Chapter: 3
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Night came as the sun fell asleep. Leaving the partially shattered moon to cast its brilliant glow upon Remnant. While the clouds swirl and sometimes cover the moon glow — preventing it from reaching the lands, the kingdoms, and the city. 

Meanwhile, located somewhere on a cliffside was none other than Beacon Academy. 

Electricity light still ran high, as the activities inside were quieter than daytime. However, nevertheless, inside of the academy. Sounds of activities were still going on as many weren't asleep, yet.    

As sounds of activities still went on, located inside a very big room of Beacon was the soon to be student of Beacon. They were made to stay in this room, boys and girls alike. Because a professor of Beacon announced in the auditorium that they’ll be doing one final test. 

The test was an initiation, where they’ll be tested at a forest. 

And that was it, none of the soon to be students of beacon were given any more knowledge than that.

So none of them had a clue as to what they would be doing there. But one thing was certain to all of them, once they pass the initiation — they’ll finally get into their dream school. 

Because of that, many were excited about tomorrow and are even hoping for the night to pass by faster. Unfortunately, some nights were just slow for some people.   

That was what Jaune thought after finish showering in the mix-bathroom. And on the bridge of almost being done with his brushing of the night. It can be said that the night felt very dull and slow in his eyes.  

Pu! Jaune spit out some tooth-paste and began to rinse off his mouth with water. After the situation with Weiss Schnne was resolved, well, that was what he hoped. Still, he wasn’t certain if it was truly resolved, 

After all, he did recall hearing her final words. Something along the line of her not letting this matter drop, yet. In any case, Jaune didn’t think much of it. Because, ultimately, if things escalated to an annoying level like the last time.   

He has a way to resolve it. Dad won’t blame me, right? I didn’t take advantage of it. Uh, either way. As long as I don’t tell him, he won’t know… although his dad's warning holds true to his heart. Using it in circumstances like the last time. 

To Jaune, it didn’t feel like taking advantage of his Semblance. Furthermore, he already used it on her once, does it matter if he does it the second time? But, whatever the case is, that’s only if things became like before — otherwise he wouldn’t do it.   

After rinsing his mouth, Jaune followed by washing his face. While in that time, amidst it he could hear someone coming over and halted next to him. 

He knew while wiping his face with a towel that this person is most likely to be a male. After all, \

when the females learn that they'll have to use a mix-bathroom. 

They immediately told the male that the timing of usage will be split between female groups and male groups. The moment the male heard this, none of them had a reason to refuse. So, they accepted this idea.      

And the females were the first to go. Now the only people using it now should be male.   

He finishes wiping and pulls the towel away from his face. Looking at the mirror in front, he and the person beside him were reflected in the mirror.    

Being reflected inside the mirror, the person has black hair that is slightly longer than his. Pink streak on the left side of his hair, while his hair was a little dishaved and still slightly wet. His eyes were light pink, and he wore green and black chinese style pajamas. 

The pajama has a big chinese character on the left side of his chest. While the rest were stripes and patterns. 

Jaune drifted his head after a second passed. He then gestured with a slight lower head to offer a greeting. And the guy gestures back the same way he did — with a lowered head.    

Momentarily look back at the mirror once more. Feeling that he wrapped up everything he needed to. Jaune strides out of the bathroom and heads back to the very big room that all were asked to stay for the night.   

As for that student he met, Jaune had nothing to say to him. So it was best to just leave since he was done. Walking at a normal pace, it took him a short time to reach the place.    

Entering silently, he couldn’t help yawning. Because as of now, it's 9pm and Jaune usually goes to sleep around that time. However, before that, he scans his surroundings. The room was big, very big that many can be inside and it still wouldn’t be too crowded. The area inside was just one massive floor, with one huge bright chandelier hovering overhead tide to the roof. 

Since the chandelier was big, naturally the whole place was brightened by it. Though it wasn’t really needed, there are some well lamps that help light up the place even more.     

But despite the place being big, with the amount of people and their sleeping bags lying on the ground.   

Jaune furrowed his brows and muttered quietly. “It looks quite small with this many people.” 

A few seconds passed, he landed his eyes on a sleep bag. It was his, he had laid it down before going to take a shower. So that he wouldn’t have to do it later and could immediately stuff himself inside the sleeping bag.   

Not wasting a single second, Jaune strides over to his sleeping bag. Passing between many people and gradually making it there.     

