Chapter 9 – Betrayal
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The rest of the weekend passed enjoyably in each other's company. Between quiet intimacy and lively conversation, Rose and Edward filled every moment with connection. 

When Monday morning finally came, Rose blinked awake slowly, smiling at the familiar warmth pressed against her back - Edward. His arm was draped securely around her waist, their legs tangled comfortably under the sheets.

Rose took a moment just to savor waking up in his embrace. The subtle sound of his breath and the occasional drowsy nuzzle into her hair filled her with contentment. She wished they could stay like this all morning.

Eventually, Edward began to rouse behind her, nose brushing against her shoulder as he breathed her in. His grip around her middle tightened affectionately.

"Mmm good morning," he murmured, voice still gravelly with sleep in an unfairly attractive way.

Rose rolled over to face him, heart skipping a beat at the charming way his auburn hair stuck up at odd angles. She smoothed it down gently.

"Morning," she said softly. Leaning in, she captured his lips in a slow, sweet kiss.

Edward responded ardently, both waking up now as their kisses grew more passionate. He shifted over her, hand trailing teasingly along her side. Rose sighed into his mouth, arching up closer.

A jarring buzz interrupted them. Rose's alarm. With a regretful groan, she reached over to shut it off.

"As much as I wish we could stay in bed all day, I have to start getting ready for work," Rose said with a reluctant sigh as she sat up. 

Edward groaned dramatically and flopped onto his back, throwing an arm over his eyes. "Work is so inconvenient."

Rose laughed and swatted his chest playfully. "I know you'd rather spend the day with me, but someone has to pay the bills."

He peeked out from under his arm to flash her a smirk. "We could always find more creative ways of funding our lavish lifestyle together, you know."

Rolling her eyes fondly, Rose leaned down to give him a quick kiss. "I'll take an honest paycheck for now. Rain check on the criminal conspiring?" 

Edward pecked her lips in return. "You've got yourself a deal, darling. Now off you go before you're late - I'll be here planning our retirement in nefarious style."

Rose chuckled as she climbed out of bed, feeling his gaze admiring her bare skin as she headed to the bathroom to start getting ready. Twenty minutes later, she emerged dressed in a lavender skirt and blazer.

Edward let out an exaggerated wolf whistle from where he still reclined lazily against the pillows. "Have I mentioned how incredibly sexy you look in power suits?"

"Only every time I wear one," Rose grinned, leaning down to give him one more lingering kiss goodbye. "I left you spare towels and anything else you need. Make yourself at home and I'll see you tonight?"

"I eagerly await it," Edward purred. 

With a final blown kiss, Rose hurried out the door before she could change her mind and crawl back into his inviting arms.

The work day passed swiftly in a blur of meetings, analytics reports, and managing the various projects underway. Before she knew it, Rose was gathering her things to head home as evening fell, thoughts turning happily to seeing Edward again.

Stepping outside, she paused at a sudden fanciful sight - on the hood of her car, a beautiful glittering butterfly brooch rested atop an envelope. Curious, she picked it up carefully to examine it. The wings were an iridescent purple and intricately detailed.

Sliding a note out of the envelope, Rose read the looping cursive message:

My dear Alice,

This brooch made me think of you. I do hope you'll accept this small token of affection and grace me with your charming company again soon.


Your Tetch

Rose's brow furrowed. Tetch...that was the last name of the exuberant fellow who had introduced himself as Jervis at the Iceberg Lounge a couple of days ago. Edward had quickly steered her away from his over-eager attention at the time.

She studied the note and brooch again uncertainly. It seemed an oddly personal gift from someone she barely knew. The Alice reference was lost on her too. 

With a bemused shake of her head, Rose tucked the items into her purse and got in her car to drive home.

Pulling up to her building, she smiled seeing Edward's car still parked out front. He must have made himself at home as she suggested. Rose quickened her pace, eager to see him.

Inside, she found Edward in the kitchen preparing two wine glasses and a charcuterie platter. At the sound of the door, he turned with a charming grin.

