Chapter 19: Ze Flammenwerfer: Hans’s Answer to Trouble
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When Orion agreed to help, Li Jun hesitated, his voice strained with concern. "Are you certain, sir? We're talking about two Vermillion Clawed Bears. Young Master Liu might already be..." He trailed off, unable to voice the grim possibility.

Xia Ling's eyes flared with conviction. "No, Senior Brother Jian is still alive! I believe in him. We must hurry – there's still time to save him." Her face was a picture of unwavering belief.

Orion disembarked from the wagon. "Okay, I'll save him. You don't have to worry."

A ray of hope pierced through Xia Ling's despair. Gratitude and relief shone in her eyes as she bowed deeply. "Thank you so much, mister."

Although Xia Ling couldn't discern this mysterious man's cultivation level, something about his demeanor – perhaps the sheer confidence in his voice – reassured her. Deep down, she harbored an unwavering belief that he would be the key to saving her senior brother.

She straightened up, her demeanor shifting from despair to resolve. "This way," she urged, gesturing towards the woods. "Senior Brother Jian is in this direction, uhmm mister..."

"My name is Orion. You don't need to accompany me, it's too dangerous," Orion stated.

"But even if I can't assist in the fight, I can show you the way," Xia Ling countered.

"There's no need. I already know where your senior brother is. Let's not waste any more time," Orion replied, preparing to leave.

Xia Ling bowed deeply. "Thank you, Mister Orion. I truly hope you can save Senior Brother Jian." She placed her trust in this enigmatic figure. He could detect Senior Brother Jian's location from here. Is he a Foundation Establishment realm cultivator or even higher? she pondered.

Li Jun hesitated, torn. Finally, with gritted teeth, he commanded, "Zhang Feng, lead the caravan to the city. I'll join Mister Orion in the rescue mission for Young Master Liu."

"Be careful, boss," Zhang Feng cautioned.

A cultivator named Xin Qiu, a 3rd stage of the Qi Condensation realm from another group, stepped forward. "I'll also assist." He reasoned internally that if he didn't offer help now, especially when others were taking the initiative, how could he explain it to the Liu family in the future? He resolved to try, but if things turned perilous, he'd make a quick retreat. This way, he could at least tell the Liu family he attempted to help.

"Alright, let's move," Orion said.

Li Jun turned to his caravan, issuing instructions before leaving them, "Head straight to the city. The city is already nearby, and the journey is short and should be relatively safe from spirit beasts and bandits." He then addressed Xia Ling, "Miss Ling, it's best if you join the caravan and head to the city. It's too risky for you to stay here alone."

Xia Ling nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, everyone, for your assistance."

Without further delay, Orion, Li Jun, and Xin Qiu set off towards the woods. As they moved through the woods, Orion suddenly halted in its tracks.

"What's the matter, sir? Is something wrong?" Li Jun asked, with Xin Qiu also looking on curiously.

"To rescue Young Master Liu, we need to prepare," Orion stated.

Li Jun's brows furrowed in confusion. "Prepare? What for? Shouldn't we be hurrying to Young Master Liu's aid?"

"If we charge in without a plan or preparation, our rescue attempt will fail," Orion explained calmly. "There's no need to rush. Young Master Liu is still protected by a defense talisman." Using its drone, Orion could see that Young Master Liu was surrounded by an energy barrier, deflecting the Vermillion Clawed Bear's attacks. From what it learned in Lianfen, Orion deduced that Young Master Liu was using a defense talisman.

Impressed by Orion's ability to ascertain Young Master Liu's condition from a distance, Li Jun inquired, "So, what's our next move, sir?"

Orion responded, "You don't need to do anything for now. Just stand aside."

With that, Orion retrieved the Lander from its storage ring. The sudden appearance of the large, metallic object left both Li Jun and Xin Qiu stunned. They wondered if this peculiar device was part of Orion's preparation.

"What is it, sir?" Li Jun inquired.

"It's my portable hut," Orion responded. Well, it's not entirely inaccurate, Orion thought internally.

"Oh... but the design is, well... unique," Xin Qiu observed.

"Yes, that's precisely why I rarely take it out," Orion explained.

Li Jun tapped the structure, eliciting a metallic sound. "Is it made of steel? Why are there no windows?"

"It's made from steel to protect against wild animals," Orion clarified.

"Is it imbued with inscriptions?" Xin Qiu asked.

"No," replied Orion.

"Oh, while it might defend against wild animals, without inscriptions to reinforce it, it would be ineffective against spirit beasts like the Vermillion Clawed Bear," Xin Qiu reasoned.

