Chapter: 3
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In an Inn, inside of one of the many rooms. Lay a blonde boy, sleeping soundly as he turns and rolls around on the bed. He’d look like he was dreaming a nice dream, as he smiled and giggled while his eyes remained closed, seemingly like he’s in his own fantasy world. 

But as he continued to roll and giggled, a blonde that looked to be older than him approached. A grin could be seen on her face as she hoisted her hand up, then with a slow speed. She moved her hand towards the boy's face, and started to gently touch it.   

Moving her hand around his face, she pinch and pull on his cheeks. At that moment, she giggled with a bright smile. 

However with his face pinched, the boy moaned, then began turning with a slightly uncomfortable look. On the other hand, seeing this, the little girl continued smiling. But, right after, she moved her face closer to the boy's ears. Inhaling a little — with a low voice shouted into one of his ears.  

“Baby brother! Mom said to wake up now!” 

It wasn’t very loud nor was it something that could be heard far. But when it’s right next to where your ears are at. The sound was compared to that of someone screaming, loud enough to hurt anyone's ears.  

Thus, it naturally woke the boy up from his slumber. “Ehh…” the boy looked startled, as he turned around to the one person that had woke him. And what came into view was naturally his sister. Seeing her, he looked dazed for a moment, then immediately he huffed, unhappy as his cheeks puffed out. “Luna? You meanie, I was having a nice dream!.” 

“Hehe, I didn’t want to either? You looked so cute while sleeping. Sigh…But it is just that mom asked to wake you up. After all, it's breakfast time.” Luna looks to be in utter sadness, when thinking about how she had to wake her brother up. However their mother asked her, she can’t really refuse even though she wanted to.     

“It’s breakfast time?” Jaune’s eyes brightened. He then rolled out of bed immediately, “last night dinner was so good! I can’t wait to see what we’ll have for breakfast.”  

The food last night tasted very delicious to him — which he couldn’t help but want to have more off.   

Mind filled with the only thought of food, With quick speed, he sped towards the door. In a breath he twisted the door nod, readying to yank it open. When suddenly he heard his sister telling him to wait, causing him to abruptly halt and turn around to his sister, looking puzzled. 

“Don’t forget to brush your teeth first.” Luna said, then immediately, for some reason there seemed to be a toothbrush and toothpaste being held in her hand. Like she’d had prepared beforehand. 

Jaune looked at his sister with a moment of thought, “I can brush my own teeth.” He knew immediately that his sister wanted to brush his teeth for him, which he did not like. He was old, old enough that he didn’t want them to keep treating him like a child. Furthermore, going by age they weren’t that much older than him, only two or three years older.   

“Nuh-uh. Little brother, if big sis does it, it’ll be faster.” Violet shook her head gently, she wouldn’t miss the chance to do this — especially when the others aren’t here. A grinny small surface on her face, as she added. “I promised.”  

Her smile got Jaune gulping, he didn’t know how he could escape this. First of all, when it comes to stuff like this, he knew she was very stubborn even among his sisters. So since she wants to brush his teeth, she’ll definitely try her hardest to get what she wants. 

Secondly, his toothbrush is in her hand. And that’s the only one he brought for the trip. But since it’s in her hand it'll be hard to get it back from her. Moreover he can’t go down without brushing, he’ll only be asked by their mom to go back up and brush.   

Mm…what to do…Jaune inwardly thought. As his mind tries to come up with a plan. Within a second or two he continues thinking and eventually something clicks. That's it…his eyes seem to light up, while he almost couldn’t control the urge to curl his leap up. 

However, fortunately he managed to control himself. Looking at his sister Luna, he said with a retaliate voice, “Okay, fine! You win. Hah…just do it quickly, I want to eat breakfast now.” He then huffed to show his dissatisfaction, while Violet, on the other hand, looked like her eyes were sparkling — showing her satisfied look.      

With light and gentle steps, Luna tiptoes toward him while seemingly humming. In just a second or two she made it over to him. Extending her hand she moved forward, wanting to grab Jaune's hand, and bring him to the bathroom. So that she could brush his teeth for him… furthermore that is not all. She also has something in mind after that, though she wouldn’t tell Jaune, yet. 

As her hand moved to Jaune, within inches away. Immediately before she could grab his hand, Jaune backed his hand away, then immediately extended outward, aiming for his toothbrush in Luna's other hand.   

Closing in with swift speed, he snatched the toothbrush. Then, with the toothbrush in hand, he smiled joyfully like a child that just got a free candy given to them. However, at the same, Violet with a sudden mischievous smile. Lunged forward, her arms spread wide — in a range of being able to hug him whole.    

