Chapter 4: Elara
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Chapter 4: Elara

In the heart of the timeless forest, I, Elara, raced alongside my elder brother, Aelar. The thrill of the wind against my skin and the rhythmic pounding of my heart fueled my steps. The ancient trees formed a surreal blur as we surged forward with the grace and swiftness that came naturally to our elven heritage. I stole a glance at Aelar beside me, his strides so effortless, his presence a comforting anchor.

Focus, Elara. This is your first mission since your coming-of-age ceremony. You can do this.

Descended from the illustrious Great Elves, my lineage carries the echoes of ancient nobility. The lush expanse of this captivating forest has thrived for ages, its roots entwined with stories older than memory itself.

How beautiful.

In a fleeting moment of reflection, my thoughts drift back to the period before the coming-of-age ceremony. Traditionally, the boundaries of our tribes were sacrosanct, and venturing beyond them was an unspoken taboo. Even after the ceremonial rite, our responsibilities were intricately woven into the fabric of the forest itself. The only time we left was typically a pilgrimage to the capital of Yvet, the beautiful city built along the great branches of Yggdrasil, the world tree. Yet, the urgency of our times has robbed me of going on my first trip to the capital. How vexing, I think to myself.

In the beginning, the human villages and cities posed no substantial threat to the sprawling realm we called home—the Verdantwood Forest, a vast biome abundant in potent mana. The presence of formidable magical creatures acted as a natural barrier between us and the encroaching human settlements. Yet, the tide has shifted. Humans have ventured beyond their established borders, transgressing into our domain and even resorting to the abduction of one of our own. Once relegated to simply defending their own walls and borders, humans have begun to wield newfound strength, guided by a mysterious power that eludes even The Elders. Their magic has grown remarkably potent, marking a concerning evolution in their capabilities.


My mission today was to simply do a reconnaissance of a city a few nights away from the human border. Our main goal was to find our kin and report back to the village. A fit of rage grows within me.


I can't let emotion cloud my judgment, I remind myself as the thick mana of the Verdantwood forest thins out further. After a few days of travel, we finally arrived at our target location, the human city of Havenbrook. The glow of the city's lights gets brighter, mirroring the way my own spirit alights with excitement.


Despite their bruteness and lack of taste in colors, the human cities were huge and bustling with activity. Rumors had it that the further we ventured into human territory, the more colossal their walls became. Fortunately, the city before us had unfinished fortifications. Scaling the walls with the grace of a breeze, we entered the city seamlessly, our intrusion undisturbed and undetected.

As my footsteps touch the ground within Havenbrook, I feel the stark contrast between its bustling streets and the tranquility of our forest home.

Stay focused, Elara, I remind myself, banishing the awe that threatens to distract me. This mission is about finding answers, not losing myself in the marvels of the human world.


The scent of human life—of mingled spices, cooking fires, and the murmur of conversations—fills the air. It's a symphony of senses, one I've rarely experienced in our secluded haven. But the objective remains at the forefront of my mind: the investigation of the church that was rumored to hold answers about our abducted kin.


My heartbeat quickens, both from anticipation and the gravity of our mission. The grand facade of the Alviran church stands before us, its architecture foreign yet intriguing. Aelar's calm demeanor reassures me, his experience as a wind mage offering guidance and support. As we approach the church, my mind sharpens its focus, every detail becoming significant.

Remember, this is uncharted territory for us. Proceed with caution.

Gracefully landing on the roof of the church, Aelar and I begin our careful investigation. Through the numerous glass windows, we peer into the interior, observing the constant ebb and flow of figures entering and exiting throughout the day. Yet, our kin remains elusive, hidden from our view. As the sun begins to set, casting long shadows over the city, we remain vigilant.


Finally, a lead, I think to myself as my gaze narrows on a particular scene unfolding below. Amidst the dimming light, a figure emerges from the ground within the church office. The stone slab yields to their entrance, revealing an Alviran scholar with an air of secrecy. Beside them, two young girls appear, their exhaustion evident, bound by tier 1 enslavement runes. Despite their exhaustion, you could see the natural beauty that they held, even amongst the elves. 


Their delicate features and graceful presence exuded a divine charm, capturing the attention of all who crossed their path. The younger of the two, her hair reminiscent of platinum threads interwoven with streaks of fiery red, seemed to embody the essence of celestial embers dancing within a realm of magic. Against her pale complexion, her radiant hair formed a vivid contrast, while her eyes sparkled with a touch of innocence that begged for protection. As for the older one, her hair cascaded like a shimmering waterfall of platinum blonde, a delicate sheen of light blue adding an almost supernatural touch, as if the very essence of a clear sky had embraced her. Her presence carried an aura of serenity, akin to a tranquil lake mirroring the hues of a peaceful dawn, lending her an air of wisdom beyond her years.

This could be the breakthrough we need. They might have the information we need.


