Chapter 14
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Chapter 14

Santiago maintained an impassive expression as he watched Jade and Silver kneel before him, but inwardly, a swell of satisfaction rose within the prince. The hastily assembled Hallows Hunters initiative was his brainchild, a way of controlling the most promising pairs under the guise of an elite guardian force.


And now two of the most skilled yet strong-willed recruits - Jade and Silver - were pledging their loyalty. Santiago had observed the pair closely since their arrival in Zaria. Though still young, their developing abilities and resonant bond showed tremendous potential if properly directed.


With Lux standing formally at his side, Santiago drew the ceremonial sword Instructor Liu had reluctantly provided from the Zaria armory. As much as it galled the old soldier to bend to Santiago's will, even Liu could not deny the peril the revitalized Hollow King posed. Santiago suppressed a smug smile at the memory of the instructor's begrudging capitulation to his proposal for the Hunters.


Clearing his throat, Santiago lowered the engraved sword first onto Jade's shoulder, then Silver's as he recited the ritual vows: "With this oath, I dub thee Hunters adept and charge thee with the noble quest to turn back the dark forces that threaten our world..."


As Santiago continued the ornate blessing, his voice rang clear and steady with authority. Outwardly, he struck the perfect balance of regal composure and humble gravity.


Inwardly, anticipation quickened Santiago's pulse. With these skilled pairs sworn into his service, his web of influence in Zaria expanded. Glacies and Ignis could only push back against him so far without losing their prized students.


Santiago concluded the vows and declared Silver and Jade to be among the inaugural Knights of the Hallowed Order. Around him, the audience broke into polite applause as the newly minted Hunters rose. Santiago noted the confused discomfort on Elder Ironwood and Dean Syril's faces. Clearly, they grasped his true intentions with the Hunters, but could not openly object without causing a scene. Santiago allowed himself a small, satisfied smile at their consternation.


As Silver and Jade came before him to receive their badges of office - crescent moon sigils reminiscent of Arthur Pendragon's crest - Santiago met their eyes gravely. "You honor Zaria with your commitment to this crusade," he intoned solemnly.


Silver held his gaze unflinchingly while Jade appeared discomfort by the prince's intense focus. Good, Santiago thought. The quiet but willful metal wielder would require careful handling to steer, but the artificer's pliant nature could be molded.


As Santiago pinned the silver crescents on their tunics, a silent promise passed between the prince and newly sworn knights. Destiny awaited them together ahead in the shadows. They would brave whatever came with heads held high, bound by choice or circumstance into brotherhood.


Santiago turned to Lux last, who greeted him with a shy, encouraging smile that never failed to kindle warmth in the prince's chest. No matter his machinations, Lux's gentle spirit remained Santiago's tether, reminding him of the righteous path.

Santiago watched with contained impatience as Shi led Lux through the intricacies of the ritual Song, his lilting voice echoing through the stone halls. Camila and Stella observed silently nearby, their expressions unreadable.


According to Shi, this training in the ancient melodies was merely an educational exercise, a way for Lux to connect more deeply to his family's storied elemental lineage. But Santiago sensed the monk's unspoken suspicions - that the prince intended to use this knowledge to bind Lux into a weapon for his own ends when the time came.


Shi's lack of trust grated on Santiago, but he maintained a carefully neutral facade. He had come too far and sacrificed too much to allow this presumptuous watchdog to hinder him now.


Santiago focused his gaze on Lux's delicate features as Shi guided him to channel flickers of light energy into the cycles of the song. The timid boy applied himself dutifully, brows furrowed in concentration, though Santiago glimpsed uncertainty lingering in his eyes.


Lux's hands trembled slightly as he attempted to shape the pale fire into a flickering blade at Shi's direction, but the Construct quickly melted back into formless glow. Santiago clenched his fists, fighting the urge to intervene and demand more progress. Patience was key to maintaining Lux's fragile trust.


At last, Shi called a halt to the lesson, his expression unruffled but eyes troubled. "You show a natural aptitude, Your Highness," he told Lux gently. "However, manipulating one's essence through Song requires years of training before true mastery..."


Here, his gaze flicked briefly to Santiago, who met it coolly. "I advise holding off on any transformation attempts for now. Your spirit must settle fully into its power first."


Before Santiago could object, Camila stepped forward, placing a supportive hand on Lux's shoulder. "Wise counsel, Master Shi," she concurred, shooting Santiago a subtle warning look. "We shall let Lux develop at his own pace."


