Chapter: 6
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The day was bright and the crowds were bustling with activities. Maybe it’s normal or just one of those days, but it seems to be quite a lively day for the people of Kuroyuri. Filled with shoppers, sellers that sell fruits, candy, rice and many more… Moreover, the street was so full of activities. 

During this time. In a certain crowded area, located next to one of the many candy shops, was a blonde boy, seemingly asking his mom and dad to buy him candies. And… he wasn’t the only one asking, because next to him were other blonde heads. Most of them, asking with cute and loveable smiles. 

Putting those loveable smiles together their parents had no choice but to nod. Unhesitantly, their mom quickly asked them the candies they would like, while the dad with quick motion buys it. 

In around a minute or so… they walked the busy street with a candy in hand and in their mouth. Some chewing or licking it, with their pink cheeks puffing out with joy. 

Of course, without much to say, this was Jaune and his family. After filling themselves up with delicious foods during their breakfast, they wasted no time and came out to enjoy the bustling street. 

“Enjoying your treats?” Ask Crystal, while they move along the street. Savoring the tasty candies, Jaune and neither his seven sisters replied for a short moment. 

But, when they do they would talk with candies in their mouths. Causing a slight chuckle to be heard from Crystal. In her eyes watching her cute daughters and son talking while having something in their mouth was always welcoming. 

That’s why during meals, she would talk along with them. Of course, she likewise didn’t forget to remind them not to talk while eating when there's a guest. After-all, even though she likes it. Some might not. 

It didn’t take long for Jaune and his sisters to be done with their candies. 

Once they're done. Jaune turns to his dad, asking with an impatient look. “Dad, I know we just started, but, it’s been more than ten minutes. I want to do something fun now.” Listening with a smile, Theodore chuckled. Finding it funny that his son would ask right after finishing his candies. 

“Heh, didn’t you notice? We currently already have.” 

“We are…?” 

Jaune doubted. Isn’t it just walking, he looks slightly at his candy wrap. Tasty, but I don’t think this counts as fun…he inwardly thought. To be honest, in truth, Jaune’s actually enjoying his time. However, because of last night, he felt that only by doing something extremely exciting or thrilling. Can he completely shake it off his mind? But…

“Sigh…” Jaune heaved a sigh. He shouldn’t keep on thinking about it, but usually it’ll only fully go away after a full day or more. And currently it hasn't been that long. Not even close, as it’s still morning.  

Amidst his sighing, one of his little sisters eye’d him and inquired with her wide dark blue eyes. “Jaune, don’t you alway enjoy new places? What’s the long sighing for, it's not like you?.” Her words made Jaune look at her for a moment, then just as fast retracting, “uh…I don’t know, maybe it’s one of those days.” 

He didn’t want to share about what’s on his mind right now. So giving a simple reply to his little sister was all he could think of currently. However, she continued asking, so Jaune decided to shruge and nodded and said a few words little by little.   

At the moment. They continue strolling on the street, from time to time, they would stop to talk to another family who had walked out for a stroll like them. Though for their family, it was a stroll, yet also sightseeing in a new place. 

Soon in no time, a half-hour passed. 

Unsurprisingly, they met two people who weren't from around here. Taking a direct look at the two people, the two both seem young, one looks to be in his 20s while the other, in his teens. 

They wore light jackets and long-sleeved pants. On their back is a dark brown and light-gray backpack, big enough to hold their stuff in it.   

“You aren’t from around here either.” One of them said, and almost right away Jaune’s father replied. “Heh, you're right on the mark.” Theodore didn’t feel that encountering another from outside the village was strange. After all, so far he can definitely say ‘Kuroyuri’ was what was described by his colleagues. Peaceful and bright, giving off a serene effect. He wouldn’t mind coming back for the next time with his family. 

Out of the two who came from outside the village. Standing next to the one that had previously talked, he studied Jaune and his sisters. Looking slightly taken back, he said while giving Jaune a look. “Are they?” 

“Yap. All my sisters.” Jaune intervened before he could finish. Having been asked this a lot in his life. He can instantly tell when someone is about to ask if they are his sisters. And it’s not that he hates it, more like he’s used to it. Knowing full well that he has a big family, moreover all sisters…

While the one that asked Jaune was silent for a moment. Seizing them up, the other gives a soft chuckled, “haha, that big of a family? Must be lively.” 

Although, the one in his 20s could imagine the wonderful and liveliness of having that big family. He couldn’t imagine himself oneday having that many childrens. 

