Chapter: 7
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On the big street of Kuroyuri town. Blonde hair and dark blue eyes running with a smile hanging on his face. Wearing blue pants and long sleeve cloth, it was none other than Jaune. 

Today was a brand new day, with the sun hanging brightly overhead.     

Jaune and his family were going out, yet again. But, unfortunately after moving along the road for over 10 minutes. 

Jaune wanted to buy some candies after seeing a candy that caught his eyes. However, when his dad was gonna buy it for all of them — his wallet that contained Liens was left in the room. Forgotten to bring it with him after putting it on a bed. 

Wanting the candy, Jaune told his father he’ld run over to get it. At first his father refused, saying he’ll do it himself. However Jaune insisted on doing it, knowing that he was the one to ask for the candy first — he made it his job to be helpful and retrieved the wallet from the Inn room. 

After stubbornly insisting on doing it. He got his dad to agree, however after that, it was his big sisters who wanted to go with him. But Jaune refuses with great stubbornness. 

He realized that if they were to go with him, they might slow him down. Knowing his sisters so well, the likelihood of that happening was a lot. 

They tend to make jokes and talk to him a lot, yeah… that’ll definitely slow their pace. And he didn’t want to be kept waiting from eating his candies. 

So he stubbornly refused. His sisters did the same as well, However after telling his mom and dad about how he should go alone. They eventually agreed with him, causing the sisters that want to go with him to puff their cheeks, while pouting. 

And so, his dad handed him the key to the room. So as of now, he’s on his way there.   

As he continued running, gradually he got closer and eventually arrived at the Inn. Stepping into the Inn, a few minutes later he came back out, with his father's wallet perfectly stuffed in the left pocket of his pants pocket.   

Jaune sprinted off again, this time back to where his family were at. Amidst his continuous running his breath raced faster, a little exhausted from running. Since sprinted to the Inn and to now, he had only taken a break when entering the Inn. 

However it wasn’t much of a break since he neither focused on catching his breath or trying to calm down so he could get his energy back. 

Instead, he took a hurried walking pace when in the Inn. Jaune wasn’t athletic, though he was not out of shape either. After all, all those trips and the time spent outside, made his stamina at the very least average.   

He was exhausted, if it wasn’t for the fact that once he reached his family. He’ll be getting those tasty looking candies, he would have halted and took a minute or two walking. Nevertheless even though he was exhausted, he continued his fast pace, however feeling tired and out of breath. Jaune had no choice but to slow down, and gradually his pace became that of a walking speed.   

He was exhausted, extremely. He wanted to get back as fast as he can, however by the looks of it, it’ll be taking slightly slower.    


Panting heavily, Jaune halted, his face facing down while trying to catch his breath. At this moment, he wanted to do nothing but sit down and recuperate. They're waiting for me, and those candies as well…thinking for a moment. 

Jaune took one final deep breath, his cheeks swollen up as he sucked in the air. Then, within a second he released all of it, causing his swollen cheeks to shrink and return to their normal size.   

While amidst that moment, the sound of footsteps approached close to him. Although obviously there’s many sounds of footsteps, seeing as this is a busy street. However this one sounded especially close, like it was just next to him. 

“Are you alright? You look exhausted.”  

Huh? The voice sounded concerning, not knowing who this is, Jaune immediately lifted his head. And what came into view was a gentle looking woman in green attire, seeming to be in her late 20s or might be in her early 30s — he wouldn't know. 

Cause all he can tell is that she looks to be worried for him, and since she’s asking as well, it’ll be rude not to reply.     

“…Thanks for asking, I’m fine, just tired from running.” 

The woman pursed her red lips a little. Her expression seemed curious to why he would be running, so within a moment she inquired, “running? Are you in a hurry to get to somewhere?” 

“Yup.” He affirmed right away. “I’ve been running back to where my family are.” He arch his back and straighten himself, afterward he went on to explain the rest of it. 

