(1) The girl from the heavens (edited)
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Aerthia, a world full of magic, monsters, divine beings and ancient techniques lost to time. Four continents and fourteen nations, each watched over by their respective god or goddess as their patrons.


It's late at night, a lone dragon with deep black scales roamed the midnight sky under the sea of stars. Above a bright blue light shines, a portal opens in the sky casting down a blue illuminated lightning bolt striking the ground creating a large sized crater.

The old dragon, curious flew down to investigate. It lands on the edge of the whole peering inside, as the smoke clears a white haired girl is laying down in the middle of it. She has long pure white hair and is wearing a white dress that's now dirty from the fall. She looks to be about eleven or twelve years old.

"A human child?"

'No... there's no why a human child could make a crater as big as this one. But it's no doubt this crater was made by her,'

As the dragon contemplates with himself, a few men from a village not too far away are on their way to investigate the strange lightning strike as well

'Tch, pesky humans.' The dragon then gently picked the girl up in its left claw. 'I don't know why... but something is telling me to take this child with me. I can tell just by her spirit energy alone, she's going to be a strong one someday.' The dragon then flies off into the night sky carrying the unconscious girl in his claws.


A few hours later, the sun slowly rises over the mountaintops. Early morning sunlight filled the opening of the cave shining light onto the white haired girl sleeping in a comfortable nest. The light hits her eyes causing her to blink several times.

The sunlight reflected off her vibrant blue eyes. "Where... am I?" She sat up within the nest and observed her surroundings. Just as she's about to get up, a translucent blue screen appears within her vision.

[Voice authorization Accepted! Loading...]

"What does that mean..?" She waved her hand through the screen. Nothing.

[100% Update completed. Hello, Satomi. Welcome to the world of Aerthia!]

[Would you like to check your >status<?]

[Yes or no?]

"Uh... Yes...?" The girl spoke, she was still unsure about this. "Show me my stats or whatever it's called."

The screen changes once again, now a different color with the girls status.

[Name: Satomi Gojo / Race: ???]
100 Strength
100 Agility
100 Endurance
50 Magic

Passive Skills(s): Six eyes (locked),
 Infinity (locked), Immense spirit energy,

Magic skill(s): Gate of Heaven, Summoning (locked), Elemental control, Contract Summoning (locked), Enhancement

Magic affinity: Fire, Ice, Wind, Lightning

Spirit Techniques (LOCKED) ]

"So these are my stats...? That's a lot." She closed the screen and makes her way towards to exit of the cave.

She quickly stops and looks down. "Well... that's pretty high up."