Chapter: 2
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Theodore Arc first thought of this place when one of his colleagues mentioned it to him. Saying that the town was bright and colorful. Filled with a serene atmosphere, a very ideal place to visit with families. Moreover his colleagues also told him that the locals there were kind and welcoming. 

So, hearing all those. He couldn’t help but immediately had his interest piqued. As a guy who loves going to places with his family—it is only natural. Thus after he finished talking with his colleagues, he went back home right away and told his wife and kids.    

And when he told them. His wife smiled at him happily, while his children were excited to go on a family trip, like they usually always have been.   

That said, with a day or two of thinking about which day would be the perfect day to start their trip—along with their preparation. After traveling in a bullhead for sometime, added in with walking, they finally got here. 


Jaune gasped, although the gray-ish dark clouds were just beginning to clear up. While he knows that even if it clears up, the sun definitely won’t shine down anymore. As of right now, it’s probably already past mid-seven Pm.   

But, even though it’s gonna be really dark soon. He could picture how shiny the town will be when tomorrow hits. At the same, his sisters simultaneously reacted. They already had the urge to go tour around the wide town, unfortunately they know that they won’t be doing it today.  

“Mm, looks like our little guys aren’t disappointed.” Crystal Arc whispered a gentle voice to her husband. “Hm” Theodore chuckled. “That’s why I’m feeling overjoyed, right now.” 

“Oh? Then if they were to be disappointed at this place.” 

Crystal added with a teasing tone. Theodore Arc replied after hearing her, “if that were to happen. I can only sigh while putting my head down.” 

Their conversation trails on for not long. As Juaune interrupts, his stomach suddenly growls. And he realized he hadn’t had proper food since breakfast, only eating snacks since. 

 “Okay, okay. I know you're all hungry.” The mom softly calms their excitement down. “We'll rent an Inn room first, then we can have dinner there.” She chuckled and further continued with a jokily voice, “unless…you all want us to sleep outside?.”   


Jaune and his seven sisters simultaneously shock their little heads. They all know that their mom was joking, but even then…the thought of sleeping out terrified them. Although they loved going to different places—they didn’t really like sleeping outside, even with tents. As it was more comfortable staying in an Inn.   

“Mm, will since you all don’t like sleeping outside. Shall we go rent a room, my little boy and girls.” 

Her words immediately got a response. Jaune and his sisters all nodded. And so, they all followed their mom and dad, moving down the street of Kuroyuri town. 

The street they are currently moving on is a wide open area. Unlike other areas this one their walking on seems to be at the very center of the town—with cherry blossom trees seemingly far up ahead. Furthermore, the area is wide and big for many to many to move at the same time. However, unfortunately with the earlier rain, it would seem that most of the locals in this town are indoor, also added to the fact that it’s getting very late.   

As they walk and walk. Jaune, as he swept his two little dark blue eyes at every side. 

His excitement surged, really wanted to tour around now. But unfortunately his stomach continues to growl, making him stop thinking about it, and instead the thought of delicious foods pop into his mind. So he couldn’t help, calling out to his mom and dad. “When will we get there? Are we close to the Inn? I want to eat now!.”   

“In a minute.” His dad replied, while muttering quietly. “Hmm, let's see…Inn ‘Sunflower’ should be around here somewhere. Colin’s hand drawing isn’t really good.” 

Theodore had gotten advice from his colleagues that this is the best and cheapest hotel here. And had even gotten a hand drawing map from him, but apparently it wasn’t a very good drawing. Not in the least, at all…

At the same time while his dad is trying to navigate—using a very bad hand drawing map.   

Saphron with her cute smile, moved her face closer to Jaune. “Baby brother, you look so impatient. Don’t tell me you really want to put on the clothes I bought?” She was getting tired and really hungry as well. So to ignore all of it, she decides the best idea was to tease her brother. 

Her voice was mixed with teasing giggled. Causing the inpatient Jaune to frown, while Saphron only smiled brighter. She really couldn’t get over it. In her eyes, Jaune's unhappy face is really too adorable.   

A few seconds later…Saphron teasing still hadn’t ended yet. Causing Jaune to puff his cheeks out even when he tried his best to ignore her teasing. 

