Chapter 3 – Dispatched
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Ambra had nestled herself in a cozy nook of the forest cave, thinking she could finally catch some much-needed shut-eye. Did she even need to sleep as a vampire now? She did not know. Her eyes closed, and she was just beginning to drift into a light slumber when a growl shattered the tranquility of the night. Her eyes snapped open as her heart performed a drum solo in her chest – seriously, could she not catch a break?

Almost at the realm between wakefulness and dreams, Ambra had sensed a disturbance. The air grew heavy with disturbed energy, at the edge of her perception, she caught a glimpse of movement – a shadow merging with shadows, a presence that shouldn't be there.

Knowing what this was, a guttural growl pierced the stillness of the night, and the ground beneath her trembled. Emerging from the darkness, an Ashen Wolf materialized, its fur resembling swirling ash caught in a storm. The creature's eyes glowed with an unnatural, hungry crimson, fixated solely on Ambra.

"Of course, it's never a cuddly squirrel," Ambra muttered tiredly, her eyes locked onto the approaching wolf.

Ambra efficiently jumped to her feet, her body tensed for action. The Ashen Wolf lunged, its ash-like fur rustling with each powerful stride. But Ambra was faster, her trained movements and newfound strength propelling her out of the way with an agile grace that defied her former limitations. She sidestepped the assault with the grace of a dancer avoiding a clumsy partner. She could practically hear the wolf grumbling.

The wolf turned to face her, its growls becoming a symphony of irritation. "Oh, don't give me that look," Ambra quipped. "You're the one crashing my nap"

With swift precision, the Ashen Wolf snapped with ferocious speed again, this time aiming for Ambra's throat in retaliation. But she was ready. Her legs moved like lightning, striking the creature with a series of swift, deadly kicks that sent it reeling.

The creature's snarls turned into pained howls as Ambra's blows landed with ruthless accuracy. Each strike, each movement calculated and lethal. Despite the ferocity of the Ashen Wolf's attacks, Ambra's agility allowed her to evade its advances and retaliate with merciless precision.However, despite her unshaken concentration. There was something that surprised Ambra throughout this fight. The only reason why she hadn't dispatched this pesky dog sooner.

What had struck Ambra most was her newfound acute awareness of the creature's blood lust. It was as if she could perceive the very essence of its rage, an almost tangible aura of darkness that emanated from its core. Her senses, heightened beyond what she had ever known as a human, granted her this unnerving insight. She felt as if she could envision the pathways through which this creature's blood was flowing, grating her an acute vision of its blood thirst and drive to kill Ambra.

Finally, with a final, bone-shattering kick, Ambra sent the Ashen Wolf crashing to the ground. It twitched and convulsed, its once-glowing eyes dimming as life fled its body. The cave once again fell into silence, the tension in the air dissipating as swiftly as it had come.

Approaching the corpse of the Ashen Wolf she felt amazed once more, it was still surreal to her. How could she not even be tired from fighting such a thing? Sure, even as a human such a monster would be a non-issue, but to not even release some heavy breaths from her fast movements?

Ambra took a small glance at her alabaster complexion. A proof that she was no longer human. She mourned this fact, but there was little that could be done at this point.

But then, as the aftermath of her victory settled, a scent wafted into her senses, interrupting her inner ramblings. It was a scent unlike anything she had ever experienced before – sweet, intoxicating, and utterly irresistible.

Her nostrils twitched as her head turned involuntarily toward the source of the aroma. Her eyes widened as she stared at the fallen Ashen Wolf. Her amusement turned to bewilderment as she realized that the scent was coming from the creature's wounds, where its ashen fur had been torn apart by her kicks.

The scent was undeniable, a seductive perfume that held her senses captive. It was the sweetest thing known to man, incomparable to anything she had ever smelled before. It was as if the scent itself had a gravitational pull, drawing her closer to the lifeless body of the creature.

Ambra's gaze locked onto the pooling blood beneath the Ashen Wolf's body. Her shock was palpable as the realization hit her – the scent, the allure, it was the blood. Her heightened senses, her new nature as a vampire.

'Blood... Right.'

She couldn't tear her gaze away from the crimson pool, her heart racing as her instincts went haywire. A thirst, unlike anything she had ever experienced, surged through her veins. It was a primal hunger, a yearning that seemed to originate from the very depths of her being.

Ambra's throat tightened as if the thirst itself was a physical entity. Her mouth watered, and she felt a tingling sensation at the tips of her fangs. Her own shock at this new sensation was a strange counterpoint to the raw, intense desire that pulsed within her.