Striding on the streets with the nice lady he met. Jaune felt he was lucky to have met this nice lady, she was like his mom, kind and gentle, every word he said she would nod and give a soft reply. 

And because of that, he couldn’t help telling this nice lady about his familys and all the names of his sisters and their personality. 

But that wasn’t all, he also told her about the fun trips he and his families went on, which included right now, as he described what they’ve done so far since coming here.    

Throughout the entire conversation, well, more like Jaune rambling as he took up nearly all the talking. The nice lady would continue smiling and laughing softly, finding his nature to be quite like her own son. Furthermore, she was astonished by Jaune having seven sisters. 

The way Jaune describes it, she couldn’t stop her thought from wondering. 

Envy, and shock lingers on her face, on one hand, with that many childrens. One can expect the liveliness and the adorable face of many little ones. On the other hand, she was shocked that Crystal could produce that many daughters.     

They continued to walk, until eventually they were near the place where Jaune families were waiting for him. 

Halted Jaune raised his hand and pointed out his finger. “My family should be somewhere over there.” He looked up at her, looking slightly eager. He couldn’t help but want her to meet his family, “I know that you say you got lunch to prepare for your family. But…if it doesn’t take up much of your time. I’ll really be happy if you can meet my family.”  

He really wanted her to meet his mom, dad and all of his sisters. Talking to her, Jaune felt like he was talking to his mom. Which says a lot as he, in his life, many times said that his mom was the best in the world and there was no one like her. Well…until now that is. 

Meanwhile, having been asked by this blond hair and blue eyes little boy that was so much like her son. She wanted to really accept, unfortunately even before meeting Jaune on the street. She had been already in a hurry to get back to her house and prepared lunch for her precious husband and son. 

Shocking her head gently, she kindly declined. “It’s unfortunate. Sorry, Jaune, I have to sadly decline.” 

Juane's expression fell, even before she finished. The moment he hears the word ‘unfortunate’ he immediately knows that she’ll decline, and of course he can understand. 

As he already heard from her that she didn’t have time, but she was kind enough to walk with him thus far. Even though she didn’t say it, Jaune can sorta guess that she was probably worried that he’ll fall over while walking.   

After all, to her, he looked tired and out of breath. However, Jaune really wasn’t that exhausted. He even tells her that from the beginning… unfortunately she wouldn’t listen and insisted on following him till when he looked less exhausted. 

Meanwhile, seeing Jaune's expression, the nice lady in green clothes pursed her lips. With a chuckle, she spoke with a voice that seemed to want to cheer him up. “Oh don’t be like that.” 

Kneeling down a little, she locked eyes with him, “tell you what, what don’t you go back and ask your family.” 

“Ask them?” Jaune muttered out loud. Smiling, she continued, “that’s right. Tell them if it’s alright with them if Mrs.Ren and her family came over for a greeting.” Once she finished, Jaune was silent for a moment, but immediately afterward his expression brightened. “Really! You’ll come over!” He looked like he made a 180 degree change. “I didn’t miss-heard it right?.”   

“Hehe”, shaking her head. “Nope.” 

The moment he got clarification Jaune couldn’t suppress his emotion. “Yes…!! of course I’ll tell them!.” 

“Haha! Then it’s a deal.” Mrs.Ren said. Un-kneeling she steadied up straight, with her brown grocery bag held close to her chest. Taking one deep look at the blond boy that’s about her son's age — she said her farewell and assured Jaune that she’ll be seeing him the next morning.  

On the other hand, Jaune felt a little sad that their short conversation that lasted not long ended. However, he knew that tomorrow he’d get to see her again, and her family she mentioned and talked about.  

Either way, Jaune didn’t take his eye off the nice lady. Watching as the nice lady, donning a green attire that seems to be traditional chinese clothing, while her light-purple cascada down, slightly longer than shoulder length. Though, the full-extend of her heir length should have been longer — it’s just that she tied it, making it look shorter.   

