Chapter 38: Hidden Machinations
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Orion spent hours visiting many places in the city. During the journey, Orion also overheard from passersby that Hua Meiying had departed Yanjing City, returning to the Melodic Harmony Sect. The revelation left her fans saddened upon hearing the news.

Returning to the guest house at around 3 PM, Orion also brought red bean buns for Wang Lingxin. She joyfully accepted the treats and decided to savor them in a small flower garden near the guest house, planning to enjoy the delightful red bean buns along with the scenic beauty of the garden. Meanwhile, back at the guest house, Orion was occupied with the meticulous task of sorting through the numerous items acquired throughout the day.

The refreshing breeze gently caressed Wang Lingxin, and the pleasant aroma of the flowers added to the relaxing atmosphere. With a delicious red bean bun in hand, seated on a stone chair, Wang Lingxin truly savored the moment, eating happily and blissfully. However, everything changed when the person she hated appeared in front of her. She immediately devoured the bun in her hand and hastily shoved the remaining red bean buns into her mouth. After finishing, she wiped her mouth and faced the unwelcome person.


Luo Fengwei went to the Liu family estate after completing all the orders from Orion. Upon arrival, he sought out Liu Jian and delivered the dagger he had ordered. Since Orion had not returned and was still in the market, Luo Fengwei accepted Liu Jian's invitation for tea. After a while, Orion returned to the guest house. Luo Fengwei excused himself and went to visit Orion.

Upon arriving in the flower garden near the guest house, he noticed Wang Lingxin there, seemingly enjoying a bun. Approaching her with a smile, he tried to be a caring elder, showing some attention to Wang Lingxin. Unexpectedly, Wang Lingxin turned hostile toward him, and Luo Fengwei remembered that she harbored resentment due to past events.

Uh... what to do? Sigh... I think I should apologize to her, Luo Fengwei thought to himself. Even though Wang Lingxin is just a mortal kid, she is Orion's disciple, and who knows how high she can soar in the future? It's better to mend their relationship as soon as possible.

"Little lass, are you still angry with me?" Luo Fengwei asked.

Wang Lingxin stood silently, looking at him with cold eyes.

"Will you forgive me if I apologize?" Luo Fengwei asked.

Wang Lingxin remained silent.

"Sigh... little lass, I am sorry if I angered you," Luo Fengwei bowed.

Wang Lingxin spread her legs, crossed both arms in front of her, and raised her chin. The situation seemed surreal, an old man bowing to a kid, and the kid trying to appear intimidating. However, somehow it also fit, considering that Luo Fengwei is a dwarf, and their height difference is not much.

"It's not that easy!" Wang Lingxin declared.

"At least give me some face. Even like this, I am still a Golden Core realm cultivator and a rather famous blacksmith, you know? I've already apologized. Will you forgive me? How about this? I'll give you a gift as an apology. What do you want? Spirit stones? A beautiful dress? Weapons or armor? Just name it," Luo Fengwei offered.

"Hmp! Just a Golden Core realm cultivator. Even immortals would have to bow down in front of me, and Celestials need to show their respect towards me!" Wang Lingxin retorted. Though she is just a mere mortal, her view has expanded greatly after encountering her future self. Now, she looks down on everything.


Due to Wang Lingxin's words, above the planet where they were currently located, a pair of illusory eyes appeared. Each eye was far larger than the planet itself, and these eyes possessed a breathtaking beauty, with many mesmerizing lights in the iris. It was as if each eye held within it a galaxy adorned with billions of stars.

"Ha ha ha, what an interesting little girl," a beautiful voice echoed from above the planet, but nobody could hear it. The pair of eyes glanced towards Wang Lingxin and then to the whole planet, piercing everything as if nothing could hide from them. Then, the eyes shifted their gaze towards the distance.

"Sigh... human greed knows no bounds. For their selfish ambitions, they willingly sacrifice others, unknowingly inviting disaster upon themselves," the beautiful voice spoke. Then the eyes returned to Wang Lingxin. "Hmm... Wang Lingxin, let's see how far you can go."

The pair of eyes took a last glance at the planet and noticed a metallic object orbiting it. "Oh... and what is this?" The eyes scrutinized the metallic object, which had something akin to a pair of wings and a long metallic object resembling a tail. There seemed to be 'Orbiter' written on it. "A wild variable... perhaps there is still hope for this world..." The voice faded, and the pair of eyes slowly disappeared.


In a dimly lit room, a figure sat cross-legged, and before him, a crystal ball hovered, surrounded by a thick black aura.