Mm?! Jaune, noticing this, wanted to back away. Unfortunately, it was a little too late. As Luna embraced him with a huge hug. “Got you…” her voice soft and playful.  

Being hugged tightly, at first Jaune tried to resist. However, eventually he could only sigh while continuously being hugged by her. 

Upon being hugged by Luna for half a minute. Eventually she let go of her hold on him, but also didn’t forget to grab his hand’s firmly…so he wouldn’t escape. Afterward she led him into the small washroom. 

As stated by the Innkeeper. Their room being rented by their mom and dad weren’t that big, for a large family like them. However, since they split up, leaving Jaune and the three oldest — the room had not felt that small to them. 

It Only has 2 beds, with one brown storage cabinet that holds a towel inside, left by the Innkeeper. While the wall’s and most of the entire room are made out of brown woods. And lastly the washroom, it has a toilet, a sink, and a shower place. 

Being inside, Luna begins brushing Jaune's teeth happily. Humming and singing a song, at the same time. Unlike her, Jaune just stands there looking into the mirror — a slightly annoyed look on his face. But he already accepted it, so he did not attempt to resist. 

The minutes went by, and in no time at all. Luna had finished brushing his teeth, making Jaune overjoyed that it's over. After all, he wanted to go down stairs, to the dining area, so he could eat  his fill. Then get ready for the sightseeing in this town.   

Washing his mouth and face with water, Jaune's child-like smile burns brightly as thoughts of what the breakfast is going to be, unfold in his mind. Touching the bathroom door knob, with one twist and yank, he opened it and immediately was gonna run off. However, unexpectedly he couldn’t, as suddenly his T-shirt was grabbed by Luna. Her grip on his T-shirt was strong, he kept kicking his legs, however that got him nowhere.        

Growling! He turned his head and looked at his sister. “What are you doing? Quit that!.” Huffing, he was puzzled and could not understand why she stopped him. His cheeks bubbled up, not sure if he should be angry or very annoyed, right now, or maybe both.    

“Not so fast.” Luna said. 

“Hm? What are you up to?” 

“Already jumping to the conclusion that I’m up to something. Heh, little Jaune knows me very well…”

knowing Luna his whole life…he can instantly tell that she was up to something, even when she spoke simple words like this. With a heaved, he gulped, staying silent for a moment. He brainstormed and immediately came up with an idea, hoping it’ll work. “Didn’t you say mom asked you to wake me up.” Looking into her eyes, “however since I woke up, hasn’t it been quite some time?” 

“Mm-hmm” Luna nodded truthfully. Although it felt short for her, Ten minutes or more should have gone by. “So, at this point, we’re wasting time. Breakfast may have already started, a-and mom might not be happy that we’re taking so long.”   

Having heard him, Luna only grin mischievously. Parting her lips she spoke slowly, “I know. But, don’t worry, this time. I’ll be taking only a few moments of your time.” 

With swift speed she opened the sink cabinet. While her hand is still gripping tightly to his T-shirt, to prevent him from going anywhere. Upon the cabinet’s complete opening — what lay inside was some bathroom supply, but most of all…a little girl dress was there.   

Jaune, spotting the dress instantly, couldn't help but blurted out in shock. “what!.” Why is the dress doing there…he inwardly finishes. But, before his mind can process any further. 

Bang! With a kick from Luna, the door slammed and shut harshly. Hearing the sound of the door shutting, Jaune’s dark blue pupils instinctively moved sideways and landed on the now completely closed door. For a moment he stared at the door without moving. Only looking back when hearing his sister's voice…

“Now then, little brother. Shall we get started?” Her voice seems so playful and innocent. Yet to Jaune, it didn’t sound like that at all.   

In just a second, Jaune, not wanting her to dress him up like a girl — hurriedly reached for the doorknob. Unfortunately, with a seemingly gentle but strong pull from Luna. He was forcefully houl back towards her. 

“Lemme go!” He tried to get her hand off his T-shirt. Unfortunately it didn't work at all, causing him to be bluffed. Was her grip always this strong…?

Continuing to smile, she took one-step forward and said with a sweet word that sounded like a nightmare to him. “Don’t worry baby brother. Once this is all over—you’ll be even cuter than you are now.” 

As she finished. Jaune grumbles in retort, but…

Suddenly and unexpectedly. Luna's face begins to contort weirdly, causing Jaune to pause almost instantly as a sudden ominous feeling crept out. After her face contorted, her face changed almost immediately. Becoming more rougher looking, completely different from a child face. Then, instantly right after…two black horns grow out from her foreheads. Next her teeth seemed to grow noticeably longer and bigger, like a shark's teeth, it also grew extremely sharp. Looking like it could tear anybody out with one bite. 

A few seconds later. She had finished transforming, her body becoming way bigger than before and looking extremely terrifying. 

