Chapter: 5
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The sun’s rays shine through the window. And flooded the small medium size room… 

And in that room, a blonde and fair skin looking boy lay there. And, of course, the boy is obviously Jaune. Having had a horror-like dream, he rolled around badly, looking frightened and uncomfortable. However, he looks to be still asleep, as his eyes are still closed.  

A few seconds passed. He began to pant, his body moved and rolled. 

“Baby brother, Baby brother, wake up! 

This was of course none other than Saphron, with others next to her. She tugged his body gently, wanting him to wake up. She continues tugging his body — and within a few seconds, it begins to take effect. 

As the sound of his penting breath diminishes. Jaune slowly cracked his eyes open, with a dazed look he gazed at them hazy eyes. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts. 

He spoke out with a slow and low voice, “Saphron? Luna, and…Violet. Thank God. Hah…I had a horrible nightmare.” 

“Nightmare?.” Saphron hurriedly said with a sigh. “Must be a horrible one.” 

“It sure was.” Jaune added. His expression, uncomfortable when remembering it. Then suddenly, Jaune had terrible thoughts welling up inside him. What if this was still a dream? 

Jaune wasn't hesitant to confirm it. As he nervously darted his gaze to one corner after another in the room. Continuously, he darted and darted, seeing none of the abnormates that occurred like in the dream. He inwardly heaved in relief, but that was it. 

He still could recall that horror vivid nightmare dream. Starting from the beginning, and to the end of it. Sigh…he inwardly heaved a sign. To be clearly honest, this was undoubtedly not Jaune's first time having these nightmarish dreams — and probably wouldn’t be the last one either. 

After all, it all stems from his sister's constant liking of dressing him up in girls clothes. “Heh…” he huffed loud and cleared, enough for his three sisters to hear. 

“Hmm? Do you want to say something? If so, just remember big sis is all ears and ready to hear you out anytime.” Saphron smiled brightly, seemingly even brighter than the sun shining through the window. However, unfortunately Jaune couldn’t take that brightness, that well. 

Because, first of all, it made him feel the warmth that seemed to make his nightmare fade away. Secondly, with their bright smile, even though the nightmare came from them…the thoughts of being angry at them never really could manifest.

 Furthermore the problem is that, even if he were to tell them about these nightmares…seeing how they are alway so enthused about dressing him up, they probably couldn’t resist the temptation to keep doing it. 

 “Sigh…” heaving a sigh yet again, with this one being very quiet and hard to hear. Jaune prompted himself up slowly, having none of his childish energetic side being shown. 

Which is actually normal, after every nightmare. His playfulness and talkativeness seem to be all drained out of him, though? The good part is that it’ll usually only last an hour or so…

Reason being, that throughout the hour, he’d tried his best to keep his mind away from the dream — and it actually worked. 

Upon prompting himself, he slowly climbed off the bed and stood up. Sweeping his gaze to all of his older sisters, he parted his lips. “I need to go brush and…” leaning his pupils more towards Luna, he added “take a shower.”  

In the midst of his ending sentence, at the side, a grin smile was beginning to form on Luna’s peach color lips. As thoughts of wanting to give her little brother a shower surface in his mind. 

“Don’t even think about it!” 

Violet, plamed her hand on Luna head lightly, already knowing what she’s thinking. “What’s that for?” Giving Violet a look, Luna barks with a pretend rising voice. After all, she wasn’t really angry at Violet for interrupting her surging thoughts. 

“When you give Jaune a shower, you take too long. Causing us to waste too much time, and mom does not like us being late to breakfast. furthermore I haven’t taken a bath either.”  

Violet’s resounding voice bounced around the room, as she continued more and more. 

She was also part of one the three oldest, donning a pick glasses. While still in her blue and white striped pajamas, she seemed to exude a much more mature feeling, then compared to the Luna and Saphron. 

