1 – Vale, the Outsider
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  Laying down in an empty clearing in the middle of nowhere, a young man with pitch-black hair, a sickeningly pale complexion, and wearing a strange outfit (Check the thumbnail of the fanfic for appearance and outfit) could be seen lying on the ground.

  Slowly, the man's eyes opened, revealing nothing but black, as if the man's eyes had been replaced with an inky-black void with the only thing in their eyes being a simple white dot, seemingly acting as the man's pupils.

  The man slowly climbed up from the ground and looked upon his surroundings with confusion. This man, Vale, used to be human, but now? Was something  more.

  Even if his body may look human, or at least, mostly human, that is simply a...shell that hides what he truly is, something Inhuman.

  While Vale did awake confused, it didn't take long for him to gain his bearings, and a smile formed on his face. 

  For you see, Vale found that his old...reality was but a dream, a dream of a Great Old One, and Vale happened to be the main subject of the Old One, and with its accidental awakening, everything Vale knew, was destroyed as the dream could no longer hold.

  Instead of being forgotten and fading out of existence, the Old One decided to...bring his soul back from the depths of its fading dream. How did the Old One manage to bring back a soul from a collapsing dream? No idea, but it happened, and now Vale existed when he shouldn't.

  As a consequence of being brought back by the Dreamer, Vale's soul was altered in many ways, changing him at a fundamental level.

  And through that, the Dreamer became Vale's Patron, essentially meaning that Vale would continue being entertainment for the Dreamer.

  As my Patron, the Dreamer introduced me to the Catalog, essentially a large interdimensional 'Company' that had all sorts of clients at the level of the Dreamer and beyond, and through that, he became an 'Employee' of this Company, who dealt in trading all kinds of things, most specifically... 'Companions' and 'Partners.'

  Through its Patronage, the Dreamer gifted quite a few credits to start its journey, through these credits Vale was able to purchase all sorts of talents, defenses, skills, and so much more. All at the cost of choosing where Vale would first be transported to, and of course, the Dreamer decided to not disclose where Vale would find himself, meaning that he had no idea what he would be walking into.

  So, Vale, no, now  I found myself in a new and unknown world, and I could feel a part of the Dreamer watching over me with fascination.

  I waved my hand, and a phone appeared in my hand.

  With no hesitation, I opened the 'Missions' tab.


[Patron Assigned Mission: Find out what world you have found yourself in - Rewards: 5 Credits]

[Mission 1: Locked - Please complete Patron Assigned Mission]



[Mission 9: Locked]


  Sighing, I opened the phone's camera and checked out my new body. My new...form was the result of a combination of two things.

  The Outsider, and a Grim Reaper.

  With but a thought, my body seemed to dissolve, leaving a black hooded robe, and only my very bones. My 'eyes' still had that strange white dot at the center of my now empty eye sockets. Three sets of black angelic wings appeared on my back and a Scythe to symbolize my secondary form being that of a Grim Reaper appeared in my hand.

  A long black handle with a skull rested at the top of the pole, a carved blade shaping almost a lunar crescent extended out from the back of the skull and away from the pole.

  At the bottom of the Scythe was a simple black pommel.

  It felt as though my personality took a complete shift with my change in form, making me colder and far more indifferent to the life around me.

  Shifting back to my more...humanoid form, I felt warmth rush back into me as flesh, muscle, and sinew grew like a fleshy tide over my bony frame, and without even a few moments passing, everything was back.

  Feeling my emotions coming back in full swing too, I couldn't help but grin as excitement filled me.

  I won't deny that I had a bit of a childish and adventurous personality, so while I could never really go back to the way things were, I was ultimately thankful to the Dreamer and it's creating and bringing me back from the edge.

  Opening my phone, I opened the Map app, and due to the [Mapper] feature I purchased, I could see that I appeared to be on...Earth? Or at least a version of Earth.

  As it turned out, I was dropped off into the wilderness about thirty miles away from any sort of civilization, to make it worse, I was dropped off somewhere in Canada, and it certainly wasn't how I expected I would ever be visiting the country, especially since I'd now be considered trespassing. Opening a web browser, I quickly found that this world had a version of YouTube and began listening to music as I began walking toward civilization.

  Of course, I could fly there in my Grim Reaper form, but decided otherwise, it simply wouldn't be any fun, Besides, with my build I doubt I'd feel exhausted walking such a distance, and with my Wild Defense set at the 4th Level, I felt perfectly comfortable the freezing temperatures of Canada.

  So, I walked...and walked...and can you guess? That's right, I was still walking and after five hours of walking I was starting to get bored, so...I decided to start testing some things out.

  With but a thought, the flesh of my arm began to shift and contort, as the flesh turned black, and before even a few moments passed, a tentacle completely replaced my arm.

  With another thought, my arm shifted again, forming a blade, hammer, and all sorts of other tools and weapons, I even managed to make a spike thrower of an arm, that allowed me to throw ink-black spikes that pierced deeply into a tree, almost splintering it.

  Since the spikes were a part of me, I found that I was even able to...melt the spikes and have them rejoin my body, leaving only the damage behind as evidence. I was getting Prototype vibes from my body shifting, If I wanted to, I could probably pull off the moves they showed in the games, though...they were quite disgusting, so a particular few I don't think I'd ever do.

  I couldn't tell how strong I really was, but what I did know, was that I was considered a Tier 7 entity by the company, and for reference, a regular man or woman, was considered Tier 1.

  Though I certainly didn't feel all that strong, which made sense seeing as a lot of my investments went towards talents, resistances, a personal demi-plane, and my 'Heritages.'

  At the very least, I could be considered to have inhuman levels of strength, If I wanted, I could probably fight someone like Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, a supersoldier, and beat him when it came to Physical might, but my physical strength only goes so far.

  My true strengths lie elsewhere, and kind of also everywhere. I was a jack of all trades, if you wanted to put it into simpler terms.

  By the time 12 hours had passed, I finally came across signs of civilization, specifically, a road covered in snow and ice.

  Walking along the road, I noted that while the road may have been covered in ice and snow, it was still clearly in use as tire tracks were still visible, though I didn't know how frequently this road would be used.

  Following my map, I noted that the road led further north, and would have me soon reaching a small town by the name of 'Hull,' like that of a ship, and its population was only about a thousand, larger than I expected of such a remote community, though from looking the town up, it was an outpost with its own airport, and acted as a home for many hunters and people that liked living off the land.

  Not only that, but the town acted as a resupply point for many isolated groups of people.

  I hoped they had some meat, I was starting to feel a bit hungry.