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“Today dear colleagues of the United Nations Council for Global Development. We hereby present the highest award that one can get within our organization. The Brussels Award!” A man standing behind a podium inside the UN Headquarters in Brussels, inside a large function room with a grand stage. He hoisted up a golden statue that had a figure of a person raising a large globe above their head. 

“And today, this award is going to humanity’s finest! Born in the Southeast Asian region of the world from the nation of the ASEAN Federation, She was the tip of the spear that led to solving the climate crisis of 2030, developed nanotechnology when she was 21, and has pushed the fields of medicine, technology, biology and many more to new heights!” The announcer continued 

“This award goes to one Miss Leilani Augusta!” the announcer proclaimed as the rest of the chamber stood up in applause

“May we call upon Miss Leilani to come onto the stage please!” the announcer continued. 

Then, standing from a table in the middle of the room was a woman with flowing black hair cascading down her exposed back, her voluptuous and curvaceous form was fitted inside a flowing midnight blue dress that was gorgeous and eye-catching. With warm lightly tanned skin, the usual color of skin from her region that wove well with her beautiful features on her face with a pair of black angular glasses resting on her nose. Compared to most of the people from her region she was considered a giant at 6’4 when the usual height would be 5’8, which is why instead of high heels or stilettos she chose to wear simple flat shoes that were reminiscent of her old school shoes when she was younger. 

Stepping up to the stage she smiled as she took the award in hand and shook the announcer's hand as well, watching him move off the stage to give her the limelight. 

“Good Evening, to everyone present in this room. To my friends and family, and to my colleagues in the scientific community. I am honored to have been given this award for my many years of service not just to my country, but to humanity at large. But let me make one thing clear before I proceed with the rest of my speech. It was not my single effort that had brought me here, but the hard work and efforts of many people past and present that had guided and helped me achieve what I did. And to those, I say, this award is just as yours as it is mine” Leilani began as she smiled and gestured to the award 

“Now, I will make my speech brief. I was born to a poor family, which by the standards of the ASEAN Federation at the time was horrendous. I remember we did not have much, but the one thing I was given was books to study. And so, when I had nothing else to do which was quite common, I studied and kept studying. Until one day I was able to read and decipher college-level writings and concepts. To not bore you with the details, I then got into a university, graduated with honors, and devoted my entire life to serving my nation and humanity as I believed that no one, absolutely no one, should have to experience what me and my family went through. I have devoted my life to ensuring that we live better lives on a better planet for the betterment of everyone. And since I am running out of words to say, I would like to once again thank you all for this award, I would like to thank and shoutout to those who had helped me get this far and I wish for the future of humanity to burn ever brighter!” She finished to rousing and thunderous applause as she bowed her head and stepped off stage 


Opening her eyes, Leilani sighed as she rose to her feet. The bed she was on was a different one from the usual one she was used to, the walls, were made of hardened brick instead of the metal structures she had seen rise to the sky. And the lights, instead of the LED lights that were so common, were replaced with crystals hanging off the walls that glowed dimly. 

Sigh Those were the days” she muttered to herself as she got off the bed and slipped into a comfy pair of slippers she had designed. 

Walking over to the nearby restroom she turned on the faucet she had made and began to freshen up before slipping out of her nightgown and began taking a shower. Afterwards, she dried her body and slipped into a white long-sleeved polo with a black blazer a pair of black slacks, and some sleek, shiny, black leather shoes. 

Tying her flowing hair into a neat bun and adjusting her glasses just right, she looked at herself in the mirror once more 

“To think I still look like that despite my years here” she remarked as she saw that her tall, curvaceous, and voluptuous body had remained the same despite the many years that passed. 

“But then again, that is to be expected when a god gives you semi-immortality, well, off to work then” 

Opening the main door leading out of her room, Leilani was greeted by the sight of a large room filled to the brim with bookshelves that were full on either side, with one entire side of the room being a large glass window. Inside the room, hanging off wires or bolted to the walls that were not covered in shelves were contraptions and mechanical innovations that she had designed. 

In the middle of the room, positioned perfectly in between the shelves and at the center of the glass window, was a desk that had all sorts of pictures and other trinkets that rested on its hardwood top. One of these was a name plaque that had her full name across it, and underneath the name was the job of the principal. 

Leilani Augusta

Principal of Imperia Academy

Conjuring a cup of hot chocolate in her hand, Leilani took a sip as she glazed over several documents on her desk, before placing them away and standing back up to look out the window, below her was an extravagant campus that sat in the middle of a large dense forest, the campus’s exterior and buildings inside it resemble medieval castles or castles like those in the fantasy novels she had loved to secretly read during her off hours in school. 

As she looked down below she saw many people of many different species running around as they were all either in their uniform or in their casual wear, She saw a group or two of people enjoying themselves with activities such as trying to practice spells or learning how to wield weapons properly, all of this hard work brought a smile to her face. 

“Five thousand years I have been in this world, gifting knowledge to those who wish to enroll in my academy. A slow life, but a good life. Let’s keep it up shall we?” she took another sip from her mug as she turned back to her desk and began rereading the documents. 

Leilani, a woman who used to be a renowned figure in her old world, was now on her five-thousandth year in this one. Legends of this world tell the stories of how a figure had wandered it many times over and had studied and understood everything that could be taught and fought and felled many a foe in their travels. But long have the people who knew their face have walked the world as they either died of old age or had kept the identity hidden as thanks to them, to many who read it whether they believe it or not, that person is known as “The Old Scholar”  

But to one Leilani Augusta, she was that “Old Scholar”


A/N: Hello! This is another work I plan on doing. but as my main focus is on my main story which is Amelia and Ophelia, this one will not have as many consistent uploads. but it will have chapter so don't you worry! thanks for reading and Stay Safe and Enjoy your day!