007 Meet the Divine Truck “The Trip to Countless Fantasy Worlds”
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Before Raijin fights the 15 Supreme Gods, Genzo was searching for something that will help him making into another planet faster and he tried everything even moving 10x faster than the speed of light and circling the planet or staying in one area while moving but nothing worked, he doesn't want to travel another 500 years just for a planet to explore, and he couldn't do something like teleporting everywhere even if he doesn't know where the route is or where it is even if he is an Omnipotent God or something more beyond to a God. 

So since the other world he explored recently is more advanced than this world since it's still Year 637 in this world, so he teleported to that world and just lands to the road and he sees a Truck coming towards him and tried to block it but he found himself inside a gray void and got confused what happened, that's where a girl with such that kind of outfit claims to call herself "Goddess" Athena and told Genzo that he will be summoned to another world and Genzo got surprised that he finally found the one that can make him explore worlds easier and it was a certain Truck, and Genzo asked the self proclaimed "Goddess" what's inside the world and what does it looks like and the "Goddess" told him that it's a fantasy world where magic exists and the world is in danger because of the being called "The Demon King", Genzo stopped her sentence and he wonders why there is another Demon "King" that he already defeated the "King of Demons" and now a "Demon King", but Genzo allows her to continue her sentence since this is an another world, but the "Goddess" was kinda angered in the inside but still smiles outside because he stopped her sentence, then she says that Goodluck to him and have a happy adventure and defeat the Demon King.

Then Genzo was finally transported to a Magic Circle and he recognizes the symbols because it's the same as the world where Raijin is, so he guesses that he is in the same world or something similar. But before exploring the world, he goes back to the advanced world and the summoners was left shocked that he disappeared and not even a single sentence from them has started yet.

When Genzo arrived again, this time his teleportation can create a big impact because of too much usage but Genzo doesn't mind it and searched for the Truck that hit him and he searched everywhere around the world with the Speed of Light but he didn't find the Truck and the other truck didn't transport him to another world.

But when he saw some Highschooler crossing the street, a Truck is coming at him and Genzo didn't mind it because that's just his fate but when the Truck hit that Highschooler, he suddenly disappeared and the Truck just continues to run when Genzo noticed it he finally found the Truck he was looking for and decided to follow it, when the Truck went to the street where there's no one, the Truck changed appearance like it's not the same truck as before.

Genzo greeted the Truck and saw that there was no driver, the truck was shocked that how he was able to find out and the truck recognized him now he thinks about it, he transported him to another world but he is thinking about how in the world did he go back in this world.

But Genzo means no harm, he asks the Truck what kind of being is that he was able to transport people to another world without a trace.

After that, the Truck formed his original form which is a human in appearance. Genzo asked what being is he and why is he transporting people to another world, and the truck talks about it since he had no choice.

"His name was Gourd, he is the transporter of Deities to the other worlds, used as a gate but Gourd got bored of waiting and using his power endlessly. So he decided to transport himself to the other world and find out that the world was way too interesting that his boredom was erased. But some troublesome deities were searching for him so he found out that he can change his appearance whatever he wants and even changes his presence so no one completely recognizes him so he chose to form himself into a truck and used a fake driver that looked like a human. So since he got bored being a truck, he decided to do something outrageous. He recklessly crash into people and transported them all into the same world but the world's population is decreasing very fast and the people started to recognize the truck that is committing massacre and annihilation, now the world's military forces and many people around the world decided to attack this truck. After the attack, he is gravely injured and can't attack because his power is only shape-shifting and world transportation. So he decided to change his appearance again to a bug and after he escapes he will turn into another truck, after then the people of the world celebrated the death of the truck annihilator. Now their lives are back to normal and he is slowing down the transportation and form back to his original form to enjoy life being a human. So he decided to only transport those who are worthy to be transported to another world and set his transportation to any fantasy world that is in danger of this being called "Demon King" or "Demon Lord"."

So Genzo knows his story now and decided to make him one of his friends (of course, to be used as world transportation for him).

Then so Genzo will return to the fantasy world and explore it before the "Demon King" arrives.

---End Chapter---