“Humph.” Jaune turned his head with a quick haste and muttered with a grumble. “I won’t let any of you put those clothes on me.” He huffed, he was definitely gonna prevent them from putting those girls' clothes on him, no matter what!  

Meanwhile Theodore was getting a little impatient with this map. He couldn’t understand how his colleagues could draw such a mass of a map, and still have the courage to not feel embarrassed, when giving it to him.   


A few minutes went by…the family were still walking around the street. The locals started to stare at them; one, because they weren’t from around here. Secondly, they had been walking and turning multiple times already, causing some locals that were still out to look at them.   

The families continued moving, but eventually one of the kids couldn’t help asking. “Dad, when will we get there? I feel like we’ve been walking around everywhere?” She said, while her dark blue eyes looked at her dad with questions.  

Hearing her, the others, including Jaune all simultaneously look directly at their dad. 

Causing Theodore to look at them, one by one. And immediately he glup, his pupils seemingly moved and flick—not wanting to look at them directly. He had been to focus on the badly drawn map, and silently muttering that he forgot to ask the still out locals.    

Meanwhile, as he continues looking at his dad—Jaune sighs. He didn’t have any excitement lingering in his face anymore. It was evening a while ago, the sky was getting darker by the minutes and he’s on the other hand way too hungry.        

And the growling of his stomach just kept on getting louder, although they had some snacks. It really could not compare to dinners that they’ll have once they reach the Inn. Furthermore, by now, he only wishes the day would end soon….so that he can properly embrace tomorrow happily.   

At the moment, seeing her son and daughters like this, Crystal sighs and then says, “dear, could we not just ask the locals for directions.” 

The browns of Theodore wrinkled, he had been looking at the map for so long, completely forgotten that they could just ask the people around here. Moreover with his child’s staring he felt awkward that he didn’t think to ask the people. 

“Uhm…” Theodore eye’d flick to one of the locals. Without waiting for his wife and children to speak, with a slightly fast pace. He went over, and then began speaking a few words with them, possibly asking for the direction of ‘Sunflower Inn’. 

Jaune and the others all look at their dad, staring at him blankly. While their mom touched her forehead, looking a little disappointed at her husband.   

Time went by in an instant, as their dad came back from talking with one of the locals. Robbing his blonde hair he seemed to want to say something, but didn’t spit the words out immediately. However in a second or two he looks to have adjusted himself.  

Clearing his throat he said with his utmost courage, like he was embracing himself for something. 

“Okay, there is one piece of good news…a-and one bad.” He pupils flick between his wife and children. Seemingly wanting them to choose which one he should say first.     

A moment after, Jaune and his sisters look slightly at each other. Afterwards, within mere seconds they seem to have agreed upon something, simultaneously speaking up. 

“The bad one first.”  

Heaving a sigh, Theodore answers sincerely. “The bad news is that…at the moment. The Inn my colleagues told me about is closed. Reason because the owner is on leave for 2 weeks or more.” 

“As for the good news. After talking with the local, he told me about another Inn. Though he said it’s not as cheap as the ‘Sunflower’ Inn. It’s still cheap enough.” 

Taking one sidelong look, he added. “Furthermore, he said the food is good there.”  

Good food…immediately Jaune and his sister's ears prick up. They were hungry, the mere mention of food got their saliva watering.  

Saphron and Luna, even with their overflowing energy, had dropped their love for teasing Jaune. Because at this moment they look forward to eating and resting. 

Looking at his kids' hungry and tired expression—Theodore wasted no time and asked them to follow. To head to the Inn, they moved with a fast face, taking turns when needed to. 

The Inn that the local told Theodore about, wasn’t far. As they only need about a few minutes to get there.  

Eventually, a couple of minutes went by in a blink of an eye.  

And during that time, they were finally close to the Inn—just a few feet away from the main door step. The family looks at the Inn curiously for a moment, then swiftly strides to reach the doorstep. 

In front of them was bronze’s wooden door. It was clean, even sparkling. Seemingly like it had been dust and washed every day. On top of the brown’s door were glowing lanterns, hanging down symmetrically from the right side of the door to the left side. The lights from the lanterns illuminate the whole area—given light to their surroundings.       