Santiago inclined his head deferentially, though inwardly he seethed. Did they think him some tyrant who would carelessly force Lux against his will? He had painstakingly nurtured the fragile boy's trust - Santiago would not undo that progress by acting rashly, no matter how Shi tried to goad him.


For now, he bid Lux a warm farewell, heartened to see some of the fear fading from the artifact's eyes. Stella whispered encouragements to her brother as they departed, with Camila guiding him protectively away from Santiago and Shi's perceived conflict.


Once the others were out of earshot, Santiago turned on Shi, ire flashing through his icy eyes. "I understand you mistrust me, but take care you do not push Lux away with undue cautions on my behalf."


Shi met his gaze evenly. "I only wish for his soul's wellbeing. You hold great influence over the boy, my prince. I hope you exercise it wisely."


With that gentle but pointed remark, he followed after the others in fluid, unhurried strides. Santiago stared after Shi, indignation rising. How dare this presumptuous monk imply Santiago did not have Lux's best interests at heart! When Shi was long banished from court, the prince and artifact would show them all where true loyalty lay.


Santiago forced himself to release the breath simmering within him. As ever, Shi tried to unsettle his hard-won composure. But the monk would not succeed. Santiago's ambitions were greater than any temporary hindrance.


Schooling himself into patience once more, the prince departed to meet with the generals and continue laying the groundwork for his ascension. Lux would take his destined place at Santiago's side in time, weapon and partner merged seamlessly.


Of that, Santiago was certain. Their souls resonated together, two halves of a fragmented whole. He and Lux merely walked at differing paces - but soon, their steps would synchronize as destiny's plan unfolded.


With his Knights sworn to the cause and Shi's meddling soon neutralized, Santiago's vision drew steadily nearer. Let Camila and the others fret and watch. Santiago's will would prevail; he need only wait for the appointed hour.


And when at last he claimed what was his by divine right, no dissent would hinder him ever again.

The dark hollow's attack came without warning as Santiago and the others returned to the castle after Lux's training. One moment, they were walking calmly through the forest path. The next, a hulking, shadowy figure with burning red eyes emerged from the trees, darkness oozing from its clawed hands.


"Koŝmaro," Santiago breathed, instinctively moving in front of Lux. The prince had heard whispers of this notorious hollow, rumored to be sentient and capable of speech. To encounter it so close to the Zaria settlement boded ill.


Quickly, Santiago drew his ceremonial sword, the blade glinting in the fading light. Around him, Camila conjured glowing daggers while Stella's hands lit with pale fire, and Shi dropped into a fighting stance, bracelets glowing as his void energy powered up.


But Santiago's attention remained fixed on the lumbering Koŝmaro as it spoke, its voice like gravel churning. "You trespass in my domain, mortals. Now, you shall pay the price."


With startling speed, the hollow lunged forward, swiping its claws at Shi, who narrowly dodged the blow. Camila launched her flaming daggers, but the missiles passed harmlessly through the creature's smoky body.


Santiago slashed at Koŝmaro with his sword, but the blade merely dispersed the hollow's form momentarily before it re-coalesced. Cursing under his breath, Santiago quickly turned to Lux.


"Lux, you must transform! It's the only way to drive this beast back."


Lux's eyes widened in fear, but he gave a shaky nod of acquiescence. Santiago began frantically singing the ritual melody Shi had taught them. After a strained moment, Lux shifted into a gleaming gold sword. Santiago grasped the hilt, channeling his desperation through their resonant bond.


"For Zaria!" Santiago bellowed, charging forward and plunging Lux's blade deep into Koŝmaro's dark mass. The hollow let out an unearthly shriek as light erupted from the point of contact. Santiago continued relentlessly driving the sword deeper as purifying rays burst from Koŝmaro, causing it to howl and thrash violently.


With a final anguished cry, the creature dissolved into scattered shadows. Lux reverted to human form, collapsing into Santiago's arms. Around them, the others lowered their weapons, staring in shock.


"By the gods...such power," Camila breathed. Stella rushed to help support the weakened Lux as Santiago sagged against a tree, overwhelmed by what they had accomplished. Lux had willingly unleashed his full potential without the control collar at Santiago's request.


Santiago turned to Lux in awe. "You were an incredible, brave one. Already, you grow into your lineage's legacy."


