Chapter 42: Third Village
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Hiro ot his name in this world, Baronet Piero Sraffa masterminded the successful evacuation of all 220 refugees from the neighboring lord's territory to his own, without the lord's knowledge. This group included 80 adult males and 40 boys, outnumbering the combined populations of Bulnes and Eldham villages. In short order, simple shacks were erected to house the newcomers, showcasing lord Piero Sraffa's swift action and compassion. 

Graciously, Sraffa named the settlement Carne village, a nod to the refugees' place of origin. As whispers circulated about the enigmatic figure behind the rescue operation, Hiro quietly observed the integration of the refugees into their new community, content in his role as their benefactor.

“Oh… amazing!”

“I couldn’t even live in such a nice place when I was in the old village!”

“Thank you, Lord Sraffa!”

The villagers were very happy.

Some even started crying, saying, “Ah, now we can live in peace…” It must have been tough and difficult living in the forest. Hiro was glad they were happy living here.

“Lord Sraffa… Thank you very much. Everyone is delighted.”

The one who spoke was the former village chief, Galad.

“We will take care of who lives where. And as soon as everyone’s spirits are restored, we will work for this territory.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Hiro decided to continue having Galad serve as the chief for the villagers. For now, Hiro would have everyone make this place into a proper village, and in the meantime, he would develop the territory even further.

If the population increases, it would be good to turn the village into a town or create fourth and fifth villages. His land was very vast after all.

"If it’s farming, the villagers here have experience. It seems they can grow splendid crops. They will surely be of help. If we had livestock, we could take care of them as well… Unfortunately, we couldn’t bring any livestock as they all escaped when we fled the village.”

Galad lowered his eyes apologetically.

But Hiro thought that was an unavoidable decision. It would be very difficult to walk through that forest with animals. It would have been convenient to have sheep or cows, but there’s nothing we can do.

Hiro consoled them,

"Don't worry. We have a mean to supply Carne villagers with a lot of fishes. For now, we don't need farmers. I have an important task for you folks."

"We will do anything for you, Lord Sraffa!"

"It is physical labour. I need to you help my existing villagers to dig a long drain. Matta the chief of Bulnes village and Matt the chief of Eldham village will guide you."

"Lord Sraffa, you can count on us!"

"Thank you."

“For now, is that about it? If there’s anything else, I will contact you. I’m thinking of entrusting the communication role to Enri, is that alright?”

Hiro was surprised. He thought Galad as the chief or someone old would perform that role. 

Unknown to Hiro, Galad was scheming to strengthen their position in the land by giving Enri to the lord. Galad knew she was by far the most attractive woman among the Carne former refugees. The experienced man imagined a situation if the lord of the land, Piero Sraffa liked Enri, Carne village could curry favour with him.

"Enti is a young and intelligent girl. Her thinking is much faster than mine, and she is well-liked by the villagers. She also has a closer relationship with Lord Sraffa than others, so she is suitable.”

Indeed, if it’s Enri, Hiro might be able to speak without feeling nervous.

He responded, “Understood,” and agreed to it.

“…Actually, Enri lost her family to an epidemic and is now alone. I understand that it is impolite to ask this of you, the lord, but… please treat her well. Thank you in advance.”

Galad bowed deeply as he said that.

Hiro didn’t know that Enri was alone. He believed he understand the pain of losing family well. There was no reason to refuse.

“Yes. Of course.”

Hiro answered confidently with my chest held high.

"But I need her to live with me in my mansion."

"She would be very pleased!"

Galad replied enthusiastically as his bait was taken by the lord.

Hiro brought Enri to the mansion while being accompanied by his five female companions; Jane, Leila, Mireille, Ninya, and Daciana.

As the evening stretched into night, Hiro, now known as Lord Piero Sraffa, and Enri found themselves alone in the quiet of the mansion after taking bath. 

The crystal light casted gentle shadows across the room as they sat at the table, discussing plans for the village's future.

Enri's voice broke the silence. "Lord Piero, may I speak freely?"

Hiro looked up, intrigued by the serious tone in her voice. "Of course, Enri. You can always speak your mind with me."

Enri took a deep breath, her eyes meeting Hiro's with a mixture of determination and vulnerability. "I wanted to thank you, my lord, for everything you've done for us. For me. It's not often that someone shows such kindness to strangers, especially in times of need."

Hiro felt a warmth spread through him at Enri's words. "Enri, there's no need to thank me. Helping others is simply the right thing to do, especially when they've faced hardships beyond their control."

Enri smiled softly, her gaze unwavering. "Still, your compassion and generosity haven't gone unnoticed. You've given us hope and a chance for a better life here in your land."

Hiro reached across the table, gently placing his hand over Enri's. "And I promise to continue supporting you and the rest of the villagers in any way I can. You're not alone in this, Enri. We're all in it together."

Enri's eyes shimmered with gratitude as she squeezed Hiro's hand. "Thank you, My lord. Your words mean more to me than you know."

"Ehem." Their moment was interrupted by Jane and Leila, who were also a live-in maids in the mansion.

"Ehem," Jane cleared her throat, stepping forward with a tray of refreshments. "Apologies for interrupting, my lord, but we thought you might enjoy some tea and biscuits while you discuss village matters."

Hiro nodded gratefully, gesturing for Jane to place the tray on the table. "Thank you, Jane. That's very thoughtful of you."

Leila, the other maid, chimed in with a smile. "Is there anything else you require, my lord? Perhaps a fire in the hearth to ward off the night chill?"

Hiro glanced at Enri, silently seeking her input before responding. "Yes, please. A fire would be most welcome."

"Of course, my lord," Leila replied, her tone respectful as she and Jane hurried off to attend to their tasks.

Once they were alone again, Hiro turned his attention back to Enri, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I'm sorry about the interruption, Enri. As you can see, managing the affairs of the mansion keeps us quite busy."

Enri shook her head, her expression understanding. "There's no need to apologize, my lord. I understand that you have many responsibilities to attend to. Em. It's embarrassing to say this, but Miss Jane and Leila are pretty."

Hiro grinned and teased her,

"Well, they are my partners at night"

Enri was blushing and speechless.

Silence enveloped the dining room until Jane and Leila returned.

Jane put the teapot and cup while Leila put the plates with biscuits on them onto the table.

They realized Enri's face was blushing.

Leila sighed and complained with an equally blushing face,

"My lord, please stop exposing our secrets to the innocent girl."

Hiro playfully answered, "But it is the truth." 

Now, even Jane was blushing.

Enri's cheeks grew even warmer as she tried to regain her composure, shooting Hiro a playful yet embarrassed glance. "My apologies, Miss Jane, Miss Leila. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

Jane waved off Enri's apology with a smile. "No need to apologize, dear. We're used to Lord Sraffa's teasing."

Leila nodded in agreement, though her cheeks remained flushed. "Indeed. It's all in good fun."

Hiro chuckled, enjoying the playful banter between them. "You're both too kind. But let's not dwell on my mischievous tendencies any longer. We have important matters to discuss regarding the village."

As they sipped their tea and nibbled on biscuits, the conversation turned to plans for digging the man made river project.