Orion nodded, "Indeed, the maker didn't consider that aspect. Perhaps you could make a similar steel hut for your travels. At the very least, it can protect from rain and wild animals."

Xin Qiu chuckled, "No, sir. This seems heavy and sizable. It can only be transported using a storage ring, which a low-level cultivator like me doesn't possess."

"Well, I suppose you're right," Orion conceded, skillfully diverting their attention from the Lander. By framing the advanced machinery as a mere steel portable hut, it cleverly diminished its perceived value, reducing any potential interest or covetous intentions.

Orion's AI had already devised a plan to confront the bear spirit beast and had crafted blueprints for the essential tools. With everything set, Orion began the impromptu project.

Internally, Orion mused, it's time for this world to witness the might of Hans and his 'Ze Flammenwerfer'.

"Please retreat further, things might get dangerous," Orion advised.

Both Li Jun and Xin Qiu, although confused, heeded the warning and moved back. What is he trying to do? they both wondered.

Orion's Lander, designed for Mars landing operations, was both large and heavy. Given the thin Martian atmosphere, parachutes alone couldn't adequately slow its descent. Thus, the Lander was equipped with a rocket engine that had several thrusters to control its descent. In the final moments before touchdown, this engine would fire fully to ensure a safe and smooth landing. The Lander's rocket engine utilized Rocket Propellant-1 (RP-1)—a highly refined form of kerosene—as well as Liquid Oxygen (LOX), with each stored in separate tanks. Orion now planned to use the RP-1 fuel to make a flamethrower.

Orion retrieved an empty oxygen cylinder. Initially designed to be attached to an astronaut's spacesuit, it supplied breathable oxygen for outdoor activities on the Martian surface. After making some modifications, Orion carefully transferred the leftover RP-1 fuel from the Lander's storage tank into the cylinder.

Using an electric compressor, Orion pressurized the cylinder with air. Near the top of the cylinder, a valve was secured to ensure the controlled release of the RP-1 fuel. Orion then took a four-meter-long, elastic reinforced fuel hose—originally designed for transferring fuel from the Lander's spare tanks to the main tank—and connected it to this valve.

To enhance safety and extend the range, Orion slid the hose inside a two-meter-long metallic pipe, securing the hose's end to the pipe's end. To streamline the spraying mechanism, Orion fitted a spray nozzle to the hose's end. Near the nozzle, Orion mounted a small torch for ignition. When lit and the valve opened, the RP-1 fuel would be sprayed out, igniting upon contact with the torch, producing a fierce flame. Holding onto the long metal pipe, Orion could safely operate the newly created flamethrower.

After completion, Orion conducted a test. The results were satisfactory. Li Jun and Xin Qiu, observing from the side, had been unsure of what Orion was up to. However, when the tool Orion created suddenly emitted a burst of flame, they were taken aback. Wow, that's incredible, both thought internally.

"Sir, will this tool be effective against the Vermillion Clawed Bear?" Li Jun inquired.

Orion confidently replied, "Yes, it will be. If Hans ever encountered a bear spirit beast, he would use 'Ze Flammenwerfer' to deal with it. I intend to do the same." As a demonstration, Orion adjusted the valve, making the flame grow even more intense.

"Who is Hans, sir?" Li Jun asked, puzzled. Internally, he wondered, why would Hans use 'Ze Flammenwerfer' against a bear spirit beast?

"Uhmm... Never mind. Just forget what I just said," Orion replied, understanding that no one from this planet would recognize that reference.

"Oh...," Li Jun murmured, still curious but choosing not to press further.

Orion accessed its storage ring and retrieved all the firecrackers and fireworks. Placing them in a linen pouch, it then drizzled a bit of RP-1 fuel over them before storing the pouch back in the ring. Next, Orion retrieved several large clay jugs, each filled with various types of lamp oil, sourced from plants, animal fats, and spirit beast fats. Carefully, it filled several smaller jugs with this oils, sealing them tightly. Orion also made several other preparations. The preparations seemed meticulous, leaving Li Jun and Xin Qiu intrigued and somewhat puzzled about what was to come.

Orion attached the pressurized oxygen tank, now filled with RP-1 fuel, upside-down to its back. Positioning it this way ensured the fuel would flow readily into the tube without the need for a dip tube. Holding the flamethrower in its left hand, Orion was ready.

"It's done. Time to rescue Young Master Liu," Orion declared. "Your task will be to retrieve Young Master Liu. I will distract the Vermillion Clawed Bear and lead it away. When you see an opportunity, immediately get Young Master Liu to safety."

"Understood," both Li Jun and Xin Qiu responded in unison.

With their roles clear, they set out, ready to execute the rescue mission.