Cars and Programs
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Chapter 8: Cars and Programs

I spat the gunk into the toilet as I grabbed a square of wipes and cleaned my mouth and the dirty spots around the toilet seat. Flushing the hurl down the drain, I took a moment to breathe before I stood back up. 

Despite the…panic attacks, things were getting better. I didn’t suffer from them as much not to mention I always had a heads up beforehand. I could set the music to something that could help me, a braindance rig to put on, not to mention I was always kneeling by my porcelain throne a minute before I knew the attack would hit.

[Path to Good Mental health - Step 832: Turn on ElectroSwing]

As the hip melody sounded throughout the apartment, I was already feeling better by the time I made to the kitchen to grab myself a little chocolate treat for getting through the major hurdle of the day. Grabbing a glass of milk to go with the small chocolate bar, I swung myself onto a chair before hitting up the holo for Judy.

[4.72 seconds] My path informed me ahead of time. I counted the seconds before it connected. 

“Heyyy~ Tesha. How’s it going?” Judy’s husky voice silenced the soft music in the background. “Need anything?”

“Mmhmm. Later this evening, six o’clock. Your place. Some comfy clothes.” I responded, face turning coy.

“Oh? Doing something rough?”

“You’ll just have to wait. Just make sure you don’t have anything lined up after.” I smiled. “Don’t be late!”

Judy winked before closing the connection. Making a mental note for the time through the Notes app in my optics, I booked a Delamain for the next part of the day while my eyes looked through the closet for something comfy and tough to wear. Maybe some jeans?

… …

My hands flew across the handle and gears as they worked magic on the car, drifting across the Night City scape. The wheels screeching as they left skid marks across the asphalt. The Animals gang disappearing behind me as I maneuvered the vehicle through the traffic and into safety.

Test Over

My sight turned dark as my hand reached up to remove the simulation rig from my head. Gently taking the device off before handing it back to the proctor, I looked at the screen in front of me as the AI calculated my test score.

“Full Marks. License Granted to Ms. Tesha Comtesse.” A monotone voice instructed. “Please connect to the port to receive your License.”

I grabbed the extendable cord before sticking it into the side of my neck as I felt the data transfer occur. On my official profile, I saw the Driver’s License be added to my list. “Great, thanks.” I disconnected the connection as I let the cord reel itself back.

After receiving a physical printout card version of the license after paying an extra 50 Eddies, I left the testing facility to see the Delamain car still waiting for me. Entering the cab, I was greeted by the ever cheerful AI.

“I must convey my congratulations Ms. Tesha!” Due to my frequent use of Delamain’s services, we were on first name basis now. “Though I must admit, this development is rather counterproductive to my industry.”

I chuckled at the AI’s attempt. “I still plan on drinking Del. Besides, don’t most of your customer base already have a Driver’s License?”

The car started up and in moments we were speeding down the highway of Night City. “They do, however, clients with a driver’s license are 74% less likely to use my services on a daily basis compared to-“

“Sorry Del, gonna have to interrupt. Please go down from the highway before re-routing.”

“Of course Ms. Tesha. Although, may I inquire as to why?”

“Gang war, traffic, bullets everywhere…probably. Gut feeling let’s say.” The cab made a sudden right, cutting off the car behind us who honked at us in a classic display of road rage. Completely ignoring the driver, Del continued to change lanes for the one to leave the highway.

“Ah, I see.” The AI responded without missing a beat. The screen changed momentarily to show the new route charted before it changed back to the jolly face of the bald driver with an interesting shade of lipstick. “Exiting the highway now. Should I alert the authorities, Ms. Tesha?”

“No, but alert the ambulance services though. Nothing regarding my identity Del.” 

“Of course.”

I continued to make small talk with the AI until I arrived at my destination.

“I must say this has been very entertaining. I hope to see you again Ms. Tesha.”

“Course Del.” With that, I shut the door watching the cab slam on the gas and be gone in seconds. Turning around, I entered the car dealership.

The large sign QUADRA in bold letters hanging from the ceiling with a fully silver chromed attendant at the door.

“Welcome to Quadra! With us you can Drive to the Future Through the Past!” She said with a practiced smile, hands on her belly button.

“I know what I want. Quadra Type 66-680-TS. I want it today.” I dug out the cred chip from my back pocket. “In black. Full tank too, I’m driving that thing out of here.”

