Interlude: A Birthday Party And Future Gifts
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In the capital city of Ulysses of the Kingdom of Partoba, there is celebration and festiveness in the air as the birthday of King Veryat II was in full swing and he declared it a national holiday, allowing most of the workers of the kingdom to go home and rest with their families, he also offered this to his servants and staff of the castle with a few taking him up on the offer to head home while others enthusiastically helped set up the castle for the upcoming party. Come nighttime, the many royals and nobles invited from across the continent and beyond had arrived either from traveling by carriage or had used the teleportation array with their guards as they lived too far or even on another continent. The castle's main entrance had carriages of different shapes and sizes arriving with the nobles stepping out of them also differing in size, shape and species. 

The people who were invited were given a full two hours to arrive and be announced before the party began, with their names and titles booming across the massive ballroom and being heard by the other guests and nobles. Emperors, Kings, Queens, Princesses and Princes, Dukes, Duchess' and other noble titles were stated as the number of people attending grew more and more, even commoners were present inside the castle walls although there were not as many given the majority of guests being leaders of nations and such, which would make anyone nervous. These guests were greeted by the staff of the castle and escorted to their respective tables and provided simple drinks such as water or orange juice, with the much harder liquor being reserved to when the party was in full swing, although some leaders were annoyed by this, no one could really complain as they were guests in another person's castle and it would stain their honor and their nation if they were scolded for being impatient. 

Finally, as the two hours had finished, trumpets and drums sounded throughout the castle as the main event was starting. 

"Presenting Former King and Queen, Veryat I and Anastasia I" The announcer shouted as an old couple had made their way into the ballroom from the stairs beside the main door opposite of the ballroom. 

The couple was dressed in gray robes and a gray dress, their faces had wrinkles and their hair a slightly gray. But despite this, the elderly couple was still able to walk down together without much help as they clung to one another as they descended to the applause of the many people attending. And after the applause had died down and the elderly couple seated, did the trumpets silence themselves.

"Presenting His Highness King Veryat II of House Mingdungas and his wife Queen Tatsuki of House Ainihara, with their children Crown Prince William and Crown Princess Analiese" The announcer stated with a boom as the large doors on the opposite end of the ballroom opened 

Stepping into the ballroom was a family of four of differing height and clothing. The first was a man who had a built and rugged body dressed in a stunning white long-sleeved polo with gold cuffs and buttons with black slacks and dress shoes, he had a deep green coat that had a lavish lavender cape that ran down and stopped right above his shoes. His face was young and handsome, with a luscious beard, mustache and sideburns of an auburn color like his short and curly hair that sat atop his head and cushioned the golden crown with emeralds atop it, his skin was fair and a bit on the darker side and his eyes were green just like the features of his outfit. Behind him was a woman who was much taller than him, with her height making the man only half her full stature, she wore a wonderful and flowing white gown that covered up her curvaceous and voluptuous body, with an ornate piece of metal around her chest area that hid her well-endowed breasts. Her curly raven black hair cascaded down her back like an elegant waterfall, her skin was also fair but on the lighter side unlike the man next to her, her ruby red eyes pierced into the gazes of the many people in attendance. And trailing behind her were a set of young children who were also wearing white, they hid behind their mother as they followed her down the steps after exiting the chamber they were in. The two kids had emerald green eyes with black hair, making them unmistakably the children of the two adults they accompanied. 

As the family of four descended the steps, the applause of the guests erupted and cheers were shouted by the few commoners in attendance. 

"Thank you all for coming to my birthday today" King Veryat II stated with a smile as his gaze shifted across the room, 

"As you know, I am now twenty-eight. I ascended the throne four years ago after my father decided to step down. I believe most of you know him and my mother as well" He added as he gestured to the older man and woman from earlier who were sitting and smiling at him, 

"Given the celebration, I ask that no political talks be held as we will all be getting our assess drunk tonight and suddenly waking up with a large amount of debt and trade orders in the morning will likely worsen anyone's mood" Veryat II added, with the guests chuckling at his joke 

"Anyways, the main party starts now, enjoy the food and drinks everyone, please be kind to the staff and enjoy the night, let's party!" He finished, with the guests roaring in excitement. 

