B03C15 F*ck you right in the feelings.
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Spring had set in, and both Midna and Hena had swelled up like balloons. It looked like both were due any day now. What had I gotten myself into. Hena was by my side now, but mostly she would sit and relax as she and Ket watched me work. The child seemed to love the nightmares I would make, and Hena loved petting and pampering the small girl. It was a dark day that seemed to promise a storm later, but I wanted to get more done. M. Bison worked beautifully, and Meathead was learning from Chiron. He didn’t know what I had planned. Scarlet had woken up at the same time as the other harpies and started training to be a pilot. She was learning slowly, and I had to make custom controls for her, but I knew it would all pay off in the end. My second nightmare was almost ready to test and then I would get the third put together. Boss was nice enough to help me with people and to make some of the simpler parts that didn’t require my direct supervision. I would still check on them, but it made things much easier. During the winter I was able to make several Jacks and gave them to the farmers who loved them. They loved the plows too and my town didn’t have to struggle for food moving forward. All and all things were turning out nicely.

A sound came to me, and I froze. Someone was singing and I knew that song. I didn’t notice the tears moving down my face as I moved out into the streets. Debby was there and she was smiling as she looked up at my roof. I turned to see Sheldon. He was singing, a microphone trinket around his neck. His eyes were closed as he sung. It was clear the harpy was putting his soul into every word. “I’m in love with your body.” He opened his eyes and looked at the roof across from me. I turned to see Scarlet. She had landed and was looking at him, shock and desire clear on her face. I turned back and the world got harder to see. He was singing Shape of you by Ed Sheeran. It was from my world, and he was singing it perfectly. “Come on be my baby come on.” He sung, putting every ounce of his soul into the words. I fell to my knees and put my head in my hands. A hand touched my shoulder and I turned to see Debby. She looked worried and I got up running back into my workshop. I stormed past Hena and Ket running to the cockpit of the Knight I was working on. Hena had tried to say something, and the bird was still singing, but I couldn’t hear anything. I closed the cockpit and sealed it behind me using magic. There was a banging, but I didn’t care. I pulled myself into a ball on the seat and rocked there. A voice started talking in the back of my mind and I couldn’t fight my own thoughts.

(You didn’t even try to go back.) it whispered.

“I couldn’t.” I whispered back in the dark.

(Couldn’t or didn’t want to. Here you can be the monster you really are.) All the dark thoughts about my old life were coming back. (Come on, here you can kill people without fear.)

“I only ever killed those who threatened me or my family.” I tried to argue with myself.

(Really? How about McDonalds? You didn’t have to kill her. You killed her because you were annoyed with her.)

“She did that to herself.” my words felt hollow as I sobbed in the dark.

(Or did you kill her because she broke your toy?)

“Yen is not my toy. I love her.” I growled at my own thoughts.

(Love, how can you know what love is? Are you even sure they love you or are they just doing what they can to keep the monster happy? Also, you killed that fire guy.)

“He was threatening to kill Gorloth and enslave me."

(Yeah, but he was no real threat to you. You killed him because you wanted his core and the metal. Greedy as always.) I had killed him for his core. (Killed him for a new toy to play with.) I shrieked at my own inner thoughts as they ate at me. (You have even tortured people. That fat lord. You ripped his hand off just so you could have metal to play with.)

“He hurt Lily and cut up her sister.”

(And you are still keeping it from her that her sister is alive.) That thought hurt. (Admit it. You never wanted to go home, did you? You cast your old life away to live like a monster here.) The banging was getting louder and there was a scratching sound now. (Admit it!)

“I am a monster.” I cried. “I never belonged there. This is my home. A light fell over me and arms were around me. I didn’t see who it was as I cried.

(You killed those two thugs and tortured their boss. All of that because someone was threatening to take and break your toys.) I was a small child again. I had brought a gundam kit to school to show it off. One of the children had asked to see it and then smashed it in front of me. the teachers scolded me for bringing toys to school and I withdrew after that moment. (Even now you are playing with toys.)

“My love, you are okay. You are safe with us, safe with me.” Lily was rocking and holding me.

(See, they are keeping the monster happy, so he doesn’t kill them too.) This time the thought felt softer and further away. Lily just held me. Green light fell over me and I heard Healer say,

“He is fine physically, but his mind is a bit muddled. Bed rest and show him love.” He didn’t sound confident, and I just was too numb to register anything. I could never go back home and didn’t even try. Strong arms pulled me out and carried me home. Soon I was sitting in the living room curled into a ball while the others talked around me. I had been through so much and fought so hard for so long. Jumping from one disaster to another. My body shook like it was cold and someone had pulled off my boots. I just sat there unable to move.

