Since I joined the Team on Saturday, now please be quiet and let me talk.” She turned back to the agents. “Before you try to serve my client with a mandatory retroactive NDA, which I can already tell is your only next step, I need to refer you to a case currently on hold due to juror death in which the State of Washington is actively arguing that is not a thing. Washington v Superior Economics and Expansion is the name. You may politely request that she not speak of these details moving forward, you may not punish nor threaten for prior action. If she doesn’t want to sign the update, it’s also up to her, and I recommend against doing so unless you are offering a lot more than empty threats.”


“Ma’am, that is what we are here for.”


“In that case, I need you to drive over to Renton, drop by the IKEA, and buy yourselves some legs to stand on.”


“There’s no need to be rude about it!”


“No, that was me being nice. I have paperwork templates available to file countersuit if you want me to be rude. Whichever idiot lawyer sent you needs to reread Section 11, and likely the Bill of Rights with it.” She turned to the shorter of the two. “I need your name as well. Don’t make me look it up the hard way, you won’t enjoy it and I will bill your department for expenses afterwards.”


“I’m Agent Johnson.”


Adam interjected “I thought that was your buddy, here?”


“It’s my name, too.”


“The government is trying to be a dick about it so they sent Johnson and Johnson to threaten me? Come ON, I’m not even allowed to make that joke on stream!” Shannon had gone from terror to mirth as the unwelcome houseguests’ emotions rapidly took the reverse trip.


The larger Johnson was clearly frustrated, looking down at the briefcase she carried then back at the people in front of her. “Been at this for a week, why is it only a problem now? Nobody else we talked to brought this up.”


Johnson the smaller looked at her friend with ever increasing terror. There were many times to say such a thing. While standing in front of a hostile lawyer was not one of them. In fact, it was approximately the exact opposite of the right time to say that.


“Oh, fun. Now it’s my turn to give legal notice. Please wait one moment here.” It again was only a matter of minutes before she was back, a sheet of paper in her hand. “Listen closely, now. I have already sent a copy of this off to my superiors at the Public Defense department for the State of Washington. You are going to go back to where you came from and tell them that they need to stop what they’re doing, and they are going to gather up a list of everyone this has happened to. They’re going to apologize, cancel the fraudulent contracts issued under false pretenses, and either forget about the whole thing or else offer fair consideration for it. Everything is on this memo in proper legalese.”


Adam shook his head. “One side of this conversation has legal representation present. The other seems to be failing its arguments. There may be a correlation here.”


Callie turned back to the intruders with a bit of a laugh. “Now, I feel this is done. Unless you have an entirely separate order of business or can show me a warrant, I am asking you to leave. Now.”


The Agents Johnson looked at each other, the shorter one shaking her head. Without another word, the two turned and left. They didn’t even take the time to don their masks again. The door closed with a thud, the three residents of the apartment finding it quiet once more.


Callie sighed. “Government work. Where else can you sue your boss’s coworkers on behalf of your boss and have your boss’s boss pay you for it?”


Adam finally took his own mask off. “You know, I figured you were at least decent at what you did just because you were allowed to do it remote. That was amazing, though.”


“If I tell you I’m a perfectionist, would you be surprised?”


“Not at all. What I’m surprised at is that you ended up in public defense with that kind of ability.”


Callie took a steadying breath. “The partners at the firms I applied to seemed to think I was too abrasive and off putting.”


“Their loss. Now, if I’m not greatly mistaken, we missed lunch due to the excitement. Let’s fix that.”