"There's my favorite lady," he purred, crossing over swiftly to fold Rose into his embrace. She melted against him, the stress of the day dissipating.

"I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of whipping up a little appetizer spread for us," Edward said, handing her a glass of rich red wine.

"You're spoiling me," Rose smiled, clinking their glasses together before savoring a sip. 

The full-bodied wine paired perfectly with the savory cured meats and cheeses Edward had artfully arranged.

Over their impromptu happy hour, Rose recounted the happenings of her day while Edward added amusing commentary. Everything felt so easy and natural together.

As they moved to the living room with their second glasses, Rose suddenly remembered the odd gift left on her car. 

"The strangest thing happened when I left work today..." she began.

Reaching into her purse, she withdrew the brooch and note to show Edward. His eyebrows shot up as he examined them.

"It's from that Jervis fellow we met at the Lounge. He left them on my car, can you believe it? I barely even spoke to him that night."

Edward's expression darkened. "Yes, Tetch has always had...peculiar fixations. I should have realized he might latch onto you after crossing paths."

He set down the items with a look of distaste. Taking her hand, he met her eyes intently. "Promise me you'll alert me immediately if he contacts you again."

Rose squeezed his hand reassuringly. "I'm sure it's harmless. But I promise."

Settling against Edward's side, she tried to put the odd interaction out of her mind. Jervis was likely just an eccentric loner trying too hard to make a connection. Still, a small knot of unease lingered.

The next morning, Rose arrived at Wayne Enterprises energized and ready to tackle another full day of work. She had just settled in at her desk to review the latest analytics report when her office phone rang.

"Wayne Enterprises Marketing, this is Rose speaking," she answered professionally. 

"Why hello my dear! I do hope you enjoyed my little gift," a cheerful voice replied.

Rose froze. "Jervis? How did you get this number?"

"Oh I have my ways," he said evasively. "Now I simply must have you over for tea and crumpets soon. Are you free this Saturday?"

"Um, I don't think that's a good idea..." Rose hedged.

"But I insist! I won't take no for an answer," Jervis pressed. "I have so much to tell you, my darling Alice."

Rose frowned in confusion at the Alice reference again. "Look Jervis, I'm flattered, but I'm seeing someone. We barely know each other."

"Tut tut, no need to decide now. Just promise you'll consider my invitation," Jervis cajoled.

Before Rose could respond, he bid a cheery goodbye and hung up. Rose slowly returned the phone to its cradle, feeling shaken. This was getting out of hand. 

That evening, Rose decided to wait until after dinner to tell Edward about the disturbing call. No need to ruin their evening over what was likely just a misunderstanding.

Over wine and pasta at her small kitchen table, she asked Edward more about his history with Jervis.

"He's always been obsessed with Lewis Carroll's Wonderland books," Edward explained with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Harmless, but annoyingly fixated on the fantasy."

Rose nodded, hesitating. "It's just...he somehow got my work number today and called me. Invited me over for tea this weekend."

Edward froze, the fork halfway to his mouth. "He did what?"

"I told him no obviously, that we barely know each other," Rose said quickly.

Edward's face clouded over in anger. "That obsessive imbecile! How dare he harass the woman I..." He cut himself short, hand curling into a fist on the table.

Rose reached over and placed her hand gently over his. "It's alright, I'm not going. But I did want to tell you, like I promised."

Edward took a deep breath, turning his hand to interlace their fingers. "You were right to inform me. I'll speak with Jervis and make clear you are not to be bothered again."

Rose felt a renewed sense of security knowing Edward was going to deal with Jervis. Surely once he made it clear Rose wasn't interested, the eccentric rogue would move on.

The following morning at the office, Rose went about her day in higher spirits, the disturbing call now fading to the back of her mind. Around mid-morning, however, the phone on her desk rang. She answered it cheerfully expecting a client, but was met with Jervis's voice instead.

"Good morning my dear! I do hope you've reconsidered my little tea invitation?"

Rose's good mood evaporated instantly. "Jervis, I already told you I'm not interested in meeting up. Please don't call me at work again."