After his short speech, Veryat II and Tatsuki went around greeting the guests while the children played with the other kids who were present. And as the night continued, other leaders gave speeches about Veryat II and how he has been a friend or business partner, with laughs and tears being shared amongst everyone in attendance. After a a few hours with the party still in full swing even as it was eleven in the evening despite starting at five in the afternoon, Veryat II and Tatsuki excused themselves from attendance, putting their children to sleep and then walking over to their personal bedroom. In their bedroom there was a balcony, and resting on the balcony and looking up at the stars while the sounds of music and party was down below was a woman dressed in a sleek black slacks with dress shoes, a white long sleeved polo with a long black vest and a black overcoat resting on her shoulders, her raven hair flowed freely and fluttered despite there being little wind, resting atop her beautiful face with fare skin and black eyes was a pair of black glasses that complemented her outfit. 

"Happy birthday kiddo" Leilani said with a smile as she turned to them and nodded her head 

"Thank you, and it is an honor to see you again Great Mother" Veryat II replied with a bow of his own, taking off his crown 

"I share the same thoughts Great Mother" Tatsuki added as she joined her husband in the bow 

"Oh stop, only other people need to do that. Not you, or the rest of the children of Partoba" Leilani told them with a lighthearted smile 

"Sorry Great Mother, but Father and Mother insist on us greeting you as such" Veryat II said 

"Of course they would, hehehe. By the way here is your birthday present kiddo" Leilani said as she handed him a small velvet box 

"I thank you for the gift Great Mother, but what is in it?" Veryat II bowed his head again as he handled the box with great care 

"Open it" 

At her words, Veryat II opened it to find a small golden necklace with an emerald carved in the shape of a lion resting in the center of it. His eyes widened and his mouth agape at the beauty of the gift and when he showed it to Tatsuki, she too gasped in awe at the splendor of the necklace and the jewel piece. 

"Lifetimes ago, my people had a tradition of gifting gifts at crucial ages, those ages being thirteen, twenty-eight and forty-five as they were seen as the ages when people entered new phases of their lives. And with these gifts was a small ritual, I did it for your Father and Mother before and I will do the same for you both as Tatsuki's birthday is a month away anyways, so please. Wear the necklace and then both of you close your eyes" She told them, with the married couple doing as instructed 

Leilani watched as they closed their eyes and bowed their heads and then placed both of her hands over their heads, her eyes shifting from black to stark white and glowing 

"In the names of the four Gods of the world, Ragneus the Creator, Dashran the Elemental, Armenakis the Keeper of Souls and Santomin the Scholar. I bless you. I bless you and your descendants and their kin with happiness and hardship, I bless you and your descendants with the strength to push on and the knowledge of when to yield, I bless you and your descendants the grace and humility of those who had come before and those who shall come after, life is worth living and you are a blessing" She stated as a white stream of mana poured out of her and wrapped around the duo before disappearing 

"You may both stand up now, and open your eyes" She commanded, with the duo doing so in earnest. 

When Veryat II and Tatsuki stood up, they felt their bodies had become much stronger, lighter and their mana flows increased and senses heightened. It was as if they had been enhanced beyond their usual faculties. 

"Thank you for the blessing Great Mother" Veryat II said as he bowed 

"We are eternally grateful" Tatsuki added with her husband 

"You are welcome. Now, as a birthday wish, what would you desire?" Leilani said as she sat on the balcony railing 

"Well...I would love it if you could attend the party. With your name being announced and everything" 

"Hmmm...will it be limited to only my title as the Dean of Imperia Academy?" 

