Chapter 16, Aiko’s Chat Friend
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The machine was on and the milk pumps started to suck her breasts, milks can be seen coming thru the pump's hose. "Nggghh, felt even better than on hands." No 1 moans with just being milked and became wet immediately, "Master, this alone isn't enough to satisfy this lustful cow." No 1 said. "Don't worry, I have just the right thing for your needs for sexual activity." Hiroshi push a button under that machine and  the dildo started moving, it's enter No 1's wet pussy and ravage in it. 

No 1 : "Ahhh...ahah This is it."

Hiroshi : "Satisfy?"

No 1 : "Yes master, I'm really happy now."

Hiroshi : "Good to hear it. Aiko, why are you looking here? Do you want this too?"

Aiko : "I'm not your sex toy. Fucking Rapist."

Hiroshi : "You can say what you want but you still under my control."

Aiko : "Does raping and humiliate innocent girls turns you on?"

Hiroshi : "No, but raping and humiliating guilty girls does."

"Guilty? Speak for yourself, does our harmless prank and joke hurts you that much you sensitive brat?" I'm so angry right now, this bastard dare call me the bad one after abducting me and raping me. But it seems that I made a big mistake because right after I said that, Hiroshi became silent and stare me with a cold eyes, it almost seems like he saw something to kill and it causes me to shiver a bit. He then walks towards me, "Wha..what's wrong, you have no come back to that, don't you?" I said, but he say nothing, he only go in front of me, squat down and grab my right breast. 

"At the moment like this, when you lost an argument, sex is the only thing you can think about, right?" I smirk at him and prepare to get raped, I might not be able to resist him but at least I won at psychological war. But I was wrong once again, he don't even get a boner this time, he just grab my breast really hard and not in a sexual way. His grab isn't stimulating, it's hurt.

Hiroshi : "Harmless?"

Aiko : "Aww, aww aww, if you thing that's hurtful then sorry, we're just a kid at that time."

Hiroshi : "Just a kid?"

His grip became stronger, "Ughh, what? I already apologizes. Be more mature, you man child." His grip started to hurt really much. "You think all of that? Ia justa harmless prank?" He said. "Do you have any idea, what happen to me? what I have to experience after that harmless prank?" He seems really angry this time, his grip hurts a lot. "Aww, aww, agh please stop, I can't produce high quality milk if you hurt my breast." I said. 

"Hmm, I guess I have a better way, after all actions speak louder." He finally release my breast, "Ughh that's hurt a lot." I still feel pain in the part where he grabbed me, "Get over it, cry baby. It's just a joke." He finally go to the door and left. 

Aiko : "How can he hurt a girl like this, what a cruel bastard."

No 1 : "Anghh..ahh...ahh don't talk like that, maybe you said something that...ahh...offend him."

Aiko : "I don't wanna hear it with a moans, what favor he did for you to make you his pet."

No 1 : "He took me under his protection and save me from the life of a meat toilet."

Aiko : "Isn't that what you're now. Now, you are not just a meat toilet, but also a milking cow."

"It seems you didn't know...hah...what a meat toilet at all." No 1 said. "It's a slur for a prostitute, right?" I answer her. "You must be...hah..a foreigners. Ha..It's more literal than that, meat toilet...hah..are literally meat toilet." Her tone became a little bit serious and sad, she even looks like holding her moan. "In this world, monsters...anghh...constantly threatening all races, because of that a new profession called monster hunter was created and I'm one of them. I used to be a mage." She said. "A mage, then why did you ended up like this. Is Hiroshi more stronger than you?" I ask her. "It's not him, during one of my hunt, a monster capture me and rape me for weeks. I even gave birth to a lot of monsters and some of them inherit my magic power, but it make me lose all of my magic." She explain with a sad expression.

"That's. That's must be really horrible, but you can find a new job? It's not the end." I said. "It's not like that in this world, if you don't work or commit a crime, you'll become a slave. Male will become a mining slave while females will became a meat toilet, we will be tied to a wall to get fucked by both side." she explain. 

Aiko : "What? How could human do something like that?"

No 1 : "The monsters invasion were really pushing all races to it's edge. Everyone must keep working to maintain the food supply and hold off the monsters. Those who can't will be forced to work until their last breath, meat toilets are cheap prostitution that usually used by low class, low ranking soldier and low ranking adventurer."

No 1 : "Once you became a slave. You'll lost you rights, everyone can do whatever they want to you, many of the meat toilets died due to semen suffocation. "

Aiko : "I'm, I'm sorry for your mother. But you look healthy enough, can't you find other jobs besides monster hunter. You said you're a former mage, your knowledge must be useful."

No 1 : "Ohh, I forget to tell you. Being rape by a monster is the biggest disgrace, even worse if you gave birth to some. Everyone even your family will reject you, usually if you're a monster hunter that can still fight, it won't apply to you. But, I'm a mage who lost my magic."