Ch. 3 – Geh! Heh! Heh!
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The hot and damp weather left me wanting something cooler. However, now I kind of miss the warmer temperatures.


Even with sleek yellow fur, my body shivered uncontrollably. Puffs of my warm white breaths froze into tiny shimmering ice particles in the air. The mist and fog around Suicune settled to the ground as the temperature quickly dropped. 


A layer of shimmering ice expanded from where Suicune stood, freezing over the entire spring and leaving the surrounding dirt and vegetation coated in frost. The Legendary Pokemon glared suspiciously at me with its ruby-red eyes, and the beads of sweat soaking up the yellow fur on my forehead froze. 


Suicune asked again with a low growl. “Is it you?” Are you the one that defied Nature?” 


Oh, woe is me! I’m innocent! Innocent, I tell ya! I don’t know anything! He won’t hurt me, will he? 


I did not want to die. I don’t know if I died one time already, but I was not willing to do so again! And to overcome my predicament, I needed to use my Pikachu charm! My convincing performance begins now!


I lowered my head and opened my black, round eyes wide while pitifully glancing up at the big bad Suicune. The chilly air made them water.


Yes! Even better! More theatrics! More! 


My slender yellow ears drooped down from the sides of my head as I gave a tearful look, up at the Legendary Pokemon.


Yes! Yes, go me! Go! 


I slightly pulled my cute adorable head into my withdrawn shoulders and nervously fiddled my fingers. 


Okay, that last one was not an act. I was seriously nervous. 


With a sad and shaking voice, I played dumb.


“What is it, Mr. Suicune? What do you mean, me? How could a small, cute, and powerless Pikachu like myself cause a disturbance in Nature?”


I trembled from the cold but mostly from the rowdy butterflies in my stomach. I tried to remain calm and give my most pitiful and sad face, but it must have come off awkward as Suicune scoffed, causing his purple flowing cloud-like mane to ripple in the air.


He glared down from a towering height of half a tree and replied in a chilling voice, “Mister… so says the ‘innocent’ Pikachu? How curious. Tell me, Pikachu. What kind of Pokémon calls the embodiment of the North Winds, ‘Mister?’ That is but a human disposition. I am revered by many. Even by imposters hiding in the skin of my fellow Pokemon, it seems. However, no fellow Pokémon of mine has ever called me Mister.”


I gulped. It sure sounded like Suicune somehow picked up on some clues I didn’t even think about. I panicked as endless worries raced in my mind. 


What do I do now!? Does he really know, or is he testing me? Do I run? Do I fight? Should I grovel for mercy? I wish I had the ‘Roar’ skill right now! 


His red eyes watched my every action much too carefully, as if searching for a slip-up. I thought it was game over, but I had a chance. 


A brilliant opportunity presented itself, and suddenly, an ingenious idea popped into my mind! 


Jerking my finger up in alarm, I pointed away at a tree across from Suicune’s side. Using my most worried and concerned voice, I cried out, “Oh, no! Suicune! Look out!”


The Legendary Pokemon huffed in response, “Do not play such cheap tricks on me! I will not fall for-“


A creepy deep laugh echoed from the surroundings as a ghastly purplish-black ghost phased through from the thick trunk of the tree. 


“Ghe, heh, heh, heh! Gengar!”


Gengar smirked and looked at Suicune with narrowed blood-red eyes that gleamed with nefarious intentions. 


“Gengar! Mean Look, now! Magnezone! Thunder Wave!”


“Gengar! Gen! Ghenn-Garrr!”


Suddenly, Gengar’s eyes, yanked wide open from the command of its trainer, who jumped out from behind a dangling patch of thick navy green vines on the other side of the spring. A pair of humongous glaring deep purple eyes opened and hovered in the air in front of Gengar as the attacking Pokemon used Mean Look. The large eyes locked onto Suicune, and translucent chains secured him in the surrounding space.  


The attack was not over. 


