19. Aztalr’s Dungeon
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Chapter 19 - Aztalr's Dungeon

Author Note: Some readers may find this chapter disturbing.

Here is a summary in case:


Alexis awakens in a weird dungeon. She has no idea what happened and picks up a sword to fight off the monsters but ends up dying. She awakens again at the exact same spot and calls out to Aztalr.


When I awakened, I found myself sprawled on the floor in a vast dark chamber. It looked like some kind of dungeon. There were chains hanging from the ceiling, and the room smelled of dampness and decay. Looking down, I noticed that I was not only naked but that my weapons and possessions were all gone. My body was drenched with sweat and other unsavory fluids, and there was a burning sensation in my stomach.

I turned to the source of the foul odor and saw a decomposing body rotting in the corner. The sight of it made my stomach roil, but I knew I had to find a way out of there quickly. But despite the vivid senses, I knew it was a dream.

As I searched for an exit, a low rumble filled the room, shaking the ground beneath my feet. Something was approaching from somewhere below. I didn't know what was coming, but I didn't want to wait around to find out. I immediately grabbed the rusted sword that must've belonged to the corpse before it died.

Soon, several small, four-legged figures walked forward and sniffed in my direction, their faces grimy and covered with dirt. They reminded me of weird goblins, only a bit taller. Two sets of fur-covered legs and arms dangling off either side of their bodies. Short, dark tufts atop their heads. Clutching various weapons in their hands—mostly sticks and sticks-with-nails-in—they came straight for me. I drew the dull blade and took aim.

A squeaky, high-pitched noise was heard as it raced towards me. I slashed through one and impaled another. Another came rushing forward and used its large stone club to smash my hand, knocking the blade from my grip.

Fighting without a weapon is tricky business, but not impossible. As long as you have enough dexterity. Using a simple maneuver, I aimed for its knees, swinging horizontally and spinning, kicking its body hard in the process and sending it careening backward. "Hah!"

The creature staggered a few steps until finally falling head over heels into a corner. "One down," I grunted, rising back to my feet and raising my fists.

More snorts filled my ears as more monsters arrived. They kept coming, more and more, until the hallway was swarmed by dozens upon dozens, blocking the passage. I tried running around them, hoping to get through a hole and reach the entrance door. But their numbers were too great, and they quickly cut me off. I needed an opening to escape. I searched the walls frantically, looking for something to grab onto, but couldn't find anything suitable.

All that I found was an iron spike jutting out from the edge of one wall. With no other option, I swung down onto the head of the closest monster and gripped tightly, slamming the heavy iron onto another one behind me. Then, I kicked away the ones below. They smashed against each other and slammed onto the wall. Soon, everything became a jumbled mass. The tunnel filled with roaring and screeching sounds as creatures piled over each other.

Fatigue set in soon afterward. My chest heaved, sweat dripped from my body, and the monsters continued attacking relentlessly, pushing their advantage. A fist struck the side of my stomach, forcing me down on all fours. The pain caused me to cough harshly, and my ribs stung badly. Before I could recover, an impact sent me reeling back and crashing onto a pile of dead beasts.

As I tried to regain my breath, my lungs ached with every exhale. Every attempt resulted in sharp, searing pains and an inability to inhale. Something warm gushed from the wound. "Ugh."

Grunting loudly, I rose from the mass of corpses and dashed toward a hallway. Unfortunately, a horde of goblins awaited me on the other end, blocking the passageway completely.

In desperation, I charged them recklessly. "GET OUT OF MY WAY, DAMN YOU!!"

I slammed my body into one, then another, causing their legs to buckle and forcing them aside. Eventually, a small pathway opened through the horde. Seeing an opportunity, I pushed past them and headed straight towards the entrance. I ran as fast as I could until reaching the end, climbed through the hole in the floor, and made my way upstairs.

An infernal sight of thousands and thousands of bodies lying all over a colossal courtyard greeted me. Bones, meat, guts, blood, and other pieces lay scattered everywhere. Even from up top, I couldn't discern most of what I was seeing, though there seemed to be enough dead goblins to cover every surface and fill each building with them.

The last bits of moonlight filtered through the clouds and illuminated everything, making it difficult for me to avoid slipping on the slick, red pools, especially since my feet kept sticking to the ground every so often. Every breath I took tasted horrible; the pungent smell of death assaulted my nostrils.

Behind me, loud banging sounds echoed, telling me that something still pursued me. I dashed down another path, but not before noticing the ruins of the original complex lying a few meters ahead. As I raced past the ruins, more noises came from behind. I couldn't help glancing over my shoulder while still running forward and almost losing sight of the doorway leading to a lower level. I turned quickly and rushed towards it. Once inside, I found myself inside what seemed to be some sort of storage room. There were barrels stacked in corners and shelves lined along walls containing a variety of objects. I noticed a rack containing spears and took a long stick-like one from it.

Then suddenly, the doors burst apart, and in rushed a dozen creatures resembling large hounds with hideous horns sprouted out of their heads. Without hesitation, I flung the spear, piercing through two of the creatures and sending them flying back. But before I could retrieve another one, three more bursts through the doorframe, lunging at me. I barely had enough time to raise my shield to block their bites. The metal crumpled underneath the force of their powerful jaws, but it managed to prevent them from reaching my skin. Unfortunately, another creature arrived shortly thereafter, stabbing its blade directly through my stomach.

Everything slowed down; all movement ceased as blood dripped down the floor in rivulets. My breathing became erratic, and I struggled to draw in another breath, the coppery taste filling my mouth. Blood poured from my stomach and spilled onto the ground, pooling below me.

I won't give up... "I'm not gonna let—!"

The scene returned to before. I was back at the beginning. The same corpse and his blade lay across the room.

There was no sense of relief when realizing the whole situation wasn't real, as the smell of sweat, excrement, and mold and the sound of fighting, screaming, dying, and my inner pleading for mercy all seemed like reality itself.

"How the hell do I get out?! AZTALR!!?"


Thanks for reading~

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anyway, squidball out!