Chapter 15
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Isykle sat half an hour out from the exam field. He had two hours left and scouted it. There was a large round ship and three buildings around it. Seven larger ki signatures and ten small ones. Well relatively small as they were still double his.

Which leads him to why he hasn't gone in yet, he had so prep to do, he held the wooden tab inspecting it. The line of text in the middle looked more like demonic chicken scratch to his eyes. On the face beside the unreadable sentence, two hexagons were etched deep almost all the way through.

So with a line that foreshadows many of his bad plays he placed his thumbs on the hexagons and injected his ki into it as Gelid instructed. He was surprised how it greedily absorbed all his ki, from a full tank to empty i less than five seconds, he tried to drop it but it felt like his fingers were sown to it. He felt like fainting, being devoid of strength was hell to him yet it kept sucking.

He woke up a little bit later feeling like he was on fire. The good kind of burning, like finishing a workout, something he forgot in his later years. He checked his watch, worried too much time passed while he was out -713/1/11/9:32. 

Isykle sat for a few more minutes feeling and getting use to the feeling or his ki. It felt sharper, more controlled if he had to but it into thoughts it would be like going from a flintlock to a 

Isykle: 'An hour left cant wait any longer. I don't sense Krustallos waiting or anywhere near that place to stop me. If he sent a message to blacklist me I have Gelid's note, I'm sure get in.'

He walked into the building with the most signatures. He glanced around at the kids sitting or standing on the wall whispering to each other but continued to a desk manned by a very small green arcosian.

The small being didn't speak or ask any questions, once checking over my shoulder (or under my arm) to see if there was an adult, shrugging and handing me three papers and a pen.

Isykle sat away from the eleven contenders and read the papers: 'First page is basic info, second is social studies and galactic allegiance, and last is history, laws, and ranks. 30 and 50 questions respectively all open ended. 

What I want to know is why am I writing now? The last time I held a pen was the first year and now it's twice in one day, what are the odds?'

It took him half an hour to finish the papers, not because it was hard, it was just the pen felt off in his hands, too much weight at the top or bottom. But after giving it back to the mute alien he returned to his spot in a strange mix of straining his ears to hear what what the others are saying and not caring.

After another hour of waiting and no one showing up, one of the proctors got everyone's attention.

Salmon red Arcosian: “achehchehehm, Would all guardians and parents please follow Ullr.” The small green guy floated up to get there attention before floating off to a back room. “Ok, Sryo, Moroz, and chill, i don't know how but you failed the written part…” he let his words hang jabbing at their pride “luckily we are mainly looking for strength and power in this division. So you have the other test to make up for it.

So lets get right to the next bit which is a little more important than the others, follow me outside and spread out.” 

He glared at everyone separating before shooting fast ki balls towards the one most away from everyone, who happened to be our isykle way. It caught him unprepared as all he could do was hold out his arms and dispel it but what surprised him was the easy dispelling it was only holding it and reflecting it, unlike the others who cleanly dissipated it.

Salmon arcosian: 'They are around the same power level, except the blue one, they didn't lie on their papers, I thought at least one would have. What tests should we give this time…' "Mabufu, one, two or three?"

Mabufu: "2."

The salmon one: "Fine, teams… uhhh Chill, Atarc, Isykle, Moroz, and Percel team one. 

Team 2: Sryo, Winter, Kopaka, Kaah'Diin, Kiwakwa, Iiz'Nus.

Teams for what you may ask? To capture the flag of course, a little unbalanced but what is life but that? Do everything you can to capture the enemy flag while protecting your own. Win by touching the opposing flag for 5 seconds. Mabufu, the flags!"

Mafubu shook his head: "We didn't bring flags, Bufudyne, you said nothing about capturing the flag, much less poles or cloths to fly."

Bufudyne: "I shouldn't have to, we've done this test like 6 times. It should be a given to pack those things."

Mabufu: "Then why didn't you? You're the recruiter, you're supposed to do this shit 8 like planets a week, I'm just a last minute transfer, do better."

Bufudyne: "tsk, whatever do we have anything to use as flags, any 2 objects?"

Mabufu went back in the building and after a minute and a loud crash he returned with the desk, now broken in two relatively symmetrical pieces.

Bufudyne held his head in confusion: "Bro what the hell."

Mabufu: "Would you rather this or the several boxes filled with spares parts, important cargo, and food for travel. Do you trust these whelps to control themselves enough to not destroy the 'flags'."

Bufudyne stared for a while but nodded: "Right this is probably better.

Like i said before this test is capture the fucked up desk. To win you have to hold the other teams desk of 5 seconds without breaking and protect your own desk from the enemies. You will have 10 minutes to think of a strategy.

Team 2 follow me over there, mabufu take team one -and there desk- over there. Oh and the most useful person might get a good word in to my boss too" Saying the rules once more he took his half the desk and flew towards the opposite side of the frozen land, team 2 in tow behind him.