"Void Sword, how's it going?" a voice emanated from the crystal ball, its tone eerie and sinister.

"Everything is going smoothly," the seated figure replied, "Shadowlord Krythar, you better not be lying to me."

"Ha ha ha, of course, I won't be lying to you. Why would I lie to you? We've come this far already. I promise that I will give you what you want when the time comes. Hua hua hua," the voice echoed from the crystal ball.

"You better be," a dangerous glint flashed in the eyes of the seated figure.


On a snowy mountain, three elegant figures hovered, dressed in beautiful attire. Their faces radiated a captivating beauty, complemented by their slender figures.

"Jeez... why should we be wandering in the wilderness like this? We've been all over places for days already, and I am tired. There's nothing fun and interesting," remarked one of the girls, her breath visible in the frosty air.

"Junior sister, stop complaining. We are currently on an important mission," said the other girl.

"Senior sister, you are being too serious about this mission. It's just some space and time fluctuation, probably some kind of natural treasure was born or maybe some kind of natural phenomenon. There is no need to be concerned too much about it. Ugh... why must Master send us? She should send others. Sigh, I prefer to stay in the sect rather than in the wilderness like this," grumbled the junior sister.

"Junior sister, you really don't listen to Master's words, do you? She already said that not long ago there was some abnormal space-time fluctuation. It was so huge that it even alerted all of those old monsters. Even the ancestor said that this is something that can't be ignored, thus we need to investigate it," explained the senior sister.

"Well, whatever. But why me???" questioned the junior sister.

"If you don't like it, you can return to the sect," suggested the older looking, more mature girl.

"Really, martial aunt?" asked the junior sister.

"Of course, but I will tell your Master, and you will be punished. Do you still want to go back?" inquired the martial aunt, her smile warm, but her eyes carried a subtle threat.

"Ugh... never mind," sighed the junior sister. She was truly scared of her master, who also happened to be the sect master of the Serene Moonlight Sect—an all-female cultivation sect and one of the top 10 cultivation sects in the Luoshan continent.

"We just need to find some trace of the space-time fluctuation and investigate it. If it's just a natural treasure, as you said, then we need to take it, and we can head back. But there is also the possibility of something worse..." explained the martial aunt.

"Something worse?" questioned both the senior and junior sister.

"Your master has sent new information. It seems that in the dragon race territory, a world portal connected to the Demon World has been discovered, from which a demon emerged and attacked the dragon race that discovered it. Fortunately, it's weak and can be killed easily. As for the world portal, it disappears after a while. The same incident has occurred in other places. It's still unclear if it's related to the huge space-time fluctuation incident previously. That's why our sect has dispatched teams to patrol and check for such world portals and also to investigate the mysterious space-time fluctuation. Now, do you understand the severity and importance of the situation? Stop complaining already and focus on the mission," emphasized the martial aunt.

"Yes, martial aunt, I understand," replied the junior sister reluctantly. However, she stuck out her tongue behind the martial aunt, clearly not caring at all even after the martial aunt's explanation. The martial aunt just pretended not to notice this.

"Let's go; there is nothing unusual around here," Martial Aunt led them. "We can take a little break at Fengxian later. How about that?" Martial Aunt suggested.

"Really? Martial Aunt, I love you so much; you are the best," the junior sister exclaimed.

"But you must focus on the mission for now, and no more complaining, understand?" Martial Aunt reminded.

"Understand!" the junior sister affirmed.

The senior sister sighed, looking at her junior sister, and just smiled at her.

The world where Orion is currently located is called the Qian Feng World (千峰世界) 'Thousand Peaks World'. Another world, the Demon World, is inhabited by demons. The inhabitants of Qian Feng and demons rarely interact because they reside in different worlds. Only in rare cases, when mystic realms with portals connecting both worlds emerge, do the inhabitants of Qian Feng interact with demons.

Around two weeks ago, there was a huge space and time fluctuation that only those with a high enough cultivation base could detect. It resonated from every corner of the world, prompting the cultivation world to mobilize and race to find the cause. The speculation was that it might be the birth of a precious natural treasure.

Cultivators from the orthodox, unorthodox, and evil paths scrambled to search for clues, each eager to claim the potential treasure for themselves. Even prominent sects immediately dispatched large teams to investigate. However, smaller space-time fluctuations suddenly began to emerge from all corners of the world, caused by the appearance of world portals connected to the Demon World. The world portals only exist for a short time, and from them, demons emerge.