Meanwhile, as Violets continuously talked. Luna interrupted with a slightly annoyed voice, “alright, I got it. You don’t have to say so much.” She continued, with a none pause. “ Humph, at this rate, who’s the one to take up time? Yeah…pretty sure it’s not me.”   

Luna looks directly into Violet's eyes, that’s covered by small pick glasses. “Furthermore, you could have taken a shower earlier. Seeing as you're the one to wake up the earliest.” Taking a slight pause, she continued with her eyes darted away from Violets, saying with a much lower tone. “If you weren’t such a book…worm.” 

“Humph” Violet sneered at Luna. “For your information, reading is good for you. Instead of…” seemingly holding herself back from saying something that she didn’t want to say, she lightly huffed. “Talking to you is a waste of my energy.”  

However Luna had a guess about what it was that she paused on. “Instead of what? Playing around too much. Hah, well playing around gets me a lot of friends in school, how about you?” 

Luna remarks with a smirk. 

Hearing her remark, Violet was in thought for a moment. 

Then in another moment, her brows seem to furrowed slightly while her eyes, with the glasses over it, stared calmly at Luna. “That may be so. But, at the very least, I’m not getting into trouble with the teacher now and then. With those friends of yours.” Violet said with a normal and calm tone. After being in those short moments of thinking, she realized that getting heated up will only make it easier for Luna to taunt her…

A second later, seeing Violet remaining calm. Luna responded immediately with a grin, “those that say that, usually don't want to admit that their feeling left out.” She half-paused, then pursed her lips and continued with a wilder grin. “Am I not right? My dear lonely sister, who has no friends in school…” 

In the midst, if looked directly, one can see that Violet brows were slowly wrinkled up. Noticeably, affected by the words of her sister. And it seems that she wanted to retort, yet, is struggling to do so. 

Meanwhile, moments later. Suddenly the grin hanging on Luna's face began to wrinkled up and formed a smile. “Fortunately, you have us. And there's nothing better than that, right?” Evidently, Luna's voice lingers with innocence. 

A moment afterward. Violate, staring at Luna. While at the same time Luna continued smiling. Unbeknownst to them, an indeterminate amount of time had swiftly gone by…

Sigh…Violate inwardly sigh. knowing her sister very well, if she keeps talking. It’ll just keep going without ever stopping. 

but suddenly, Luna was hit with a light tap on her head.  

And the light tap came from none other than Saphron. Eyes darted between them, Saphron didn’t look too happy, seeing them bickers. With a light sigh she facepalm her head and tiredly said in a normal voice. 

“Why is it that you two always seem to get into a bicker, over—a small talk.” 

Out of the three big sisters, for some odd case. Luna and Violate are not compatible with each other. Always getting into arguments, whenever they talk about something. It was as if they were fire and water. And because of that, Saphron and even Jaune were tired of it.    


“Always get into a bicker?” Luna slowly repeated. “Heh, you make it sound like we bicker a lot. Isn’t it only on a few occasion.” She inquired with a wronged expression. Though from Luna, the likelihood of it being acting is very high.    

“Hm? A few occasions, you say? Well, then let me recount how many there were.” Than, with quick thinking — Saphron lay down the many argument they had, causing Luna and Violate to furrowed their brows in a slight silence. Though it would seems unlike Violate who looked take aback, Luna looked amused.     

Shortly after, Saphron finished recounting. And for a few breaths, the room was in a short silence. Luna with a grin didn’t say anything, while Violate was in a moment of thoughts. 

As the room was in a quiet moment. In the right corner of the room, where the bathroom is at. Standing close by it was Jaune, donned in new clothes he heaved a short sigh. Jaune had got out of the bathroom a few minutes earlier — in that time, he’d had put on new clean clothing and was ready to go down from breakfast. 

Furthermore, as he got out a few minutes earlier…he was able to witness a little bit of their bickering, and it didn’t make him feel good that his sister was arguing. But, what can he do? The bickering between those two seems so normal, as it’s so frequent that it’ll be hard not to get used to it.   

