Chapter 7: Leila, Cer, Elara, Tomas
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Hiro, who had recently assumed the mantle of noble lord following the passing of his father, Maestro Sraffa, embarked on a solemn journey into the heart of his demesne. The village, nestled within the sprawling expanse of his estate, unfolded before him as he ventured deeper into its confines.

The serfs, Sraffa's loyal subjects, resided in modest shacks that dotted the landscape. These humble abodes were scattered like confetti upon the fertile soil of the estate, a testament to the resilience of those who toiled upon it. The shacks were constructed of rough-hewn timber and thatched roofs, their walls displaying the wear and tear of years of exposure to the elements.

As Hiro made his way through the village, he observed the serfs going about their daily routines. Despite their meager circumstances, they carried themselves with a quiet dignity that spoke of generations bound to this land. Their clothing, worn and patched, bore the unmistakable signs of hard labor, yet each thread seemed to tell a story of perseverance and unity.

Children, their faces adorned with smudges of earth, played with makeshift toys crafted from discarded materials. Laughter and merriment echoed through the village, a stark contrast to the austere surroundings. The serfs had forged a tight-knit community, where joy was found not in opulence but in the bonds they shared.

Hiro noticed the serfs tending to the land that sustained them. They toiled in the fields, their hands calloused from years of labor. Each furrow they plowed, each seed they sowed, was a testament to their unwavering commitment to their lord and the land that provided for them. Despite the sweat on their brows and the ache in their backs, there was a sense of purpose that infused their work.

Hiro couldn't help but feel a complex mix of emotions as he walked through the village. While he admired the resilience and unity of the serfs, he couldn't ignore the unease caused by the villagers' glares. The contrast between the villagers' virtues and the reputation of the body's original owner, Piero Sraffa, left him with a lot to contemplate as he continued his journey into the heart of his demesne.

He came across two peasants, a middle-aged woman named Elara and a weathered, older man named Tomas. They were huddled together near a small well, their hands busy with the task of drawing water.

Hiro approached them with a respectful nod and a warm smile. "Good day, gramp," he greeted them. "It's a fine morning, isn't it?"

Elara, her face lined with years of hard work, returned the smile with a hint of caution. "Aye, my lord, it is," she replied, dipping her worn bucket into the well. "Is there something you need from us?"

Tomas, who had a stern countenance, continued to draw water alongside Elara but cast a curious glance at Hiro. "You've been walking through our village, my lord. What brings you here today?"

Hiro took a moment to gather his thoughts. "I came to see how our lands are faring and to meet the people who work tirelessly to sustain it," he explained. "I've heard tales of the strong and resilient community that exists here, and I wanted to witness it firsthand."

Elara exchanged a quick, uncertain glance with Tomas before finally responding to Hiro. "We are but humble serfs, my lord, tending to the land as we have for generations," she said, her voice filled with a mix of pride and humility. "Our community is bound by the soil we till and the unity of purpose, as you've seen."

Tomas nodded in agreement, still watching Hiro closely. "Indeed, my lord," he added, "we take pride in our work and our ability to support this demesne. But forgive us if we find your visit unexpected. The Sraffa name carries a complicated history."

Hiro understood the gravity of the situation and nodded empathetically. "I am aware of the past, and I hope to build a more equitable future for all who call this land home," he replied earnestly. "I want to be a lord who listens to his people and ensures that their efforts are rewarded fairly. Together, we can forge a brighter path."

Elara and Tomas exchanged another glance, this time with a glimmer of hope in their eyes. It was a cautious hope, born from years of hardship, but it was a start.

"We shall see, my lord," Tomas said, his expression softening slightly. "Actions speak louder than words."

Hiro took their words to heart, knowing that gaining the trust of his loyal subjects would be challenging. 

As Hiro was speaking his final consolation words to the couple, he couldn't shake the feeling of being stared by the villagers. The weight of Piero's reputation, the original owner of his body's negative image weighed heavily on his shoulders. Every step he took, every interaction he had, was an opportunity to bridge the gap between the past and the future.

