Chapter 4 – Blood Tasting
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Ambra could feel the pull, the insistent craving that whispered in the back of her mind. A mixture of horror and fascination gripped her.

Unable to resist any longer, Ambra's gaze locked onto the crimson pool beneath the Ashen Wolf's lifeless form. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath shallow and quick as her fangs tingled with seemingly a life of their own. She took a hesitant step forward, her hand trembling as it reached out to touch the blood.

As her fingers brushed against the sticky liquid, a shiver coursed through her. She looked at her finger with an intense focus, tainted with just a hint of blood. Bringing the finger up to her mouth, putting the crimson droplet against her tongue made her eyes go wide. The metallic tang of the blood clashed against her previous sense of taste, sending conflicting sensations through her body. But that clash was swiftly overwritten by something else – a sensation that was both familiar and entirely new.

The taste was sweet, almost impossibly so, like nectar from the gods. It was as if every desire and longing she had ever felt was encapsulated in that single drop of blood. It was invigorating, exhilarating.

Ambra's moral qualms, her inner turmoil, were swiftly put aside as the taste of blood hijacked her brain. The instincts of her vampire nature took over, driving her to lean down, her lips parting, and press them to the wound on the Ashen Wolf's side.

The moment her lips touched the blood, an explosion of sensation engulfed her. The taste was intoxicating, the very essence of life and death swirling together on her tongue. She felt a surge of energy, a rush of power that surged through her like a tidal wave, erasing all doubts and hesitation.

Despite the deliciousness of the blood, there was something missing – a hint of something that eluded her grasp. But that thought was a distant whisper, overshadowed by the euphoria of the moment. Ambra's senses were consumed by the taste, the texture, the very essence of the blood, and she couldn't help but give in to the irresistible craving.

As she drank, Ambra didn't care for her ethereal appearance should an onlooker have witnessed the disturbing yet beautiful scene. The moonlight bathed her in an ethereal glow, highlighting her silver hair that cascaded around her like a liquid cascade of moonbeams. Her crimson eyes burned like twin fires against her pale alabaster skin, the contrast stark and captivating.

Her posture was both beautiful and deadly, a predator in the moonlit glade, savoring the essence of her prey. Her senses were heightened, every rustle of leaves, every whisper of the wind, magnified in her consciousness. The blood's power surged within her, a wild dance of energy and vitality that coursed through her very being.

Finally, with a slow and deliberate movement, Ambra pulled her lips away from the Ashen Wolf's corpse. A small, satisfied sigh escaped her as she licked the remnants of blood from her lips, savoring the taste with almost sinful pleasure. The metallic tang was gone, replaced by the lingering sweetness that sent tingles of delight down her spine.

As she gazed at the now-deserted corpse, her eyebrows arched in mild astonishment. The Ashen Wolf had been drained so completely that if it were a juice box, even the straw wouldn't have yielded a drop. "Guess I got a little carried away there," she muttered, her voice tinged with an amused embarrassment.

As the euphoria of the experience began to ebb, Ambra straightened, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. Ambra's gaze grew thoughtful. She had lost herself in the experience, time slipping away as she indulged her thirst for the unknown. She had given in to her vampire nature, her instincts leading her down a path she had once sworn to avoid. But as she stood there, moonlight bathing her in a silver glow, she couldn't deny the allure of what she had just tasted.

A sense of both wonder and wariness settled over her. She had ventured into uncharted territory, and the power of that sensation was both exhilarating and terrifying. She could feel the echoes of the blood's energy within her, a spark of something ancient and potent that now coursed through her veins.

Ambra's gaze lingered on the lifeless form of the Ashen Wolf, a mixture of respect and regret in her eyes. She had consumed its essence, drawn upon its life force to feed her own hunger.With a final glance at the once-alive creature, Ambra straightened, her silver hair shimmering like moonlight as she moved.

Amidst the crackling of the fire, Ambra found herself a seat on a weathered stone, her gaze fixed on the dancing flames. The warmth of the fire was a stark contrast to the thoughts swirling in her mind, a reflection of the decisions that now lay before her. With a heavy sigh, she began to stir her thoughts, figuring out what to do now.

"Going back to Nuberia is out of the question," she mused, her voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and resignation. The kingdom she had once called home was now a place that would likely see her as a monster, a vampire who had once been their hero. It was a bitter irony that she couldn't help but chuckle at. "Guess saving the kingdom didn't exactly come with a 'get out of vampire free' card."

Her thoughts shifted to the idea of hunting down more vampires, her lips twisting into a thoughtful frown. "But that's a double-edged sword," she admitted, her brows furrowing. While she had the skills to take on the bloodsuckers, the aftermath of such battles would undoubtedly attract attention. From humans, from monsters, and from other vampires looking to protect their own.

A shadow crossed her features as she considered the potential repercussions. "And it wouldn't exactly help my goal of staying under the radar. I don't want to be a beacon for trouble." The last thing she needed was to draw unnecessary attention while she was still grappling with her own newfound vampire instincts.

The name 'Lune' echoed in her mind, and her thoughts drifted to her former party member – a skilled and relentless warrior with eyes as cold as ice. "Lune... no," Ambra said firmly, as if the mere thought of encountering her former ally sent a shiver down her spine. The memories of their confrontations, the tension that had eventually torn them apart, were wounds that hadn't fully healed.

"But I can't just wander aimlessly," Ambra muttered, frustration tainting her tone. The realization was clear – she needed a plan, a goal to pursue, a destination to reach. "I need to find a human settlement," she continued, her voice growing more resolute. The idea of rejoining civilization, even in this new form, was strangely comforting.

Her mind spun with possibilities, and her gaze flickered to the fire as if seeking answers within its depths. "Altura," she whispered, the name carrying a sense of safety and possibility. The neighboring kingdom was far from the raging war of Nuberia, and it bordered the vampire territory. It made sense – a place where she could distance herself from her past, where the heated conflicts of Nuberia wouldn't follow her.

The fire crackled in response, casting flickering shadows on her features as if agreeing with her choice. With a nod, Ambra rose from the stone, her path now clear in her mind. She had a destination, a purpose, a plan to forge her way in this new world she had become a part of.

As she stood at the edge of the cave, Ambra cast a final glance back at the flickering fire and the shadows it cast. "Goodbye, Nuberia," she whispered, a mixture of nostalgia and determination in her voice. She was leaving behind a kingdom that had once been her home, a realm that held memories both cherished and painful.

With that, she turned her gaze to the East, the direction that led to the frontier of the Vampire territory and Altura beyond. The wind ruffled her silver hair, carrying with it the promise of a new beginning. Without hesitation, she began to run, her footsteps carrying her away from the past and towards a future full of uncertainties and adventures.

The moonlight illuminated her path, casting long shadows that seemed to dance in rhythm with her steps. As the darkness embraced her, Ambra felt a mixture of excitement and determination. She was embarking on a journey of self-discovery, a quest to find her place in a world that had been reshaped by her own transformation.

With each stride, she left behind the echoes of her old life.