Chapter 12
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A bit on the short side for an update, especially after so long. We're getting close to the endgame setup for this story and I'm anticipating finishing with chapter twenty-one (though how many parts each chapter will be, who can say?) Thank you for sticking with me throughout this story. The "just for fun, palet cleanser to help me get back into writing" kinda took on a life of its own, and now this story is way more involved than the quick jaunt I had planned it out to be. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

Lianna’s Perspective

Present Day

My eyes involuntarily roll as the “Cupid Shuffle” starts playing over the speakers of the reception hall and a mob of people young and old rush to the dance floor to participate in the most tired tradition to ever plague weddings. We get it, the guy is saying all the dance steps you need to follow, it’s so cool! Ugh. It’s like watching the world’s least motivated Zumba class. I don’t even know why I bother sticking around once I’ve gotten enough pictures to fill the album. After the happy couple’s first dance, it’s all downhill from there.

“My my my, Lianna, you look so unamused,” an extremely punchable voice says from behind me. “Why you continue to photograph weddings for these filthy humans, I’ll never understand.”

Without even looking back at her, I scowl. “Well, Eleanora, some of us still like to see other people find happiness, even if we can’t enjoy it ourselves.”

Uninvited, the former goddess of love sits at my table in a golden sequin dress, her outfit almost beautiful enough to hide how vitriolic she’s become. “That must be an annoying character trait to have. Trust me, being a hateful bitch is much more fun.”

I down an entire glass of wine in one gulp. “Your words, not mine, but it’s always nice to own who you are.” Waving my hand over the glass, the wine from seconds ago refills. I hold the now refilled glass up toward Eleonora and shrug. “To open bars and self-reflection.”

The woman in gold grimaces at my empty gesture. “This isn’t a social call, Lia. I–”

“Stop calling me Lia, Eleonora. It’s unbecoming.”

My ex glares for a moment before swallowing her words. “Your human is getting involved in something she shouldn’t. Miles is trying to fix things again, and they’re involving the mortals.”

“Are you threatening my daughter?” I ask, about ready to abandon all decorum and lay down a righteous ass whooping.

Elly–Eleanora’s face scrunches up as if she’s been struck. “Do you truly think so little of me, Lianna?” I let my impatient expression answer the question and the goddess in front of me sighs. “I’m not threatening anybody. I’m just giving you a heads up to keep an eye on her. She may need your protection soon. Not from me… from something far worse.” Eleonora looks away, hiding her vulnerability as fucking usual. “I know you don’t trust me. You shouldn’t. The things I’ve said, the things I’ve done, the lives I’ve ruined… I deserve the eternal pain of enduring your ire. I’m trying to make things right–I WILL make things right.”

“Save your breath,” I say, any patience or consideration for this woman well and truly dead.

She laughs in that sweet, musical voice I’ve missed so dearly, a fleeting memory of our time together blurring my vision for the briefest moment. Eleonora stands to leave, pausing just briefly and looking back at me over her shoulder. “Don’t just worry about protecting your daughter, Lianna… please look after yourself as well. The humans, they are not all as helpless as they seem. Some of them are more dangerous than you or me.”


Selene’s POV

Three Seconds After Metting Estella

I can feel myself go pale, each pump of my heart drawing the color away from my face to the uninterrupted rhythm of the copy machines churning out papers. Estella, my line, my solitary line from the days when I had hope. Estella… is this person in front of me? “Estella… Solis?” I ask, hoping that she corrects me with any other possible last name in existence.

“Yep,” she answers plainly. “You know, you don’t need to look so horrified. Lucky for you, these red lines mean jack. This is just some sadistic prank courtesy of Eleonora.” Yeah, that’s what I thought too, until a few moments ago. The pattern on the carpet distorts as the room starts spinning. “Are you okay?” Estella asks, holding her arms out, ready to catch me just in case. “I think you should maybe take a seat or something.”

As if waiting for this moment his entire life, Gabe rips an office chair around the corner and roughly rams the back of my legs. The force of the impact gets me to plop onto the cushioned seat, whether I want to or not. The prophet then starts fanning me with an empty cereal bowl while trying to coach me through what I can only assume is Lamaze breathing for whatever reason. I shove Gabe aside and stare at Estella once again, trying to reconcile the idea I have built up of her in my head with the reality I'm already familiar with.

