Chapter Three | Dripkit
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His first feeling was excitement.

As Bloodstar caterwauled for the Clan to gather, no doubt to name the new apprentices, Dripkit spotted Maulclaw, the deputy, trotting into camp with a smug look, A large rabbit... And blood on his claws. 

Dripkit stopped in his tracks. Whipping around, he stared at the deputy as Maulclaw set the rabbit in the prey pile, still seeming very pleased with himself. He felt his sister, Cherrykit, race past him as he was slowly turning back to face the huge pine stump where Bloodstar stood. The jagged edges where the tree had split made the leader look all the more terrifying. The rest of the large tree was still in camp— the elders slept inside, the prey pile was hidden under the branches, and warriors often napped in the dips to soak up sun. But it wasn't nearly as threatening as Jagged Stump. Even Jagged Stump wasn't so threatening without Bloodstar on top.

He slowly walked up to the leader, one paw in front of the other, stopping before he was too close. The Leader sneered at his sister and him. Dripkit waited for it to start. He knew Bloodstar had changed the ceremonial words when he became leader, so it wouldn't be the same as his mother's stories, but it was still sure to be exciting. Bloodstar cleared his throat.

"As leader of DarknessClan, it is my duty to name new apprentices before they can serve us. Therefore, I present these kits to StarClan"— Bloodstar wrinkled his nose just a bit —" And ask them if they are prepared for a life of commitment to their Clan. Hunting for their Clan. Fighting for their Clan. Even dying for their Clan, if it comes to that." He glared down at them. 

Dripkit swallowed, glancing at Cherrykit the same time she glanced at him. They both looked back up at Bloodstar and chorused, "We pledge ourselves to Bloodstar and DarknessClan, to always be loyal, and to always do the best for our Clan, even through death." Pouncekill had told them exactly what to say and made them practice until they could do it perfectly.

Bloodstar gave a small, fake smile. "I hear your pledge and name you Cherrypaw and Drippaw. Cherrypaw shall be mentored by Rainfang, and Drippaw by Thronbranch. Both were mentored by me, and you will now show them how to be DarknessClan cats."

Silence. And then, nervously, "Cherrypaw! Drippaw! Cherrypaw! Drippaw! Cherrypaw! Drippaw!"

Drippaw turned and touched his nose to Thornbranch's at the same time Cherrypaw turned to Rainfang and did the same. I'm an apprentice! He thought gleefully. He slowly walked back into the crowd. Pouncekill smiled at him from the back. 

"That is all. Clan dismissed." Bloodstar snapped, leaping down from Jagged Stump. The crowd parted around him, nervous glances shot at the leader from every direction. He ignored them. Watching his tail disappear from veiw, Drippaw couldn't help a feeling of suspicion. A thought came to him, disturbing and treasonous. 

What is he up to?