Faction – Church of the Gemini
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The Church of the Gemini formed long before the founding of the Empire of Azadora in the holy city of Crassca in the nation of Ceodris where the Moon Goddesses Caesonia and Demaelia, which the church is named after, sent their children to keep them hidden from Aliri.

As adherence to the Church’s doctrine grew, so did their influence. The Church of the Gemini is deeply ensconced in the courts and decisions of all the nations of the known world, Azadora being no exception.

While the Church officially takes no position on matters of politics, it is well known within the circles of power that where the church leans so, too, does the state.

The church’s functions include rituals honoring the Twins, Caesonia and Demaelia as well as spreading the tenets of faith. They also have near exclusive domain over the true healers of each nation. Their healers are in great demand since it is said they can heal almost any ailment. With the obligatory tithe from its followers as well as the fees paid to the church for its healers and scholars the Church of the Gemini has become wealthier than many of the nations they serve.