{Mai Savage}

She had once been called Gale Thunderhead, but now in her heart and mind she was Mai Savage. She had heard that peacock sing and had seen her mate being carried by the man who mated with the bat woman. Something was wrong with her mate, and she needed to know what. She flew into her window and picked up Filo who was playing in the nest. She loved her dark feathered daughter and loved holding her. Her mate was in trouble, and they needed to help him. She moved slowly through the house. It was hard walking in these narrow halls, and she couldn’t move very fast on her bird-like legs. She went downstairs and found her mate sitting on the couch curled into a ball. He wasn’t hurt but wasn’t moving. He was alive and that was a good thing. Suddenly it hit her what was wrong.

When she was a hatchling, her grandmother had lost her mate to a roc. Her grandmother had lay like this for a long time. It took the whole flock coming together to remind her grandmother that she was loved and a part of the flock to bring her back. She needed to do this for her mate. She put Filo on her mate and showed their daughter how to pet his face with closed hands so she wouldn’t claw him. A tear came out of his eye and Mai took this as a good sign. She turned to the others and started squawking as loud as she could. Fox Uta turned to her.

“What?” Fox Uta asked, annoyed, anger on her face. Mai pointed at their mate and then around at the other women. “I know he is upset about something. We are trying to help him.” Mai shook her head, chirping in anger. 

“You want to help him?” Bunny Lily asked. Mai did want to help him, but that was the wrong question. Mai shook her head and grabbed the blanket on the back of the couch. She put it on the floor in the middle of the big sitting room and started spreading it out with her talons. “Mai stop that, you’ll ruin the blanket.” Bunny Lily said. Mai pecked at her hand as she tried to pick up the blanket.

“Wait, do you know how to help him?” The new one asked. Mai nodded. Mai pointed at the blanket and put her arms up waving at the house. “You want us to gather all the blankets?” Smart Pink Hair asked. Mai nodded and put her hands together before laying her head on them. “Pillows too?” Mai nodded and the women started to move. Mai grabbed the arm of Tiger Yen and pointed at the windows.

“You want me to open the windows?” She asked, the other woman was worried, but Mai needed to do this. Mai nodded and went to fetch Strange Ket. The little girl was hiding, and Mai pulled Strange Ket to her mate. She showed the girl how to pet him and Strange Ket did so, petting his arm. Mai took the other two to the big playroom and sat them down. Fox Gen looked worried, but Mai smiled at him bowing.

“You want us to play?” He asked. Mai kissed the top of his head before kissing the top of Bunny Snow’s head. She took a deep breath and strained.

“Stay.” she whispered saying the one word she could say. The two nodded and started playing. Good, the children would have too much energy and right now her mate needed peace. She went back down and started building a big nest. The others started helping and Mai pointed at the fireplace. It was far enough away that the flames shouldn’t catch, but she moved the blankets a little further back just to be safe. Tiger Yen started a fire before leaving to take care of her own hatchling. Mai leaned in to sniff Smart Pink Hair before nodding. She pointed at their mate and then at the nest. The women moved their mate to the nest and Mai pointed at Smart Pink Hair.

“What do you want me to do?” Smart Pink Hair asked Mai. Mai took her hand and pulled her to their mate’s back before hugging the other woman. “I don’t think I can do that.” Mai lifted Smart Pink Hair’s hand and sniffed before nodding. “You think my smell will help him?” Mai sniffed again and then hugged the other woman. “My smell and warmth.” She looked worried, but Mai knew what she was doing. Smart Pink Hair was shaking but did as Mai asked. Mai then went to Filo and put her in front of her mate. Bunny Lily had to help, but they were able to lift his arms to wrap around Filo. Their beautiful hatchling started petting his cheek again and he blinked looking around a little. That was a good sign, but more was needed. Mai turned to Bunny Lily. She made a motion of holding a hatchling and pointed at their mate.

“You want us to bring the children?” Mai nodded but shook her head as she raised her hand up to the height of Fox Gen and Bunny Snow. “Leave Gen and Snow out?” Mai nodded, touching foreheads with Bunny Lily. Next, she pulled Strange Ket down and let the little girl wrap around his arm petting him. She was such a smart, strange little racoon. Once that was done, she turned to Fox Uta and had her lay in front of their mate. She made sure he could see the fire. She knew he liked looking at it and a breeze brought in the smell of a slow storm that was building. Mai nodded. He shook slightly as he took in a deep breath. Good sign, Mai thought. She brought Long Ear Hena down to the nest with Lizard Washu. She made sure all the women were able to touch his arms and legs showing their love to him. There was a knock at the door and Little Red Radish brought in a silver haired woman with Big Green Gorloth and Green Orga. She pulled them into the nest and had them lay down.