I’m caught staring and Estella rolls her eyes. “You got something to say? Say it.”

“No, I just… you gave me a different name last time I asked.”

“Yeah, well,” she pauses before chuckling dryly. “Same classic flavor but with some killer new rebranding.” There’s a brief moment of consternation written on her face as she makes her joke. “Sorry… guess I don’t really know how to explain this well, to you... or me… Truth is, I don’t know if I’m the same or different. I’m not even sure where I’d look to figure that out. All I know is that the name is right. It just feels right. I’m Estella. Just forget the other one, okay?”

“I–Yeah, already forgotten.” This simple confirmation earns a smile of relief from the woman in front of me. “Seems like you’ve had just as interesting a month as I’ve had since our brief field trip.”

“Hmm, I’m having trouble remembering. Would that be the field trip where I helped you sneak into my old home, break into my mother’s safe, and access the information you wanted in exchange for your help understanding something incredibly important to me? All before you left me high and dry with basically nothing, right?”

“Yeah, that’d be the one,” I say, suddenly remembering my act of spite against a follower of Eleanora. “Sorry about that, I guess.”

“You guess?” She asks, stifling laughter. “Well then, I guess all is forgiven, Ms. S&B.” Estella snaps her fingers, pretending to just remember something. “That’s right! I have to call you Ms. S&B because despite you knowing both names I’ve ever gone by in my life, I still don’t know your one.”

Gabe leans in again and helpfully informs me that, “Girl, this is not going well.”

I shove away the cereal soothsayer, never breaking eye contact with Estella. I stand back up, feeling oddly nervous. “Yeah, okay, I may have been a bit rude before.”

“Mhmm, just a bit,” she responds, crossing her arms over her chest.

“But the thing is… if I tell you my name now, you’ll never believe me anyway.”

Estella groans. “Do you have some kind of pathological need to not introduce yourself? How would I not believe what your name is? Are you the oft rumored thirty-seventh Kardashian child? Did you legally change your name to Bennifer because you thought they never should have broken up? What!?”

Oh well, here goes nothing. “Fine, my name is Selene. Selene Himmel. I know you looked at the ledger. You know what that means.”

From behind Estella, her long-haired friend pulls a Gabe and rams a rolling chair into the back of her legs, getting her to crash into the seat with a yelp. “Nathan, what the fuck!? I’m not that surprised!”

Nathan laughs while stepping away. “I know, but it looked fun when Gabe got to do it. Never call me Natey Potatey again.”

“You–You’re not surprised by this?” I ask, picking up on the strangest thing I’ve heard all day. “Why aren’t you surprised by this? I almost had a heart attack a minute ago.”

The woman I’m connected to stands up and kicks away her chair, still glaring at her companion. “I’m surprised that Eleanora would choose you as the fake line to give me, certainly. Though thinking about it, that’s kind of crueler than just picking a random person, so it fits her personality to a T. However, this only helps to solidify my working theory.”

“What’s your theory?”

With the most vindictive smile I’ve ever seen on someone’s face, Estella shrugs her shoulders. “Sorry, one question, asked and answered. Sucks don’t it?”

At some point during our exchange, the printers finish their work and Estella, along with Nathan, packs up the pages. “Seriously? Are you that childish?” Estella cackles in response, getting me to grit my teeth in rage. “I’m so goddamn glad the red lines are bullshit, because I’d rather die alone than end up with someone as vengeful and immature as you!”

“Right back at you, Ms. S&B!” Estella lifts a heavy cardboard box filled with paper onto her shoulder and starts walking away, pausing for just a moment near the door. Her laughter ends abruptly and her expression softens into an almost mournful glower. “I am sorry, though. If I’d been stronger… not so easily influenced… maybe I would have still been someone who could be genuinely connected to you. Maybe we could have met under vastly different circumstances and who knows… maybe…” Estella sighs, her back turned to me as the line between us catches the light in an odd way that almost makes it look like silver for a split second. “Anyway, if things pan out, maybe I’ll make it up to you someday. I’ll help you find the real deal.”