No, she thought desperately, trying to quell the sudden and overwhelming urge. This couldn't be happening. She had fought against the vampires, against their predatory nature. 'Please, I can't do this.' She wasn't one of them.

But as the Ashen Wolf's corpse seeped more blood onto the forest cave's floor, Ambra's internal struggle intensified. It was as if the scent of the blood was a siren's call, echoing in her mind, drowning out reason and resistance.

Torn between her nature as a vampire and her determination to resist the allure, Ambra's body trembled. She took a step back, distancing herself from the fallen creature and its blood. Her heart pounded, the struggle within her escalating into a fierce battle of wills.

No longer in the right state of mind, Ambra took a step forward. Wearing a crazed look on her face, unfitting for a girl known as the hero of the land, Ambra performed a swift animalistic movement as silver strands of hair fluttered in the wind.


Somewhere far away, in the Royal Castle of the Kingdom of Nuberia...

King Sebastien stood on the balcony of his grand chamber, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. A mixture of concern and hesitation weighed heavily on his heart. News of the magical shockwave that had rippled across the land had reached his ears, and he knew that action had to be taken. The stability of his kingdom was at stake. He regretted their mightiest hero, Ambra, going on an expedition for what seemed to be a suicidal mission against everyone's wishes. No one could've stopped her. Her thirst for revenge was much too strong.

With a heavy sigh, he turned as the doors to his chamber swung open. A cloaked figure strode in, her presence commanding attention even in the presence of the king. Her jet-black hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of shadows, and her crimson eyes held an intensity that was both captivating and unnerving. Her reputation for being formidable in combat was rivaled only by her equally notorious reputation for her abrasive personality.

"Lune," King Sebastien began, his voice measured, "we are facing an unprecedented situation. The shockwave that followed the incident on the Vampire territory has possibly put our kingdom at risk."

"Possibly?" Lune's lips quirked into a sardonic smile. "Seems like someone stirred up a hornet's nest."

The king's brows furrowed. "This is no time for levity, Lune. We must ascertain the cause of the shockwave and the potential threat it poses to our realm."

Lune's smile faded, replaced by a glimmer of annoyance. "So, what? You want me to play detective now?"

King Sebastien hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "You are our strongest combatant, Lune. Your magical prowess and combat skills are unparalleled. I'm sending you as part of an inquiry force to investigate the source of the shockwave and ascertain the situation over in the Vampire territory."

Lune's gaze narrowed, suspicion evident in her eyes. "And why me? You know as well as I do that I'm not exactly a model diplomat."

The king sighed, his gaze dropping to the floor for a moment. "True, your reputation precedes you, Lune. But your strength is unmatched, and this situation requires someone who can handle the dangers that may have caused the shockwave."

Lune crossed her arms, her features a mixture of defiance and contemplation. "And what about Ambra?"

The mention of Ambra's name seemed to cast a shadow over the room. King Sebastien's expression tightened, his regret palpable. "Ambra... I understand the history between you two. But she is gone at the moment, and we have to focus on the present."

Lune's gaze hardened. "She's not just 'gone,' she's likely dead because of that damned Vampire Queen, just like the rest of the people you gave that death sentence to. Don't think I've forgotten that you're the one who chose us for that unconceivable quest in the first place."

The king's shoulders sagged, the weight of guilt heavy upon him. "I know, Lune. And I've regretted that decision every day since. But who else could've even fought back the armies of the Vampires? Now, we have a duty to our kingdom. We need answers, and we need to ensure the safety of our people. We need to ensure your efforts were not for naught."

Lune's lips pressed into a thin line, her internal struggle evident. After a tense moment, she finally nodded. "Fine. I'll go investigate, but don't expect me to be all smiles and pleasantries."

King Sebastien offered a weary smile. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Lune."

As Lune turned to leave, the king's gaze remained fixed on her retreating figure. The unresolved tension between Lune and Ambra weighed heavily on his mind. He thought of the simple youngsters' shoulders who he had placed the weight of the world upon, and how some had crumbled into nothing but the memories of those who held them dear. He regretted what he had done, but it had all been necessary. Thinking back upon that small heroic back, that lustrous black jet-black hair and that decided smile that had sworn to protect the kingdom, her friends, and humanity as a whole, he could only pray for that unparalleled hero's safety.

'Please be well, Ambra.'


Hey, two chapters in a day. Nice. Anyways, I don't think this will always be the pace but I'll try to write as much as I can. Hopefully, you enjoyed today's two chapters,  they've been pretty fun to write. 

See you tomorrow.