Static waves rippled into the area coming from a hulking metal tank, levitating in the air with strange U-shaped magnet hands. The static waves concentrated over the Legendary Pokemon and zapped Suicune. The Thunder Wave attack successfully worked as Suicune grunted from the sparks of electricity running all over its body that paralyzed it as it tried to move.


“Gengar! Shadow Ball, then Phantom Force!”


“Gih, heh, heh, heh!” Gengar chuckled with its low creepy voice. A large black spherical mass of swirling plasma-like energy fizzled and whirred from between Gengar’s stretched-out hands. 


“Gennnnnn-Garrrr!” The ghost-type Pokemon shouted, taking in a deep breath of air before shoving and shooting off the hurling ball of shadow. 


Unable to move, the mass of shadow plasma energy raced across the frozen dirt, ripping a trail of upturned earth in its path before it smashed into Suicune. The black spherical mass exploded with a loud implosion that crackled into the surroundings. A deep groan reverberated out from the Legendary Pokemon’s mouth as it desperately tried to break free of its paralysis.


“Oh, no, you don’t, Suicune! I’m catching you this time! Magnezone! Zap Cannon!”


I looked at Suicune with deep worry. I recalled the last time I used a weak Thundershock to fry that one newbie kid trainer’s Squirtle. It was enough to leave the Squirtle smelling cooked. I couldn’t imagine what Zap Cannon would do to Suicune.


Magnezone glowed a searing bright white, and a small ball of electricity formed between its two magnet hands. The hovering metal Pokemon hummed as it charged its attack.




Jolts of lightning flared off the growing spherical ball of electricity, shining brighter and brighter with blinding light as the attack closed upon critical mass. Mangnezone started to aim and was almost ready to release its extremely deadly attack. 


I looked at Suicune and saw a face of dread. It lowered its stance, bracing for immediate impact and knowing it could not escape the fatal blow. I had a moment at this exact instant where time seemed to slow. I had to make a choice. 


But was I really going to do it? Was it worth it? 


I fervently shook my head, causing my long ears to slap around my head left and right.


“Ah, to hell with it! You owe me, Suicune!” I shouted as I crouched down onto all fours. I gritted my teeth and brushed off all thoughts of reason that specifically told me, ‘NO!’ 


I didn’t listen. 


“Quick attack!”


I launched off, flashing like lightning and charging straight at Magnezone. The big floating metal magnet was about to blast its attack. However, my Quick Attack was going to connect first. 


“Gengar! Hurry! Stop that Pikachu! Before-! NOOO!!!”


Too late. I used my signature roundhouse kick through the air and kicked Magnezone from its underbelly. A small dink sounded out from the metal body before I fell back to the ground. 


I yelped and hopped around on one foot. “Holy! F- MMF! Ow! Ow! Ow!”


Although I took more damage, my attack worked! 


The magnet Pokemon tilted back, screeching out in its low robotic voice, “MAAAAAAGGGGNEZZZZOOOOONNEE!”


A huge powerful ray of electricity zapped through the air, shooting like a cannon through the tree canopies and blasting away the clouds. 


In a pretty cool set of fancy leather clothes, the trainer madly stomped his feet on the frosted-over earth as he shouted and jabbed his finger in my direction.


“You damn Pikachu! You screwed up my entire plans! Gengar, ignore Suicune and use Phantom Force on that annoying Pikachu! Kill it!”


I gulped. Kill? Really? Not faint? No! I don’t want to die!


I freaked out and tried to run away. A creeping cold crept up from behind my back and made me shudder. I turned around and looked on with horror. The face of a cruel predator about to play with its prey plastered on the grinning ghost Pokemon.




However, as Gengar was about to pounce and claw me with its dark glowing purple hands, an angry bellow blasted out from Suicune, ‘Roaring’ into the surroundings. MY HERO! 


