2 Plants Vs Zombie
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With a satisfied smile on his face Jack rose from his computer chair and marveled at the system he'd been given.

If he can keep using this system to make more games, the people of this world will go crazy about it. Even he, who made the game was dying to play, so who says others won't once they give it a try.

With a smile on his face, Jack said to the system "Launch".

Under the system, this would make the game launch on all non-exclusive digital platforms, that is, as long as it wasn't a digital store for console, or a digital store for a game brand, all stores that accepted independent developers will have his game on their "shelves" as if he actually signed up to promote his game there.

After launching his game Jack took a break and went out to eat something as today he did not eat breakfast to finish the game.

Meanwhile in a random apartment in New York , Adam, a teenager enlisted at New York fil academy was browsing the world's most famous online game store.

Unfortunately he was very bored. All the games nowadays were basically the same, while some of the were even worst, wanting to take the money out of the players pockets.

But no matter how much he looked he could not find even one interesting game to play. He even went to the "Recently added" tab but could not find anything.

Until he saw something that caught his attention. Among the several war games and superhero game he notices one that stood out a lot for being really different.

There was a cutely drawn zombie with a few strands of hair on his head and dressed in a brown shirt, he was holding a plaque with the name of Plants Vs Zombies on it.

Curious, Adam clicked on this different game and saw that the game page did not had much information. The only information it had were some pictures of a man dressed in a red shirt standing behind a lot of weir looking plants and some zombies on the other side looking like they were attacking the plants.

"What kind of game is this? Are you some kind of farmer?"

He has never seen a game where the player was a farmer and he was quite tired of the war and superhero games. So playing a farming game might actually be fun.

Seeing that the price of the game was only 7 dollars, Adam felt that if this game could entertain him for a few days, it was worth it.

"I just hope this is not another game that sucks the players money out of their pockets."

"Especially that game called "The last steelman" or something. To think that they promoted it for 6 month and said its a next gen game. Even a basic weapon like a dagger, you need to top up 15 dollars to get it."

 As he downloaded the game, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of unique farming experience it would offer compared to the generic war and superhero games that flooded the market.

After a quick installation, he launched the game, not knowing what to expect. To his surprise, the game didn't look like any typical farming simulation. The title screen displayed the same cute zombie character holding a plaque with the game's name, but there was something intriguing about the way the characters and plants were presented. The artwork had a certain charm and personality to it that drew Adam in.

As he started playing, he realized that Plants Vs Zombies was unlike anything he had ever experienced in the gaming world. The gameplay was a delightful mix of strategy and tower defense. Adam found himself immersed in a world where he had to strategically place various types of plants to fend off waves of quirky and humorous zombies. 

The game's clever design, humorous characters, and addictive gameplay quickly won Adam over. He couldn't help but smile as he played, and soon, he was engrossed in the challenge of protecting his garden from increasingly bizarre and entertaining zombie foes.

Adam's journey through the game continued to captivate him. With each passing level, he encountered new and inventive challenges that kept him on his toes. The zombies grew more diverse, from the basic shamblers to absurd creatures like disco-dancing zombies and zombies in dolphin-riding contraptions. He found it even more challenging when he found out that the zombies can destroy your plants. This added another layer of difficulty.

Plants Vs Zombies didn't just rely on its unique character designs, it also boasted a deep and engaging strategy element. Adam had to carefully choose which plants to place where, considering their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. The game's quirky sense of humor shone through even in the plant selection, with options like pea shooters, sunflowers, and potato mines.

As Adam progressed, he discovered an amusing storyline that added depth to the game. Crazy Dave, the character dressed in the red shirt from the images, guided him through the adventure. Crazy Dave was delightfully eccentric, offering bizarre advice and selling peculiar items like exploding nuts and cherry bombs. Adam couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

The game's soundtrack, featuring catchy tunes like "Zombies on Your Lawn," further contributed to the overall charm. Even the sound effects, from the humorous zombie groans to the satisfying "pling" when a sun token was collected, added to the immersive experience.

A few hours later, Adam looked at his computer screen which displayed a win with a smile on his face.

"Hahhah, this game is amazing, to think that i had so much fun. I kind of feel like wanting to start again." but just than an idea passed through Adams head.

"Why don't I live stream this so others can enjoy the game as well."

He went on the site of Twitch and created an account to start streaming (Yes, there is twitch in this world as well), as soon as he was done he restarted the game and turned on the stream.

Adam's decision to live stream his Plants Vs Zombies gameplay was met with enthusiasm. He knew that he had stumbled upon something special, and he wanted to share that experience with others. As he fired up the game and initiated the stream, a sense of excitement coursed through him.

The Twitch account he had just created quickly garnered viewers, curious about the game and eager to see what had brought a smile to Adam's face. His genuine enthusiasm and infectious laughter as he played drew people in, and the chat window soon buzzed with messages from viewers.

"Wow, this game looks so fun!"

"I've never seen this before. What's it called?"

"Keep it up, Adam! You're making my day!"

Adam interacted with his viewers, explaining the mechanics of the game and sharing stories of his in-game adventures. He showcased his strategic prowess, demonstrating how to tackle challenging levels and overcome tricky zombie waves. When Adam let one of the zombies destroy one of his plants on purpose the viewers also noticed this. Unlike other Tower defense games where you place turrets or soldiers next to a path that enemies will take, without the turrets taking any damage this game was different. Adam humor and witty commentary also added to the entertainment value of the stream.

As time passed, Adam's viewership steadily grew. More and more people were joining his stream, finding respite from their day-to-day lives in the whimsical world of Plants Vs Zombies. They became engrossed in the game's unique challenges, quirky characters, and Adam's engaging commentary.