Meanwhile, although Jaune didn’t bother paying attention to it. Quite a few eyes were staring at him, or to be more precise at his face. The eyes staring at his face were mostly females. while the males were looking just because they saw the female doing that, making them a little curious.         

Though the male obviously weren't affected by Jaune's semblance. The females are, as their eyes seem to be glued to his face, while their cheeks slightly rose.    

Out of all the eyes. In the center of the room near the wide glass window were two girls.   

“Hey, He’s…uh, hot right Ruby.” 

“Uh yeah…” a second later, she yelped in realization. “what! No!” She was blushing just from looking at his face, but the sudden question threw her off the roof right away.      

“Heh.” A chuckle left the other girl's lips. When seeing her reacting like that.  

Seeing her chuckle, Ruby with her Rosy cheeks flared at her sister while her expression was full of embarrassment.     

While on the other hand, her sister continued chuckling. 

These two were sisters and also the ones Jaune ignored when they were still inside the Bullhead. Both sisters were formally from Signal Academy and were happy to be able to attend Beacon together at the same time.  

As to the reason why they were happy to attend together. Truth be told, one of them wasn't supposed to attend yet. Which would be the little sister — name Ruby while the big sister was Yang.  

After well over a minute, Yang stopped chuckling and waved for her sister to do the same. “Hehe, hm, let's chill down for a moment.”

At her words, Ruby sneered at her. Finding her sister to be very annoying at the moment. Wasn’t she the one who started this by asking such an embarrassing question? 

Now she wanted her to chill down? Does it look like it is possible?

Forthemore, remembering how she unconsciously admitted to Yang stupid sudden question. Ruby still felt so embarrassed, wishing that she could hide her head under a pillow. 

This is all Yang's fault. As she thought more about it, she began to give Yang a dark glare.    

Mm! Wow she's mad… inside Yang jolted in surprise. But outside she didn’t show it, as she maintained a smile while trying to calm Ruby down. After a short time passed, Yang had thankfully managed to soothe Ruby into calming down.   

With that being done, Yang was in thoughts for a moment before her eyes moved and glanced over at Jaune. Her cheeks momentarily flushed, but she was quick to suppress it — not wanting it to be seen by Ruby. “By the way, Ruby.” 

“Hm, what?” Ruby's voice sounded softer, now that she’s calmed down. 

“Is that ho~ Uh, blonde the same person as the one inside the Bullhead. Cause…although I didn’t see the shaking Blonde face clearly when he ran out. Though I wasn't able to catch a glimpse of his face fully with his hands covering it, I was able to catch a little bit of it.”    


The reason Yang asked was just out of curiosity. 

She could remember it as clear as day, the awkwardness she felt when inside the Bullhead. The blonde shaking person who had remained unresponsive, despite her and Ruby kindly offering a greeting. And the flash of memories where he suddenly ran off to a trash can, and seemingly puked.   

Seeing him puking, having not wanted to fall into that awkwardness again — she didn’t approach. And with good reason as well, first, she wasn’t really interested in approaching from the beginning, she only did so because she wanted to push Ruby approaching someone. Second, he seems to be puking. Yang certainly doesn’t want the puke to accidentally get on her.   

However, what actually got her thinking right now is the extreme similarities between that blonde and this blonde.   

The hair, the toned body, the fair skin. It basically matches this astonishing attractive male who happens to be just a few feet away from them. However, was that guy and this person the same? She wasn’t certain.      

Meanwhile, having listened to her big sister. Ruby was suddenly in thought, in her mind she subconsciously compared the two. And immediately, it clicks, the clothes and chest plate armor are the same. Well, at the very least before he changed to his pajamas.   

Ruby didn’t think about this in the beginning. Simply because, Jaune's face is so eye-catching for females, that no girl would bother paying attention to what he wears.  

On having realized this, Ruby felt even more embarrassed. 

To think she actually approached this person. Whose face alone causes her to be unable to utter a single word. 

Thinking back on it, if that person had actually looked up and responded. Would she be able to utter any word other than stuttering and trying to cover her face? That was the possibility she could only imagine occurring. After all, Ruby understood that she was not good at talking. 

Especially this boy who could make her cheeks heat up just by looking at his face. 

Meanwhile, amidst her thoughts. Yang’s voice came snapping her out, “So what do you think, The same guy?”

“Ah! Y-yeah. I think he…he….” 

Ruby's voice was becoming lower and lower, unable to finish her sentence. And Yang could see that clearly, because of that, she didn’t want to press on and ask further. Unless she wants Ruby to glare at her again. 