When demons and the inhabitants of Qian Feng meet, it results in a fight to the death. Demons are dreadful creatures, driven by a relentless instinct to kill and consume. They view the Qian Feng inhabitants as mere food, seeking to drink their blood and devour their flesh to become stronger.

For the inhabitants of Qian Feng, they are not just mere prey; they also see demons as prey. They actively fight back, aiming to kill demons as they recognize them as mortal enemies. Moreover, demons possess valuable body parts that can be utilized for various purposes, including making pills, weapons, armor, and for inscription materials. The conflict between the inhabitants of Qian Feng and demons is intense, with both sides killing each other on sight.

Typically, major conflicts are avoided because both worlds are separated. However, a phenomenon has occurred where portals connecting the Demon World to Qian Feng World are appearing. It remains unclear whether this phenomenon is related to the initial massive space-time fluctuation. Demons can now enter Qian Feng World, but the inhabitants of Qian Feng World cannot enter the Demon World. This has created a new and dangerous dynamic, introducing a threat that challenges the longstanding separation between the two realms. Some voiced concerns that it could be the onset of a calamity, but as of now, the cultivation world doesn't appear overly worried about it.


I... Immortals?! How dare she say that. As expected of a kid, she doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, Luo Fengwei thought to himself. And Celestials? What even is that? he pondered.

Sighing, Luo Fengwei retrieved a spiky fruit from his storage ring, its rather strong odor filling the air. Remembering that the little girl was particularly fond of food, he hoped that offering the fruit would earn her forgiveness.

"Little lass, will you forgive me if I give you this?" Luo Fengwei asked.

Wang Lingxin's face turned dark, and she grew angrier. "What a bad guy! You gave my master a trash sword, and now you want to give me a rotten fruit?"

"It's not rotten! The fruit is normally like this, and it tastes very delicious! Moreover, it's not just a simple fruit..." Luo Fengwei began.

"I am telling my master that you are bullying me!" Wang Lingxin interrupted.

"Wait, let me finish... Let me explain," Luo Fengwei pleaded.

But Wang Lingxin was prepared to leave. Not wanting misunderstandings to escalate and have Wang Lingxin complain to her master, he immediately opened the spiky fruit. With a flick of his finger, a small chunk of the fruit flew into Wang Lingxin's mouth. She was surprised as something entered her mouth, instinctively chewing and swallowing it.

"Aaaaaaaa huaaaaa... How dare you feed me that rotten fruit!" Wang Lingxin sobbed.

"Wait...wait...don't cry. Please forgive me for doing that. But why don't you taste the fruit? It's good, right?" Luo Fengwei asked.

Wang Lingxin felt the lingering taste on her tongue, and it was delicious. She tasted and swallowed her saliva.

"See, I am not lying. The fruit tastes good; it's just that the smell is a bit strong." Luo Fengwei explained.

"Hmph, don't expect that I will forgive you just by giving one fruit," Wang Lingxin remarked.

"I still have ten more of them, and I will give them to you. How about that? Will you forgive me?" Luo Fengwei asked, feeling rather exasperated. He wasn't good at dealing with kids.

"Te..ten?" Wang Lingxin smacked her lips. "He he he, Grandpa, you are so nice. Of course, I am willing to forgive you," Wang Lingxin said.

Luo Fengwei successfully mended his relationship with Wang Lingxin in exchange for eleven spiky fruits. These were not ordinary fruits but spiritual ones that greatly aided cultivators, boosting their cultivation.

The fruit was called Earth Dragon Fruit because the spiky skin resembled the Earth Dragon's. It was highly valuable and in demand among cultivators of the Foundation Establishment realm due to its effectiveness. Even those at the Golden Core realm could still gain some benefits.

However, it seemed that these fruits would just end up as regular food for Wang Lingxin, consumed for their delicious taste. As a mortal, she could only absorb a small part of the benefits of the fruit. If other cultivators were aware of this, they would likely be angered and curse such wastefulness.

"Grandpa Luo, why are you here? Do you want to meet Master?" Wang Lingxin asked with a friendly expression.

Grandpa Luo? Luo Fengwei thought internally. "Ha ha ha, good girl, indeed I want to meet with your master," Luo Fengwei replied.

"Master is at the guest house. I can bring you to him," Wang Lingxin offered. "That fruit looks heavy. How about I carry it for you?" She eyed the fruit.

"Sure, thank you very much. It's for you after all," Luo Fengwei said as he handed her the fruit. "I will give more later."

"Thank you, Grandpa Luo," Wang Lingxin said.

Then, Wang Lingxin brought Luo Fengwei to meet her master.