"But my dear Alice, it would simply delight me so..." Jervis pressed with a dramatic sigh.

"I have to go," Rose said brusquely. "Please leave me alone." She hung up in frustration.

Clearly, Edward hadn't gotten through to him yet. Well, it was still early. Surely he would speak to Jervis soon and firmly dissuade him from this pointless pursuit.

When her lunch break arrived, Rose texted Edward nervously. "Did you happen to speak with Jervis today? Let me know, thanks."

His reply came a half hour later. "Yes, ran into him briefly. The situation is handled."

Rose relaxed and sent a quick grateful text back. Good, now maybe she could put this uncomfortable situation behind her. She finished her day in a better mood.

On her way out that evening, Rose texted Edward again to see if he wanted to meet up for a bite to eat. But his reply was oddly terse.

"Can't tonight, I'm busy."

Puzzled, Rose tried again. "No problem! Tomorrow maybe? Could cook you dinner at my place."

This time his response took even longer. "Perhaps. I'll let you know."

Frowning, Rose headed home feeling a bit dejected. It wasn't like Edward to be so cool and distant. She hoped nothing was wrong and that they could see each other soon.

The next morning her worries lingered. At the office again, Rose found it hard to concentrate, frequently checking her silent phone.

Maybe he was just caught up dealing with the Jervis situation, she told herself. Still, his aloofness bothered her. They always made time for each other before.

Around noon, Rose was absentmindedly scanning through work emails when one subject line caught her attention: "Thought you should see this."

She opened it cautiously. There were no words, just an attachment. Heart sinking, Rose downloaded the image files with trembling hands.

The photos showed Edward at the Iceberg Lounge late last night, laughing and sipping drinks with a scantily clad blonde woman draped on his arm. In one, they gazed into each other's eyes as Edward stroked her cheek.

Tears blurred Rose's vision. How could he dismiss her as being "busy" last night, then turn around and take this woman out instead?

Fingers shaking, Rose printed out the incriminating photos. Then she grabbed her things and rushed out, ignoring her supervisor's questions. Right now she needed answers.

Rose pounded angrily on the door of Edward's secret hideout. When he opened it, surprise flashed across his face before being replaced by a charming grin.

"Rose! What a delightful surprise, do come-"

She cut him off by shoving the photos at his chest. "Do you care to explain THESE?" Rose spat accusingly.

Edward glanced down at them, confusion knitting his brow. "Where did you get these? I wasn't even at the Iceberg last night."

"Oh don't lie to me!" Rose shouted, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "You brushed me off, just to take this- this JEZEBEL out instead!"

Edward held up his hands imploringly. "Rose, listen to me. I have no recollection of being at the Lounge with this woman last night. I swear to you!"

But Rose was too hurt and angry to listen. "Save your breath, Edward! I'm not an idiot. How could you betray me like this?"

She crumpled to the ground, sobs wracking her shoulders. Distantly she felt Edward's hand on her back.

"Darling, you have to believe me," he implored. "I would never cheat on you. Something strange is going on here."

Rose shoved his hand away. "Don't touch me! I saw the proof, Edward. Just admit you don't really care about me."

"You know that's not true!" Edward protested desperately. But Rose had already turned and ran away, vision blurred with tears.

Rose couldn't see where she was going with the hot tears blinding her. She just knew she had to get away from Edward's apartment, away from him and his betrayal.

Finally, her legs gave out and she collapsed onto a bench, sobbing wretchedly. How could he do this to her? She thought he cared about her, but it was all lies. Rose felt like her heart was being ripped from her chest.

She barely registered the people giving her concerned glances as they passed by. Curled up on herself, she let the pain wash over her in choking waves.

After what felt like hours, Rose's gut-wrenching sobs quieted to occasional hiccups and sniffles. The torrent of tears finally slowed, leaving her drained and hollow inside. She stared vacantly ahead, unable to muster the energy to lift her head.

Distantly, she registered someone approaching and sitting down on the bench next to her.