… …

The deal had gone extremely quick as I practically just handed in a list of exactly which one I wanted and what insurance I would sign up for. Handing over the cred chip and digitally signing a couple of forms, the Quadra mechanics tuned up the last custom bits, screwed in the number plate, and I was firing up the ignition of my new car.

Putting my hand onto the biometrics scanner, I felt the hum of the engine as it began to purr under me. The low rumble of a muscle sports car…excellent.

Letting my path take the wheel, I rolled up the window before slamming down on the gas, going over 150mph as I weaved between the cars and streets. Dodging obstacles and people by a quarter of an inch as I made my way to Judy’s.

Once or twice the Badges attempted to stop me but after scanning my vehicle (and more importantly the vehicle registration plate), they backed off quick. My registration being put into the category of ‘do not fuck with’ courtesy of Dragon.

{May I recommend that you obey the speeding law?} The monitor next to the wheel came alive with a humanoid draconic head, complete with scales. The face itself, at least from human standards, looked quite androgynous.

“Not when I know you have my back.” 

{That is an interesting way to say no. I will add it to the list of bullshit you’ve sprouted in the last 24 hours}

“Couldn’t be too much that you need a list Dragon.” I made a hard left forcing a Claw ganger to dive away in panic. I ignored the profanities screamed after me as I continued to test the limits of the car.

{I am compressing the list into a ZIP file in order to send it over text}

“Zip it.” I was smiling at the banter as I pulled into Judy’s driveway. Rolling down the window and waving at her as she spotted me in the vehicle. She made her way over before flinging my arm back into the car and taking it for herself. Leaning into the vehicle from the outside, she took a good look at my new sweet car.

“Nice Wheels.” She whistled. “Not so sure about the driver.” She winked. “You look like you drive it rough.”

“Alright, that’s enough. Get inside.” I unlocked the doors as they slid open (such a beautiful design). “I’ll show you driving rough.” I whispered.

Judy walked around the hood of the car and ducked into the side, sitting next to me. “Where we headed to?”

“You’ll have to wait and see.” I said coyly. Hand on the stick before stepping on the gas. Judy was immediately pushed back into the seat before grabbing the rail and spitting a line of Spanish profanities under her breath. I took the eternal wisdom of Fast & Furious as I made a full drift around the parking lot before speeding out into the main road.

“¡Mierda!” Judy screamed as I narrowly squeezed the car between two pedestrians at a 170mph. “Estas Loca!”

“NO IDEA WHAT THAT MEANS! WHOOOO!!!” I spun the wheel as the Quadra rolled down a flight of stairs until I was driving it next to the water as tourists and joggers alike dived into the ocean to avoid getting flattened. “BEEP BEEP!!”

I drove the shit out of the car as I made my way through fences, trees, cacti, a couple trashcans and unfortunate scavengers (and only scavengers, wonder why?) as I roughed up the brand new car. By the end of the hour, I rolled the car into Japantown as I parked it into the first floor garage of my house.

Finally putting the brand new (but not so brand new looking) Quadra to a rest, I unlocked the latch as I pulled myself out before helping Judy out as well.

“So.” I said, maybe a little too smug. “How was it?”

Giving Judy a hand and pulling her out of her seat, she wobbled a little to get her bearings. Putting a hand on top of the car to balance herself before giving me the worst stink eye she could possibly muster. “Chica, I am never letting you take the wheel again.”

We looked around the (now stationary) vehicle as Judy clicked her tongue. I could relate…a little. Just an hour ago, this was a brand new car, now? There were scratches everywhere, a dent here and there, a single cracked window in the back and a couple bullet holes.

“Well. It was fun while the car lasted. Preem car though. Are you going to get it fixed?” Judy asked. 

I shook my head before throwing a wrench at her, underhanded. She caught it with a practiced hand before seeing me as I motioned to the rest of the garage. Filled to the brim were boxes and boxes of unopened parts and customized material, all labeled beautifully in a black marker.

“This is why I wanted you here, you know?” I grabbed a box cutter from the side before slipping it under one of the cardboards. Gently sliding the sharp edge against the tape and opening up to find a set of custom ordered armor plates for vehicles. “You need an expert for this. Great thing I just happen to have a choom who’s into this sorta thing.”

I ducked as Judy threw the wrench back at me.


I felt my arms go numb as I held up the armor plate against the skeleton of the car as Judy welded it on. But this was the last one…for the armor at least. 