Breathing in through his nostril, he sighs and mutters. “Tomorrow, can’t wait. I hope that me and her son can get along.”   

Continue gazing at the distancing back for another seconds. He turned around, seeing people walking and buying stuff…he waited for no time and immediately started moving. 

Soon in just a minute. He spotted them and they spotted him. Some of his sisters like Saphron and Luna immediately called out to him. 

With him back, and with the wallet. Their father immediately bought them candies, though not before Jaune told them about the lady he met and when they'll be coming over. Hearing Jaune's story, Jaune's mom smiled and told him that, that’s great. Followed by a few words from everybody…

Afterward they start enjoying their day, actually… don’t they already enjoy their day since the morning? Whatever it is… for Jaune and the family. It really is the start.   

Their days were nearly perfect. Filled with great joys and laughter and smiles from them. As Jaune would play, talk, interact with people in this town from time to time. But for the most part, he would interact with his families the most, and like usual, he would get annoyed with Luna sometime. 

Furthermore, like normal. Luna would try to poke fun at Violet, and… the quiet Violet somehow always snapped very easy when it came to her. While his other sisters all also act like themselves as well. Saphron would act cheerful and big-sister like — the others were not different either, being themself.  

As for Crystal and Theodore. They were just happy that their son and daughters are enjoying the feel of this town.     

With all the smell going around. Even so, from time to time. Jaune, though having the time of the day, couldn't help thinking about tomorrow, with the nice lady and her family. Although the family is having the best of their time. He couldn’t lie and said that he didn’t wish the day would move faster… cause he sorta do, well, a little bit. 

Fortunately, the day did go by fast. As night had befalling them without the Arcs families paying much attention to the clocked.   

Soon with the sky turning darker, Jaune and his family didn’t stay out — Instead heading back to the Inn with a normal walking pace. Shortly later, they made it back to the Inn.

Entering, all of them went in one after another, walked through the hallway and arrived at the Inn reception counter hall.  

Being in the reception hall, Jaune immediately spots the Inn owner. Wearing a linen gray shirt, he downed a sip of coffee, then put it down. And turned to look at Jaune and his family, only second passed he greeted them with an open smile. 

“How was today? I hope the village did you wall like the other day.” 

Theodore chuckled out loud, then responded with a bright tone. “Just like the other day, today was no different. No? I would say it’s even better. Right kids?” 

“Hmhmm.” Everyone nodded. Today was great, there was nothing more to say than that. Meanwhile, being in the middle surrounded by her kids. Crystal couldn’t help chuckledly, “ha, the kids' nods speaks of how much fun they had.”  

The Inn owner chuckled and said. “I can see that.” He took his mug and sipped it in. “It’s nice to see people liking our village.”  

“Hah, it was my pleasure to have my family able to enjoy their time here. The village was as great as my colleagues described it.” Theodore's liking of this village was genuine. The village was bright and great, teeming with good people. How could he not like the place? Furthermore, what is even better is that his son and daughters enjoy it — that’s all he wanted from the beginning. For his family to enjoy it…

His wife also wanted the same — for their kids to have a wonderful time here.   

They continue talking with the Inn owner for a few short minutes. Some like Jaune talked about their experience to him, while some stayed quiet as they seemed a little tired. 

Once they were done talking to the Inn owner. They moved past the reception hall, and walked and strode up the staircase, eventually they continued moving and got to their rooms.    

Before any of them enter either one of the two rooms. Their mom mentioned to them that after all of them take a shower and rest a little bit. They’ll be playing some family night games to entertain themselves. She then finished by telling them that they'll be having the rest of the candies and snacks that were bought today.    

These candies and snacks were ones their mom didn’t give to them after buying it today. 

After that, they strode into the rooms. Jaune’s sisters, who shared a room with their dad, went into the same room with him. While Jaune and the rest went into the other room. 