Heaving a sigh, Yang gazes unknowingly at the blonde-haired boy.

At that moment, without realizing she had already looked for well over 5 seconds. Although she wanted to look away, thinking that this was enough of looking. But, it was unmistakable. She couldn’t look away like her lilac eyes were seemingly glued to that one face.   

But as it went on, the blonde male suddenly took notice and locked eyes with her.   

Instantly, her heart seemed to race faster while her cheeks flushed almost instantly. And she immediately darted her eyes somewhere else.    

“Ha. Ha…” Yang panted heavily. 

In honesty, this was the first for Yang. She had never felt like this when looking at other boys. And that was saying something because unlike her sisters she had interacted with many boys. Some were handsome while some weren’t, but in the end, none made her flush or made her heart race.    

Except now, which confusese har. From all the angles she looked so far…the blonde boy is most definitely above average. But that was it, Yang had seen boys of this caliber before and even now — looking around she could spot some more boys of this level.   

But compared to them, why does she flush when looking at this one face? Yang couldn’t come up with any answers.  

With no answers to come by, Yang heaved out and drifted her eyes to her sisters. 

Meanwhile, Jaune on the other hand is rolling through his Shroll. He had taken notice of the gaze of Yang, but didn’t bother thinking about it. As it was all too normal for him, though he gotta admit. 

The thick blonde hair girl figure and facial features were not bad. Is this place gonna be full of good looking girls? Jaune shrugs his shoulders slightly while lying on his sleeping bag.  

Continuing rolling through his Shroll, Jaune got another message. He sighed the moment he’d read the message.   

[little bro are you lonely? I know you are. I miss you so much I’m about to cry right now 😭. If only I was there with you. This is all dad's fault! I’m so mad at him right now.😡]

Jaune rolled his eyes after reading the message. This was why he wasn’t inside his sleeping bag, yet. Only after coming back from the bathroom did he remember that he was supposed to text back when his sisters text him.     

Because if he doesn’t, he worries that they may just rush to Beacon — even during nighttime right now. And he wouldn’t count on his dad or mom being able to stop them.   

Beep! Another message was sent to him.

[little bro why haven’t you texted back yet?! Is something the matter? Is something happening over there!!]

A couple more texts came right afterward. Causing Jaune to widen his eyes while sighing bitterly. He then muttered quietly, “It hasn’t even been a full minute and she’s already like this. Sigh…” 

At the same time, amidst his silence muttering. A new line of text pops out, just reading it one can tell the person sending the text is very freak out, as of now.  

[little bro I’m rushing over there right now!!!] 

Reading the text, Jaune narrowed his brows and clicked his tongue. Seriously, am I gonna have to deal with this everyday? Such a pain! Worried that she may really rush over. He wasted no second and texted back immediately.    

[no I’m fine! Was just scratching my back. No need to trouble yourself by coming over.] 

After sending his message, his sister responded immediately. 

[That's good. Phew. That's very good! You made me worried sick there.] 

Before Jaune can text back again. Another round of text emerged. 

[humph. This is all your fault. How could you text back so late even if you're stretching your back. I was so worried I thought my heart was gonna burst.] 

Meanwhile, Jaune snorted after reading this new line. Late? Did she just say, late? Jaune almost wanted to cry out at this moment. Usually a lot of time, when people text someone. How long did it take for the other party to text back? A long time of course.  

This line of text was basically telling him that if he forgot or didn't have time to text back. She’ll rush over immediately. Furthermore, he has other sisters he needs to look out for. As he knows for sure that tonight's gonna be a long…night.   

Before coming to Beacon, Jaune had quite the trouble with his sisters. They all group up and pressured him into texting them back every hour. However, he managed to get them to agree to text him only during nighttime. 

Just remembering, it was rough. It took him a long time to get them to agree. To get them to agree, Jaune let them dress him up in a girl's dress, colored his nails, and used tons of makeup on him.  

Thinking about it, Jaune felt ashamed and embarrassed. When he was still a kid Jaune did not feel this level of embarrassment as he did now. After all, back then he was a kid, now it is a completely different story. 

As of current, he was only a year away from being 18. No male would want to be dressed up like that, well, probably except for a few.    

Either way. Jaune wasn’t gonna get a good sleep tonight or maybe never.   

After all, they were gonna text him evernight.  

Beep! New lines of texts pop out. This time from all of his sisters. Seeing these texts, Jaune could only bitterly sigh once again.