Cheat Sheet. Hope this helps you if you get lost. :)
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Character Sheet. I was asked to do a breakdown to help some of those. There are a lot of people so this may help some of you.



Alex Savage, Runt, Lord Savage-MC who came from our world to this one to build weapons that scare the crap out of people. Skills: Metal Magic, Metal Sense, Enchanting, Mana Foredged Veins level 17, War Chief, Gods Folly

Lily Cottontail-First wife of Alex. Albino bunny woman with red eyes white hair she has a tiny tail that gets caught on clothing. She was the former slave of Lord Hintergolt. Mother of Kakarot Savage. Has an exceptional sense of hearing. Skills: Sway of the Moon, Cleaning Magic, Contract Magic.

Uta Saage- Wife of Alex. Coyote woman with long dark red almost brown hair and has a long brown tail. Speaks in a slight southern accent. Has an exceptional sense of smell. Big sister to Gen Savage Skills: Beast Talker, Bookkeeping, Cleaning, Cooking

Yen Savage- Wife of Alex. A tall muscular tiger woman. She has tiger ears, tail and stripes on her skin. She lost her right arm to Lady Deveros, but Alex was able to help her regrow it. Has an exceptional sense of smell. Mother of Angeline Savage. Skills: Gift of the Wild, Wind Running, Final Blow.

Mai Savage, Gale Thunderhead- Wife of Alex. A voiceless harpy with green feathers and pale skin. Mother of Filo Savage. Sold into slavery by her family for being defective as harpies pride themselves on their singing.Has a slave collar by choice. Has exceptional eyesight.. No known skill list at this time. 

Midna, Shadow- A dark skinned catgirl with black cat ears and a long black tail. Former world renowned assassin turned fisherwoman. She lives in a shack near the river. Can move through shadows and use invisible threads to attack and kill. Has a slave collar by choice. No known skill list at this time.

Hena Gotyho Tovoear- Wife of Alex, Elven noblewoman. Long elf ears, long green hair, technophilic {Gets turned on by technology} Thought Alex was an elven woman at first, but has grown to love him for who he is. Daughter of Hena Gotyho Tovoear the house head. No known skills at this time.

 Lian Jing Bio, the third princess of the Jing Bio kingdom. A Chinese woman with long pink hair. She can play the Pipa and has a caring nature. Daughter of King Wukong. Skills: Cooking, Nurturing Spirit, Royal Nature.

Washu, Crimson Scale Deathwing- Underage Dragon. Long red hair, black rams horns, She is only 99, but will be an adult in one year. She wants to sleep in a bed and likes stealing pillows and blankets. Can turn into a full size Dragon. Daughter of Onyx of the Midnight Scale.

Gen Savage- Small coyote boy with dark red almost brown hair, tail and ears. Dreams of becoming a Knight Commander. Can speak Orc and has an exceptional sense of smell. Skills: Enhancing Magic, Gift of the Wind, Blade Dance. Has a slave collar. Adopted child of Alex. Brother of Uta Savage, age 6

Snowdrop Cottontail- Small albino bunny girl. Long white ears, tiny tail and red eyes. She is in love with Gen, but he fails to notice this. Through play with him at the training table, she has become a battle junkie. Sister of Lily Cottontail. Thinks her mother is her Grandmother. Has a slave collar. No known Skills at this time. Age 6 Adopted child of Alex.

Ket Ra Co- Small racoon girl with a large bushy tail, pointed ears. She is on the spectrum and loves watching Snowdrop and Gen train or Alex and Hena build. Likes to lick Gen for reasons unknown at this time. No known skills at this time. Age 3 has a slave collar. Adopted child of Alex.

Kakarot Savage- Child of Lily and Alex. Dark hair. Both human and bunny ears, small bunny tail. He is barely one year old and so little is known about the child at this time.

Filo Savage- Harpy with dark feathers. Child of Mai and Alex. can talk brokenly. No known skills at this time.

Angelina Savage- Newborn child of Yen and Alex. Has both human and tiger ears. Has a small tiger tail. No known skills at this time.

Gorloth Uthontho- Best friend to Alex who he calls Runt. Husband to Orga, Father to Orloth, a large orc with a sense of humor. Once ripped a man’s head off with his bare hands. Is a skilled swordsman and the prince of the wild king. Skills: Blade Dance, Son of the Wild King, Sprit Talker

Orga Uthontho- Wife of Gorloth, A heavily scarred woman missing an eye. Is loving and playful with a tendency to tease. Mother of Orloth. Skills: Cooking.