"My dear girl, whatever is the matter?" a gently lilting voice inquired.

Rose wearily lifted her gaze to see Jervis Tetch looking down at her in concern, a deep furrow in his brow. 

"Oh, Jervis..." she said hoarsely, her voice rough from crying. Fresh tears welled up in her stinging eyes.

"There, there," Jervis soothed, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder. When Rose didn't recoil from his touch, he began patting her back gently.

"Tell me everything," he coaxed. "I can't stand to see you so upset, my dear."

Haltingly, through renewed sobs, Rose told him about the photos of Edward and the mystery woman, and their terrible fight afterward. It all came pouring out of her in a flood of pain and anguish.

Jervis made sympathetic noises, passing her his handkerchief. "That scoundrel! I always knew he would break your heart. You deserve so much better." He shook his head ruefully.

At his words, Rose only cried harder. Because despite everything, some naive part of her heart still felt that Edward had been her better - the man she was meant to be with. Even now, it rebelled against the awful proof she had seen.

"Oh Rose, I'm so sorry," Jervis said softly, putting an arm around her shoulders and pulling her gently against his side.

Too heartsick to care about propriety, Rose collapsed against him, clinging to his colorful jacket as she soaked it with her tears. She just needed someone solid to lean on in this moment of complete devastation, even if it was Jervis.

Jervis simply held her, lightly stroking her hair in a soothing, rhythmic motion. After a while, Rose's tears slowed again until she lay slumped against him limply, utterly drained.

With a delicate hand under her chin, Jervis tilted her face up to examine her with sympathy. "It’s getting late. Let me walk you to your car."

Rose nodded numbly. She had driven over to Edward's hideout in her distressed state earlier. Her car was still parked haphazardly down the block.

Jervis wrapped a steadying arm around Rose's shoulders and slowly guided her down the sidewalk toward where she had left her car.

Seeing the vehicle brought a fresh wave of pain as memories of happier times driving around with Edward flooded Rose's mind. She leaned against the side and put her face in her hands with a choked sob.

"There, there," Jervis soothed, clasping her shoulder bracingly. "Give me your keys, I'll drive us to your apartment."

Too overwhelmed to argue, Rose sat weeping softly in the passenger seat while Jervis drove. She gave him directions in a tearful mumble.

Soon they pulled up at her familiar block. Jervis escorted Rose upstairs, unlocking her door with the key she mutely handed over.

Inside, the once welcoming space now seemed full of ghosts of better times. Rose collapsed onto the sofa in a fresh bout of sobs.

"Perhaps I should stay the night, make sure you're alright," Jervis fretted, wringing his hands as Rose cried into a throw pillow.

She managed to compose herself enough to shake her head firmly. As kind as he was, she couldn't bear having him here while she was so raw.

"I'll be okay," Rose said hoarsely. "I just need to be alone right now. But thank you, Jervis."

Jervis still hesitated, hovering nearby anxiously. Finally, he stepped closer and clasped one of Rose's hands in both of his.

"If you need anything at all, please call me anytime. Here is my number." He pressed a neatly folded paper into her palm.

Rose nodded tearfully. "I will. Thank you, Jervis."

With obvious difficulty, Jervis let himself out the door. Rose latched it after him and leaned back against the wood with a shaky exhale. 

She appreciated Jervis' kindness in her time of need, but couldn't forget his inappropriate fixation before now. Though he'd been nothing but supportive today, deep unease still lingered in her gut. 

Shakily unfolding the paper Jervis had given her, Rose hesitated as she stared at his number. She wasn't sure how much she could trust him, obsession or not. Still, having someone to call if the loneliness became too much might offer some small comfort. And she owed him gratitude for getting her home safely in her fragile state. 

With a weary sigh, Rose entered the number and then turned off her phone. She dragged herself to bed, emotionally and physically spent.

The next morning, Rose woke up feeling hollow and numb. As she lay staring at the ceiling, painful memories of Edward flooded her exhausted mind - every laugh, every tender kiss they had shared now seemed tainted by his betrayal.

