Chapter 5.5: Intermission One
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The Quaranteam Universe is the creation of CorruptingPower, used with permission.




Chapter 5.5: Intermission 1. Business is Business

6 August 2020


The sun had not yet risen enough to light the Seattle streets when the hermetically-sealed white van pulled up to the high-rise office building. The back opened, and out stepped a rather attractive man, waving off the offer of a hazmat covering in favor of athletic shorts and a white tank top. He was tall, somewhere around six feet. His features were regular, his face unlined, his neck-length hair blond, and he was built like a brick wall. The twenty-something year old man’s name was Chadwick William Richardson, but nobody called him that. To friend and foe alike, he was Chad.


Not that he really had many foes, and none intentionally, which was half of the point of this exercise.


The elevator ride up to the floor he’d been told was his destination was a long one. Long enough to give him time to think. To reflect on the rather strange turn his life had taken, since the call he’d gotten the other day with the wild and impossible job offer. Since he’d agreed to the offer of buying out his current apartment lease in order to be moved an hour north into an integrated penthouse apartment here. The Superior Economics and Expansion group, a niche think tank, needed someone like him, and it would let him make something of his life more than just living off his trust fund.


It gave him the chance to think, yes. He elected not to take that chance.


The elevator pinged cheerfully when it got him to his destination, the door opening to reveal a marble-tiled hallway. Standing in that tastefully decorated space was a severe-looking and tall woman dressed in business casual. “You’re Chadwick?”


“That’s me, but please call me Chad. Not a fan of the long version.” His voice was deep and cheerful, his smile ready and bright white.


“Good. I’m Monica, the director of this organization. Follow me, and be quick about it.” She turned and strode off, not wasting any time. He had to scoot a bit to keep up, but not too hard. After a couple of turns, they came to a door with her name on it, and “Director” over it. Simple enough. Monica took her seat behind a large and ornate desk, motioning for Chad to sit on the other side. There were two documents there. “Chad, thank you for agreeing to come. This is your interview. Before we go any further, I need you to sign the non-disclosure agreement on the left. Once you do, we can talk about the details of the job offer.”


Chad might not have been the sharpest tool in the shed, but his trust fund came from a rather shrewd businessman. One who happened to have two sons, the firstborn being much more suited to this, but Chad didn’t exactly know nothing on the topic. He glanced at the NDA, finding a standard form that forbade him from discussing what was said during this interview with those outside of Superior Economics and Expansion group. Operations, potential placement, salary, perks… but with an additional line that was not normal. The Quaranteam Serum was specifically included as a topic. Whatever that might be. Finding nothing objectionable, Chad signed where appropriate. He was curious where this was going, after all.


Monica smiled slightly. “Good, I was concerned you might be scared off. You may feel free to read the other document before signing it, but I’ll give you the highlights. We here at the company need to be able to move around freely. There are unfortunately a couple of major diseases going around. The precaution against one of these is an unusual vaccination. To utilize it, we need an agreeable male to anchor the… effects. That is where you come in.”


The contract was an interesting one. Extremely generous. Compensation was into six figures, plus an attached luxury apartment. Expense line against a company fund. Top-of-the-line health care and insurance perks. “Must be important if you’re giving me all of this as an offer.”


“Yes. The most important thing at the outset is that you will be on-call 24/7 for your services, and this requires keeping yourself healthy.” Monica looked him up and down frankly. “That last does not seem like it will be much of a problem. However, you will have to limit exposure to the outside world. In general, you will need to stay in the top five floors of this building unless authorized and plans are made. There will be travel on occasion as well.”


“Gonna be hard to keep up with my workouts if I can’t go to the gym. That’s the only problem I see. You still haven’t told me what I need to do, either.” The document was… vague… on that point. It only said he would need to help maintain the protection of all seven of the other employees.