Lux managed a tired smile. "We make a good pair," he replied modestly. Santiago clasped the boy's shoulder, pride and protectiveness welling within him. Together, their bond had defeated a great threat that day. What heights might they reach in time if they could accomplish this now? The future shone bright, bonded by choice and destiny.

Lux studied Prince Santiago's face as they prepared for the looming battle, noticing for the first time that streaks of Lux's own snowy white hair had appeared in the prince's blonde locks. Santiago's hair now mirrored the mixed red and blue hair of Generals Ignis and Glacies.


Puzzled, Lux turned to Glacies as the general grimly surveyed their amassed forces. "Beg pardon, sir, but may I ask about the meaning of those colored locks you and the other bonded pairs share?"


Glacies glanced down, his stern expression softening slightly. "Ah, yours and Santiago's hair shows the first signs of resonance synchronization."


He gestured to Ignis as the broad general approached. "As partners harmonize, their physical aspects may shift to align - reflecting their souls merging over time." Ignis nodded, running a hand self-consciously over his half-red, half-blue short hair.


Lux's eyes widened in fascination. He had never imagined such a tangible emblem of their deepening bond with Santiago. Touching his own snowy braid hesitantly, a pleased flush rose on his cheeks. Outwardly and inwardly, they were tying their fates together.


His happy musings were interrupted by shouts and cries of alarm outside. As Lux rushed out, his brief smile faded. On the horizon, an ominous mass of shadows swirled and churned - Koŝmaro had returned, with a monstrous horde of hollows at his back. Lux's gut twisted anxiously at the sight.


But Santiago clasped Lux's shoulder bracingly before lifting his voice to rally the diverse coalition of Zaria defenders. "Though we hail from different lands, in this moment, we stand as one!"


His voice rang with conviction over the restless ranks. "Let no evil divide what destiny saw fit to bring together. We fight as brothers and sisters this day!"


A cheer rose up, bolstering Lux's courage. Santiago raised his sword, the silver streaks in his hair seeming to shine. "Now we march, not just for Zaria's future, but for all people of goodwill who defy the shadow's resolve!"


Lux summoned his pale fire, letting it coat his hands. Beside him stood Stella, Camila, and the countless brave souls willing to sacrifice everything for this nascent dream called Zaria.


As the troops marched forth, Lux glanced back at Santiago leading the charge, his blonde and white locks blowing proudly in the wind. No matter the darkness they faced, with his partner beside him, Lux would never falter.

Lux felt his flame gutter as the hollow horde surged forward, an endless tide of churning darkness. Beside him, Santiago raised his sword, the blade glinting defiantly even as his face paled.


All around them, brave soldiers readied their weapons by shaking hands. The settlement's newly constructed soul-fueled barriers shimmered, the last line of defense. Beyond, Lux could make out frightened faces peering from windows as civilians took shelter.


"Steady, brave ones!" Santiago called out, though Lux heard the quaver in his voice. "Today, we prove our hearts shine brighter than any shadow!"


The soldiers rallied with weak cheers at the prince's words. But as the hollow mass rolled closer, Lux felt a strange deadening sensation creep over his senses. The world seemed leached of color and sound, muffled except for a bone-chilling rasping laugh.


"Koŝmaro's magic," Glacies muttered, face grim. "He seeks to smother hope before the battle begins."


Lux shuddered but tried to reignite his pale flame. To his dismay, only a few weak embers responded. Around him, the other fighters' eyes grew dull and unfocused under the crushing psychic weight.


But suddenly, a clear, defiant voice cut through the silence - Camila's voice, rising in the ritual Song of Zaria's ancient heroes. Though quavering at first, her melody rang louder as others took up the chant.


Lux felt Santiago's hand clasp his own as the Song swelled, the familiar notes kindling his faded inner light once more. Their eyes met with mirrored determination. Linked by trust and Song, Koŝmaro's sorcery could not prevail.


As one, Santiago and Lux turned with weapons raised to face the shadow horde. Behind them, voices now rang together, the Song reawakening courage and color alike. When Koŝmaro's tide crashed against the barriers, Zaria's defenders stood ready, souls ablaze.


This day would be long and brutal. Many might be lost, never to hear Song's sweet notes again. But if they fell, it would be on feet facing forward. Linked by sacrifice into legend, Zaria now fought as one to reclaim hope's dawn. In Lux's heart, the Song played