“Real deal?" I mutter, surprised by the sudden shift in disposition. "At least tell me what’s in the box? If you want to make it up to me so badly.”

“This shouldn’t concern you at all. You’ve already seen the one page of these books that’d interest you.”

“The ledgers? Why?”

Estella looks over her shoulder and smiles. “Because this is what I can use to damn Eleonora and prove she’s a false god.” With a flourish, the once acolyte of the love goddess knocks on the lid of her box. “And upon this rock, I will break her church.” With no further ado, Estella leaves. I’m about to follow her when Gabe grabs my arm and points to the chair left behind by Nathan’s prank. Sitting comfortably on the cushion is a single wrapped fortune cookie.


Reese’s Perspective

Present Day

Laying in my bed in the barracks, I can’t help but daydream about my miraculous encounter with the goddess. Her beauty and elegance are just as intense as the stories describe. I–I almost feel unworthy of having been given such a gift as to have my faith and devotion acknowledged by Eleonora herself. Strangely, my one red line, which I have always been thankful for and patiently awaited my opportunity to enjoy, has vanished since my success at the bar. Is the goddess testing me? Am I to endure being without in order to properly–

“My child…” A voice, sweeter than fresh strawberries in summer, wafts into my room through the window. I gasp with glee and nearly respond before hearing, “Say nothing. Follow my voice to the woods.” Without a moment's hesitation, I put on my jacket and march into the woods, scarcely able to believe that I might receive a personal summons from the divine. The same voice guides me gently, a sequence of directions until I am far away from the barracks.

There, in the middle of the forest, Eleonora materializes in a blazing and glorious beam of light. The trees are so dense here that despite her radiant glow, I doubt anybody not walking through the woods would see a trace of her. Overwhelmed with emotion, I fall to my knees. “My goddess! You… you’re here! I am unworthy of your attention!”

Eleonora laughs lightly and caresses my cheek softly, her fingers an incarnation of warmth and comfort. She draws an audible gasp from my lips as easily as someone plucking the string of an instrument. “Nonsense. If anybody in this world is worthy of my time, it’s you. Reese, my most faithful follower.” I nearly shiver at her words, any hope of speaking more words melting like my will to be anywhere but right here. "I have a favor to ask of you. It will not be easy. In fact, this may well be the most grueling assignment you’ve ever been given. However, the most challenging missions lead to the most dazzling rewards.”

“Whatever the job is, I’ll do it. A reward would always be appreciated, but nothing compares to knowing that I’ve made you proud.”

There’s something strange about the goddess’ reaction. Her face scrunches up into what looks like… pity? That can’t be right. I’m only verbalizing my obvious devotion. The brightness surrounding us dims and Eleanora sighs. “I can’t do this anymore,” she says, clearly frustrated. “Reese, I’m desperate here. Truly fucking desperate.” Holy shit… did the goddess cuss? “I need you, because you may very well be the only human I can truly trust. I… I am not the goddess you think I am. I am not worthy of praise or adoration. Honestly, even if I was, you need to tone it down a bit, girl. Rabid fanaticism is so last millennium.”


“The line that you used to have, I took it away because it was nonsense. They’re all nonsense. Every red line is a lie I created to hurt humans in a fit of rage half a century ago. I’m about as much a goddess of love as the mortals that run one of those trashy, staged dating shows are.”

“WHAT!?” I shriek, causing the goddess to shush me with a finger to her lips. “You–You’re not the goddess of love?”

Eleanora shakes her head. “No… I’m not. I am still a goddess, but I’ve fallen out of my original domain and into being the goddess of heartbreak.”

It feels like my head is about to explode. Years… years of my life… my entire life, now that I think about it… all dedicated to a false idol. I’m hurt, angry, empty. I want to scream and hit something, but more than anything, I need to ask, “Why tell me this now?”

In all my life, I never considered the possibility of meeting the goddess face to face, and I especially never expected her to kneel in front of me, pleading. “Because if not you, I don’t know who I can turn to. There is a small group forming, a group that is going to bring down my entire church.”

“After everything you’ve told me, do you expect me to help you stop them?”

“No,” the goddess shakes her head, her blazing eyes piercing through my own. “I need you to join them. I need you to help them succeed.”