“The serum will be injected into the seven of us. You will need to have sex with all of us, regularly, in order to ensure that you are fully protected and that we stay able to do our jobs. That is what we are hiring you to do. Us. Your suite has a home gym that you will be able to expand as needed in order to stay in shape.”


“Right on!” It was uncertain if he was more excited about the sex or the gym. “Anything else you want to tell me before I read this?”


Monica was a bit nonplussed. He had filled out an Oracle survey just after initial contact, resulting in no hard rejections on the entire team and nobody under their agreed-upon 70% compatibility. Now he was here, nonchalantly glancing through a contract that included “irreversible, for an unknown length of time” in its terms. Once this all got signed and commenced, there would be no turning back. They were stuck for the long haul, either for life or until someone figured out how to undo it, with no way to know which would happen first. “Um, yes. You are also required to avoid risky activities. Extreme sports, smoking, drinking to excess, illegal drugs, pyrotechnic or laser light shows not run by a professional, and the like. You will not be expected to provide input on the operations of the company other than what is outlined in the contract.”


The contract was short and simple as such things went. Really, it wasn’t all that much more than they’d already talked about. There would be medical screenings for tomorrow, his job duties would commence on a timeline as advised by the doctors. “Sounds good, Monica. I wasn’t into any of that stuff anyway. When do the movers get here? I’d really like to set up my space.” With nothing more than that, he found where he was supposed to sign this one and scrawled out his signature once more. It was done, Chad was now an employee of Superior Economics and Expansion.


Not the way she thought this was going to go, but it worked. “They should be here tomorrow. Erica can lead you to your suite.” She hit a button on her desk-side phone, instructing the person on the other line to come to her office.


“Sweet! Thank you.” He stood and shook her hand, and that was that. He always did try to be polite.


The woman who came to the door was average height for a woman, though this appeared diminutive compared to Chad, and was extremely pale and blonde but quite skinny. With a smile and an appraising look, she brought him back to the elevator, this time hitting the button for the top floor. “Four of us live on the top floor, you are now one of them. The next floor down has the others. Our workspace is the next below that, and then the common living areas, which includes eating and utility space.” Her accent was… vaguely Nordic. “We do not leave this area unless needed, for safety and focus. Supplies are delivered.”


Chad was puzzling that out when they arrived at the door to his suite. Across from it was a door labeled “Rita.” His did not have a name on it, just an icon of a bicycle. Not his favorite piece of equipment, but good for warmups and cardio. The room inside was… big. Larger than his old apartment, and though it was organized differently it would be easy to make things work here. Huge windows gave a beautiful view of the city. A lot of the rooms were set aside oddly with glass or wood, around a large and carpeted central space. “Thank you, Erica. Do you know when the next event is?”


She smiled a bit, a small expression she seemed to want to hold on to. “The medical team will be here tomorrow morning at eight.. You have all day today to get yourself settled in and meet the rest of our team. If all goes well, your more important job role should start the next day.”


“Sounds good! Uh, I’d normally ask if you need anything, but I guess I don’t have any of my stuff to give.”


“Oh! That’s quite alright.” Her voice stayed proper, but the blush on her pale cheeks belied her real thoughts on the matter before her. “I have to go. More projections to work on, I fear. I will see you again soon.”


She left, and Chad turned to face his new home. Really, other than the slightly odd layout, it was a really nice place. Kind of reminded him of his dad’s old office. It all worked, too, giving him space for a good stretch of padded floor and a weight rack on one wall. Which was good, because one was there already. A nice one, too. Three different bar types, plenty of weight, pull-up bar, and resistance bands. And the rack behind it had free weights. Good start, when the movers got his own selection here he’d probably be good to go.


Strange that there was no stationary bike, though, given what was on the door.


Before Chad could really start planning things out for his cardio, there was a knock at the door. He walked over and opened it, revealing another pale woman. This time, a statuesque redhead in a business suit. “Are you the new hire?”


“Yeah, that’s me.”