“It's lively. But that makes it so wonderful.” Crystal said, then she looked at the younger and back at the older one. “You looked too young to have a son of that age. Is he your brother?” Hearing Crystal, With a short chuckle. He shook his head and denied gently, “we look quite alike, so it’s understandable for you to mistake us for being brothers. But, actually, he’s my big brother's son.”   

After that, he paused for a moment, realizing something. “Right, I haven’t introduced my name, yet.” Turning his head to the side he asked his nephew to introduce his name first, while he said his name right after. In a matter second or two they finish saying their names.     

Their names respectively were Leo and Danny. Hailing from Vale, they enjoy traveling to places such as this.  

Of course, afterward this was followed by Jaune and his family. Upon the Arc family finishing, they chatted more and more. Eventually, Theodore and his wife asked if they wanted to look around with them, however they declined as they had already spent their days here. They were planning to leave in a few minutes. 

The Arc couple accepted the rejection without saying more. 

Afterward they said their farewell and began moving again. As they continue looking around. While talking with many from this town… 

Time swiftly passed without them realizing. Noon was already fastly approaching, and Jaune was pretty much getting hungry, including the others as well. Stopping for a bit, the Arc couple knows that their children are getting hungry. So they thoughtfully think about where they should eat. Of course, having lunch in the Inn was definitely an option. However, they wanted to do something more, so they suggested eating in a restaurant.     

They suggested it to their childrens. 

Of course, none of the Jaune sisters mind the place they'll be eating.   

The same for Jaune as well. Though, thinking about the food the Inn provides. He was more inclined to head back to the Inn and enjoy lunch there. But…after thinking about it for a moment.   

Coming to this town, he'd eaten inside the Inn dining room twice, now. So, after thinking it over for a few more seconds, he immediately voiced his thoughts. And his sisters, already not caring about which place they'll eat. After hearing that their brother wanted to eat at a restaurant, they followed suit and almost all said they wanted to eat at a restaurant too. 

Except Violet, quiet like a bookworm. Having a book on one hand, while the other flipping through a page.    

Having decided, they asked one of the town’s people. Where the nearest restaurant is located at. Without trouble. They got the location…

In this town, there are three restaurants. And the nearest one from them is located east. About a few blocks away. Though, truthfully the town isn’t very big — so to go to the fathererst restaurant would add about a few more minutes longer than the closest one. Not much of a difference, but in the end, they still decide to go to the nearest one.     

Time ticks by, in no time they get there, steading near the restaurant. 

The restaurant was mostly made from wood, also not very big. With an architecture design of a Chinese restaurant, the exterior was average, but seemed to match the wooden structure of it. However, they didn’t come to look at it.   

They came to eat, so without much thought. Almost simultaneously all of them head in.      


40 minutes later, outside of the restaurant. 

The lunch had filled them up quite well. Jaune was burping with a stuffed look, it was a satisfying meal. So much so that he'd hope that they'll come back again before their trip ends. 

Amidst, his satisfied look, tugging his shoulder gently is his sister. “You look happy. Was it that satisfying?.” For a moment Jaune didn’t respond, patting his stomach for a second. He then said, “of course” if he wasn’t, why would he be making a satisfying expression. He then slightly raised his brows and inquired casually, “aren’t you?”  

“I am two.” She nodded affirmatively. This was one of Jaune's little sisters, being one of the youngest of the young. For a child, she wasn’t very high-spirited… well around people other than her brother and sisters. Because in front of Jaune or either of her sisters, she would be very active, however put her in front of strangers, she will not be.  

After talking for a little bit with his little sister, which the other sisters chimed in as well. The group of families began moving again, continuing their original goal of today.   

Soon, they manage to sweep through areas that they hadn’t gone to, yet. Afterward they sweep through more areas and interact with more town folks. Eventually, without bothering to look at the time, 4pm has hit swiftly.     

At this moment, Jaune and his family walked on an open road, nestled between raised houses. In the midst of their walking, the Arc couple halted their footing after they got near a cherry blossom tree. The tree that may be the only cherry blossom in town. Taking a brief pause, Theodore surveyed all his children and smiled.  

“Well, girls and boys. Today was long and enjoyable.” He signed exhaustively, “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m tired. Want to head back?”   

Steading next to her husband, Crystal included. “However, first, let’s end today with a picture. There's a beautiful cherry blossom right in front. So what do you say we wrap it up and continue tomorrow.” 