Though her eyes burned, no more tears fell after crying herself dry the day before. The ache in her chest only grew more profound as time passed.

Finding no relief in replaying the same agonizing thoughts, Rose reached for her phone. As she powered it on, a flood of desperate texts and voicemails from Edward appeared, pleading with her to talk. Each one felt like a fresh stab of pain. Hands shaking, she blocked his number. Facing him right now would break what little composure she had left.

Still trembling, Rose dialed her office. She could barely get the words out to call in sick. The idea of pretending everything was fine today felt unbearable.

In a moment of loneliness, Rose found her fingers hovering over Jervis's number. She hesitated, conflicted. His past inappropriate fixation on her still made her uneasy. Yet she recalled his kindness yesterday comforting her without judgement when she was distraught. Perhaps his company would provide a needed distraction from the pain of Edward's betrayal.

Before she could overthink it, Rose composed a message to Jervis: 

"Jervis, it's Rose. I know I said I wanted to be alone, but I find myself wondering...does that tea invitation of yours still stand? Honestly, could really use a friend today if you're free." 

She chewed her lip anxiously after hitting send. But soon her phone chimed with Jervis's enthusiastic response:

"My dear girl! Of course, it would be my absolute pleasure to provide companionship in this difficult time. In fact, I know just the spot to lift your spirits - Storybook Land amusement park. They have a wonderful Alice in Wonderland section I think you'll adore. Expect me at your door in one hour!"

Rose managed a tiny smile. She knew spending time with the eccentric rogue was probably unwise. But the thought of a kind face and listening ear was too good to pass up in her state of misery.

True to his word, precisely an hour later her buzzer rang. Jervis greeted her enthusiastically when she came to the door, as cheery and eccentric as ever in his bright blue coat and oversized hat. His good mood was contagious.

"Thank you again for this," Rose said sincerely as they drove. "I know I must seem pretty pathetic, but I just can't bear to be alone right now."

"Not at all!" Jervis exclaimed. "In fact, I'm flattered you chose to accept my companionship in this trying time. We're friends now, and that's what friends do."

His simple words touched Rose deeply. She had always felt a bit wary of the odd man, but clearly, there was a good heart under the theatrics.

At the park, Jervis insisted on paying for everything despite Rose's protests. He whisked her from one whimsical attraction to the next with childlike enthusiasm.

They rode the spinning teacup ride, choosing the most colorful cup. Jervis spun the wheel with gusto, sending their teacup whirling wildly. Rose clung to the rails, both thrilled and terrified by the centrifugal force pressing her back against the seat. The park became a kaleidoscope of colors streaking by.

Laughing breathlessly, Rose and Jervis staggered off the ride, the world still spinning around them. Rose gripped Jervis's arm to steady herself as they meandered tipsily through the park.

"Where to next?" Rose asked, grinning at Jervis's infectious enthusiasm.

"This way, this way!" he cried playfully, leading her towards the hedge maze. They wandered the leafy labyrinth together, Jervis calling out nonsense directions. Each wrong turn just made Rose laugh harder.

Emerging from the maze, they grabbed silly flamingo-headed mallets for a game of croquet on the sprawling lawn. Neither bothered keeping score as they playfully bonked the balls through the wickets.

When they had their fill, Jervis said "Let's go see the March Hare!" He led Rose eagerly over to the animatronic exhibit.

"Splendid!" Jervis gushed, enraptured. He turned to Rose excitedly. "Would you photograph me with this marvelous creature?"

Rose smiled indulgently. "Of course, go ahead!"

Beaming under his hat brim, Jervis put his arm around the hare as Rose snapped photos, grinning in amusement.

"These are perfect, thank you!" Jervis cried. "Now come, let me capture your likeness as well."

Jervis insisted Rose pose on the giant mushroom just like Alice. He directed her poses dramatically, fussing over the angles before snapping each photo.

"Tilt your chin up...look pensively to the side...perfect!"

Despite her lingering unease around Jervis, Rose had to bite back giggles at his exaggerated antics. 