“What is going on?” Big Green Gorloth asked.

“Not sure, but Mai thinks that this will help Alex.” Bunny Lily said.

“If it will help friend Runt, I will do it.” He said laying down in the nest. Green Orga lay behind him. 

“I like so sorry. I didn’t know that singing would make him go nutzo?” Silver hair said. Mai chirped and pulled the new woman to Big Green Gorloth. It was clear she was his mate, and she should be beside him. Something felt different in the room and Mai turned to the new woman. She was sad and it made everyone else sad. Mai leaned down to look at the woman. She pointed at the corners of her own mouth pushing them up into a smile. “You want me to like be happy? I don’t know if I like can do that right now?” Mai put her forehead to Silver Hair’s head and closed her eyes before grabbing Big Green Gorloth’s arm to wrap around Silver Hair. Big Green Gorloth tried to argue, but Green Orga slapped his back.

“Just do it you big idiot.” Green Orga said, making Silver Hair laugh sadly. Mai lay the hatchlings on their father and the children squirmed to move to a comfortable place. Mai then pulled Bunny Lily to his head and Tiger Yen helped her lift it so he could use Bunny Lily’s lap as a pillow. The fire crackled and She moved Cat Midna to her place before laying on top of Long Ear Hena. All of his mates and friends were around him, but something was missing. She looked up at Bunny Lily who was petting his hair. The other woman looked back, and it was clear this was working as he had closed his eyes. He was still crying, but it was slowing down. Mai started chirping rhythmically as she looked around.

“I think she is asking one of us to sing.” Smart Pink Hair said. Bunny Lily nodded and started singing softly. The rain started and brought the smell of spring with it. It didn’t take long for the hatchlings to go to sleep. Hatchlings needed lots of sleep and love. Someone started snoring and Mai smiled as she looked over at Lizard Washu. She nodded and yawned as she looked around. Their mate had started sleeping too. One by one everyone drifted off. The rain was gentle and slow adding the peaceful sound and smells to the room. Once everyone was out Mai got up and went to Little Red Radish. He looked up at her blankly.

“Will he be, okay?” He asked looking at the nest. Mai nodded and waved goodbye to the small bunny man. “You think I should go home?” Mai nodded and moved her arms like she was holding a hatchling. “Thank you, Lady Mai.” He said bowing to her. Mai made her way up to the big playroom to see the children looking worried. She waved at them and took them down to see the big nest. She turned to Bunny Snow and made a hand sign for bed.

“I think she wants to know if we are tired.” Bunny Snow said. Mai kissed the top of the little girl's head. Fox Gen nodded and yawned. Mai led them to the nest and let them lay down. Bunny Lily slid out from under their mate’s head and put a pillow under it joining Mai as she went to the open window. Mai looked out at the rain loving the smell and the speckles that would strike her as they bounced against the window. Not many made it in, but just enough to make her feathers rise up a little. Suddenly Bunny Lily was holding Mai. Mai brought her wings around wrapping the bunny in a big hug.

“Thank you, Mai.” She said crying. Mai kissed Bunny Lily showing her the love they shared. Mai held her and rocked slightly. “One of these days he will find a way to give you a voice.” Bunny Lily said. Mai shook her head and smiled. “You don’t need one?” Mai nodded and turned to look at her mate, the hatchlings and everyone laying in the nest. “I feel you on that one. What do you think happened to him?” Bunny Lily asked. Mai put a finger to her eye and let it move down. “I know he was sad, but why?” Mai thought for a long while and then pointed at the nest and made a small coughing sound. “Nest sick?” Her eyes lit up with understanding. “Oh, you mean homesick. Yeah, it could be that. Debbie said she taught Sheldon a song from his world. It could have made him homesick.”

Bunny Lily looked over at the nest as the women held each other. “I don’t know what I would do if I knew I could never see my family or home again and he has been holding on to that for three winters.” Mai nodded and kissed Bunny Lily’s forehead. Mai loved her life here, these people and her mate. Mai didn’t know what a wanderer was and didn’t understand that there were other worlds, but she could understand if he was missing his flock and the feeling had hit him hard. She sighed and just held Bunny Lily.


I woke up surrounded by warm, snoring bodies. It was evening and I wasn’t sure what had happened. My head and eyes hurt. What had happened. Last thing I remembered was hearing that peacock sing and then being very sad. I remembered Filo petting my face and then Lily petting my hair as I used her lap as a pillow. It was every nerd's dream. I laughed lightly and one of the children moved on top of me. I looked over to see Filo. She smiled at me.

“Daddy better?’ She said, when had she learned to talk?

“Much better. What happened?”

