Chapter 11
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Chapter 11

Lux fidgeted nervously with the hem of his tunic as he made his way to meet Elder Ironwood. Ever since the prince had brought him to Zaria, Lux's life had been an endless blur of fear and confusion.


First, Santiago had controlled him cruelly with the cursed collar, forcing him to transform against his will. But the prince had undergone a bizarre change in recent weeks - suddenly acting kind and considerate, even apologetic for his past behavior.


Lux remained wary. He had witnessed Santiago's dark rages firsthand. This cheerful benefactor routine could be another manipulative facade. The prince's ice-blue eyes still held the same shrewd calculation when he thought Lux wasn't watching.


Yet Santiago had kept his word so far, giving Lux more freedom and gently encouraging him to open up. They shared peaceful hours reading poetry together in the sunny castle library. Lux found himself reluctantly enjoying the prince's witty banter during their talks.


But he hesitated to fully trust this man who had so recently been his tormentor. Santiago was changeable as the tides - placid one moment, storms brewing the next. Lux worried the tempest would inevitably return.


His circling thoughts were interrupted as Lux arrived at the training yard. Elder Ironwood stood waiting, her eyes seeming to look right through Lux as he hesitantly approached.


"Young Calibur. It is time you mastered your elemental gift," Ironwood stated without preamble. "With discipline, you may yet become an asset against our foes."


Lux blinked nervously. "My gift?"


"The light element flows strongly in your bloodline," Ironwood explained. "I will train you to wield it properly."


Lux shrank back. "But I'm no fighter..."


Ironwood's stern gaze softened slightly. "Unlock your potential, and you need never be collared against your will again. Now summon your inner flame."


Closing his eyes, Lux focused as Ironwood instructed. To his shock, a glowing orb of pale fire flickered to life in his palms. The light cast dancing shadows across his astonished face.


Ironwood nodded approvingly. "The kings of old are watching. Make them proud, young prince. Bring honor to your lineage through deeds, not merely name."


Lux swallowed hard, staring at the glimmering light. He had hidden from his fabled ancestry all his life, wanting only to live quietly. But perhaps his bloodline gift could now become his strength.

Lux tried to appear composed as he sat beside Prince Santiago at the transitional council meeting, but nerves twisted his stomach into knots. He was unused to participating in matters of governance, preferring to avoid political intrigues.


Yet Santiago had insisted Lux attend this session, saying it was vital he represent the voice of the artifacts as the last heir of House Calibur. Lux wished desperately to live up to that noble lineage in this moment.


The debate grew heated as the notion of crafting a constitution and establishing an elected Parliament was discussed. Maria, Santiago's sister and the representative for the Sliez Empire slammed her fist on the table.


"Giving voice to the rabble will only sew chaos!" she proclaimed scornfully. "The bloodline nobility have guided the people ably for generations. This reckless experiment will be our doom."


Santiago rose calmly, meeting his sister's glare. "The age of absolutism is over, sister. Zaria shall be reborn as a beacon of enlightened rule. All voices deserve equal representation."


The other council members murmured agreement. Grand Mayor Alessandro, leading the neutral city-states, turned to Lux. "Young Calibur, you have been silent. What say you on establishing a parliament?"


Lux froze as all eyes turned to him. He glanced at Santiago, who gave an encouraging nod. Drawing courage from his partner, Lux spoke up timidly.


"My Lords...and Lady, the artifacts have no true voice under the old ways." He looked down, remembering his own powerlessness. "I believe giving all people a say over the laws governing them is just."


Murmurs of approval rippled around the table. Elder Ironwood, representing the tribal clans, gave Lux an approving look. But Maria glared daggers at him.


When the vote was called, Maria stood alone against the motion. "Mark me, you shall regret diluting our authority," she warned darkly before storming out.

Lux tensed as Santiago ushered him into yet another bonding session after the council meeting. He still struggled to reconcile the prince's mercurial nature - one moment cruel captor, the next thoughtful confidante.


Yet when Santiago gave him an encouraging smile, Lux felt his defenses slipping despite himself. The prince had shown real kindness lately as they shared poetry readings and stargazing talks. Each glimpse behind Santiago's royal facade revealed a sharp intellect and dry wit that Lux enjoyed.


Lux found himself laughing freely at Santiago's exaggerated recitals as they settled down to compose poems together. The sound startled him - when was the last time he had laughed so openly?


Noticing his reaction, Santiago gently asked if he was happy here in this new land. Lux hesitated, then softly confided that he often felt lonely, an outsider with no family left.


Santiago nodded thoughtfully before brightening. "I have news that may lift your spirits. My fiancée, Lady Camila, is traveling soon to Zaria."


He continued, "At my request, she has agreed to convert to the Faith of Himar and grant her artifact partner true freedom." Santiago smiled. "I thought she could become a friend to you."


Lux's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude. "Truly? To meet a free artifact would mean much. I know too well the pain of servitude."


The notion sparked a bubble of hope in Lux's chest. At last, he could speak freely with someone who understood his people's plight. This gift of friendship moved Lux deeply.


Perhaps he had been too distrusting of Santiago's sincerity. The prince shared Lux's desire for unity between their peoples.

When their session was just about wrapping up, a page boy came run with a letter request immediately meeting with Dean Syril.

Lux followed Santiago to Dean Syril's office, curious about the summons. Syril's expression was grave as he explained that all new pairs in Zaria underwent a monitoring phase to safeguard against potential artifact abuse.


Lux shivered, reminded of how Santiago once cruelly controlled him. But the prince gave Lux's hand a reassuring squeeze - those dark days were behind them now.


"With so many new pairs in Zaria, I have run short of qualified monitors," Syril admitted. "But I requested an apprentice be sent from the Jzeda Republic. Allow me to introduce Shi Huang."


A lean, dark-haired young man stepped forward with a respectful bow. "I am honored to meet Your Highness and partner," Shi greeted them formally. Though reserved, intelligence shone in his observant eyes.


"The honor is ours," Santiago replied smoothly. "I am certain we will benefit greatly from your guidance during this transitional period."


Privately, Lux worried being scrutinized would strain their still-fragile bond. But Santiago insisted on following Zaria's new policies to the letter. And perhaps Shi's perspective could help them overcome any lingering darkness between them.


As Syril outlined Shi's duties, Lux studied their new monitor. Shi met Lux's gaze briefly, giving him a subtle, reassuring smile. Though just a few years older than Lux, he carried himself with quiet confidence and wisdom.


Lux felt his own anxious spirit settle somewhat. He sensed no judgment or suspicion in Shi's thoughtful eyes, only compassionate understanding. With this monitor's assistance, perhaps he and Santiago could continue growing into the enlightened pair Zaria needed them to be.


The long road ahead still frightened Lux, but with Santiago and now Shi beside him, he walked it with hope in his heart. Each step brought them closer to the shining future he dreamed of for all his people.