“Good.” She placed her hands on his chest and lightly pushed him inside. “I’m Tina, the primary scientific data analyst for Superior Economics and Expansion.” She closed the door behind her, grabbed him by the wrist, and started pulling him toward one of his suite doors. A bed was behind it. “I know some of what is going to happen in the next couple of days, but this presents me a unique opportunity to get some data. You, strip.”


“Nice to meet you, and sure thing! What do you need from me?” He noticed as he was getting his clothing off that she was as well.


“I just need you to get naked, lay back on that bed, and let me get my data. The Serum is supposed to have dramatic effects on libido and sexual matters, so I need to get a comparison point… what the heck?” He had finally gotten around to removing his own shorts and underwear. “How? It’s not FAIR! How can you be this nice, ripped, handsome, and HUNG?”


“Uh, Dad always said a strong mind needed a strong body to live in, and I never wanted to cheat with steroids?”


“You know what, this is going to be fun. I normally want more preparation, but… ah, I don’t feel like that is necessary.” She was still staring at his v-cut, along with his own equipment. “You don’t need to do anything, just lie back and let me do the work?”


Chad happily complied, the bed perhaps not the softest ever but certainly high quality. His erection rose high, jutting upwards in reaction to Tina’s toned body and obvious arousal. By the time she actually straddled him, it only took her a few moments to sink him into her to the hilt despite his size. She was wet and desperate, rapidly losing the ability to disguise any of the above, and when she came it was a sharp and powerful kind of thing. One which would occur twice more before Chad let go and pumped her full of his seed.


Panting and sweating, she looked down at him. “Okay, I think that’s good data, wouldn’t you say?” Her face got an odd look on it as she started trying to move. “Chad? I know you got yours, I’m so full of you I’m sloshing. Why are you still rock hard? Like, it’s almost a challenge getting off of you!”


“Dunno. Always been like this, it’ll go down in a while unless we keep going.”


“What exactly do you mean by ‘keep going?’ You can do more?”


“Oh, yeah. I think three in a row? Gotta get some recovery time in there afterwards, though.”


“Okay. Um. So you’re an outlier to begin with. Let me, uh, talk to the others. This will affect our plans.” With unseemly haste, she got herself dressed and wobbled unsteadily out the door.


Chad shrugged, got himself showered, and finished settling in. Some time later, hungry, he meandered down to the common areas, wondering what the food arrangements here were like. What he found was Tina talking to a table of several of the others as they ate some kind of spaghetti dish. Monica was at the table and looked up at him with a curious cant to her head.


One of the others, a black woman a bit on the portly side, stood. “Hey, I’m Sandra. I do more of the sociology side here, but since I’m also the best cook I usually got the food, too. Just pasta and red sauce today, hun, been busy.”


“I can help out a bit with that. I’m not the best, but I did meal prep.”


“Oh, he cooks, too? Monica, you found us a good one!”


“I agree, Sandra.” Monica smiled. So did the two others next to her, who Chad did not recognize. “Chad, let me introduce Mary,” a rather pretty girl, looking like she was of Asian descent and with long black hair, nodded at him. “And this is Jessica, our newest hire before you.” The last was a rather short and thick-set woman with mousy brown hair and glasses, who waved shyly. “According to Tina, you have… impressive… ability in bed? This should let us accelerate the schedule a bit.”


Chad would find out what that meant the following day. A doctor and two medics, all women as well,  came up to visit in the morning, putting all seven of the women through basic checkups before giving Chad a much more thorough physical. After a quick lunch and data review, the doctor had all of them sign more NDAs before administering the seven doses of Serum. “We will be here for the next hour or so to make sure no adverse reactions occur, but the directions after that need to be followed to make sure the protection is given properly. Chad, you need to take the rest of today to prepare, but your door needs to stay closed for all of tomorrow. In the morning the day after, you can open it again and allow anyone who feels the need to come and imprint. Make sure you take it easy tomorrow, you will probably need all the energy you can get. Understand?”