Hiro approached a young man in early twenties, that was around his age.

Hiro greeted the young man with a warm smile, despite the lingering unease caused by the villagers' scrutiny. "Good day," he began, "I am Piero, the new lord of this demesne. May I know your name?"

The young man, who had been observing Hiro's interactions with Elara and Tomas, met Hiro's gaze with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "I'm Cerr, my lord," he replied, his tone measured. "It's not every day we see a Sraffa lord walk among us. Especially you, my lord. Please spare my sister."

Hiro frowned. He remembered Piero, the original owner of his body was a womanizer.

Hiro, feeling the weight of Piero's reputation, sighed inwardly but maintained his composure. "I assure you, Cerr, I am here to forge a different path. Your sister has nothing to fear from me. I want to understand the concerns and hopes of the people in this demesne and work towards a more just and equitable future for all. Please, share with me your thoughts and any suggestions you may have."

Cerr's guarded expression began to soften as he listened to Hiro's words. 

"Forgive me, my lord. If there is a problem, it's regarding farming equipment. Many of those are old and broken. Mm.. I understand that our territory's yield is not enough to trade for new tools.." Cer could not finish his grievance.

Hiro nodded in understanding, his heart heavy with the realization of the challenges the villagers faced. "Thank you for sharing your concern, Cerr," he replied earnestly. "I'll try doing something about that."

Cerr's eyes widened with surprise, clearly not expecting such a response. "You would do that, my lord?" he asked, a glimmer of hope in his voice.

Hiro smiled warmly, determined to prove that he was a lord of action, not just words. "Yes, Cerr. It's my duty to ensure that the tools and resources needed for our community are in good condition. I'll look into improving our farming equipment and finding a way to support our village's prosperity. Together, we can make this demesne thrive."

Cerr's cautious demeanor began to transform into a genuine smile. "Thank you, my lord. This means a lot to us. We'll stand by your side and work together for a better future."

Hiro noticed an adolescent girl, was peeking from the corner of a shack. 

"Forgive my sister, my lord." Cerr said nervously.

Hiro turned his attention to the young girl peeking from the shack and offered a reassuring smile. "No need for apologies, Cerr," he said kindly.

The girl came out from her hiding and hesitantly walked towards them.

The teenage girl, whose name Cerr had yet to mention, stepped into the soft, golden sunlight filtering through the trees. Her appearance was striking, her features a testament to the beauty that often bloomed in unexpected places.

She had a delicate face, framed by a cascade of ebony hair that fell in loose waves around her shoulders. Her eyes were a captivating shade of deep emerald green, like the leaves of the ancient oaks that surrounded the village. They held a curious and cautious spark, a reflection of the uncertainty that had clouded her world.

Despite the modesty of her clothing, which bore the same signs of wear as the other villagers', there was an undeniable elegance to her posture and movement. She carried herself with a grace that hinted at hidden strength, a quiet resilience born from the challenges of her upbringing.

As she approached Hiro, a shy but genuine smile graced her lips, revealing a glimpse of the warmth that lay beneath her initial trepidation. Her presence seemed to capture the essence of the village itself – a blend of beauty, strength, and hope in the face of adversity.

Hiro extended a welcoming hand towards her. "And what is your name?" he asked, his gaze meeting hers with genuine curiosity.

The girl's voice was soft, like a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves. "I am Leila, my lord," she replied, her eyes never leaving Hiro's. "It is an honor to meet you."

Hiro couldn't help but be captivated by Leila's presence. Her look was very different compared to other village women he had seen until now.

"The pleasure is mine, Leila," he replied, genuinely touched by her elegance and grace. "Your village is fortunate to have such a bright and charming presence. If there's anything you'd like to share or discuss, please feel free. I'm here to listen and learn from the people who call this land home."

She blushed.