However, the roar must have failed as the opposing Pokemon did not retreat to their Pokeballs. But it did not matter. Suicune was no longer paralyzed and lowered its head with the long ice-blade-like shard on its forehead.


An icy blast rippled violently into the area. The trees waved madly side to side from the brute show of power. Rocks, dirt, and frosty leaves of vegetation, all the small stuff shot away. Suicune used Blizzard, and a powerful ice storm knocked everyone flying. Gengar, Mangnazone, the cool trainer, and most importantly, ME! We were all knocked off the ground and sent flying. 








“Damn it! Suicune! Go! Ultra Ball!” The cool trainer shouted, not giving up and throwing the ultra ball at the Legendary Pokemon still flying midair. He was a cool trainer for a reason, I admit.


The white and black ball with two yellow stripes on the black half hurled through the air, rushing through the fizzling-out icy winds of the Blizzard attack and straight at Suicune.


“Suicune, watch out!” I unconsciously shouted back in human tongue.


The human trainer looked at me with his eyebrows raised high on his forehead. His eyebrows may have wanted to jump off his face from the shocking surprise, if it could. “Oh my god! That Pikachu talked! That’s absolutely unheard of!”


I gulped. Not only worrying about what the cool trainer would now do with that knowledge but also from the piercing red eyes that glared at my slip-up. However, Suicune momentarily ignored my screw up and focused on his more pressing matter. 


A low to high whistle-like noise like that of a calling elk, resounded out of Suicune as it shouted out into the sky, calling forth rain and storm. I think the Legendary Pokemon used Rance Dance as a downpour of water fell from the sky. The wind howled, blasting a gale that was like Suicune, cold like the Northern Winds. The Ultra Ball touched Suicune, and he was pulled inside by a red beam of light.


However, before the ball could even fall, it cracked and bursted open, releasing Suicune back onto the frozen spring. He glared dangerously at the cool trainer and his two Pokemon that attacked it. The Legendary Pokemon opened his mouth and shot out a massive river-like stream of raging water. Suicune used Hydro Pump and blasted powerful pressurized water, hitting both Gengar and Magnezone. 


The two opposing Pokemon screamed in pain. 






The immensely powerful attack must have hurt because it continued and blasted holes through the trees, toppling them over.


“No!!! Gengar! Magnezone! Return!” The cool trainer said, pointing to red and white Pokeballs at his knocked-out Pokemon. He gritted his teeth and swore at Suicune, “Damn it, Suicune! This is not over!” He then jerked back at me and said, “You too, Pikachu! I’m going to get you too!”


I pointed at my small and cute self with a flabbergasted look. Bro. You just wanted to kill me! Me! As if I’ll let you get me after all that! Hmpf!


The guy ran off, and I sighed in relief. I didn’t know if I could fight an Ultra Ball, but I would! Not from that guy! Even if he was a cool trainer! However, I sighed in relief a bit too early. 


A sharp gaze prickled my side, and I awkwardly faked a smile, trying to hide my dread as I looked over at Suicune. Immediately, the threatening look on the Legendary Pokemon’s scowling face made me tremble.


“You ARE the disturbance, defying Nature!” Suicune howled.


I immediately got onto all fours and groveled in a kowtow, answering back in human tongue. “Please! Spare me, Suicune! I didn’t do it on purpose! I just woke up inside this Pikachu! I don’t know what happened!”


Suicune went silent. 


I hoped my plea for innocence worked. I peeked up, and the Legendary Pokemon looked closely at me, judging me and my words. He huffed, and I immediately slammed my head back down onto the dirt floor.


The earth below me shook, and I slowly looked up again but froze. 


Suicune headed towards me. 


Fear and horror flooded out of me as I shouted, “Are you going to kill me?! You won’t eat me, though, right!? At least not alive, good sir!? If you must eat me, end my misery with a quick blow!”


I closed my eyes and turned my belly up. I squeezed the muscles of my face, waiting for the sharp pain to end it all. I prayed.


Make it quick and let me pass easily.