Chapter 14 – Rimuru
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Day 14


Rimuru lounged on his compact, square-shaped tatami mat within the confines of his modest Japanese abode, his gaze vacantly drifting over the modest design of the traditional walls. It had already been a week since his chance encounter with the ogres and their subsequent naming ceremony. They were gradually becoming part of his tight-knit community.


Feeling a sense of deep relaxation, his gelatinous form began to spread, spilling over the edges of the tatami mat and pooling onto the floor. “The joys of a lazy day…” Rimuru sighed contentedly, relishing a rare moment when piles of paperwork didn't dominate his time.


His peace, however, was short-lived. Just as Rimuru was about to fully immerse himself in his little world, a shadow flickered beside him.




A dark figure rose from his shadow, revealing Souei in all his handsome glory. “Rimuru-sama,” Soei said, his eyes closed and head slightly tilted in reverence. “Yea, Souei?” Rimuru lazily turned his head at the blue-haired Kijin beside him, his body quickly reforming into a round blob.


Raising his head, Souei reported, “We’ve identified a few threats in the nearby proximity.” Souei paused, allowing Rimuru to speak, “I see, so what are they?” Rimuru’s voice was laced with curiosity, after all, not many could be deemed as threats by Souei; disregarding the so-called “Orc Lord” they’ve been recently warned about by Treyni-san.


“It’s a Human and two Direwolves, Rimuru-sama.”


Rimuru was quite surprised that the ‘threats’ that Souei referred to were just a human and two direwolves, considering most humans that he’d seen were miles weaker than just Souei. “Tell 

me more.”


“Yes, one is an odd human with an abnormally large amount of magicules accompanied by two similarly abnormal white Direwolves.” Souei paused once more, “They’ve been rampaging around the Jura Forest for quite some time already, though we’ve only discovered them recently.”


Rimuru was shocked, like, bamboozled shocked. According to Great Sage, he’d been told that most humans had no, if not only a little, magicules. Not to mention one that had an abnormally high amount – one that even Souei thought was high.

This only excited Rimuru, however, since he’d also been told by Great Sage that most humans that contain magicules are Otherworlders since their bodies had adapted to accommodate magicules after their trip between worlds.


“Souei, find me more information on those three!” Rimuru, not hiding his excitement, ordered 


Souei. Nodding, he replied, “Yes, Rimuru-sama.” before cooly descending into Rimuru’s shadow and heading out to locate the dangerous trio.


“Now that I think about it, I’ve never seen a white Direwolf before.” Rimuru only now started to think deeply about the contents of Souei’s report. “Oi, Great Sage, what’s a white direwolf called?” Rimuru was only met by silence. “Guess that didn’t work…”


(Lucian’s POV)


Day 14


It’d been a week since we’d killed that Tempest Serpent, and what a fruitful week it had been. Consuming the Tempest Serpent resulted in my acquisition of the Sense Heat Source skill, which was admittedly quite useless since it was a much inferior version of Magic Sense. 


We stayed in the Sealed Cave for 2 more days. If outsiders were to describe our actions, it would be that it seemed as though we wanted to drive the species occupying the cave to extinction. 


By the time I’d acquired all the skills available in the cave, the number of monsters within had clearly dwindled, as well as the fact that most of the monsters actively avoided me; It seemed they had some form of an information network as I clearly remember that I hadn’t scared of each and every monster for them to act like they’d shit they pants out whenever I approached them.


However, their lackluster plans and preparations were nothing in the face of Shiro and Kumo’s speed, easily outclassing every monster in the cave. Speaking of Shiro and Kumo, they’d evidently grown stronger; both of them seemed to have an increased amount of magicules, almost a fifth more than the amount we started with, in fact.


I wasn’t sure why this change happened, considering it was never touched on by the anime and manga, but it was safe to assume that consuming or fighting monsters was a requirement in order to the capacity of one’s magicules. Though, I'd gotten a hefty amount of magicules, albeit the percentage that filled it was much less than Shiro and Kumo – a tenth, in fact.


