Interlude: ????????
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The sounds of screams and low defiant roars filled the air as I began to run, mother was tugging me along with her tendrils and I was scared as to what was happening. All around us, hundreds of warriors marched forward to combat whatever had come, I saw their crimson eyes fire upon spells that I was told could devastate entire continents in the other realm. My elders had told me that we were once the strongest race in existence, "The Leviathans" we were called. A race that birthed the universe and was betrayed by its creations, Mother and Father told me we were fighting to reclaim our power and wipe away all of the rogue creations. 


Suddenly, the sound of a large blast came from behind us as we ran, I looked behind and saw several of the warriors protecting us turn into dust upon being struck by crimson lightning which was terrifying to look at. Mother pulled me harder as we ran faster, I was already feeling tired but seeing my mother put so much effort made me do the same. 

"Ξ¢∠⊕γε" Mother told me as we took cover behind a barricade guarded by several mighty warriors 

"Ÿκν≅∴" I replied as I held onto her tight, the sounds of fighting getting closer and closer to us

My octopi-shaped head peered over the barricade and what I saw scared me. Wave upon wave of our warriors, behemoths that towered over our creations were cut down piecemeal by a small figure dressed in all white, the crimson bolts being fired from her hands tore through everything they touched and I watched in horror as our warriors of legend disintegrated into nothing. Then, as another wave came to fight the figure, massive tendrils erupted from the ground and impaled the warriors before coiling around them and squeezing them into dust. Mother had told me we have regeneration and faster healing meaning we could practically not die, but the sight before me said otherwise. The figure walked closer and closer and I felt so many emotions building up inside me as I began to let out a cry of despair 

"ãτéÙΕ" Mother tried to soothe me as she too saw the carnage, we had nowhere else to go. This dimension was all we had left and it seemed that we were going to die as well

I'm scared. 

I don't want to die. 

Not like this. 

I turned my head and saw a final wave of warriors charge forward in one last desperate attempt, to stop whatever it was from reaching us. I held out hope as I saw some of the legendary figures of our race thunder forward, a final hope that they could save us. 


But to my horror, I saw all of their heads explode into chunks and chunks of darkened matter, their massive bodies and weapons falling to the ground and soaking the area they lay still upon. 

I looked behind us and saw there were very few of us left, most of us children and our parents. There was one soldier left and he marched forward, placing himself before us and the figure. He too met the same fate as I saw several tendrils impale him from the ground up and then dragged his body into the darkness. 

I then saw the figure just a few feet away from me, looking down at her, I could not believe something so tiny could ravage our mighty race, our opulent towns and cities reduced to smoldering ash and debris. Mother placed herself in front of me and we both stared down the figure together, her white dress and veil hiding the identity of the thing before us. 

"Listen here" It spoke with a commanding feminine voice, it even spoke in our tongue which was even more frightening 

"I will give your race a warning, a warning that I shall only give once. If you ever try to invade my dimension again, I will see to it that every single one of you is removed from existence. I shall become the righteous hand of the Gods that will wipe you clean from this realm. Am I understood?" It added, with all of us nodding in reply

"Good. Pray that we will not cross paths again...Strongest race in existence" The last line was dripping with mockery as it removed the veil and I saw a face with a pair of black angular glasses resting on it 

"Because if we do. It will be your last" It finished as I saw in its gaze nothing but silent and unrelenting fury. It made me cower behind my mother who was also shaking. 


Over four thousand years have passed since that day, I stand before a new and reinvigorated race of Leviathans. We have rebuilt and we have been reborn, we will finally claim vengeance on our wayward creations and seize the power that was wrongfully taken from us. I think back to the words of that young mortal and I scoff, by this point that mortal is dead and dust, and nothing shall stand in our way for good. We have already made spies out of the mortals who were weak to our influence and soon, they shall open a grand portal to herald our arrival. The time of vengeance is at hand!

Who is going to stop us now? 


A/N: Hello there! So, here is an interlude for the future part of the arc hehehehe, if you have comments or reactions, post em down below so I can read em. And as always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day!