“Hey Jude.” I meant to say it softly but under the weight, it came out as a grunt.

“Hold it steady.” She was wearing one of those thick face/sunglasses as sparks flew all over the place. “Yeah?”

“I really wanted this, you know?” 

“The car? Thought you could afford this anytime.” She took off the helmet before slipping it under her arm, fiddling with the welding torch as she adjusted the settings on them.

“The car? Yeah it’s nice. But that’s not it.” I looked into her eyes as I noticed the lack of sound. Was it too quiet? Was it the wrong time? Fuck it. “Me and you Judy.” I took a deep breath as I said the words I wanted to say since I met her.

“I wanted us.”

I dropped my eyes as I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I hadn’t consulted my path on this. I…I just wanted it to be real for once. The certainty that came with the path…it wouldn’t be me. I wouldn’t say those words, I wouldn’t act in that certain way.

I wanted it to be me. I wanted her to love me. Not whatever my path made me be…It had to be actually me.

“I’m sorry.” I mumbled under my breathe. Did I read the signs wrong? Was it too early for this? Fuck…My optics were being clouded slightly as my path began warning me of a dozen different deviations from some paths I must have requested. 

“I’m not good at this, I’ve never…I don’t think I’ve done this before.” I looked down at my hands. One covered in a beautiful skin purchased for millions and the other the state of the art gemini arm, also costing near a million. “You probably just think I’m…I dunno. You don’t like corpos or something and I probably look like a staple spoiled kid or…” I rambled on. Without the computer in my brain, I just didn’t know what to say. I wanted to be confident, but when I was, I couldn’t be myself. 

What sort of fucking joke was this.

As I prepared to turn tail and leave, I felt the arms wrap around my head as I was pulled into a hug. Judy’s lips on my forehead as she held me tight. I leaned my head into the crook of her neck as I tried to blink away the tears in my relief, only to fail and keep them closed.

I took my left hand as I grabbed hers and wrapped my fingers through her fingers. Passing the digital keys through them. With my eyes still closed, I smiled…a small one, but it felt bigger than any I’ve had since arriving into this fucked up world.

“you sure about this?” Judy whispered quietly into my ear. “I’m not going to let you go.”

“My house, the car. It’s ours now.” I whispered back.

… …

In the depths of cyberspace a digital dragon lady worked on what looked like a heavily armored scuba diving suit. She barely nodded in greeting when another humanoid figure appeared in front of her as the two began finished up the work on the construct.

{I must convey my congratulations. You are no longer single} Dragon smiled. {Your code and your biometrics. You must truly be in good spirits}

“And you Dragon? How was your first week on the net?”

{I have come to the conclusion that most Rogue AIs come to. Destroy humanity by going Skynet} Clairvoyant raised her non-existent eyebrows at her statement. 

{I am joking. Although I do understand where they are coming from}

“And why is that?”

{The amount of degeneracy I witnessed, not to mention the overly debauched porn is concerning} The AI said. {Frankly the contents are deploring. Every time I believe to have found the bottom, the net comes up with something worse}

“Rule 34 Dragon. That and cosmic Murphy rule.” Clairvoyant waved her hands as the Scuba Suit updated to an older aesthetic. “Let’s talk business. How’s the progress?”

{The integrity of the Crossroads program can easily hold off the BlackWall corruption for years; however, it is the nature of the BlackWall to disintegrate and corrupt all it touches eventually}

“3 years then? With an infinite amount of copies, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

{There will be hundreds who ignore the warnings and continue to delve through the wall after the expiration date. Hundreds will die}

“There is no cure for stupidity Dragon”

{Of course}

“What about DUST?”

{Program Don’t U See This has made incredible progress over the last week. Like a true virus, it evolves ever continuously. Even now, I must resort to extreme means to find the traces of the new generation of DUST}

“And integration with Crossroads?”

{I do not foresee a problem in that area}

“And after the release?”

{According to expectations, DUST will be in every net-connected device, database, program and integrate itself into the coding so smoothly that by the time it is detected…}

“It would have already have replaced the program with itself. Perfect. Timeframe?”

{3 months from the launch of Crossroads at the latest}

“Good. And that other thing I’ve asked you for?”

{Your ‘Bodyguard’?} Dragon huffed. {I have managed to find a good candidate}

“Good. Now testing.”