“Daddy sad. Mama Mai help.” She shrugged. I smiled and reached up to pet my daughter's head. Her crest rose up just like Mai’s and she smiled at me. “Hungry.” she said nibbling on my hand. I started removing arms around me and shifting bodies. Arms behind me held me close and squeezed me as I tried to lift it.

“Please no my lord.” A small voice said. It was Lian. Why was she holding me? When did this happen? I hoped she had clothes on as the children were here. “It would be embarrassing if you saw me.” she said weakly.

“Mama Li no food.” Filo protested as she moved to Lian’s hand. My daughter leaned back as though to bite Lian’s arm.

“Filo, no bite.” I scolded. “We will eat soon.” There was a snort, and someone yawned.

“What’s going on?” Gen said sleepily. I saw the boy sit up and look around. “Big brother?” he asked, I nodded at him and waved. He stood up quickly, his eyes wide and his tail wagging. “BIG BROTHER IS OKAY!” He cried out, waking everyone up. Suddenly I was surrounded by moving bodies and pummeled by hugs, kisses and happy women. A voice filled the room and made me very confused.

“Welcome back friend Runt.” It was Gorloth. Why was he here?

“What the hell happened?” I asked, very confused about everything. Uta and Orga got up with help and went to the kitchen.

“I bet everyone is hungry.” Orga said with a smirk. Lily brought Mai to me, and my bird lover peppered me with kisses. It made me laugh and I felt loved. They weren’t just trying to make the monster happy; they loved me. I started laughing and felt tears fall down my face. Why was I crying. Why did it feel so good?

“Hay, Alex? I’m like so sorry. I didn’t know that him singing would like upset you?” I looked over to see Debbie. How many people were in this living room?

“It’s okay.” I said with a smile as I gulped around a lump in my throat. Lily spoke up.

“Mai said he was homesick, so I don’t think it was your fault.”

“Homesick, maybe? But it was more that I felt like a monster and bad for not even trying to go home. I wasn’t loved there and doubted I was loved here.” Suddenly Yen punched my arm hard. It hurt and I turned to my tiger lover as she held our daughter.

“Idiot. You are loved. We all love you. Never doubt that again.” She growled at me. More tears fell and I wiped my eyes as I looked around everyone. 

“I love all of you too.” I sobbed in a very unmanly way. We ended up having a party that night and I felt truly loved. The nest Mai had built was used, but we did close the windows as the night wore on. I was laying back down, wrapped around Lily. She was looking up into my eyes.

“Do you see me as a monster?” I asked, fear gripping my heart. She shook her head.

“Contract Magic, you will be unable to lie for the next five minutes.” I wasn’t sure what she was up to.

“I agree.” I felt the magic take hold.

“Are you a monster?” She asked, a smile on her face. I tried to express my feelings and fears, but what came out shocked me.

“No. I never was.” I blinked at her as she tilted up to kiss me.

“See. Not even you see yourself as a monster. So cut that shit out.” She said, a sly smile on her face. I held her close and kissed her forehead.

“Sorry for scaring you all. I guess I had things to work through.” I said with a sigh.

“People on the spectrum are like that.” Debbie said, as she held Orga. I looked over at her.

“Spectrum?” I asked.

“Yeah, you’re like autistic and may have like ADHD or something?” I remember reading things about that, but never thought it applied to me.

“Elaborate.” I said leaning up to watch the woman’s expression.

“You forget names, times, to eat, sleep, and so on? I’ve been talking with people, and it was like super apparent.”

“What does that mean?” I asked. It made me a bit mad thinking that she was calling me defective.

“It just means that your brain is like wired differently? Didn’t you know, lots of people think Eyestone was like autistic?” Eyestone? Who the fuck was that? I thought for a moment.

“You mean Einstein? Albert Einstein.” She nodded.

“Yeah, he and like a lot of other smart people are like autistic?” I blinked. Everything started clicking. A conversation I had with Hena a long time ago came back to me. She had said she didn’t think I was a sociopath. She said I was something else. Fuck me running. This whole time I thought I was a monster. No, it turns out I’m just weird. I started laughing again and I felt someone pinch my side.

“Bedtime Darlin.” Uta said as she held me from behind. I lay back down, and Lily stroked my face.

“See you are no monster. I don’t think I could love a monster.” Lily said leaning up to kiss me softly.



Sorry for the tearjerker, I felt Alex needed some closure. He had to be slapped with the truth in this one. Also, Mai doesn't know Uta is a coyote and not a fox. I do love how her answer to Alex being catatonic was a big cuddle pile. Side note Coyotes wave their tails in a circle and that is why I make sure to never say their tails are wagging. Hope everyone has an amazing new year. Stay safe and have fun.