I exchange a wordless glance with Aelar, our unspoken communication guiding our actions. With practiced precision, I retrieve my bow, the tension in the string echoing my resolve. My fingers tighten around the familiar weapon, its reassuring weight grounding me. In a swift motion, I signal to Aelar, beckoning him closer. The urgency of our situation becomes palpable as we prepare to uncover the truth hidden within the walls of the church.

The frenzied ramblings of the man, lost in his own interpretation of the human's version of the Goddess of Mana, Aurinna, began to wear on my patience. Even to my standards having two girls kneeling while listening to him ramble was tiring to listen and look at. Suddenly he beckons the younger of the girls to come forward. He proceeds to gently bathe her, his words flowing in a slow, rambling stream as he murmurs a mantra that neither my brother nor I could decipher.

Suddenly he begins drowning the girl, her body barely able to even resist. I could see the older girl’s expression of pain as she resisted her bracelet. I pull out my bow and knock an arrow into the strings

“Stop—”  my brother waves at me, “, remember our main mission.”

I hold my fully strung and pulled bow, hesitating at my brother’s words. He was right, we were here for our kin, not these strangers. However, from the corner of my eye, I see the other girl begin to rise, a stone now in her hand as she crawls towards the madman lifts the rock, and brings it to his head. The man easily deflects it with [Barrier], It’s no surprise the madman carried multiple mana stones within his rings and his own mana circuit was developed. 

He knocks the girl back with a [Wind Gust], and advances towards the girl, seemingly to end her life with another spell. I look back at my brother once more with his focus on the situation, his eyebrows flurried with indecision. I know if that was him and I in this situation he would do the very same for me. I look back with greater conviction and imbue my arrow with [Zephyr Enchant]. The arrow releases and pierces the back of the man directly through the heart. 

My brother's expression shifts to a mixture of alarm and confusion, propelling him into immediate action. He swiftly descends into the room, and I follow closely behind, our instincts in perfect harmony. As he moves to unlock the seal guarding the secret chamber, I handle the man's body, dragging him and hiding it behind his table. My attention quickly turns to the young girl who had been submerged in the water, as she gasps for air and coughs out the water. Gently checking her, I sense a flutter of relief from being able to save her. Moments later, the older girl's weary gaze lifts to find her younger counterpart safe, and in that moment of reassurance, her strength seems to falter as she collapses.


"It's going to be okay," I reassure the younger girl with a warm smile, carefully lifting her out of the water basin and into my arms. 


With both girls safe, I shift my attention to the older sister's unconscious form. Propping her gently along my shoulders, I maneuver towards the magic-sealed door that had already been broken into by my wiz of a brother. 


Good job.

I silently commend her for her valiant efforts to shield her sister. Breaking mental restraints demands a tremendous amount of courage, and enduring the accompanying pain requires even greater strength.


I bring the girls in through the door and set the older one down leaning against the wall with the younger one.

“Wait here, we’ll be out of here soon.” 

My brother and I proceed further into the depths of the dungeon, gradually realizing the unsettling truth—it's not just a dungeon; it's a laboratory. As we navigate the dimly lit corridors, an oppressive scent of death hangs heavy in the air, accompanied by an eerie sensation that sends shivers down our spines. Past the cells, we arrive where the scent of death was strongest. My brother opened the door and our suspicions were confirmed. The scene before us was horrific, body parts of various creatures and races jarred up, At the heart of this grisly tableau, two capsules rest, their purpose shrouded in mystery, adorned with runes so unfamiliar I struggle to identify them.

My gaze shifts towards a table positioned against the walls of the room, and a wave of sickness washes over me as the grim reality dawns—it's a dissection table, and its gruesome contents are undeniable. Overwhelmed by the sight, I turn away and release the contents of my stomach, my brother's soft prayer a poignant accompaniment to the solemn moment.


"May your souls find their way to Yggdrasil and lead you to Aurinna."


As I steady myself, my eyes settle on two familiar faces on the table. They belong to our kin, their final expressions etched with the agony they endured. I let out tears as my brother began to push me out of the room.

“Calm down Elara we must bring back what we have discovered.” my brother says through his teeth.

We run back up the stairs and pick up the girls, taking one last look behind us before we set out into the night back home.

[Wind Walk]

We rush away from the horrors behind us to the comforts I so desperately need from our home.


Name: Yuki 

Class: Divine Homunculus 

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, Mana Absorption


Experience: 7 / 100 (+1/day)

HP: 2 / 100 

Mana: 5 / 400 (+200)



[Arcane Link (LV. Max)]  •  [Mana Mastery (LV. Max)]  •  [Spatial Inventory (LV. 1)]  •  [Heal (LV. 2)]  •  [Mind’s Fortress [LV. 1]  •   [Appraisal (LV. 1]



  • Rag Cloth
  • Iron Bracelet (Enslavement seal)


  • Rock x49 


  • Goddess’s Last Hope: The goddess’s last hope for the balance of the world.
  • Reincarnated Otherworld Scholar: Otherworldly knowledge can be accessed whenever.
  • Goddess's Favor: Infused with the goddess's essence, giving an immensely increased mana capacity.


  • Akari
  • Elara New!
  • Aelar New!