“Doctor’s orders, yes ma’am.” He, thankfully, did in fact know how to meal prep. With a bit of help from Sandra, he was ready in short order to do so. As he went up to his room that evening, he thought the ladies’ conversations were starting to sound a bit… different. Still, she’d said to take it easy, so he only did mid-weight super cycles while isolated, keeping his windows open for air. Honestly? After the movers had delivered his own personal weights (grunting and swearing) and games (much lighter), it was nice to get it all set up.


After having lunch on the 11th, it was time. He could have sworn he heard a sound outside of his door but paid it no mind as he unlocked it and let it swing open.


It should be noted here that Chad could squat over 650 pounds. He was a big man and made of sculpted muscle almost head to toe. The combined weight and momentum of the women slamming into him almost literally carried him away toward his bedroom like a tidal wave.


The next hour resolved itself into seven women fighting over who would be the one with his dick inside of them at any given time. He soon found that the slightest taste of his precum or his first penetration would send the women into almost (or literally, in Rita’s case) screaming orgasms, and while he enjoyed the attention, the fighting and switching made it difficult for him to actually get to an orgasm of his own. Once he did, the woman on top of him came so hard she literally toppled off of him, unconscious and muttering something, as the others were distracted only long enough to set her down before setting to him once more.


Chad managed to pump three of them full of his cum before he had to tap out to recover, the other four still whining and desperate as the priming orgasms kept them from true relief. The problem was that no amount of cardio was going to let anyone get through that many women in one go. As he disentangled himself from them, Chad got his first look at which was who. Laying on the ground beside the bed were one tall and severe-looking woman, a Nordic but thin one, and a Latina he didn’t recognize immediately. Monica, Erica, and presumably Rita. The others stayed in the bedroom, but as the elevator doors opened for him, Chad couldn’t quite shake the feeling of being chased by velociraptors.


Normally, about this time he’d be having a meal intended for recovery. Something to let the exercise do what it was intended to. This time, though, he thought again. A rare thing, that. Still, he kept what he grabbed to good fuel sources that wouldn’t weigh him down. Preparation, since he knew he was going to have a lot more to do as soon as it was in his system. He made sure to clean up carefully after eating, and drinking some chocolate milk, to give his body time to get ready once more. By the time he made his way back to his own door, the musky smell combined with the soft sounds coming from inside made him very glad he had.


As soon as the door opened, hands emerged from the dimness of the room beyond and grabbed him, practically dragging the huge man inside.


The next hour was a blur of hands, mouths, breasts, and vaginas. Chad found himself orgasming into Tina, knocking her out like the others, and Sandra’s ebony body joined her soon after. Two to go. He found himself with Mary’s tight body under him, barely able to take his enormous schlong. It took effort to push into her, but despite his concerns about hurting her she seemed to have no such reservations. When he came, bottoming out into her, they figured out one more detail.


His stamina had a limit. As he fell unconscious next to her, the last thing he heard was Jessica’s voice yelling “no!”


Chad awoke some hours later. Throat dry, somewhat disoriented, body warm and weighted down with all the others. It felt like a joke a friend of his once told, about forgetting to turn his swag off before going to bed. He couldn’t remember quite how the joke ended. There was motion in the room, which was odd because he was quite sure the women he’d had sex with were either asleep or unconscious. There was a shifting of the weights around his waist and legs, the feel of cold air on his flaccid cock quickly replaced by the distinct and now-familiar feel of a warm mouth. Mousy brown hair was visible at the bottom edge of his vision as his manhood slowly and painfully rose once more.


He was sore like crazy after yesterday. It reminded him of the first time he’d ever taken leg day seriously. The feeling of knowing it was good for you, but the pain of getting there was harsh. “Jessica?” At least, he thought it was her. The past couple of days were a bit blurry to him. “You okay?”