Debbie Houseton- From our world, from California, Is an airhead, but likes helping people, Skills: Nature Magic, Kindred Spirits. Her feelings can be felt by others.

Orloth- Child of Orga and Gorloth. Not much is known about her at this time.

Creepy, Pretty Batsy- Bat woman with long dark hair. Her mind magic has forced her to view the minds around her, so she is a bit strange. Wife of Meathead, Mother of an unnamed boy hybrid. Adopted mother of a lizard boy named Drake. Mind Magic is the only known skill at this time. Recused Alex in exchange for her own freedom.

Thomdab Hervot, Meathead- Large muscular idiot who wears his heart on his sleeve, husband of Batsy, father to an unnamed child, adopted father to a lizard boy named Drake. Knight Commander and teacher to Gen and Snowdrop. While often getting in trouble for doing dumb things, He will lay his life on the line and fight hard to keep everyone safe. 

Drake Hervot- Green hair, scales and a long green tail. A ball of energy and seeming to be active at all times. Adopted child of Batsy and Meathead. No known skills at this time.

Boss,Yavlten Gon Hervot, husband to Bealcica the succubus. A large well-built man with a long beard, groff deminor, but kind soul. The boss of the repair shop in Happy Valley, prone to outbursts that amount to little more than a dog barking. Dislikes wearing shirts even in winter. Adopted father to Rena. No known skills at this time.

Bealcica the Succubus- Wife to Boss, Adopted mother to Rena. Horns, leathery wings, long whip tail, oversized breasts. Knows what a man wants and loves to toy with them. Strong mind for business and knows how to arrange people to get the most out of them. Beneath her sexual nature is a loving and loyal woman. No Known skills at this time.

Rena Hervot- Adopted child of Bealcica and Boss. Fox girl with long golden blonde ears and bushy tail. No known skills at this time.

Es Von Declos Bullock- Head of the town guard. Married to an unknown woman, may have children, rough and prone to use fowl words, just personality. Calm in a fight. A weapon freak who wants the town to be safe and peaceful. Likes Alex but is scared of him secretly. Contract Magic is the only known skill at this time.

Woodcutter, Jase Lothos- Commander, no known description at this time. A former woodsman that rose to a Knight Commander through his skills at the training tables. He likes to take his opponent out quickly and aims for the joints to try to keep the Kinght mostly intact to make Alex happy. Father to Tasser. No known skills at this time.

Tasser Es Lothos Tactician- Married to Vixey. No known description at this time. A keen mind that prefers to work through his problems by use of his skill. Capable of seeing all things at once and knowing the best way to do what he needs to. This skill will give him a horrible headache and will leave him unable to move or think one turned off. Hid his wife’s beast nature from the town so they could live a normal life until Alex arrived. 

Vixey Lathos- Fox girl bought as a slave to be the wife of Tasser. Loves him deeply. Long red hair, pointed fox ears and a long bushy tail. She has a playful nature and can cook almost anything. No known skills at this time.

Lady Bohoth De Hiss, Priest- a redhead who is a dragon. Elder sister to Washu, living as a human in Happy Valley and now wife to Tactician.

Onyx of the Midnight Scale- Father to Bohoth and Washu. Is a large black dragon and king of all dragons. He is protective of his people and his daughters. A lush who loves drinking and eating tasty food.

Healer, Real named unknown- The main healer of the town, Hero complex, father of Glendica. Husband of Yeamds and Hocodoy. Healing is the only known skill.

Yeamds- A hare woman with healing. Likes to playfully scold people. Mother of Glendica, married to Healer.

Hocodoy De Tovoear- Aunt of Hena, married to Healer. Alchemist who made the fertility potion that allows hybrids to be born. Believes that family is everything in life.

Glendica Healer- the reincarnation of Luhea. Hare hybrid who has both human and hare ears. Has a small tail. Healing magic is the only known skill at this time.

Luhea Deveros, The idiot McDonalds- The frist BBEG of this story. She hunted Alex convinced that he was her one true love and that he loved her back and was being held prisoner. This ended when Alex faked his death. Was killed by Alex in a duel. Mother of Alexia and Amandia. She gave birth to them after raping Alex.

Guldisa Deveros- Mother to Luhea, the head of house Deveros. Dreams of taking over the kingdom and the world through use of brute force.

Alexia/Amandia Deveros- Twin girls who share Alex’s Autism and ADD, Little is known about them at this time. Daughters of Luhea

Facous Goth Hentergolt-Former head of house Hentergolt, A skilled duelist who gained land through his fighting skills until Alex fought him. Believes that Alex is a dragon, at time of last seen was dick less, a slave and singing as he set his own house on fire.