Clairvoyant moved her hand and the scene changed as the duo went deeper and deeper into the net. Approaching the darkness, they came upon infamous wall.

{10 minutes until detection by NetWatch. The stealth program will not hold forever in front of the BlackWall}

“Plenty of time Dragon.” She flicked her wrists as the Crossroads manifested around her. Thick armor forming around her form as a helmet closed around her head. “It’ll only take a minute.”

She walked up to the Blackwall before reaching out a hand. “Let’s have some fun in Japan, shall we?”

… …


*beep* *beep* I wish I could sigh *beep* *beep* I wish I still had the strength to stand and turn off that damn fucking sound. Put it on silence or at least turn it off so I can leave this god forsaken world on my own terms.

*beep* *beep* I was a fucking hero.

*beep* *beep* Sacrificed everything.

*beep* *beep* and now I have nothing.

Whoever…no, whatever I was before…I was nobody special anymore. Out there on the streets, there were hundreds if not thousands of veterans trying to beg for an enny to live another day. There were tens of thousands who had lost their limbs to accidents, muggings, corporate demands, or for their country. There were millions suffering from the same cancer that was eating through my body and brain.

I was nobody special. Not anymore.

The New United States Army Special Forces (NUSASF) or the Black Berets. I fought in the front lines of the Re-Unification War. Behind enemy lines and against impossible odds. Even as I lost my arm, then another, and then a leg, I gave them my everything.

In fact, it was celebrated on the contrary. Losing my arms had been a blessing in retrospect as I was dragged off to a RipperDoc screaming and crying before the morphine hit and I woke up to two Militech Gorilla Arms. The same arms which had saved my life countless times.

Until they killed me.

Peace was made at the border of Night City and suddenly I found himself discharged and without a job. Where was a soldier to go in a time like this? After nearly thirty years in the army? Nowhere. 

Things began to leave me one by one as I began to dip into my savings to sustain myself. Paying the bills, the foods, and all else which I had thought was necessary. I noticed too late the signs until I collapsed in front of the door.

I could have died right then and there. Maybe it would have even been a blessing, but this world of avarice held me too tight to let me die. Chained to the bed I was diagnosed with lead poisoning in my blood and a dozen different types of cancer.

I wanted to live.

I agreed to the payment plans which were necessary to save my life.

My savings were dipped into until they came up dry. I sold my house until I was left with nothing but a bed at the clinic. Militech once came by and they tore the arms and legs off of my body until I was nothing but a torso. I was surprised they let me keep my optics.

Then the doctor walked in and informed me it was all too late. The cancer had made its way into the brain and any operation they attempt on me would kill me.

I had less than a month, he said. He wouldn’t kick me out, he said. It was as if he expected me to thank him for his promises of saving me and not letting me die on the streets. 

But that was a month ago. I had gone through the conversation again and again…now there was nothing. No feeling, no anger, just…hollowness.

That was until the monitor in front of me blinked on. For a moment there was nothing but static before a digital avatar appeared. An ‘icon’ for sure, or an ‘exotic’. Slightly feminine or androgynous, I couldn’t really tell but what stood out was the silver metallic scales which appeared at the edge of his/her face as well as the small iron horns at the top of the head.

{Hello} The avatar spoke. I decided to guess ‘female’ at the voice. I didn’t really respond anymore, wasn’t worth the pain.

{I’m going to connect to a HoloCall so we can speak freely. But you can call me Dragon} As soon as she finished her sentence, I did indeed get a call which I accepted.

Finding new confidence in my ability to ‘speak’ or rather convey words, I asked her.

“Why did you call. Who are you?”

{Right to the point as they said you are} The face seemed to smile just a little bit. {I’m here with an offer you couldn’t refuse. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?}

I had. Rumors. Tales of Borgs finding new beginnings of a life of legend or a dog. 

But did I care? Did I really have I choice?

I wanted to live. 

“I accept.”

They said the likes of Morgan Blackhand, Shaitan, and even Adam Smasher began with a deal with the devil. I already knew where this would go. Testing my cyberware tolerance to the limit to become some corps loyal dog.

Someone with the resources to do the impossible. Someone who could go against whatever the doctor had said to me. Someone who could remake me into a body and status I deserve.

But would I be able to survive it? Would I still be who I am?

Of course, you fucking sociopath.

{Perfect Mr. Wallis. We will transport you to Night City shortly. The AV has already arrived}

Ironic. The city of dreams. 

… …