38. Housewife Training XXXI
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Sara and Edmund walked into the studio. The sky was already dark, at about 10pm. Edmund turned the light switch on, and escorted Sara to one of the cloth rooms, and picked out a shimmery purple strapless tube dress, along with matching jewelry. Underneath it was a set of matching purple sheer lingerie and bra. 

"You look great." Edmund said as he admired the housewife's beautiful bodyshape.

"My eyes look tired." Sara countered as she changed into the dress. 

"It doesn't matter." Edmund laughed. "Let's go."


The cocktail bar was located in the glitzy corners of Tori City. It was filled with other equally well dressed patrons, men and women. Edmund himself wore a blazer, and escorted his date to their seat overlooking the shopping streets just a few floors below. At this time, some of the shops were already closing, but the city lights were mesmerizing. 

"It's a beautiful place." Edmund smiled, as he held Sara's waist and led her to their seat. "What would you like?"

Their seat was a really soft and plush sofa of some kind large enough for three, nestled around a window. It was illuminated by a single dim, golden light. 

A waitress came over with a menu, and eventually they decided on some kind of lychee martini for Sara, while Edmund had a gin & tonic. 

"You don't look too well, what's happening?" Edmund said as their two drinks met with a gentle clink. It was a fairly gentle crowd, most of the other patrons talked softly, and something about the decor and furnishings of the place made it seem quieter. Sara thought it was all the soft furniture and little partitions they had. 

Sara sighed, and looked at Edmund. "My husband seems to be very friendly with his fellow colleagues."

"Really?" Edmund said, as his hands slipped around her waist. "How friendly?" 

Sara squirmed and shifted a bit further away. "-very friendly."

Edmund leaned close to her ears, and whispered. "Are they having sex?"

Sara trembled. Her entire body seemed to burn in flames. She didn't have sex in the past two days, and Edmund's unusually intimate whispers ignited desires she thought she had under control. "-no."

Edmund gently licked the edges of her ears. "Then it's not so bad, isn't it?" 

Sara paused and looked at him. "Is it?"

"Your husband is in sales. He'll have to travel, meet clients. That's just part of the work scope. Occasionally, he'll meet clients that he'll have to go the extra mile to please." 

Sara gulped. "Is it- is it really like that?" 

"Yeah." Edmund shrugged. "Look around us." 

Sara did. It was a beautiful cocktail bar. The kind that's commonly seen in glitzy hotels. Then, her eyes begin to look at the other customers. Many were men and women, but she began to realize something unusual. Many were married, both men and women, at least, from the rings on their fingers. She immediately thought they were just married to each other. 

"Do you think all of them are loyal? Do you think the men and women next to them are their spouses?" 

Sara wasn't sure. 

"The world's not a nice place, my dear Sara. Your husband- well, he'll have to make use of everything he has, if he wants to give you a good life. It's not his fault." 

"It's not his fault."

"And it's not your fault, either." Edmund smiled, as his fingers gently touched her exposed thighs. The cocktail dress was short, exposed most of her thighs. She immediately felt a pleasurable sensation build up down below. "It's nobody's fault. We are all just following our needs and desires." 

Edmund slung his arm around her, and he pressed a button. Suddenly, a set of thick velvet curtains closed around their part of the cocktail bar. She blushed. "-what?"

Edmund whispered. "This is a popular place for trysts, dear." 

Sara felt Edmund's hand slip down her cocktail dress, and into her breasts. Yet, she couldn't resist. Her nipples perked up the moment his fingers slipped into her dress and fondled her nipple. His other hand slipped into her short cocktail dress, and began touching her down below. Her face turned red. "~emph."

"Don't worry about being too loud. These curtains are very soundproof." Edmund said with a grin. "Your husband is probably kissing some woman right now for training."


Edmund licked her ears, while his fingers stimulated her nipples and clitoris directly. Her face was red and her ears seemed exceptionally sensitive. Her hands tried to stop him, and so both her hands held the hand inside her skirt, trying to pull it out. 

But she wasn't using her strength. Her strength was lost the moment his fingers fondled her nipples. 

Edmund smiled, and whispered. "Look at me." 

Sara knew she shouldn't. But his voice seemed to ring in her head, and so she turned to face him. Face to face, Edmund went for a kiss. The housewife's body relished the pleasure of his kiss, her body flooded with desire. The kiss from Edmund shut off all her brain's defenses, her thoughts of her husband instantly suppressed. Right now, it was all about the present. All bout the senses coming from all over her body.

Edmund easily adjusted her skirt and lace panties to expose her special place, as his fingers continued to prepare her for their physical union. 

The kiss melted her resistance away, and she slung both her hands around Edmund's neck. She didn't know how or when his penis appeared out of his pants, but on that plush sofa, Edmund knew it was time to change position. He lifted the housewife, and adjusted her to sit on him, in a sitting cowgirl position. She felt the giant, throbbing dragon rub against her moist cave.

Their lips were locked. Edmund's hands now held her buttcheeks, while her body instinctively moved, grinding her moist cave against the giant serpent. 


She wanted it inside. There was no guilt in the heat of passion. He sucked her lips, sucked her tongue. Her body felt him crave her, and she relished the sensation.

She was desired. She was beautiful. She was worth it. 

Their lips parted, and Edmund whispered. "Come, Sara. Forget about your cheating husband and be my woman for the next few days."

Of course, in reality, it was all a setup. Edmund's ability caused the beautiful trainer to seduce her husband and spike his drink with aphrodisiacs. So, her husband was unable to control himself at all, and was at the mercy of the beautiful trainer's feminine charms. He was a good man, but sadly, no defenses against the cunning.

Her body felt good, and her nether regions seemed to beg her for it. A little part in her, even after all they have done, still wanted to go back to the right path. 

They kissed passionately, and then their lips parted for Sara to catch her breath. Edmund smiled. "You look much happier like this."

Sara blushed. "-what?"

Edmund decided to answer with actions. Edmund's hands, now on her buttocks, easily lifted her up and then, adjusted her such that his erect penis easily entered her vagina. The sensations of his penis penetrating her moist cave sent a tsunami of pleasure to her mind. It caused her entire face to melt in pleasure, her eyes rolling backwards, and her mouth wide open. 

Edmund smiled, and adjusted his penis's position, and felt it hit a good spot. Sara panted as she felt the folds and flaps of her vagina rub against his penis. "Fuh~ fuh~ Ooooh~"

The demon lord repeated the words in Sara's mind. "You really look much happier like this."

Sara's mind was temporarily brought back to the present, as they looked at each other. Her body was still flushed in pleasure, so when she looked at him. "I- I am much happier like this?"

"Yes. You're much happier like this." His penis moved gently, stroking and rubbing. The sensations was still too much for Sara. 

She moaned.

And moaned.

Edmund continued to move.

He kissed her.

She moaned some more. 

He looked at the beautiful housewife, her body now moving on her own. "You are much happier like this."

This time, her mind came to accept what her body long accepted. "I am much happier like this."

Edmund smiled, as the notification entered his mind.

[Sara's Corruption is now Level 10! You've achieved First Conquest. Further Corruption Levels will grant her additional abilities to assist you in your task to corrupt other women!]

[New Special Events unlocked]

[Group Holiday with James, Sara, VP Stella and the Beautiful Office Trainer! - 5MP]

[Honey Trapped! James will now encounter a lustful female customer that will seduce him. You may bring Sara to the location of the affair to enhance her corruption - 5MP ]

[Bring Sara to James' office - 5MP ]

[Bring a special alcohol for dinner with Sara and James - 5MP ]

[New Building Unlocked]

[The Battle Dojo - 10 BP]