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While Ivan was encountering his handiwork, Callum was sitting beside a stream gazing at the swimming fish in a bit of a daze. He hadn't felt the need to eat or drink anything for almost seven days now and he felt fine. Callum knew it was probably the effect of the Tier III Life Regeneration and he marveled at this ability that he extracted from a relatively ordinary tree. It's not that he couldn't eat but immediately after, his ability broke down the food in his body and instantly turned it into life energy. A week had almost passed since he used free extraction and Callum's anticipation was building at getting some exciting new abilities.

Callum's reverie was interrupted when he suddenly sensed the life force of a creature enter his range. It was more vibrant and powerful than anything he had encountered in the outskirts of the forest but it felt different from the others, familiar. Callum stood up and disappeared into the trees in a blur of speed heading towards the approaching creature. Ivan was frowning over the corpses of a pack of level 20 blue-back wolverines, their injuries were all fatal blunt force trauma so he knew the person who killed them didn't us an AoE skill that killed them all at once. Blue-back wolverines were incredibly fast so whoever killed them had to have focused on speed during his advancement. After level fifteen everyone got free attributes to distribute however, they chose instead of a fixed increase.

All the powerful beasts in this part of the forest seemed to have been killed and Ivan wondered whether it was one of the wild newbies. Not everyone was transported to a city as he well knew, only the lucky ones. Almost all humans transported to the wild in the myriad races continent died and as far as Ivan knew the chances of survival were below 5% for any newbies in the enchanted forest. The red fog city army captain's thoughts were interrupted when he noticed a man in his peripheral vision leaning on a tree observing him. Ivan was beyond shocked that he hadn't heard the man approach and that meant he was a stealth expert or really really fast. The man had on no shoes, was shirtless and the only piece of clothing he had on him was some black jeans. Ivan's guard was instantly raised in case it was an enemy but he also knew with how the man had moved, if he wanted to attack him, he would have done so already. Usually, he would've already used his insight skill to try and get the man's details but he knew if he did, the man would notice and in case he wasn't an enemy Ivan did not want to risk offending him over nothing.

Callum was thrilled to finally see another human, not because he was lonely but because it meant he was near civilization. Watching the middle-aged man in medieval style armor getting in a defensive position, Callum wondered if his attempt at looking non-threatening by casually leaning on a tree had failed. Though he was a loner by nature, Callum still had the requisite social skills for basic human interaction so he lifted his hand in greeting, "Hey no need to be alarmed, I'm Callum. It's nice to make your acquaintance." Ivan relaxed a little and responded with a nod after that so Callum continued. "I've been in this forest since transport day so I don't know much about where we are, hope you can share some info." As soon as Ivan heard this he was stunned, although he suspected it as soon as he so the man's clothes he still couldn't believe it, the man was a newbie transported to the wild.

Ivan finally replied, "Hello, my name is Ivan and from a place called red fog city beside this forest, I can lead you there as we talk." Hearing this Callum was ecstatic, he could finally have a proper meal, a shower and a bed so he instantly agreed as he knew from his scan the man was no threat to him.

{Scan activated... Target - Earth Human}

Level 22

Ability: Enhancement

Rank: B

Speed: 280

Strength: 370

Mana: 340


  • Language Translation 
  • Intermediate Sword Skills
  • Insight

Experience: [20%]

With the powerful beasts in the forest outskirts all but decimated, Ivan knew there was no danger to the berserker recruits so he decided to lead Callum back immediately. As they headed towards the city, Ivan told Callum he was part of the sixth batch & started explaining everything he knew to him. While he was talking, curiosity got the better of him and he launched his insight skill almost reeling in shock at what he saw.


Name: ???

Level: ???