The first thing Jaune did after entering the room was climbing onto the bed and causing it to creek loudly. Luna copied him and Saphron likewise did the same. Meanwhile, Violate slowly walked to one of the beds and quietly sat on it — not wanting to be like others. She then took a book out afterward, then quietly began to read it.       

Crystal gazes at them gently. Then reminded them not to get too comfortable, yet, before taking a shower. 

“We know mom.” While Jaune, Luna and Saphron almost simultaneously responded. The one to not respond was Violet, who only took her eyes off her book for a moment and nodded wordlessly at her.   

A few periods of minutes swiftly went by. 

Jaune got off the bed, and told his mom that he’ll be the first to take a shower. His mom agreed, though Luna, with her usual nature, wanted to wash his hair. Which Jaune declines, telling her that it’ll be too slow as memories of her washing his hair unfolded in his mind. And the reason the slowness was because Luna tends to play with his hair, causing his shower or bath time to be very slow.        

Their mother knows about this… so she kindly told Luna off. Causing Luna to pout and huffed, while Jaune, on the other hand, was more than happy to not have Luna washing his hair.         

He took a pants and a yellow T-shirt with him inside the shower room. He then came back out 15 minutes later, hair messy and still a little wet. He wore new pants that look soft and cozy, added with his yellow T-shirt. Overall, he looked all clean and new for the night. 

Meanwhile, sitting on the bed. Crystal chuckled and told him that he looked adorable in those clothes. Which his sisters agreed, though in their mind they added. 

However, a girl's dress would suit him much better.

If Jaune had heard their thoughts, he would have rolled his eyes and definitely disagreed immediately.    

The next to go in the shower was Saphron, followed by Luna, then Violate. After Violate, no one went in, as their mom planned to take a shower only after they played family night board games. With that done, all they needed to do was ready themselves for a game night. As for which they do it in, it was already decided during the time they wait for everyone to shower. 

Their room, it was the room the other sisters picked, and none of them rised a voice of objection; so it was decided that this will be the room for their family board games.    

Time flows by, the giant group of family gathered in one room. Along with it were the many voices and laughter, containing, joyful, playfulness, cheerful, and many more. Just from this, if any heard, they’ll be able to tell that It was truly a happy family — having fun and enjoying their night.      

As they continue having a happy and sunshine atmosphere. Time slipped past them, eventually it was to where they had to wrap up for bed. 

Most of the kids were feeling tired, while some seemed to still have energy — lacking the tried expression the others have.   

Jaune was part of the ones that were tried, he would yawn sheepishly while rubbing his eyes slightly. 

Crystal and Theodore notice that some of their kids are tired. Lacking eyes at each other, they told everyone to wrap up, which immediately got the attention of the ones that were tired and sleepy. They couldn’t wait to lay in the bed and sleep. 

But, they know that they have to brush their teeth first. As for the board game and the snacks on the floor, their mom and dad told them that they’ll handle it. 

So without further ado, most of them were gonna brush their teeth first.   

However, at that moment, they couldn’t help but hear many screams outside the window. 

The window was covered by a greenish-blue curtain, causing none of them to see out through the window. 

But with those screams that sounded full of tragic cries, furthermore, added with booming sound of wrecking and woods being forcefully torn down. Which they assumed is the sound of houses breaking aparts.   

With hesitant steps and signs of bed premonition on his face. Theodore half-darted towards the window, and in seconds unveiled the curtain. 

Momentarily, silent for a moment. The Arc family weren’t able to make a sound once the outside came into their view. They wore stunned expressions. Because at this moment, outside the Inn. Villagers were running in extremely panicking hasty ways. Looking at their expressions, at that moment, Jaune and every member of his familys knew that something extremely bad was about to befall the village as a whole.     


From the back of the families, the room door opened harshly. A middle-age man, donning a  linen shirt and brown pants came into view. Looking breathless while an uneasy expression visibly apparent on his face, he breathed out heavily, then in a matter of seconds said with great haste and wary voice.  

“Grimms are attacking, we need to leave fast!!”