"These are perfect, thank you!" Jervis cried once satisfied. "But now, you simply must join me for tea!"

Taking her hand, Jervis led Rose to the long table set up nearby. An ornate chair carved and painted like a hat rested at the head. He guided Rose to sit in it, then took the seat beside her.

Rose looked over the table appreciatively. The dishes and teapots were all painted whimsically with scenes from Alice in Wonderland. A tiered stand next to her held an array of mini fruit tarts, cakes, and cookies.

Jervis poured them each a steaming cup of tea from an ornate teapot. "Sugar?" he offered, holding up a bowl.

"Yes please, one lump," Rose replied.

Nodding thoughtfully, Jervis dropped a sugar cube into her cup with silver tongs. "How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail," he mused in a dramatic tone.

Rose recognized the Mock Turtle's nonsense poem from the book and smiled. "And pour the waters of the Nile, on every golden scale!" she responded.

"Marvelous!" Jervis proclaimed, clapping his hands gleefully. He launched into recounting the Mad Hatter's adventure stuffing the sleeping Dormouse into a teapot as Rose sipped her tea, fighting back giggles.

Jervis beamed, clearly delighted to see her smiling again. "We'll have you right as rain soon enough," he declared confidently. "That scoundrel will become but a distant memory!"

Rose just gave a small nod, staring down into her teacup. She appreciated his efforts to cheer her up, but the heavy sadness still clung to her like a shroud. Even laughing felt like a betrayal of her heartbreak.

Noticing her change in mood, Jervis reached over and patted her hand gently. "It's alright to need time to heal, my dear. But I want you to know I'm here for you, whatever you need."

His sincere tone and understanding gaze made Rose's eyes prickle with tears. However unorthodox their newfound friendship was, she was unspeakably grateful for his support right now.

Jervis tried to divert her from melancholy by engaging her in silly tea party games. They attempted to balance cubes of sugar on their noses, with much giggling as the cubes went tumbling. He insisted they switch cups before sipping, eliciting more laughs at the silliness.

When Rose had finished her first cup, Jervis immediately refilled it to the brim. "Have some more tea," he implored in exaggerated manic tones reminiscent of the Mad Hatter.

Despite her sadness, Rose found herself grinning. "Thank you, I believe I will," she replied politely, taking a dainty sip.

"Come now, you need to loosen up!" Jervis cried. To her surprise, he scooped up a handful of cake crumbs and tossed them playfully at Rose, who gasped.

"Food fight at my tea party? Well, I never!" she said in mock affront. Scooping her own handful of crumbs, she tossed them back, collapsing into giggles at the mess they were making.

Soon they were both laughing hysterically as they flung crumbs and sprinkles at each other. Rose even landed a dollop of frosting on the end of Jervis's nose, delighting them both further.

For a few precious moments, she felt better. Being here with her new friend was the closest she had come to feeling like herself again after Edward's betrayal.

As their laughter subsided, Jervis met her eyes, his own shining with happiness. "That's much better," he proclaimed. "It does my heart good to see you smiling so, my dear."

Wiping crumbs from her hair, Rose smiled back gratefully. "Thank you for this, Jervis. For everything. I can't tell you how much I needed a friend today."

Taking her hand, Jervis gave it an affectionate pat. "Think nothing of it. I'll always be here to lift your spirits whenever you're feeling low." His tone rang with sincerity.

After their eventful day at Storybook Land, Jervis escorted Rose back to his car, opening the passenger door for her with a gallant sweep of his hat.

"I do hope you found some smiles amidst the amusements today," he said earnestly as they drove back towards Rose's apartment.

"I really did," Rose said. "Thank you for getting me out of the house and taking my mind off...everything."

Jervis beamed, clearly delighted to have lifted her spirits even temporarily. They chatted lightly about the park highlights during the ride. But as they neared Rose's building, her mood started to sink thinking about returning to her empty apartment full of painful memories.

Noticing her change in demeanor, Jervis reached over and patted her hand consolingly. "Chin up, my dear girl. This is but a brief dark patch on your path. The sun will shine again soon, you'll see."

