Prologue – Birth II
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"This tea is an abomination, same as you." my smiling stepmother said to me for later bathing me with the cold tea I had served her.

"Wake up"

"Pach, you are a whore like your mother." my father said to me after slapping me.

"Wake up"

"And you going to be on knew to dinner time" The chief maid punished me by not doing a good job.  

"Wake up"

"So you are the little misfortune of the family." My older half-sister said to me; so tall, so sublime, for later take a sip of the tea that I had served her, for later said me...

"Wake up"

Scared, trembling, the dark world so full of color and always so changing, faded as if nothing had passed, to give a pass to the cold darkness that now possessed the real world.

"A nightmare".

I muttered only to reflex and auto-reflection, without any intention to call the attention of someone, anyway, there wasn't anyone in the almost complete darkness that now covered my house.

but this nightmare only was a little thing in comparison with the serious situation that now I was suffering, provoked by the absence of fire in the living room's chimney.  

And this was the cold, had a much cold, so much that was a miracle that I would still be alive, And I must keep keeping it.  


Because of this, I had to light the fire again, despite my tired eyes, I had to do it.


My body trembled and staggered, but I obliged myself to go toward there, lucky this was near to me.


My hands, trembled and I almost didn't feel them, but still, with their clumsiness, I must light the fire.


I can't, I can't ignite it, my hands are clumsy and are losing their strength, my concentration bit a bit fades away by the sleep, and that voice distracts me, and attaches me for any reason.


"Ahh, Where to?" I said with irritation without waiting for any answer, Surely only was my mind trying to keep me awake.

"Basement, go down to the basement"

But who would say that the voice answered me, was a surprise, but didn't have so much strength to jump by the scare, but at least this woke up me a little. 

Sufficient to pay attention to it, to give me the idea to follow it.

"Come down"

How many seconds have passed? how often does that voice talk? I don't know, but what is true, is that my mind had not the strength to reason and continue trying to ignite the fire, because of this, like a moth attached by the light, I followed the voice in my head to arrive at the basement.

There, I got the surprise, the roof's lamp I believed damaged, disdain a faint light that gave the minimum clarity to walk.

"Go at the bottom"

Said me the voice after to came, and I, without having any other contrary thought, dragged my tremble and staggered body to the bottom.

"The brick, touch the brick"

The voice indicated me, but had a problem, what brick? because in front of me was a wall made of bricks, but soon This answer came to me, because a brick between all, at the height of my head, started to disdain a faint white light.

That was, had to be, and as such, I put my hand almost tactless on it, opening to my surprise, a passage in front of me, in such a way, that the wall had to become a door that opened towards me.

Had not listened to the voice, but still without it, my curiosity did move my weak legs inside, once inside, in front of me was a humble studio illuminated by a lamp's faint light on the roof.

A table in the middle, some chairs were thrown on the floor, two filled bookshelves and other things to my sides, and a desk at the bottom with an old book over it; the typical things of a studio, except for what there was on the bottom, behind the desk. 

In a small space, was a little garden, not, this was very small for a garden, was only an earth space, just to house a plant.

A plant whose stem ended on my chest and of it, like a pedestal was a big green oval fruit.

That stranger plant was more than enough to pull my tactless feet toward it. 

"That beautiful"

And, together with these words, a primitive instinct came to me, hunger; almost had not eaten; I had to save the little that was left, but eating a bit of this, should not be so bad.

Whereby, Without knowing anything about this fruit, dominated by hunger, I gave it a bite, I could feel the fruit's smooth and juicy meat, as well as taste the sweetness and the little acidity that this one provided.

Was tasty, very tasty, so much that I could not resist myself to eat more and more, and the deeper I ate, the sweeter it got, and when I took notice, the fruit, which was a little smaller than my head, was become only a seed to the size of my thumb.

What is this room? what was that fruit? And what was that voice? Those were my questions now that I was more calm and satisfied, but soon, I realized, I was endangered, I had a lot of cold, and hadn't could ignite the fire. 

Whereby, I stood up to try to go quickly to fix the fire problem, but when taking the third step, I felt a big pain in my stomach, a big pain that made me bow and unconsciously embrace my stomach with my hand.

"What happens to me?" I said to myself and the answer that came to me was the fruit.

To do? now was my question, and thought and thought about a solution, until that came to my mind the book that was on the desk and the possibility that this book should give me a clue.

Whereby, with that plan, resisting the pain, I stood up again, to go toward it, only were going to be two steps, were going to be easy.

But my plan failed, because, when given a steep, my body exploded in pain, causing me to fall down to the floor immobilized.

I screamed in pain and kept screaming, At this point, my mind didn't reason for the pain, my body already didn't move, and I only could scream in tune with the pain in my body.

[resist, resist]

Was my thoughts, only those, but was complicated, whatever the poison was, only got worse and worse, and this was shown when reached a point, where I vomited blood as a result of a strong pang in my stomach.

[resist, resist]

I kept saying to myself while screaming with the taste of my blood in my mouth, trying to calm myself, but this got worse because, after a time, I started to cry blood tears that tarnished my vision.

[Resist, resist, soon will end.]

But apparently, this wasn't going to be possible, because now could appreciate, in my faint vision, how my hand expelled blood by the pores.

[Resist, I don't want to die, I don't want to die.]

I couldn't keep calm anymore, the despair invaded my mind. I felt like something warm fluid from my ears in the same way as my conscience.

[I don't want to die, someone, save me, save me...]