With a pop, the lips came off of him, replaced by a pair of hands. “No, I’m not. I was desperate to get at you before, but nothing on you was responding once you passed out. Now I finally have you. Don’t hold back!” And with that, the feel of her lips returned, the suction she could put on him impressive for its force and desperation. She was sucking on him like it was a straw, and residing in his balls would be the thickest and creamiest shake of all time.


To be fair, not far off.


Despite everything, it only took her a few minutes of effort to finally attain her single-minded goal. This time, when she succeeded, both passed out once more. Chad felt a warmth enveloping him as he went under.


His eyes snapped open. The windows were letting in bright streams of light, looking like the Seattle noonday sun. The room stank of sweat and sex, the sheets on the only somewhat familiar bed feeling soiled almost to the point they’d need to be burned. Oddly, given everything? He wasn’t sore. At all. No bruising, no deep pains, no raspy throat. Hungry, though. His shirt felt oddly tight, though, and so did his pants. Chad stood, and as he did, a few things struck him.


He was moving differently, for one. Smoother. Old strains just didn’t seem to exist, the pains of a lifetime of lifting vanished. Chad felt thirsty, reaching for the glass of water on the bedside table to drink deeply. The angles in the room were a bit off, too. Like he was standing taller. He could hear motion in the main section of his suite. The distinct clank of weights being set down in unsteady reps by someone who was dropping them the last few inches. When he stepped out of his bedroom, the stench was replaced by more familiar things. Fresher sweat. Foam rubber and metal. At the squat rack was a rather distinctive woman who was knocking out those smooth repetitions under a weight that would have been trivial for Chad, but by no means for most women in her position.


She was nude. Nude, and cut. Her eight-pack abs stood out like cobblestones, her mighty arms holding the bar matched only by thighs that looked like they could crush watermelons. Her breasts were modest, but the pectorals under them were massive, the total effect much more than the sum of the parts. She was hairless beneath the neck, too, and her face vaguely familiar yet smooth and gorgeous. Even her brown hair was deep and lustrous. When she turned to face the weights, her back was similarly sculpted, her behind round and firm, working with the motions of her legs.


Chad’s heart beat fast at the sight of her, and that was not an accolade easily earned.


She seemed to notice he was there. “Oh, you’re awake! You’ve been unconscious for a while, we were starting to get scared. Two days is a long time… well, the others were, anyway. I just got up a bit ago, myself.” Her voice was familiar, even if her body absolutely wasn’t. It almost sounded like…


“Jessica? What happened to you? You look incredible!”


“I’d read about this in the scant medical literature we had access to. Regeneration. The Serum protects, and bonds, but sometimes it goes way past that. It convinces your body to fix itself, to a greater or lesser extent. Not everyone gets it, but… well,” she looked down at her radically changed body, “it looks like I’m one of the lucky ones. Very lucky. My reaction seems to be well into the fourth standard deviation. There’s a lot of power here, I think, but it almost feels decorative. Like it was all there before, but the body fat was interfering. I’m not sure how to use it yet, but I will. You look like you got a good bit of the deal, too, have you looked in a mirror since you woke up?”


He hadn’t, but he did now. There was one wall mirror panel by the squat rack, and it showed him a person who was definitely Chad, but a version of himself who had never taken a cheat day or gotten hurt. Taller for one, and cut like it was competition day. And with a bulge at his pants that had increased from even before. “Whoah… this is AWESOME! But you need to work on your form. Hold on.” He walked over to her, barely touching her despite the temptation as he got her into proper position and coached her through a couple more. The right way, this time. She picked it up quickly, but her face said quite clearly that she wanted a very different kind of touch.


She smiled. “The serum also seems to have cured a lot of brain fog I’d been having since I fought off a COVID case in March. Monica’s smart, but I’m smarter now. She just doesn’t know it yet. Things are about to change around here, but first things first. I want you to take that gigantic dick of yours and nail me, then do a pull-up and hold yourself there while I blow you. Let’s get the Hanging Chad joke out of the way now so that I’m not distracted by it later, shall we?”