Gutula Ven Hentergolt-Former wife of Facous. Joined house Deveros after cutting off her husband’s dick and taking ownership of the house, lands and slaves.

Demon Lady Gorlond- Demon lord, Fifty feet tall and one hundred feet long. Large winged lizard with six limbs. Two sets of forearms and one set of legs. Believes that Alex is a demon prince and seeks to mate with him and eat him. At this time, it is matching with an army to do so.

Parnel Boarman- A boar man mostly human with a pig snout, ears, and hoved feet. Lead bodyguard to Alex. Husband of Vasta and Vondsa. Has a thing for human women. Father to Karagan. Mainly uses a Shot Spear.

Vasta/Vondsa- Wives of Parnel, not much is known about them at this time. Former human slaves. Happy mothers to his children.

Karagan, Karen Goddess of Justice- After falling from grace, she was reincarnated to be the champion of Justice. Is a hybrid girl. Has human and pig ears, hooves for feet, and her nose is slightly pointed up. Likes spears and saying Justice.

Vostois Fo Bothoum- dead, killed by his own spy after losing a bar fight.

Guslua Bothoum- Daughter of Vostois, now living with house Deveros.

Prince Yeven Gen- Benefactor to Alex, after being betrayed by his advisor and saved by Alex, he chose to hire Alex to build weapons to take his kingdom from his brother.

Princess Gvlodanda- a spoiled girl who summons people at random only to toss them out when they fail to meet some standard.

Kavos Rift Walker- The mage who summoned Alex. Has a gambling habit and is very short sighted. Old and thin with a better then others attitude.

Clover Vastos- Sister of Lily, was missing both legs, both arms and one ear and eye. Quick was able to heal all but her eye. Chose to lose her memories to be the wife she wants to be. Albino bunny woman with white/silver hair and a red eye. Fun and bubbly personality.

Fastos Gon Vestos, Quick, Faceless- A healer from the war used his healing to remove the face of people in combat. Tall, well built with blonde hair and blue eyes. Speaks in a strong southern accent. Haunted by his time in the war, just wants to be a good father and husband.

Wallow Vestos- Adopted daughter of Quick and Clover. A wolf girl with brown hair, pointed ears and tail. No filter and says what is on her mind. Has a huge pet dire wolf named Betty.

Redwood Whitefang- Alpha of the Whitefang pack. Town Guard and part time bodyguard to Alex. A wolf man who can run on all fours. Has a strong sense of smell. Husband to Rosewood and Glase. Father to Tiber and Fell. Dreams of keeping everyone safe and growing his pack.

Rosewood/ Ash Whitefang- Wives of Redwood. Loving and loyal wolf women who follow every order he gives and would fight to the death to keep their pack safe. May already have children.

Glace Hessta Whitefang- Former spy to Prince Yenven now wife of Redwood. Can climb walls like a lizard and has a protective nature about women. Human woman who loves wolf men.

Timber/Fell Whitefang Adopted twins of Redwood. Twin wolf men. Not much is known about the boys at this time. 

Radish Sagebrush- Redhead bunny man who is the butler of Alex. Husband ot Maragold, Tulip and may be seeing Daisy.

Marigold/Tulip- Employees at the inn, these bunny women were slaves of a man Alex killed. Wives of Radish. May already have children.

Daisy Cottontail- Sister of Lily, Clover and Snowdrop. She was rescued by Alex after she was sent to be a spy after the duel between Alex and Lord Hintergolt. Daughter of Gardenia

Gardenia Cottontail- Albino bunny woman. Mother to most of the Cottontail bunnies. Thinks Alex walks on Water and can do no wrong. May also be sleeping with Radish. Was saved by Midna when she went to check on Clover.


Note- Towns are spaced a long way apart and use ley lines that keep towns safe. Trade is done through caravans. The artifact needed keeps out small and medium monsters. This does not work on Sentient Races, Large Monsters, or Knights.



Knights- 35 foot tall humanoid magically powered robots that people can pilot. They vary in size, shape and thanks to Alex, they can now be shaped like animals and creatures.

Training Dolls-One foot or less tall training models of Knights, these dolls can be used on a training table to move and fight.

Training Table- This is a table that training dolls can be plugged into. It can have four to twelve connection and control points. Alex placed this at the inn as a game.

Shot Spear- Alex took a Halberd and merged it with a wand to make a powerful gunblade.

Saber Shot- A sword version of a Shot Spear. Can shoot ice or fire.



I'm not considered about spelling and grammar on this one. Just hope it can serve as a quick reference if anyone forgets about people.