Chapter Two | Sunshinepaw
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Her first thought was that it was way too hot. 

"I HATE Greenleaf," Sunshinepaw grumbled to Jinxpaw, who was crouched next to her. It was always hot during Greenleaf. She almost preferred-

"Just wait until Leafbare," Seedgrass, the deputy and Jinxpaw's mentor, snapped. "Then you'll be begging for this heat— and the prey it brings."

I don't think I will, she thought bitterly, but didn't dare say. Talking back to Seedgrass was probably more dangerous than poking a DarknessClan cat— not even Sunshinepaw was quite that suicidal. To occupy her tongue, she tasted the air. The deputy was right about one thing. Prey was plentiful in Greenleaf. Only four cats were in this hunting patrol (Jinxpaw, Sunshinepaw, Seedgrass, and Sunshinepaw's mentor, Bluestreak) but they would still probably bring back enough prey to feed the clan for a couple of days. 

She picked up the scent of rabbit. Oooh. In the bright yet thick forests of DayClan, rabbits were rare. She imagined the faces of Seedgrass and Bluestreak if they saw Sunshinepaw catch such a delicacy. That alone was enough to convince her. Dropping into a crouch, she slid forward into the tall grass ahead, following her nose. The rabbit was right ahead— and all at once it was there in front of her. No time to wonder how, as the tall grass went on for some while. Following her instincts, she pounced on the rabbit and snapped its neck in one (hopefully) graceful movement.

She opened her mouth to caterwaul her victory, but the scent stopped her short. DarknessClan. They had been near the border... Had her pounce thrown her over? No. The border was a few fox-lengths in front of her. And the scent, though strong in that direction, wasn't coming from there... It was coming from... Behind! 

"AMBUSH!" Sunshinepaw had time to shriek before something— someone —jumped her from behind. Unhooking her claws from the rabbit, she rolled over, attempting to squash her attacker. But whoever it was had more training then her, and jumped up before she rolled. They landed again on her belly, and she let out a cry of pain. The scent of DarknessClan burned her nose. Blinking away the pain, she finally got a good look at her attacker. Golden eyes, brown fur, battle scars— she recognized him immediately, even though she only knew him by reputation. 

"Maulclaw," Sunshinepaw spat. The deputy of DarknessClan. Maulclaw grinned.

"No time for introductions, I'm afraid." He glanced up. "Gotta go, little cat. Thanks for the rabbit. I'll even give you something in exchange." She only had time to vaguely wonder what he would give her when his claws came down on her face and blood spilled into her eyes and 