Hearing their mom and dad, Jaune stares unblinking for a moment, before suddenly yelling out. “Finally!” Throughout the day, since they started from early morning. About an hour ago, Jaune had already begun to feel slightly exhausted. Though, this did not mean they didn’t rest. As a matter of fact, they rest a lot while also moving a lot. 

But even so, he was bound to feel tired. Furthermore, they still got like two days after today… Jaune didn’t want to see every part of this place in one single day. Because by doing that, they’ll probably be hurrying instead of enjoying it to the fullest. They came a long way to get here after all. 

Hearing the sudden loud voice of Jaune, Luna and Saphron, including the others, all simultaneously turn to Jaune. In just second, the first to speak was Luna as she was faster than the other. “Our little Jaune is exhausted?” Pursing her lips. She let out a chuckle. “So what do you all say?” 

She darted her eyes around her sisters. She didn’t even bother asking if they’ll agree, as she’s already certain they will agree. And just like Luna had expected, they all agreed and wanted to go back to the Inn. And this wasn't because of what their parents said, nor because of Jaune.  

The sisters were all spent, they had more than enough of today. Scrolling and seeing new people, that was it for them. Now, they much rather go back to the Inn and play games; like a pillow fight they usually play among each other.   

Meanwhile, seeing their son and daughters. Also wishing to wrap today up as well, Theodore and Crystal look at their child with their usual warm eyes. They couldn’t help, but felt that their first time family outing in this town was a success.   

Pursing her lips, Crystal asked with a gentle tone. “Are you all ready to take the picture?” 

“Uh-huh. I think we’re ready.” Jaune nodded and sped closer to his mom — awaiting for the family picture to be taken. This was then followed by his sisters…

Arriving back at the Inn, the Arc families first greeted the Inn owner. After that they went up to their room, before entering their room. Crystal told Jaune and his big sisters that she’ll be staying with them in their room for the rest of their time in this town. 

When Crystal first finished saying what she wanted to say. Luna made a half-baked mischievous complaint. Speaking up and saying that their mom doesn’t trust them to be old enough to handle themselves. 

However, by doing this. She got three eyes staring at her; one from Jaune, the other two from Saphron and Violet. 

Jaune eyes when staring at her indicating, like usual. While Saphron and Violet seem to say; can’t you put this aside once in a while. Meanwhile, as this is happening. Crystal pursed her lips slightly, then immediately after her lips curled slightly. She then parted her lips and said with an honest and gentle tone. 

“I do believe that my little girls are all grown up, and are able to handle themselves.” With a slight pursed of her lips, she continued, “but your mom is very worried about leaving you all alone.” She gave a simple reply, she knew that they could handle it staying in one Inn room together.   

However, as a mom she did feel right leaving them alone, yet. 

As soon as that was done Jaune and the others entered their room. The moment they step in, Jaune first looks at the bed and immediately has the urge to lay on it. Having gone out for a while, though it felt long but at the same short. When looking at the bed, he just has a feeling of lying down on it for a short minute or two. 

First taking off his shoes, afterward he ran over to the bed with a hurried pace. Then slump hardly on it, the bed made a low creaking sound, but Jaune didn’t seem to hear any of this. As he slowly closed his eyes with a bright smile hanging on his face.    

Meanwhile, seeing him closed his eyes while laying down on bed. 

Crystal eye’d her son softly. “Looks like your brother is tired.” Eyeing Jaune as well, Luna grinned and said “I’mma do the same.” A second after, she mirrored what Jaune did — slumping hard on the bed and closing her eyes. 

“Hey, wait for me.” It was then followed by Saphron. At this moment with three laying on the bed, only two people were left standing. Chuckling, gently Crystal darted her eyes to her daughters that remained standing alongside her. 

She inquired, “Violent, are you gonna do the same?” 

“No, mom.” Violent shook her head and continued. “I’m gonna read my unfinished book over there.” She pointed to a corner close to the bed, then stride over there with normal pace. In just a little amount of time, she gathers a blanket and a pillow, and lays it flat on the floor while putting the pillow on top. 

Afterward, she gently sat down — spread open her book and quietly immersed herself in it. 

Meanwhile, Crystal hadn’t moved much from her original spot. Pursing her lip, she surveyed the quiet room. And instantly she couldn’t help but hum slightly, “hmm, I’m blessed to have such adorable kids. Hm? Violate, I'll go over to see if you’re other sisters want to come over.” 

Hearing her, Violate responded with a low voice. “I think you already know mom, they’ll come any minute from now. I'll enjoy the quietness, while it’s still quiet.” 

“Hmh, you're right.”