The size of the Inn was much bigger than the average house. Its structure was triangular, and seemingly made of mostly woods, at the outside, of course.  

“We’re finally here. It seems so long ago since we got to the town, yet we now only just got to the Inn. What an eventful day. Am I right, baby brother?”   

“Stop calling me that! And…why did it take so long…” 

“Quiet, Jaune. That question needs to be left for your dad to answer.” 

Crystal Arc, silences her son gently, while locking eyes with her husband. Hearing her, her husband gave a fake cough and said nothing. Already know that this is his fault for paying too much attention to the map—taking up time.     

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Theodore took three quiet knocks, not wanting to make it so loud, as it was already nighttime. After knocking he retracted his hand and waited—Jaune and the other also waited. In just four or five seconds, Jaune could hear faint footsteps sounding out and echoing, moving closer and closer to the bronze door.   

Jaune inhaled and exhaled, readying himself for the person inside to open up. Jaune did not want to lie—every time they went on a trip, and rented an Inn. He’d always felt slightly nervous at the first encounter with the Inn owner. 

Because, although he and his family had never encountered any trouble when renting an Inn. Jaune read many books, a lot of the books contain a very rude Inn owner—not allowing the main character of those books to rent a room.  

So, because of all the books he read. Jaune tends to overthink, fearing that he and his family might one-day. Encounter those types of rude Inn owners—like in the stories that he read.   

I hope it’s not a rude Inn owner…he sighs while trying to suppress the nervous feeling that came over him.     

But, unexpectedly a small hand—only a little larger than him touched his left hand. And he immediately turned, what came into view was none other than his big sister Saphron, looking at him with a small smile. 

She then whispered, “Jaune, Don’t overthink.” 

The moment she said those words. Jaune couldn’t help, but calm down. Her words seem to wash away most of the fear—leaving him to only want to thank his sister.     

However before he could thank her, the door nod twisted and turned, slowly opening the door. Revealing a tall and lean figure inside. 

The tall lean figure who had opened the door, has a wide brown bearded chin. He looks to be middle-age, his eyes are dark brown, while his hair is short black and his face square. He wore a green traditional chinese style clothing, that’s buttons diagonally to the right. His pants on the other hand are ordinary baggy brown pants, with brown leather shoes.    

With no words, he looked at Jaune and his family curiously, while showing slight confusionis.  

“Uhm, how may I help you folks?.” He inquired with a polite tone.     

Theodore replied immediately, “we came to see if we could rent a room.” 

“I didn’t expect to have folks that would still rent during this part of the day…” 

“Well me and my family never expected that either. Coming from a long journey, we had at least expected to rent an Inn, before it got super dark. But…stuff happens and here we are—hoping to rent a room or two.” 

“And you know who's at fault. Right? Dear.” Crystal spoke with a low voice, as she looked at her husband. “Haha” under his wife's words. Theodore could only laugh.     

The Innkeeper and Jaune’s family walk down an enclosed hallway.  

Before moving along the hallway. Prior to this, after Jaune’s dad spoke about renting—the Innkeeper immediately allowed them entrance. Asking them to follow him to the counter. And so they followed the Innkeeper, moving towards the counter, where they’ll have to pay to rent.   

Phew…Jaune heaved a sigh, although with his sister's words earlier. He’d calm down, but not all the way, however after seeing the Innkeeper spoken politely so far. Jaune’s imagination of the Innkeeper being a rude individual was swiftly swept away. Now, instead only thinking that the Innkeeper so far looks to be a nice person.   

A certain amount of time passed…continuously they followed, heading down the hallway, they turned two times, one left and one right. 

Eventually, they made it to the counter. “Please, if you’ll excuse me for a minute. I'm going to get the keys to the available rooms.” The Innkeeper then stride forward, moving past the big dark brown front desk. And into a door that was behind it.   

A minute later, he came out bringing with him a couple of keys that were gripping within his right hand. Hoisting his hand up, he muttered loud enough for Jaune and the others to hear. “Let’s see…rooms that are currently available…” 

As he checks the keys numbers, in the span of two or more seconds. Finally done with looking through it, he looked at them with a smile and said “the rooms available right now are; 001, 003, 005, and 007.” 