Enough to terrify Jaune so much that he trembled with extreme fear and terror. 

“Now…please…let big sis….put this on you…” 

After becoming this, compared to her original voice. This one sounded so rough and terrifying. That Jaune couldn’t but tremble even more than before. Face becoming as pale as a sheet of paper, he screamed out so loud that it could be heard everywhere in the whole building. 


His screams lasted for an unknown amount of time, shaking and trembling with no sign of ending. While his sister, who’s a monster at the moment — voice becoming more rougher and seem to become more unclear as the time passed.  

The monster form Luna continues speaking unclear words. At the same time, she hauled him up with one arm. Noticeably, the size of her arm is way bigger. Almost the size of Jaune's head…

This must be a dream! This must be a dream! This must be a dream! As he was raised high by his monster-sister. The voice in his head continues echoly, trying to believe that this is all a dream. And, as he continues saying that. In that moment, strangely the monster Luna looked to be frozen, unmoving, like a statue.    

Noticing this, Jaune — although his mind is currently in an unstable state. And is unable to think clearly, instinctively reacts, wanting to break free from her grip…and get as far away as possible from her.   

But! The unfortunate part is...let alone getting far away, isn’t even possible to break free from her strong grip?. 

He struggled, and struggled. Extracted every ounce of strength he had, but it was to aveil, as he was too weak. Unable to get out of her grip even when  he kept trying — he screamed out loudly in his mind. Let go! Let go! When those words echoed in his mind. The strangest thing happened again, the hold on him loosened completely. Causing him to drop hard on the floor!

As he dropped hard on the ground…he didn’t even think to care about the pain that followed it. Seeing that his transformed sister still wouldn’t move, he opened the door hurriedly.   

Then, immediately stormed out of the bathroom, and didn't even think to stop just at the bed room. Instead hurriedly went for the exit door, his voice panting loudly, and drops of sweat pouring down from his forehead. Clearly, showing that he was frightened out of his mind to the extreme.   

Upon near the exit door, he staggered a little and almost tripped. “Heh! heh!” He panted heavily while he’d instinctively adjust himself. And immediately he touched the doorknob, readying to twist it. 

However, while in the midst of twisting. A hand scratched out from the bathroom, nails pointy, hand larger than ordinary. It was none other than his monster sister Luna — apparently, she’d have started to move again.   

“Little brother…I haven’t put the dress on you, yet!” Her whole self made it out the bathroom, big and terrifying, and can scare the life out of any person who sees this state of her.     

Fully twisting the knob, Jaune didn’t think to look back in the least. Yanking it opened, he quickly stormed out of the Inn room and onto the hallway. With shocking speed for a normal boy, he ran with everything he got, calling out to the others. 

“Mom! Dad!.Mom…!!” 

He continued running through the hallway. At the same time, he could also hear Luna chasing after him — her feet thudded hard on the floor. As it would pound and make a loud noise. Causing the terror in him to deepen, and moreover for reasons unknown. Jaune felt that the hallway, nestled between many rooms on both sides, seems to be longer, some-how?.   

Unknown amount of time has passed.  

Jaune reaches the stair leading down, not a single moment to spare. He immediately ran down…but! Because of being in too much of a hurry, instead he tripped and rolled down the stairs. 


In the midst of rolling down, he would cry out in pain loudly. The feeling was just painful, how could he not cry out? 

In nearly a full minute, his body halted. As he made it down, alive, but albeit painful. He tried to recover with haste, but it hurt so much that his body ached all over. However, other than hurting and aching, weirdly enough. For some strange reason, there was also a strange sensation of not feeling it — like all this pain was fake and an illusion, made from his mind.     

However, Jaune didn’t have the slightest thought of thinking over it. 

Within a couple of breaths of time, he got up. His knees wobble, as he almost falls over — but thankfully he didn’t. Trying his utmost to steady himself, he hoisted his head up. And accidentally took a glance at the top of the staircase.  

In that moment, his knees give out, causing him to fall hard on his butt. He spots his monster sister, fears overtaken him even more so than it ever was. 

Because, the monster Luna looks even more terrifying than before. Her eyes, now completely blood red while her voice echoed with craziness. At the same time, within her monstrous right hand is the dress from before. 

“Why are you running? Don’t run!” 


Jaune screamed! his body seemingly moving on his own as he forcefully stood up, and dash toward the right, where the dining area is located. Right at this moment, the only thought that is slightly clear. Is the thought of his mom, dad, and his other sister in the dining area.    

As he frantically sped toward the dining area — he soon made it in around half a minute. Being in the dining area, he saw many other tenants. But, most of all, he saw his mom, dad and the rest of his sisters.