Chapter 9, Miyuki Join the Party
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"System, I want a 5 liter bucket that can send the milk while out."

[Order confirmed.  You have used 25 points. You have 120 points remaining]

"Send milk while out? You wanna me to go outside with you?" Miyuki said. 

"Yes, your physique will come in handy." I said.

"But what about Aiko, you can't leave her alone."

"Nah, she'll be fine. There's 2 golem here." I teleport to Luna's room with Miyuki, "Luna, are you enjoying yourself." I caught Luna masturbating naked while still wearing the milking device, "No, no. It's not." Luna tries to deny it, her face turn red and she immediately cover her face with her hand. 

"Hey, who is she. Did you catch new slave?" Miyuki points at Luna. Luna puts her hand down after hearing a woman's voice, "Hiroshi, who is she?" She asked. "Luna, meet Miyuki. My first Cow. Miyuki, meet Luna. The cow I captured in town." I said. 

"Huh, so Me and Aiko wasn't enough to satisfy you?" Miyuki said. "I haven't used to this place to Miyuki. So Luna, what are we going to hunt in a place like this?"


"Huh, so I wasn't the first?" Luna said. 

"Yes, Luna you must be wondering why I bring Miyuki here, right? Well, she's going to join us hunting next day." "Really, she doesn't look like a hunter or a magician." Luna said. "Luna, I can assure you that she going to be useful." I convince Luna. "Ugh, fine. Wait, what's that bucket for." Luna noticed that I'm holding a bucket. "Cow's need to be milked everyday, remember." I said.

"Huh? Then you're gonna milk me with your hand?" Miyuki said.

"Well, yes of course." I said. 

"Ughh, I hope this is better that those machines." Miyuki sighs.

It's now 9.00 PM so We decided to sleep, but since there's only one bed, we must sleep together, "Hey, this is supposed to be my bed. Sleep somewhere else." Luna said it while giving my cock a paizuri with her breast, I finally gave her permission to get rid of the milking device only in this room. "Yeah, this is a girl's bedroom. Sleep somewhere else." Miyuki said while breastfeeding me and put my head on her thighs. 

"Girls, I'm your owner. If you don't want to sleep with me, go sleep somewhere else." I cum on Luna's face. "Ahh, I'm tired." I fall asleep.

Luna's POV

"Hey, are you okay?" Miyuki look at Hiroshi's cum on my breast. "Yeah, don't worry. Dispel." The cum was cleaned. "Ooh,is that, magic?" Miyuki seems interested in my magic.

"Yeah, I'm a black mage. I'm the best in this town."

"Wow, then how did Hiroshi manage to capture you?"

"He tricked me, he uses slippy method to catch me off guard."

"Pfft, Me and Aiko was turned into his slave because a god's power. But you, a powerful mage got turned into his slave because he catch you off guard?"

"Hey stop laughing. If you were in my position, I bet you will suffer the same fate."

"Hahaha, fine, fine. Fellow victims must stick together." Miyuki's expressions change.

"Huh? What's wrong? You look excited before, why all of a sudden?" I'm confused with Miyuki's expressions

"No, nothing. I, I just missed my old home. Everything was normal before, I stand on the top. But, everything falls apart when that guy appeared."

"He turn me into slave because I mock his appearances on the monster hunter guild, what's yours?" I ask her about her past. "I don't remember, but it's something that I did when we're just a kid." Miyuki said. "When you two are a kid? That guy really childish, Kids can sometimes do crazy thing, but it's because they aren't mature. Yeah, were not mature." I said.

"What's wrong? My heart tells me that something is wrong?" Miyuki said. "Ahh, nothing. It's, It's getting late. Let's sleep." Because we have no choice, we end up sharing my bed with Hiroshi. 

Hiroshi's POV

"Excuse Mr Receptionist. Can you please assign me and this blonde girl as a monster hunter?" I register myself and Miyuki on the guild. "Okay, say each of your name and put your hand on this plate."

"I'm Hiroshi Tanaka."

"I'm Miyuki Sato."

"Alright, Mr Hiroshi and Mrs Miyuki. Your id will be done in an hour." The receptionist go to the back of the office. "ooh, a new comer. Welcome to the monster hunter guild, new hunter." A guy put his arm on my shoulder, despite being really buff and hairy, he seems friendly. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Kato. I use great axe and crossbow, perfect for a hunter. Say, I need a mag.." Kato explained. 

"Kato, don't try to recruit that pimp. He's mine." Luna cut off our conversation. "Come on Luna. You get another punching bag? You should find a new hobby." Kato said. "He's my student." Luna answer. "Wait, you, get a student? Kid, how did you convince this witch to take you as her student?" Kato asked me. "She just think my golem creating magic will be useful."

"Hey, you should reconsider this decision, Luna has princess complex, she'll treat you like a slave." Kato warned me. 

"Hey, ruin my name further and I'll burn you alive. Hiroshi, come on." Luna go out of the guild. "Don't worry. I have trick up my sleeve, now I need to go hunting before she beat my ass." I go out of the guild. All three of us go to a swamp, "Hey, why didn't we just hunt some False Scorpion. Those thing are pretty easy." I ask Luna. 

"Which one between us is a veteran hunter?" "Okay, okay I get it. What will we hunt here?" I ask her. "But first, do I really have to wear this? My breast feel weird." Luna protest about having to wear milk pump device while outside. "You'll get use to it, besides it's invisible under your clothes." I said. "Ugh, this place is so disgusting." Miyuki wasn't used to this place. "I also wasn't used to this place. Luna what are we going to hunt?"

"Confinement Toad."