“Which one do you all wish to rent?” He asked with a polite tone. Being asked which room they'd like to rent—of course, Jaune, his dad and the others didn’t have any reason to think deeply about. Because, what matters is that they’ll be able to rent with no trouble occurring.  

With nothing to think about, Theodore was gonna immediately choose one. When suddenly his wife seemed to think of something? And immediately beat him to the punch. 

“What is the overall size of the rooms for each one?.”   

Crystal question curiously. When thinking about it clearly, it's definitely a good idea to ask—their families were big. If the room were to be too small, it’ll without a doubt be cramped inside.       

“Hmm…? How big is the room?” The Innkeeper seemingly in thought for a moment touched his bearded chin. “I’ll say…about as big as an average mid-small size, though it does have a bathroom inside.” Deeply sweeping his eyes at all of them—his eyebrows widen. he hadn’t thought much about it before. But, his guests seem to have a very big group.   

By the looks of it, one room doesn’t seem to be enough…the Innkeeper inwardly thought. 

“Average mid-small sized…” Crystal, after getting an answer, muttered deeply. She then turned to her husband and said, “dear, I think we should rent two. Unless we’ll all be cramped inside one.” 

Having heard his wife, he was seemingly in thoughts for moments. But it lasted only three seconds, as his eyes moved and looked at the Innkeeper. “How much is for a room? We were planning to stay in the village for at least three days or…more. But now that depends on the costs.” 

The moment he finished asking, the Innkeeper waited patiently for another second or two—before finally replying with his usual polite tone. “Each full day of renting is 275 lien, but there is also a 20 extra lien for every adult.”   

“Oh, and the meals are free…from breakfast to lunch and dinners.” 

The moment those words were said, Jaune's stomach growled as the sudden topics of food popped out once again. However he ignored his stomach growling. The word dinners could not have been any sweeter than now. Anticipation became apparent in his, as he stared at the Innkeeper with hopeful eyes. While at the same, most of Jaune’s sister expressions began to mirror him—it was obvious that they too wanted dinner.    

“But…it's unfortunate.” He paused and looked over at the kids eyes, and sighed. “We've already wrapped dinner up since early seven o’ clock.”   

Immediately, without even a breath of time. Jaune and his sister's expression made a quick change, turning into a disappointed one. Those words were like thunder to them, they, who have been looking forward to dinners…did not want to hear such words.      

No dinner means we won’t be getting an actual meal…! Jaune's mind races as numerous thoughts emerge after.  

I was thinking this might happen. But I was really, really hoping it hadn’t happened…Saphron pouted quietly, then sigh afterward.   

As for the Innkeeper, the moment he sees the hungry and disappointed look in the kids eyes. He added gently, “oh…don’t feel so down, I think we have some leftovers—it might be enough to fill you little guys tummies.”   

Upon those words being said, Jaune and his sister's expression became the opposite of what they were before. To think the Innkeeper would be this kind?  

While during this time, a moment ago the Arc couples felt bad that their kids won’t be getting dinner, but now? They were feeling extremely grateful to the Innkeeper. So without hesitation they immediately asked to rent two rooms for three days. And the Innkeeper obliges as he takes the liens handed by them.  

In truth, the Arc couples had thought of renting for three days already, when hearing the price from the Innkeeper. The price set by the Innkeeper was a lot, but for an Inn, it was really not a bad price for a day and with the money they brought, it was enough to rent for three days.      

After finishing up, the Innkeeper didn’t waste words and immediately walked them to the dining room. And from there, things went smoothly as Jaune and the others ate till they were full and ready to go to bed.    

Afterward they headed up a staircase, and were led to their rooms. Theodore and his wife decide to take three of the youngest with them in one of the rooms. While the more grown up ones, including Jaune, happily agreed to stay in the other rooms. 

Within an hour or so…the room where Jaune is at, is finally shutting their lights. As they had finished brushing their teeth, and doing other necessary stuff before going to bed.   


Nestled in the bed, while his sisters lay on both of his sides. Jaune smiled sheepishly while saying his good night to his sisters. And all of them also say their good night as well. Hearing them he closed his eyes slowly, hoping that he’ll have a nice dream.