"Yes! wait. Also the title of Great Mother??It will be just those and nothing else so please?" Veryat II added as he tried his best puppy dog eyes, causing Leilani to laugh at his horrible attempt

"Very well then kiddo. I have not declined a birthday within my over five thousand years of age. Very well, I will head down and walk to the castle, give you some time to ready the announcer" She added with a smile as she kissed Veryat II and Tatsuki on the forehead before vanishing into thin air 

"YEEIII! I gotta head down!" The King of Partoba excitedly declared as he began rushing out of the balcony 

"Wait for me too honey!" The Queen of Partoba added as she too wanted to see this

Around the castle, the party was still ongoing with groups of nobles and commoners intermingling and sharing stories and having a laugh. Some of the groups even began singing drinking songs and playing drinking games, with some of the rowdiest ones being restricted to a corner of the palace as they were either asleep or jittery. Among the very few attendants still sober and just watching the show was Victoria Von Eliess who was attending the party alongside her father, Emperor Alexios X of the Einheret Empire who was currently singing along with her mother Empress Gale I in a large group of other drunk nobles and commoners. Her eyes wandered along the room and what caught her eye was a servant rushing across the length of the ballroom after they had appeared from one of the side rooms,  she watched the servant walk up to the announcer near the main entrance and saw the latter nod as he was whispered something by the other servant. Her eyes then shifted back to the opposite end of the ballroom as King Veryat II and Queen Tatsuki had reappeared and were giddy. 


Suddenly, the trumpets and orchestra had struck up again, this time playing a tune that was even more regal and booming than even the tune played for the birthday celebrant. The drunken choirs of people around the castle had stopped and the many that were scattered amongst the castle gardens and grounds had trickled back into the main ballroom as the music kept on getting grander and grander before swelling into a mighty crescendo and stopping. 

"Announcing the arrival of the Great Mother of Partoba, the Dean of Imperia Academy. Leilani Augusta!" The announcer's voice boomed across the ballroom. 

The doors swung open again and in came a beautiful woman with a tall stature, her raven black hair cascaded down her back like a beautiful waterfall. Her curvaceous and voluptuous form was contained within a sleek long-sleeved white polo with a black vest with a larger black overcoat resting on her shoulders. She also had sleek black slacks and a pair of black dress shoes, her fair skin, red lips and black eyes complemented her entire being and to finish it off, the woman had a pair of black glasses resting on her nose. 

"Good evening everyone" Leilani's voice echoed across the ballroom, with the many commoners and nobles of Partoba bowing their heads, as for them, the title Great Mother of Partoba was a local piece of a fairytale on how the kingdom was founded, plus they were drunk as of the moment so to them it was a holy sight 

The rest of the gathered attendance followed in the footsteps of the drunken Partoban's noticing that even Veryat II and Tatsuki as well as the former King and Queen were doing the same. The very few one's who were still sober also followed out of confusion, questioning what was happening

"Alright everyone, you can stop bowing. This is a celebration and so I say this" Leilani said with a smile as she materialized a glass of red wine in her hand

"Cheers to King Veryat II of Partoba. Keep on pushing kiddo!" She added as she downed the entire glass, with the drunkards roaring in excitement 

"What the-" Victoria remarked as she tried taking in everything that was happening, with a ton of questions already filling up her mind. But she knew that tonight was not a good time for those questions as it was a celebration and she was not going to be the one to spoil it. 

Elsewhere in the ballroom, a woman with flowing and curly silver hair with crimson eyes, was leaning on a pillar and looking at the woman at the top of the entrance stairs. Her beauty was enhanced by her fair skin and tall height as well as the beautiful black dress with gold trim she was wearing. Her eyes were filled with a sort of soulmate like attraction as they gazed upon the woman named Leilani. Her lips curved into a small smile as she continued looking at her. She had come here as a representative for the King of Addahare who was currently occupied with familial matters, she was a high ranking general in the Royal Army of Addahare and was known as the Silver Spectre by her soldiers, General Martha Sinclair. 

"So you are Leilani...the woman I am meant to lovely" She muttered with a smile as she looked down at the pair of rings she was given by a certain Goddess of Wisdom



A/N: AND HERE IS THE INTERLUDE! And my oh my, someone has just arrived! I hope you enjoyed reading this as I had a lot of fun writing it. If you gots comments or thoughts let me know down below and just to let people know the art is ai bc I am broke. Anyways, as always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day!