Sighing a few more times, he chimed in on their quietness. “Everyone, I’m done.” After taking a shower, the nightmares weren't in his mind much anymore. He still didn’t feel that enthused yet, so saying a few words was all he could do at the moment. 

“Wha? So quick” Luna quickly snapped out of her grin, upon hearing Jaune. Puffing her cheeks out, she darted her eyes to Violate, “pu—looked what you’ve done. I end missing everything” 

Her words earn only a slight snort from Violate. While also seeing no reason to continue this, Violate walked up to Jaune and asked with a sisterly tone. “There's still some towel inside, right?” 

“Uh, yup.” He nodded his head. Violate took a few steps and gradually went inside, looking out with mere moments. She closed the door with a light thud sound. 

After a quiet moment, Luna heaved “hah, alway like this, not like me at all.” Tilted her head to both Jaune and Saphron, “right?” 

Well, that’s a good thing. If she was like you, there would be no quietness in the family…he retorted inwardly, the thought of two Luna made him shiver. Meanwhile, Saphron on the other hand had one thing in mind — hugging her newly dressed brother. So she  hurriedly went over to hug and sniff him, this also included Luna as well. 

Jaune put up no resistance, as he silently took their hug. 

With that said, time flew by… They waited for Violate to finish as they agreed to go down together. Soon in no time, gradually the sound of the water pouring down in the small bathroom stopped. Shortly after it stopped, Violate came out. Dressing in her new dress, Violate only spoke a few words before immediately saying that they should go down now. Both Jaune and Saphron nodded, including Luna. However, unlike Jaune and Saphron… Luna tends to chime in with a lot of words causing Violate to turn her head away.  

Shortly thereafter, they head out. Moving along the short hallway, sandwiched between rooms from both sides, gradually they made it to the staircase and ascended down with a normal pace. 

In almost no time. The group of brother’s and sisters made it down… and from then, it took a minute or two to gradually step into the dining room. 

Having stepped into the place where they’ll eat. A slight surface of the nightmare from last night pops into Jaune's mind, causing his breathing to quicken for only a slight second before he shakes his head hurriedly, trying not to think about it. 

Saphron noticed this, and with a curious tone asked what’s on his mind. But, Jaune only replied simply, saying that it’s nothing. Saphron wanted to ask more, but the sound of their mom calling them from one of the round tables diverted her attention — thoughts of asking more slipped out immediately. 

Their head drifted, moving to the direction where the voice came from. Soon, they simultaneously spotted the round table where their mom, where the rest of their families were seated at. It was located in the far back of the dining room. Almost directly at the right corner.

Seeing them, Jaune, Saphron and Luna raised their hands… gesturing to them while the only one to not do that was Violate. A few breaths passed as most of them walked over with a normal pace, except Jaune as he quickened his pace slightly.      

With a very small amount of time passed, they made it over. Taking one of the open seats in the big roundtable.   

Seated, their mom gazes at them with a warm bright smile.

Then, ask them about their night, if it went well or if there was an issue or concern regarding being left alone with just the four of them in that Inn room. 

Being a mom Crystal worries a lot about her daughters and son… especially when leaving them alone — moreover in an Inn no less. Thinking back on it, Crystal regretted leaving her childrens in one Inn room, when she should have stayed with them while having her husband stay with rest. 

Meanwhile, having been asked if their night went well. Luna and Saphron replied simply with an outgoing voice, while Jaune on the other hand was in thoughts for a moment. Before replying with an outgoing voice too.

By this time, the unenthusiastic feeling he felt from when he woke up had mostly faded, especially when knowing that he wasn't in his nightmare anymore. Less than three seconds after he replied, Violate said a few words about her night and all it took was a couple of minutes later…

And the people who work at the Inn start bringing in their soon to be breakfast. Moving from one table to another to set the food down.       

Shortly after, they, and the other people residing in different tables started chatting while seemingly enjoying their morning meals.  

 And from then, an unknown amount of seconds flow by.