His optimism made Rose smile slightly despite the lingering ache in her chest. With Jervis's support, maybe she would get through this difficult time after all.

At her building, Jervis walked her up to her apartment door. "Please let me know if there's anything else I can do," he implored, taking her hand earnestly.

Rose squeezed his hand, overcome with gratitude for this unusual new friend. "Thank you, Jervis."

Inside her apartment, the familiar setting only amplified Rose's melancholy. She missed having Edward's lively presence filling the lonely space.

Checking the mail, she found a green envelope decorated with question marks mixed in with the usual bills and flyers. Rose's breath caught - she would recognize that ostentatious style anywhere. Hands shaking, she opened the envelope to find a letter containing a rhyming riddle hinting that Edward wanted to meet and explain himself.

Rose's conflicting emotions warred within her. The hopeful part of her ached to see Edward again, to hear his side of things. But the hurt and anger flared up too as she remembered his supposed betrayal.

Crumpling up the letter, Rose tossed it in the trash. She just wasn't ready to face him and the painful memories it would stir up. Curling up on the couch, she put on a movie, trying to lose herself in the drama of fictional characters instead.

The next morning at work, Rose found an ornate teapot on her desk holding a lovely bouquet of purple and white flowers. Jervis's doing, no doubt. 

She opened the attached note with a wan smile:

To brighten your day, my dear! Do take care of yourself today.

Ever your friend,


Despite her melancholy, Rose felt a rush of warmth for her attentive new friend. She gave the flowers an appreciative sniff before getting started on her work.

Around mid-morning, her desk phone rang. "Hello, Rose! I was hoping you might be free this weekend for a picnic outing?" Jervis's cheerful voice greeted her.

Rose hesitated. "That sounds nice, but can I get back to you? I'm swamped today."

"Of course, of course!" Jervis replied amiably. "Just let me know your response at your earliest convenience."

After hanging up, Rose tried refocusing on her work, but doubts nagged at her. Was she leading Jervis on by spending time with him? Or simply using his friendship as a crutch? 

Over the next few days, Jervis was his usual cheery self, showing up unannounced to cheer Rose up with silly jokes and gifts. But Edward persisted too, sending her pleading notes and riddles begging her to meet so he could explain.

Rose ignored Edward's overtures, still too hurt and angry to face him or the painful memories it would stir up. 

By the weekend, Rose felt antsy and cooped up in her apartment alone. She decided to duck out to run some errands alone. 

At the market, she was perusing peaches when a familiar, smooth voice spoke behind her.

"Fancy encountering you here, my dear."

Rose whirled around to see Edward standing there, looking as dashing as ever. Her heart clenched painfully.

"Don't 'my dear' me," she snapped, taking a step back. "I have nothing to say to you, Edward."

His face fell. "Rose, please just give me five minutes. That's all I ask. What you was all a deception to drive us apart." His eyes pleaded with her desperately.

Despite herself, Rose wavered. His voice stirred a flood of emotions - longing, anguish, love.

Seeing her hesitation, Edward pressed his advantage. He gently took her hands in his gloved ones.

"You know in your heart I would never be unfaithful to you," he implored. "I lo-"

"There you are!" Suddenly Jervis appeared, forcibly wedging himself between Rose and Edward. "Come now my dear, we have that picnic, remember?"

With surprising strength, he began steering Rose away. She glanced back apologetically at a fuming Edward before allowing Jervis to usher her out of the market.

"Dreadful man," Jervis huffed once outside. "I hope he wasn't troubling you too terribly?"

Rose shook her head, conflicted. "No, I...thank you, Jervis. I'm not ready to talk to him yet."

Jervis beamed. "Think nothing of it! Now come, let's get our happy picnic underway."

He took her hand in his and led her down the street, nattering on about their planned afternoon. But Rose's thoughts lingered on her encounter with Edward. Seeing him had stirred up emotions she thought were fading. Was she really ready to close the door on him forever?