Needless to say, it was quite a rewarding trip down there.


The rest of the week was quite uneventful, we’d find the occasional B-rank monster and get a little challenging fight, but compared to the multitude of Tempest Serpents we’d found in the cave – it was starting to get boring.


Only on the last day of the week did we find our first challenge. It was a large Medium Dragon - according to Source. It was a really dumb name, like, why’d they name it a “Medium Dragon” and not just “Dragon”? It just didn’t make sense. 


As I was indulging in my complaints, the Dragon looked directly at us. It raised its large, blue wings, its scales shimmering in the sunlight. Its appearance would be intimidating to the average person, but not to us. Rushing towards it, we used our bread and butter technique; the Triple Flank, as I liked to call it. A lame name, but it sums up what the attack was about.


Shooting to its sides, the two Direwolves bared their fangs, glaring at the large dragon with a menacing gaze and unleashing their Haki. The Dragon, unperturbed by the two’s spiritual pressure, unleashed a devastating flame attack from its mouth at Shiro. This, however, caused the Dragon to turn its back on me, giving me the perfect opportunity to attack.


Not daring to waste the opportunity, I leaped forward, darting like a bullet and instantly arriving at the dragon’s back. The Dragon, sensing the disturbance behind me, quickly stopped its attack and turned backward, its eyes staring straight into my eyes. Ignoring its gaze, I used Steel String and Sticky String, one on each, and made them wrap around the defiant dragon’s legs and stick them to the ground.


The Dragon realized what I was attempting and tried to escape, only to find the two Direwolves pouncing at its neck. Desperately reeling its head back was all it could do to attempt to avoid the two’s devastating attack since his legs were bound and stuck. Unfortunately, it had underestimated the two direwolves’ intellect. 


Shiro and Kumo abruptly stopped themselves, kicking up sand in the process. Before leaping once more at its legs. The Dragon’s eyes widened in realization, suddenly understanding their motives. Moving its large wings, it swatted at the two incoming direwolves in opposite directions but was easily evaded by the two nimble wolves. 


The Dragon opened its mouth, and an eerie glow started to emit from it as it prepared a dangerous fire breath. “Oh no you don’t!” I shouted, causing it to momentarily divert its attention 

to me. My palm was infused with a condensed layer of Nihilucles. Seeing this, the dragon seemed to be appalled by the fact that it was feeling fear from the unknown substance covering my hands but had to quickly shake off those thoughts as I approached its front.


Diverting the breath’s trajectory, it aimed at me instead, something I’d wanted. A large stream of fire launched itself at me, the scorching heat causing my skin to begin burning despite the distance between us. Shaping the Nihilicules in my palm into a small round shape, something I’d practiced over the week, I threw it directly at the Dragon’s face - in the middle of the fire breath.


The magical flame breath instantly dispersed, the surface area that came into contact with it seemingly disappearing. However, the Nihilicule ball was seemingly unperturbed by the scorching heat of the flame breath, heading towards its target without losing any speed. The dragon didn’t even have time to register what was happening before the ball of Nihilicules landed in its mouth.


Closing its mouth on instinct, the dragon could only open its eyes in horror as it realized what had just happened. And the next second, its body went limp, signaling its death.

Day 14


Name: Lucian

Race: Demonoid

Title: Kin-Eater, Ecohazard

Skills :

Unique Skill: Nihility

Unique Skill: Covalent

Unique Skill: Source

Extra Skill: Predator's Eyes (All of Creation, Predation, Appraisal Eye, Thought Acceleration, Coercion),Magic Sense, Water Manipulation,

Skill: Farsight, Thought Communication, Flame Breath, Apply PoisonSteel Thread,Sticky Thread,Body Armor,Sense Heat Source, Poisonous Breath,Drain,Ultrasonic Waves,Paralyzing Breath,Enhance Body,Absorb Sunlight,Wind Blade,Glow, Poison Excrement, Temperature Regulation,





THE EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER!!! Sorry for not uploading for over a week, I was busy with exams and didn't have any time to write. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! 


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