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"The war is never changed, no matter the times"

Is what I believed.

"Siren against us, us against each others"

Is what I can says.

"Conflict is inevitable."

"Breakfast is ready Enterprise-sama"

I got up from my bed, get dressed, and take two bars of MRE and leaving my room.

"I have this"

Showing her the MRE I hold.

"No, you must eat a healthy food"

She takes my MRE from my hand. She been taken care of me for quite awhile now.


I suprised her face is too close to mine.

"I see you not walking, seems to thinking about something. Mind if this humble maid know what you are just thinking?"

"no it's nothing important"

I walk to the cafetaria with Belfast. It's quite lively here in Azur Lane base after all fleet has gathered.

We both sit facing each others and I eat my breakfast while Belfast watching me.

"Enterprise-sama you been distracted for few days and your old habit is showing back"

"is that so?, I been lost in though lately"

"is this about that girl?"

I nod in agreement

"hah... didn't worry about her, I'm sure she can do something about it."

But when I'm trying to talk against that statement she put her index finger in lips, telling me to not think about it too much.

we leave the cafetaria and headed to Shikikan office. In the way to there I almost bumped into Irian if Belfast not drag me to the sides.


I got out of my thought again when Belfast face is really close to mine. I confused at why she so close to me get away really quick.

Meanwhile Irian who watch the whole things unfolded in front of her stunned in place. I noticed Irian has been watching since the beginning, I feel embrassed and cotinue my walk while trying to forget what just happened.

"Enterprise-sama you look cute just now"


'ahhhh I feel really embrassing, come on calm yourself down Enterprise, you would meet Shikikan soon, you need to calm down'

After while I finally calmed down we arrived at Shikikan office.

"it seems like Shikikan is not in the office yet"

"should we wait a little bit?"


Both of us sit on the sofa waiting for Shikikan. Until belfast offered a tea which I accepted. Belfast who try to stand up slipped and I caught her.

"you should be careful"

"I don't know, suddenly I lost my balance"

Pov Shikikan

'ummm did I entered at a worst timing?, did this yuri scene like those romance novel??, I mean I heard a humor about Enterprise with Belfast doing that kinda thing but it is actually real???'

I stop my thought about it and decided to bail out.

"wait Shikikan it's not like what your thinking!'

'ah I been found out, sorry but I think I agree with you Enterprise, it's just a baseless.... nevermind now I know why there such rumors. Belfast is always care for you and sometimes is over pass the normal boundaries'

"I know"

I then entered the office again.

"it seems like both of you been waiting to meet me, what happened?"

"it's about Irian, I think she started to realize something is wrong."

'Irian huh... She been searching for Nusantara after the first week she gone and we says that Nusantara is on mission everytime she asks.'

"I think that we need to start a searching for Nusantara now. It's been 2 years I hope she still fine, hmmm. Oh I have idea, how about cover that mission with possible siren location?, what do you think Enterprise, Belfast?"

"I think it's good ideas to got out of base sometimes, some shipgirls is getting stiff because there not much action."

"I agree."

"Now you mentioned it, I think there is need for a sparring so nobody is getting rusty from not fighting for while"

We all nod in conclusion.

"ok I will talk with Nagato and Bismarck. Belfast can I count on you for telling this to Queen Elizabeth about this?"

"You can count on me in this Shikikan"



Pov Second Narator

It's finally my turn?

No it's not go back to your basement.


Pov Narator

Two weeks later a fleet with force of 10 shipgirls is dispatched to go on searching for potential siren position. The shipgirls that are dispatched is Enterprise, Unicorn, Laffey, Javelin, Cleveland, Helena, Belfast, Hood, Norfolk, and Repulse. They depart in the afternoon after some briefing with Shikikan.

Not long after their depart it's started to raining. Clear sky turned into the dark one, raindrop is begin to pouring down upon the fleet, the calm water surface become a bit rough. The weather become more rougher and they need to decided quickly what to choice between retreating or keep going in this storm.

"Enterprise-sama from the look of it, it's seems we can't go any further in this storm. Some of the shipgirls can't withstand the rough wave, even if you can still continue we need to get back soon to not get any casualties."

"....ok let's return for now"

Enterprise looking around and see a ship with white and black colors. She looking in that ship direction, she blink and that ship is gone of her view.

She think it's probably only her imajination and now heading back with the rest of the fleet. Looking at the her fleet she understand the rash storm is not for everyone, from the look of it Norfolk showing the wrost performance, with Javelin and Laffey slight troubled. She take a last gaze toward where the ship with white and black colors disappering from her view.

Pov ???

"fuh... it seems we somehow succefully deceive them"

"not everyone. She see trought it once"

"....yeah you right"

"why someone don't just make mess somewhere else so they didn't come to our test field again?"

"that a great idea, Purifier I think you should take that role"

"AHAHAHAHAHA, I can't wait to have another fun with them!"


hello I am Shizuki Ichino author of this fanfiction novel. Thanks for you who been reading this far, I can't continue this novel without your comment. I thanks you for that. And also who been reading without commenting I also thanks you guys. I hope I can keep up with my work.

oh by the way I sealed the deal with the siren of my timelines, don't worry it not in this story that sealed this deal. Glad to make a deal with Observer Zero.